Virtute Et Armis, War Declared (closed RP)
Nations participating include: Karbine, Wolfish, Fyreheart, Tuttsville.
Matt Johnson had always been something of an outdoor person.
At 3 years of age, he began to canoe and hike with his parents. By 16, he had become proficient at rock climbing – and that became his new passion.
Following graduation from high school, Matt decided to take a little time off before university – he wanted to spend some time getting used to the idea of being independent. If he lived in the 1960s he’d have said he was trying to “find himself”.
Matt’s plane took off, with his parents nervously holding hands in the airport terminal. He had decided to backpack, climb and camp with a couple friends for 3 months in the mountains of Tuttsville. His parents were fine with that – they understood that young men need to grow and experience. They knew their son would come back a stronger person.
But now - Matt and his two friends were missing.
They had arrived on schedule, bought supplies in a small town and hiked into the wilderness. That was 4 months ago.
Newspapers in Wolfish were slow to pick up the story. There wasn’t a lot to report. Three kids missing – possible tragedy – could have been bears, or cougars, or a fall. Not much of a story.
But the Wolfish Department of Foreign Affairs was taking it a little more seriously. Matt’s dad was a man of influence – he had connections, and in Wolfish connections are everything.
*File Briefing Meeting, 8 am, Wolfish Department of Foreign Affair*
“Okay people – lets get going. What have we got on today,” asked Steve Roberts, Coordinator for the Department of Investigations.
“Steve – I’ll be updating the file on the situation with the Proletarian Revolution, over the Island of Sirik.”
“Okay – Joanne, what have you got?”
“I’m working on the Johnson file sir. This is the one where the three kids went missing in Tuttsville. You’ll recall that Mr. Johnson is a friend of the President. The kids were supposed to be hiking – but never came out of the wilderness.”
“So? What’s the deal?”
“Well – we’ve had unconfirmed reports that there is an active slave trade in Tuttsville – and – it seems there may have been a slave gang operating in the same area where the boys were hiking.”
“Yes Sir. One of our field agents working on another mission was in the area – so we diverted him to see if he could pick anything up in town about the boys – seems he got there are there was no one between the ages of 16 and 60. Slavers had been through and rounded everyone up.
Of course the locals won’t talk – we know how that works in Tuttsville – silent till you are dead.”
“Okay – I’m going to run this one up the line. Lets flag it yellow, and put some additional assets on this. Check with Defense Command, see if they have any satellite images from the timeframe we’re investigating. I’m going to brief our Ambassador’s staff.”
*Wolfish Defense Command Headquarters, the next day*
“Sir – I think I’ve got something here.”
Commander Masters walked over to the lightboard where the image technician had been working all morning, pouring over satellite imagery from Tuttsville.
It was a closely guarded secret that Wolfish has a large array of satellites – constantly circling the globe, watching for enemy troop movements, uprisings and other intelligence-worthy happenings. Often the images were never checked – unless something, like the current situation, sparked a request.
The image was clear – it must have been a nice day when the image was captured nearly four months ago.
It showed a dirt road, surrounded by trees. On the road was a military-style, five-ton truck. What looked like men with guns were loading people into the back.
“Okay. This could be anything. Time index it – see if there are any others, and blow this one up to poster size.”
“Yes Sir.”
*The Ambassador’s staff had been briefed on the detail of the missing kids. The Ambassador himself had now been briefed. He placed a call to the Minister of the Interior in Tuttsville.*
“Minister – Good of you to take my call. I trust the wife and kids are well?”
Minister: “Yes thank you. What can I do for you today, Mr. Ambassador?”
Ambassador: “Well – seems we have a group of three Wolfish citizens who got lost hiking in the interior – you know the foothill region. That was four months ago – and we’d like a little help to find out what happened.”
Minister: “Mr. Ambassador – that was some time ago –and those mountains are very dangerous…”
Ambassador: “I’m well aware of the dangers Carl - well aware of exactly what those dangers are.”
Minister: “If you are suggestin...”
Ambassador: “I’m not. I’m merely asking for you to investigate, and come back to me with some answers.”
Minister: “Very well Mr. Ambassador. Let me see what I can find out.”
Ambassador: “Thank you Sir. Good Day.”
*line goes dead*
Ambassador (mutters to self) “Lying bastard.”
The Newer England
21-08-2003, 11:43
I agree.
Damn puppets!
21-08-2003, 16:49
*pees on the thread*
I must be different. :twisted:
Two days later: The Minister of the Interior places a call to the Ambassador to Wolfish.
"Mr. Ambassador, it is good to speek to you again." He starts.
"Yes, I am glad to hear from you so quickly Minister. I am told you have something for me."
"Indeed I do sir. We have looked through our records and I am afraid I have some bad news for you."
*slight pause*
"Please, go on." The Ambassador says.
"Well, it seams our parks service found a body in the area you say your three missing individuals were, and it was found about 15 weeks ago, right after you say they went missing."
"Well, can we examine the body?"
"I'm afraid not. You see the bady was extreemly badly mangled. It apeared something wild had got ahold of it. All we recovered was a torso and other fragments of bone. In accordance with local policy, the coroner had the body cremated after it was found unidentifiable."
"Cremated?" The Ambassador asks.
"Yes, the local coroner has all unidentified remains distroied as the cheepest way of getting rid of the remains. I can assure you, all messures possible were taken to try and find out whos body this was. All we know is it was a male, approximately 16 to 20 years old."
"Very well Minister. I will inform my superiors and get back to you. Thank you for your assistance."
"I will continue looking into this Mr. Ambassador."
"This just in," The reporter starts out. "The nation of Wolfish accuses Tuttsville of kidnapping one of their own. This reporter has learned from sorces in the capital who wish to remain anonymous, that the nation of Wolfish is blaiming the disapearance of three of its youngsters on the government of Tuttsville, claiming they have a secret slave traide. My sorces inform me that one of these students was the son of a high ranking official in the Wolfish government, and that they are invastigateing the situation. I will bring you more on this emerging divelopment!"
OOC: OK, well I honestly have no idea how that posted me as Crimsville. Something realy funky just happened. Anyway, that was me, so act like it says me. :?
*Inside the National Intelligence Agency (NIA)*
“Gentlemen. Lets get started.
Some of you know me – most of you have heard of me – I’m General Steve Hakin from Wolfish Defense Command.
The situation is this – we have preliminary intel that says our missing boys may have been captured by government sanctioned slave traders in Tuttsville.
A ground operative from NIA moved into the area where the boys went missing, and confirmed that traders had been through recently.
Then we found this, (digitally enhanced and enlarged satellite photo of the dirty road projected onto the screen.)
While we can’t make out faces – the clothing patterns match known clothing for our missing kids – also – closer to the side of the road – we’ve positively identified one of the boys knapsacks – through enhancement we can make our the Wolfish Flag that his mom sewed on it before he left.
As I said, we currently have one ground intel officer in the area – but we need more.
Ambassador Hollier is continuing to work with the Tuttsville government, but at last report he was still throwing things around his office. In other words – diplomacy is not working well.
Wolfish Defense Command is requesting that NIA work with us to put to ground an infiltration team – to gather and relay information.
We know very little about Tuttsville, and anything we can gather will be helpful.
I’ll now turn this over to Max Thomas – Director of Operations, NIA. Max?”
“Thanks Steve. I’ll make this quick. The President has authorized an 8-man insertion team near the area where we believe the boys went missing.
Our Ambassador is likely to be recalled shortly from Tuttsville – when that happens, we’ll send a plane to pick him up.
On that plane will be the team – who will conduct a HALO, or High-Altitude, Low-Opening parachute jump from 30,000 feet, before the plane lands to get the Ambassador.
The team will have light weapons only – there primary mission is intel gathering.
“Director,” asked one of the senior officials at the table, “What if we need to resupply them or get them out? Isn’t that going to be tough if relations are tense with the Tuttsville government?”
“Yes – but we’re used to tough jobs here at NIA. We have ways Sir. Don’t worry; we’ve done this before.
If that’s it then, I’ll get our team together.”
*In Wolfish Embassy, Tuttsville*
“Yes Mr. President – very clear – thank you sir.” *hangs up phone*
“Mandy – Get me Tuttsville’s President’s Office. Request a meeting.”
*Later that Day, Office of the President of Tuttsville*
“Mr. President, Thank you for seeing me on such short notice.”
“What can I do for you Mr. Hollier?”
“Sir, as you may be aware, four Wolfish teenagers went missing in the mountains. I’ve spoken to one of your Ministers, who has informed me that a body was found – its speculated that its is of one of these missing kids.
However, Sir – I don’t believe this.”
“You question a Minister of this government?”
“Yes Sir. I do. And here is why.” Hollier pulled a large envelope out of his brief case – large prints were pulled out and placed on the president’s desk. They showed the truck, the men with guns and the people being loaded into the back.
“Mr. President – its not much of a secret that your country has an active slave trade – hell Sir, there are slaves working in this building – washing the floors – and polishing this very desk.
Sir, it is the belief of my President that our citizens were taken by your traders, and are now captives of your government.
I have been ordered by my President to inform you that we officially demand their immediate return.
Hollier then turned, leaving the pictures behind, and walked out of the office – as he left, he said casually – “oh, and you have 1 day to comply.”
"WHO THE HELL DO THESE PEOPLE THINK THEY ARE?" President McPherson yells as he angrily walks into the situation room deep under the capital building. "I mean realy, who the f--- do they think they are? And how in the hell could you all let this happen?"
The President is addressing his senior staff who has assembled to discuss the matter brewing.
No one dares to speek.
"OK, no responces, very well. A simple question for you then. What the hell do we do now?"
"Well sir," A Captain in the Intelligence Agancy speeks up. "In my opinion we basicly have one of two responces at our disposal."
"What might they be Captain?"
"Well sir, either we respond with force, and attempt to scare them away, or we try diplomacy. Personaly, I would choose the latter sir."
"Why is that?"
"It's realy quite simple sir, if we respond with force, even if it's behind the scenes, and we can't go back! If we respond with diplomacy, we can always move up to force."
"Sir I must interject here,"General Flething from the Tuttsville Army stands, "I feal we must strick first, and hard! I'm not talking full military force here. I have several special forces teams standing by, they infiltrate Wolfish, and simply assassinate the Vice-president."
"Why the Vice-President?"
"To scare the President! We show them we mean buisness, and tell them to back down! Simple, and to the point."
"True." General Starks of the Navy Starts. "But what do we do if Tuttsvilles great citizens find out what their leaders are doing? We have kept this slave traid secret for many years, and some out there are already on to us. We are just lucky that they are branded as extreemests, or consperacy theorists. If this goes to the press, it could gain some real momentom, and we could be in some real trouble!"
"Ok, Ok, OK!" The President says with obvious frustration.
"This is what is going to happen. General Starks, I want 4 Guided Missile Subs 1 mile into international waters off the Wolfish shores ASAP. General Fletching, send in your special forces! Bring the country to DefCon 2, but do it quietly! We will try the diplomatic road, and use the military if necessary. Dismissed."
3 hours later several subs approach Wolfish waters, 4 are to standby with their payload of guided missiles, and the others drop off several teams of Navy SEALs who will slowly make their ways to the shore armed with sniper rifles and all the items they need to both carry out their deadly orders, if needed, and to easily blind into the civilian population of Wolfish.
15 minutes before the end of the deadline the Presidential aid puts in a call to the Ambasidor to Wolfish informing him of the following:
An investigation has been made and no evidence of what they are saying can be found to support your accuzations. Further, any aggression towards the great nation of Tuttsville will be considered an act of war. We wish peace, but we will respond with war! We DEMAND you apologies for your accusations immediately! And that is our "official" stance!
ooc: Here is my map.
or follow this link
and in case you need it, the Vice President's name is Colin Porter.
*Ambassador Scott Hollier's Office, Tuttsville, on the phone with Wolfish President James Todler.*
"Mr. President, I'm afraid I have received a response from the Tuttsville President."
"Go on."
"Yes Sir. He said, and I quote, "An investigation has been made and no evidence of what they are saying can be found to support your accusations. Further, any aggression towards the great nation of Tuttsville will be considered an act of war. We wish peace, but we will respond with war! We DEMAND you apologies for your accusations immediately! And that is our "official" stance!"
"Okay Scott. Good job. There was only a slim chance this would work. Pack your bags - we're sending a plane to get you."
"Thank you Mr. President."
"General Hakin - its the Office of the President - please hold....Go ahead sir."
"General - we'll be implimenting your plan for the HALO jumpers. Put your team together - they go in tonight. We're also going to need a codename for this operation - have you given it any thought?"
"Yes Sir - this mission will be coded named Torch. Hopefully it will illuminate what we're facing."
"Good. I like it."
"Thank you Sir - If that's all, I should get the team ready."
The military based at Wolfhair Island was always a busy place. The eight Special Ops members - or Team Alpha - drew no additional attention as they prepared for their mission.
Commander Paul Grayson had briefed the team on operation Torch. They were traveling heavy – primarily with communications and surveillance gear – but as always – they packed their weapons and extra ammo.
The flight wasn’t long, which was good because the gear was heavy, and the HALO suits hot.
“2 Minutes to the JZ – Equipment Check!” Grayson yelled out.
The team sprang into action, checking each others’ gear – when jumping from 30,000 feet, there was lots of time for mistakes, but no margin for error.
“Okay – In 5, 4, 3, 2, and jump, jump, jump.
The team poured out of the open door into the black night – the plane had been specially equipped with a “safe area” outside the pressurized cabin for this mission – but the pressure change still caused discomfort for the jumpers.
Alpha team had done this before – but nothing can really prepare you to fall 29,000 feet, and parachute less than 1,000 before you hit the ground – which they did in little more than 7 minutes from the time they left the aircraft.
They hit the ground running – packing up the chutes, collecting their wits and hightailing it into the nearby forest.
Now – they had a mission to perform – one that could either stop their country from going to war – or plunge it right into the middle of one.
*In the office of the President*
"Sir, the Wolfish government has responded to your message."
"What did they say?"
"Nothing sir, thats the problem. Their responce was to remove the Ambasidor and his staff from Tuttsville."
"What! Have all my top advisors meet in the Situation room in 10 minutes."
"Yes sir."
*At a local police department*
"Captain, I have just recieved several calls from locals about several peple apairantly(I know, my spelling sucks) parachuteing nearby. I would not realy bother with it but the location is kind of weard, and they said that the parqchuters looked like they were dressed up like military."
"Are there any military excersises in the area?"
"None that we know uf sir."
"Hmm. Send a car to check it out."
*In the meeting*
"What now?" The President asks.
"We are at DefCon 2 sir, there is not much more we can do but wait."
"Not good enough damnit! How are your insertion teams doing General?"
"They should be arriving any minute at their destinations. We will not know how it went until the sub that dropped them off gets far enough away to insure a secure transmission."
"Very well. That Porter, he's doing something. But what?
Send an ergant message to President Porter, ask him what is the meaning of his removal of their Ambasidor? Ask him...ask him what his intintions are?"
"Sir, in the meantime I would suggest shuting down all incomming travel from wolfish and putting into place additional security mesures along our borders and ports of entee. we must take all precations!"
"Good, do it!"
OOC: My map is comming a little slow, sorry. I will try to e-mail what I have to you later tonight so you will at least have an idea of what it will look like. I have the borders, just no details.
Sorry for the delay.
“Mr. President, we have a message from Tuttsville – they want to know why we withdrew our Ambassador.”
“I bet they do. Tell them we know of the slave trade going on in their despicable country and that we know that somewhere our four young citizens are being forced to labour for their regime.
Also, let them know that our intent is to take this matter to the United Nations – where we will make a case for an international embargo of their country.
Got all that?”
“Yes Sir – I send it right away.”
*In Tuttsville*
The Special Ops squad had buried their parachutes, and hiked about 10 km into the forest, before they stopped for the night.
“Okay people. Dig in. We set up here. I want claymore trip lines set out 100 feet from this position. Two man teams will keep watch – we’ll share the night vision goggles. Everyone else – bunk down. Tomorrow we start our mission.”
*In downtown Wolfish, Family apartment*
The Manor family had settled in for an evening in front of the television. The ad, like so many others, interrupted their show. The image of a half-starved young woman came on the screen. Her leg was shackled to a dirty bed.
“You may never have met her – you don’t know her name – but it Tuttsville, you can own her for only 25 dollars.
Some countries on our small planet – like the Nation of Tuttsville – believe its okay to own other people. They believe it’s their right to force other, less fortunate people to do their bidding. Well, it’s not.
Give now – for only 3 dollars a week, you can help the Wolfish Liberation Fund buy slaves, and transport them here to safety.
Please give. A young person in Tuttsville is counting on you.” Fade to black.
“Dad – I hate those ads – they make me feel yucky,” said the 10-year-old.
“I know son – me too.”
OOC: No problem, Im sure there will be times when I do it
"THEY SAID WHAT!" The president yells while obviously upset. "How dare they! Very well, two can play at this game. Send them a message, hmm, how to say this diplomatic like. Send this:
"Your acuzations are not tolerable. Your actions are even less! This nation will not tolerate this any longer. Any further action on your part to include going to the UN, additional FALSE telivision ads, or any further acts, will be deamed acts of war and responded to appropreatly.(sp) You will cease and decist immediately or face the consiquinces."
That sounds good and to the point. Lets see what they have to say now!
new thread in the UN forum.
Speech by President James Todler, The Free Republic of Wolfish:
Allow me to begin by thanking you for providing me this time to speak to you today on a matter of great urgency.
Four months ago, four Wolfish teenagers embarked on what was to be a summer filled with adventure in the wilderness of Tuttsville.
Instead, the teens went missing.
Wolfish has learned, through multiple sources, that at least two – and likely all four of these teenagers – Wolfish citizens – were abducted, and forced into slave labour.
Wolfish also believes that this slave market is part of a government-sanctioned slave market, which has existed for years in Tuttsville.
Today, with sadness, I present to the United Nations evidence of this active slave trade, and of the abduction of our citizens.
*Turns over to clerk satellite photos – surveillance photos of slave camp *
Furthermore, Wolfish asks that the United Nations endorse the Wolfish request for an immediate blockade of all non-medical shipments into Tuttsville, and all outgoing trade from this nation.
Again, thank you for your time today. I am quite willing to answer any questions you may have.
The Special Ops forces had now been "in-country" for three days. They had a secure satellite uplink, by which they transmitted data, photos and updates to Wolfish Defense Command headquarters.
But now they had new orders - and it wasn't going to be an easy mission. The message simply read, "Capture Tuttsville General Amos - Stop. Discuss possibility of defection - Stop. Intel suggests may be friendly - Stop. Use extreme discression. End."
"Extreme Discression! They want us to capture an enemy General - before war is declared, and get him on our f*cking team!. They've lost their minds," said Commander Grayson, before slumping to the ground. "All right. If that's what they need..."
The team tried not to look sceptical, but it was a tough order.
"All right team - equipment check - we're moving out. Not to many Generals wander around in the bush."
Address by President James Todler
*on the steps to the Wolfish Capital Building*
Today is a day of dark news for our country.
Today, we’ve learned that three of our citizens – young people – have been taken captive by a foreign government.
The Nation of Tuttsville has seized these children – not for a crime, no. They kidnapped them to be slaves.
Let me state that again. The Nation of Tuttsville has taken Wolfish citizens to be slaves to that evil empire.
This is a grave situation.
Over night, I sat with my advisors in my Situation Room, seeking an alternative – seeking an option.
As the sun rose over the harbour – I called our Ambassador to Tuttsville – the Honourable Scott Hollier, and asked for his opinion.
Friends, your government has run out of option.
At every turn, the leadership of Tuttsville has lied, has inflamed, and has threatened.
Our young citizens are in grave danger.
But this is a larger issue.
Since this situation developed, I’ve learned that slavery is common practice is Tuttsville.
What’s worse – is that the people of Tuttsville do not know that this evil routinely happens in their country.
This great nation of Wolfish has had its share of troubles.
Together we have weathered two civil wars.
But – standing side-by-side we have built this country – we have repaired the damage – and we have become stronger for our hardship.
But now, events are forcing our attention beyond our borders – half way across the Great Sea to a nation that has never troubled us before.
But they trouble us greatly now.
Some of you may know that the Presidential desk which sits in my office was carved from a single piece of lumber – harvested from the Great Forest that once covered this land where we now stand.
But you may not be aware that the gifted craftsman that carved the desk also carved an inscription onto the surface.
He wasn’t asked to do this – in fact, if the legend is right our first President James Camden was quite put out.
But the inscription remains clear to this day.
It reads, “The evil of the world is made possible by nothing but the sanction you give it. The spread of evil is the symptom of a vacuum.
Whenever evil wins, it is only by default: by the moral failure of those who evade the fact that there can be no compromise on basic principles.”
Friends there is an evil in the world tonight – a great evil that has hurt our country – but more than that – this evil permeates this society to its very core.
We cannot allow this evil to win. Our moral failure – our lack of basic principles is the only thing that can defeat us.
Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight, following my speech to the United Nations and the great leaders of the world, I have invoked the War Measures Act against the nation of Tuttsville.
I have issued orders that Battle Groups 2, 4, 5, 6, and 9 of the Wolfish Navy sail immediately to Tuttsville.
The remainder of the fleet will sail shortly.
This is the first step in forcing the government of Tuttsville to renounce its evil ways.
Our ships will begin an immediate and total blockade of Tuttsville of all non-humanitarian shipments.
No product or cargo will leave that country.
The Wolfish Airforce is also on high alert, and our Army and Marines are preparing for action if needed.
I am also calling up the Wolfish Reserve force of 100,000 citizen-soldiers to prepare for a defense of our nation should it become necessary.
Last night in the Situation Room – I didn’t tell you what my advisors told me.
They told me this was a fools fight – that teenagers were not worth the possibility of war – that many more would lose their lives if I followed this road.
I asked them…I asked them - if we don’t act who will? Who will stand up to evil and defend the principles that this nation is founded upon?
How could I – the leader of a free and great people – rest in my bed while others were shackled to walls?
Tonight we go to war – for the four – for ourselves – to fill this vacuum.
Thank you.
"As we reported earlier..." The nightly reporter starts, "the nation of Wolfish has foolishly all but declaired war on us. Lets go to Lisa for more details on the most currant events, Lisa."
"Thanks Jim. Thats right, President Todler ordered the blockade of our shores about 4 hours ago. Our government has yet to officially respond, but unofficially we are getting comments from inside the capital building that leans towards not taking this insult. The government is tight liped about their plains, but this reporter is sure we will crush the wolfish Navy within a week. Polls taken show an obvious support for military intervintion against Todler. 92% of those polled say they would support an immediate attack on Wolfish forces. A surprising part of this poll, however, is that almost 1% of those polled think our government is hideing something."
Jim breaks in with laughter, "Ha ha jha ha...they what?"
"Thats right Jim, they think the government is hiding something. I guess you can't help all the mintal patiants. We will bring you the lattest on this story as it happens. This is Lisa Grifith with the NGI [National Government Issued] news."
Out of one of the ports, a large cargo ship steams its way towards the Blockade. Flanking it is one distroyer on each side. This unknown shipment sails streaght West and answeres any communications only with things like "This is an official shipment of the Tuttsville government," and "We do not recognise your authority, " and sometimes pure silence.
Here is what is in your area at present:
BG-02 Aquila (located in Northeast)
1 ACC – Mutation Class
2 Kruge-Class GM Cruisers
2 Aegis Destroyers
1 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
BG-04 Gemini (located due West)
2 ACC – Charles de Gaulle Class
1 Howl-Class GM Cruiser
1 Epyon-Class GM Cruiser
2 Aegis Destroyers
1 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
BG-05 Cygnus (located due South)
1 ACC – Nimitz Class
2 Howl-Class GM Cruisers
2 Aegis Destroyers
1 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
BG-06 Perseus (located East of Flora)
1 ACC – Nimitz Class
2 Howl-Class GM Cruisers
2 Aegis Destroyers
1 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
BG-09 Delphinus (located East of North Holland, North of Marion)
1 ACC – Nimitz Class
2 Howl-Class GM Cruisers
2 Aegis Destroyers
1 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
==================================== popped up on the screen of the Tuttsville news director on his work computer – at the same time, the fax machine began to chirp with duplicate information.
Opening the email he read, “Sir. I would like to share with you some information regarding the ongoing conflict between your nation and mine…”
The director continued reading about the missing boys – the satellite images – the still photographs taken by the special operations team (images were sent as attachments).
“If you have any doubts – or require more solid evidence,” the letter continued, “Please drive – alone with only a single, portable camera, to the fifth concession road south of Bowen tomorrow. Some military personnel will meet you there. If you are accompanied – no one will greet you. Wear comfortable boots,” the unsigned message ended.
“Tuttsville vessels. You are approaching an international blockade – turn away, or be fired upon.”
“Its no use Sir – they’ve been heading right for us for the past hour,” said the communications officer on board the Gemini (Alfa).
“Keep hailing them. Lets also put some space between our carriers (ooc: BG-04 has two Charles de Gaulle Class carriers – most BGs have only one). And have the subs go silent and drop beneath the thermal layer. No use in announcing that they are here,” said fleet Admiral LeMoins.
“Aye Sir.”
“If they get within 100 km – we’ll scramble fighters to intercept. This could be a test of our mettle. I don’t plan on losing.”
"Admiral - we'll be coming over their radar horison in just a minute. I've got the message prepared."
"Send it out then son," replied the grey-haird Karbinese Fleet Commander.
"Wolfish Forces - Wolfish Forces - be advised - The government of Karbine has authorized deployment of four carrier task forces to come under your command to enfore the blockade of Tuttsville.
The fleet is currently north of Tuttsville proper - awaiting deployment orders."
The transport and escorts continue their path. They aim for the most open area of the blockade line while making no attempt to outrun the ships, sailing at a slow but steady speed of 20 knots.
"What the hell?" the news director thinks. He quickly races over to the fax machine and pulls out the fax copy before anyone can see it. As he sits back down at his desk he is already sweating. "If anyone spoted this e-mail I'll be interigated for weeks!" He thinks, knowing the government secretly watches all e-mail communications in news centers across the country. "But if they didn't..." He quickly folds the fax and pushes it into a file as someone approaches.
"Kile, are you OK? You look a bit pail."
"I, I, I, I'm fine, I'm fine, not feeling too good but I'll be OK. I'm goin to go splash a little water on my face." Quickly walking away to the bathroom he almost hits someone. As he closes and locks the stall door he takes a deap breath and wonders "Why me!" as he is almost overtaken with tears. "What do I do..."
Activity can be seen throughout Tuttsvilles military, but especially in the Navy. Every active Naval vessel is maned and ready to set sail at a moments notice.
On board the Gemini (Alfa)
“That’s it,” said the Admiral as he watched the feed from the AWACs. “They’ve crossed my line. Send in the IceBlades.”
Six miles out from the carrier the two jets had just been refueled when they got the order.
“Looks like we get to play today Blackjack,”
“Copy that Sniper – keep it fast – and keep it low.”
“Just like you handle your women eh hotshot?”
Sniper didn’t reply – he just peeled his plane over and headed to the deck – 30 feet over the wave tops.
Blackjack followed, laughing to himself and he’s plane cracked mach 2.1 – the fleet past quickly behind as they headed towards the enemy.
“Remember – keep your targeting radar off – we’re here to spook – not to fight.”
“Copy that.”
The two planes shot towards the enemy fast and low – watching the closure rate from the overhead radar – their own radar was too low to pick the three ships up.
“Tally-Ho” cried Sniper when he was half a mile out – the slow moving ships closing fast.
“Pull up now” replied Blackjack as he nosed his plane up to 200 feet and buzzed the southern destroyer.
But Sniper wasn’t playing by the rules. He kept it low and flew ten feet to the port of the cargo ship – its hull rising another 20 feet over his canopy.
Once past he yanked up on the stick – and shot near vertical up at almost twice the speed of sound.
“Flight Lead – Gemini – mission accomplished – heading home.”
“Copy that Blackjack. Get back safe.”
The Spec-Ops got their new mission orders - they were to play tour guide.
"Jones - get your camo out - you and Pete are going for a walk."
The two looked up from their MREs - a look a wonder on their faces.
ooc: If the news director goes for it - he just needs to pull up on the side of the abandoned road and sit there in his car - and the camera should be like a TV camera in case I wasn't clear.
OOC: But of course the director will go for it.
"Hmm." The Presedent wonders and than asks outloud "Do you think they will try to board our ships General?"
"I'm not sure Mr President." The Army General responds. "This will tell us if they mean buisness though."
"Yes, I guess it will. Are any of the enemy ships within our waters?"
"No sir, even the Karbine ships have stoped in international waters. They apear to be waiting for orders."
"Go ahead and send the 2nd and 5th fleets out there to great them. Tell our blockade runners to continue as plained and put the rest of the military on the highest alart."
"Yes sir. Mr. President I must reimphasis(sp) my request to call back all out of country forces, espesially the Naval forces."
"NO! Dammit General, if you request that one more time I will bust you streaght down to private! There is no need. Our current precations will deal with this matter."
"Yes sir."
About 2 minutes after the flyby the escort Distrioyer to the South of the transport suddenly turns and heads full speed back to port.
Over open communications the commander screems "What the HELL are you doing, get back to that cargo ship NOW!"
No responce. Imediately 2 more Distroyers are dispatched, one heads to the cargo ship, which will be miles past the blockade line by the time it catches up, and the other towards the retreating Distroyer.
The cargo ship and remaining distroyer remain on course.
The director has gone home for the evening and starts prepairing to meet his unknown informant. because no government agents have come to talk with him, he figures he is safe.
Map of Tuttsville
*On Board the Gemini*
“Admiral – one of the destroyers turned around after the fly-by.”
“Well – that’s something – perhaps they are spookable. Give me that microphone.
“Tuttsville Destroyer – Tuttsville Destroyer. This is the Admiral Greerson on the Wolfish Flagship Gemini. Be advised our government has authorized lethal force to enforce this blockade.
That however is not my first choice.
This blockade was imposed because our nation has lost four citizens in Tuttsville. Our government has evidence that these children were captured into slavery – I should say government-sanctioned slavery - in your country.
Now – you can continue on course – right into the maw of nine prepared Wolfish war ship and we can fight this out. Or – you can contact your government and tell them this attempted blockade run is hopeless.
You might also want to ask some questions about their motives.
Another choice – and my XO will probably shoot me for this – but I’ll get on a helicopter can you and I can discuss this like civilized men over a scotch.”
A collective gasp was let out by the bridge crew.
* Near Bowen *
“Okay Gentlemen – here is the plan. Jones (he’s the sniper) will set up on this ridge – with a clear view of the road. Pete – you’ll have your camo on, and will wait by the side of the road for the car. Once the car passes this point,” he said pointing to the sand map, “Malloy and Boom will run the Claymore line across the road. That should stop anyone from following him. Remember – keep an eye out for overhead surveillance as well.
Once Pete gets him into the forest – take him to this checkpoint – the rest of us will stay out of sight – but we’ll be close by. Wolfish command wants us to give him a tour – that’s what we’ll do – but we won’t take any chances. Got it? Good.”
* In Camden, Wolfish *
Shelia Masters had worked in television for 15 years – she was at the top of her game – but still the hour-long program she had just rapped taping had reduced her to tears.
The man in the dark suit and sunglasses came forward. “It finished?” he asked briskly.
“Yeah. Its done.”
He grabbed the still warm tape and turned and walked out.
The car was waiting for him – they drove quickly through the city to the Headquarters of the Wolfish Space Agency.
Met on arrival by three armed Marines, the agent walked quickly into the building and took the elevator down into the “bunker” as they liked to call it.
The room was a maze of wire and electronic equipment. “He’s the tape,” he said to the technician.
The technician popped the tape into the machine, and turned to the computer – typing code as quickly as his fingers would allow.
“There. Its uploaded. Tell your boss that at precisely 7 pm Tuttsville time – this program will override every television program and cable network in that god-forsaken country. Hell – it’ll probably burn out some satellite dishes – especially those who’re stealing cable. Once the bird clicks on – we could cook microwave popcorn from 100 km away.”
“Good,” said the agent before turning and walking away.
*High orbit over Tuttsville *
The satellite had receive its programming. At exactly 1900 hours it would begin beaming out the program.
Its circuits would feel no emotion – but the people receiving the hour-long broadcast – commercial free – would be moved by the “documentary” on the plight of Tuttsville’s invisible people – the Slaves.
ooc: I'm having some trouble with the map - it was really big, so I had to convert it to a different format (that's why the ocean is a deeper blue). It may not always come up but I suppose you have your own copy - and I have it on my hard drive so we should be okay.
OOC: No problem about the map. I thought it was geting big, but wanted the detail.
The retreating distroyer comes to a full stop, but no other changes occur. The two ships on coarse with the Blockade remain on coarse but speed up to 25 knots. The 2 distroyers comming out of the harbor remain at full speed, in excess of 30 knots, and continue to their separate destinations.
As the escorting distroyer approaches the blockade with the cargo ship, it sends out one final message: "This is a cargo ship bound for an allied nation of Tuttsville. Your authority is not recognized. Do not, I repeat, do not interfere!"
The director sits in his chair, rocking back and forth very nervously, pondering on what to do. "It's time!" He thinks. Holding the vidio camera in his sweating hands he contemplates his situation. "Just pick up the phone and call someone, it'll all be over. But what if...what do I do?"
Finally he jumps up from his chair, "I have to know! I just have to." With that he grabs his keys and heads to his car.
30 minutes later, he pulls up slowly to the side of the road where he was instructed to wait. There, he sits...and wonders what awaits him.
In a nearby government building:
"Is the satellite still tracking him?"
"Yes sir, he is just sitting along side the road."
"Than we just sit, and wait, just like him."
*at the beap, the time will be 1850...beeeaaap*
"I can't wait" An eager young man runs into the family living room with the biggest smile you could see on a face of his size. "I've been waiting to see this movie for 3 months!"
"Don't worry son, it's gonna come on in about 10 minutes. Mother, are you going to come watch with us?"
"I a bit. I'm going to finish the dishes first."
*The dishes will not get done tonight*
"Sir, the distroyer and cargo ship is aproaching the blockade."
"Very well. Lets see if those Wolfish sailers have any balls."
On board the Gemini
“Take us to battle stations XO.”
The carrier battle group sprung to life – the defensive vessels (1 each cruiser, frigate, destroyer) sped up, while the carrier turned into the wind to launch its fighters.
“No one fires until I give the go ahead,” said the Admiral.
“Aye Sir.”
“And notify Defense Command that Gemini is now actively enforcing the blockade.”
The Admiral – never standing on ceremony grabbed the microphone for a last ditch attempt to forestall the use of force.
“Tuttsville Freighter – be advised you are sailing into harms way. Reduce speed to five knots and prepare to be boarded,” he put down the mic. “Mr. Henderson – have the cruiser launch its helicopter with a boarding party. Keep them within range of their anti-missile system – but have them head on course 090, towards the freighter.
Henderson blanched.
“Am I clear Mr. Henderson?”
“Aye Sir.”
Moments later the CH-53D Sea Stallion lifted off from the deck pad – and slowly moved away from the ship – half a mile ahead was the frigate (which would also provide missile coverage).
Two miles out – the helo – clearly in range of the enemy destroyer’s radar – stopped and hovered – waiting for the next move.
* Road side meeting *
Pete was decked out in a full ghillie suit. He was virtually invisible – and to prove that, he was less than 8 feet from the waiting news director, and had been for 10 minutes.
“Pete,” he heard in his earphone, “looks all clear – nothing in the sky – nothing on the ground. Be careful.”
Slowly he stood up – obviously startling the driver.
“Get out of the car.”
Kile complied.
“Thanks for coming. Please wait inside the tree line.” He pulled his knife from its sheath and moved to the car puncturing the front tire.
“Whatta do that for?” asked Kile.
“You need an excuse to be sitting here. You got the camera? Good. Lets move.”
The pair headed off alone into the forest – to Kile it seemed as though hours past before Pete decided to take a break.
“Okay Sir. Here’s the deal. I’m going to show you where this place is. You’ll tape it with your camera – then what you do with that tape is up to you.”
Once rested, the pair took off again as twilight settled in. They had covered miles, and finally they came to what looked to be the sight of an old saw mill.
“Here’s where I leave you. Take this GPS – it’s programmed to get you back to your car. The camp is just past the old mill. Here’s a canteen and a meal package.”
Kile looked nervous – so Pete continued talking to calm him down. “You’ll be fine. You’ve got everything you need. Just see what you need to see – and I know you’ll do the right thing.
Kile turned to look towards the camp – when he turned back the commando was gone.
(ooc: I’ll add to this in a bit – got to go.)
At 8 pm the communication satellite began to send out its signal - its strength boosted far beyond the normal for any commercial signal. The signal began overriding the domestic frequencies - blasting its way through the airwaves and forcing its way onto every television station in the country....
*Picture of a very thin, shirtless man, sitting on the step of a broken down shack*
"His name is Tim. He's a 20 year old man who has no future. He is a slave in Tuttsville.
Tim will never own property - he won't have a car - and he can't marry. Because, according to Tuttsvillian practice...He is property."
*Satellite Image of a camp come up on the screen*
"This camp, 100 km from your bustling capital, houses 300 new slaves. They were taken from your villages and towns - they are someones wife, husband, son or daughter.
Some disappear in the night - others go to the store, and never come home. We've all heard the stories and wondered. But the questions are never spoken aloud - out of fear - out of fear of what might happen."
*Scene goes to a closeup of a young girl - her face is dirty and her hair unkempt*
"Now is the time to speek out. Now you can let go of the fear - now you can speak your mind.
Off your shore *picture of Wolfish Battlegroup at sea comes up* right now - there are people willing to make a different. People willing to fight if necessary to help free the Tuttsville slave.
Your government isn't listening...But the world is watching...And two brave nations are acting - for your future - for the future of the slaves - willing to give of themselves to build your future.
We apologise for this interuption. We apologise for having to show you this shocking program.
In the coming days and weeks know that we are here. We are helping. Change will be had.
Your government will block future transmission, but remember - we want only to help.
*Screen goes to black*
(It'll probably take you a couple hours to get your communication links back up - we may have fried some circuits.)
ooc: I understand you may capture some of the team - perhaps four could get away?
OOC: I don't mind if some of your team gets away, we will just have to rp it out and find out what happens :wink:
IC: The cargo ship and distroyer slow, but only to 10 knots. Visuals of the 2 ships confirm that the crews are in no way ready to fight. In fact, they are obviously acting overtly relaxed: sunning on the top decks, playing catch, and one of the crew members on the cargo ship has a remote controled car zooming around. The bridges seem inactive with only a couple of crew members, and all the weapons systems are inactive and stowed away. They appear to simply plain on sailing calmly through the blockade.
The distroyer that was launched to intercept the one retreating reaches its target. The intercepting distroyer comes up, after some codded communications between the two, and several dozen troops board the distroyer that turned back. The crew appears to be getting arrested and a couple troops are heading for the bridge, all are unubstructed. When they get to the bridge, it can be seen that they have a few words with the Captain who turns his back to the soldures and lowers his head. One of the solders than pulls out a pistol and apparently shoots the Captain in the head, his body falling to the deck. The 2 ships than turn towards shore.
The orbiting satellite follows the director and his guide through the jungle for hours.
"Sir, the solder appears to be giving him something."
"What is it?"
"I can't tell, some sort of electronic device. There seperating sir!"
"Where are they Corporal?"
"Just outside camp 245 sir."
"Dammit, I knew we should have put more than one satellite on them! Follow the solder, that news man is of little consern right now, we'll have someone pick him up in a couple of days."
"Yes sir."
"Mommy mommy, it's starting!"
"This better be as good as the crittics say it is, Terminater 4 just wasen't worth it." The father states.
Just than the TV starts lossing its signal as the Wolfish broadcast starts up.
"What the hell is this!" the father barks, "G--Damn government has to interrupt everything!"
"What is it babe?" The mother asks comming into the family room.
The answer is given without a word.
"Go to your room boy."
"But daaadd..."
"NOW!" he yells never moving his eyes from the TV.
As the broadcast goes, government officials go crazy trying to figure out what is going on and where it's comming from.
One scene starts to repeat itself throughout Tuttsville,
"Flip the switch"
"Mr. Governor, are you sure?"
"NOW, before too much of this gets out."
Towns, cities, counties start to go black as the secretly government controlled power plants start shutting down power to citizens accross the country. A few get the power off quickly, but the majority of the population sees at least 3/4 of the broadcast. A few see the whole thing before lossing power. All families can do now is wait...and think.
"What now sir?" an aid asks the president.
"We keep to the origional plains. This...this changes nothing." His voice is soft, and slower than normal. Obvious inadvertent proff to the aid that his words are not completely true.
The director sees power going off everywhere, but continues to the location where the unknown solder told him there was some sort of camp.
"What did you get yourself into now?" He wonders as he walks through the night.
*On board the Gemini*
"Okay XO - I'm getting tired of this. Send the helo to the freighter - as they approach - have them broadcast a message that the freighter is to be boarded."
"Aye Sir...Skyview1, set heading 090 and prepare to board the freighter - provide verbal warning."
The flight responded 20 seconds later. "A-y-e Sir? Ummm. Okay confirmed." The concern clear in their voices.
The helo tillted forward and set a course direct to the freighter. As they approached, they could see the crew relaxing - but that didn't make them feel any better.
"Tuttsville Freighter. This is Skyview1. Prepare to be boarded."
The pilot then turned to the boarding team in the back of the craft - "You gots got your wills up to date?"
*National Intelligence Agency - Camden Wolfish*
"How much went out?"
"Hard to tell - a good number of people saw most of it - looks like they killed the power."
"Well - the government's not dumb anyway." looks at clock "Ah - we have our next meeting - think they'll go for this idea too?"
*With Special Operations*
The team split up after dropping the director off near the camp.
Pete didn't actually leave the area. He and the Jones (sniper). Kept the director in view. There was a risk that Kile would be noticed - and they were his unknown and unseen cover. Jones set up the big gun under cover of the bushes.
Pete held his FC57 machine gun loosely in his hands. He leaned against the tree and tryed to figure out where Jones was hide - he couldn't - and if he couldn't no one else would.
The rest of the team headed out to their next camp site. Where once again they set up and manned their defensive perimetre.
As the helo approaches, the crew continues to ignor it. Without incident, the bording party drops their lines and repels onto the ship taking up a defensive posture. [how many are there] The helo takes off and starts its way back to its ship when all hell breaks loose. Suddenly, out from below, 100 special forces troops fly out from all directions serounding the boarding party and ordering them to put down their weapons.
The bording party does the only thing possible, and surrenders.
At the same time another troop jups out and runs up the stairs for a beter shot. Pulling out a shoulder fired launcher he takes aim and fires his Stinger at the helo. However, not plaining to kill anyone the Stinger had already been linked into the ships computer and at the very last second it was ordered to simply shut down and fall to the ocean. Just in case, they had removed it's explosives.
Immediately after that the 2nd Fleet, which is near the Karbine Navy, fires several warning shots accross 6 of their ships. This act is followed by a communication: "Karbine vessels. Your presance is considered hostile. We have no problem with you or your people. However, your continued presance will be considered an act in support of the Wolfish government, and therefor, an act of war. Leave the area immediately."
The satellite continued to follow the origional special ops troop.
"Do we take him sir?"
"Not yet. Have our capture team ready though, he has to have friends. We will wait for a little longer before getting him."
"Sir, we just got word..." he discribes what has happened at sea.
"Hmm, this changes things a bit. Have the capture team launch and stand ready. keep their distance, but be ready. We will be grabing him up before I thought. Hopfully he will lead us to the rest of his team first"
20 HMMWVs, with 5 perssonel each, leave their nearby base and start out towards their target. Posting 5 miles away, they sit and wait for orders to go in.
The power is turned back on across the country with some provisions in place to insure a repeat broadcast can not happen. It is well advertised, and most, if not all, of the country is watching when the president gives his speech from the steps of the capital building. A large crowd has gathered to hear the speech.
"My fellow citizens. I come to you today with a humble heart. I must apologies to you for underestimateing the evil that is the Wolfish government. Most of you witnessed, and I am sure all of you have heard of, the broadcast that preceded the nationwide blackout yesterday. Somehow, Wolfish operatives were able to infultrate our nation, and through terrorist actions, disable our power grid. as you can tell, the damage was minimal as we have the grid back up and running already. We have also taken mesures to help insure this does not happen again, however I admit that it is not a guarantee. I would like you to know that at no time was any vital government system or area, including our military, without power or communications.
"The Wolfish broadcast of yesterday can only be considered an act of war. Trying, and failing, to sway the population of Tuttsville that such a travisty actualy occurs is an insult to the people of Tuttsville, and shows how low they are willing to go. I am here, today, to assure you that your government is doing exactly what it is suppose to be doing. And that is protecting you. As many of you know, there is a Wolfish naval fleet off our shores, a fleet that has been sent to attack our nearly defenseless cargo ships as they leave port and attempt to proceed to their destinations. Just this morning, a lone cargo ship carrying food supplies to our needy allies came under direct attack in an attempt to disable and board the vessel in order to confiscate the supplies for use in their own military. I can tell you that not only did they fail to capture our ship, we have captured some of them."
*pictures of your men droping onto the cargo ship are shown before any of my forces surround them.*
"As you can see they droped onto our defensless ship in a direct and obvious criminal act. The brave crew of the cargo vessel was able to defend themselves and capture the attacking force with the use of their fists and only a few small arms. Unfortunatley, 3 of the crew members were killed in the action. Their brave struggles should stand as a testimony for the military of Wolfish, this country, and its citizens are ready to defend itself from any aggressor. We are ready to fight any fight we must in order to insure our freedom from others.
"As I mobalize our military, their struggle, and the sacrifice of those three men, will be the battle cry for revenge and victory."
*The crowd starts to cheer*
"We will win. "
*The crowd gets louder*
" We will survive to see another day."
*Bairly able to here the president now*
*yelling* "We will push them back to the depths of hell from which they came!"
*The crowd erupts into apploud and cheers.*
"Thank you!"
The cargo ship and distroyer turn to head back to the port, holding guns to the heads of the Wolfish POWs to insure no attempt to stop them.
The fleets that approach the Karbine vessels are the 2nd and 5th:
(TNE) = Equipment can be found in The Newer Englands storfront at
2nd Fleet:
2 Nimitz
1 AC-2000 (TNE)
6 Cruisers
16 Distroyers
9 Frigates
6 IND Distroyers (TNE)
possibly some subs as well
5th Fleet:
1 Nimitz
1 AC-2000 (TNE)
4 Cruisers
10 Distroyers
6 Frigates
6 IND Distroyers (TNE)
possibly some subs
Also posted at home are the following fleets: 7th - an aircraft fleet, 10th 12th and 13th - all battle fleets, and 16th through 20th - all Costal Patrol Fleets.
Which means deployed are the following fleets: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 6th, 8th, 9th, 11th, 14th and 15th.
"Sir - it looks like they are converging on our position."
"I can see that. Set the most direct course away from the fleets. We can't engage them and hope to survive."
"Aye Sir - setting course 275 - 25 knots." (heading away from Tuttsville)
"Very good. Maintain course and speed. If they begin closing notify me right away."
"Aye Sir."
Minutes later in the Admiral's quarters
"Dearest Kate," the old man wrote, "It seems that once again I'll serve my country by risking my very life. I don't want you to worry. I've done my duty before.
But its different now. With your mother gone - I feel that I've spent too much time away from you.
You're a good daughter - and you'll make a wonderful mother one day.
I pray for the end of this conflict - I pray that I come home safe to you. But I fear - I fear this is my last voyage.
The Tuttsville fleet outmatches us in every way. Should they engage us - many loyal Karbinese will die. But we'll die well.
Good bye my love.
Your Dad."
The old man wiped a tear from his eye - folded the letter carefully and handed it to the aid.
"Get that on the next outbound flight."
"Aye Sir. Right away."
ooc: Its going to take me till tomorrow to put together my next post. Can I assume the Director makes it out of the woods and back to his car?
OOC: Yes, I don't have any time today myself other than this quick post. I will post ASAP what the director sees, or you can.
IC: The Tuttsvile Fleet, following the Karbine Fleet, stops just inside Tuttsville waters. Keeping the fleet between the Karbine Fleet and Tuttsville, the General orders all ships to spread out over a 40 mile area to help insure no Karbine forces sneek in.
OOC: As soon as a get a chance to post a big one, it will likely help to move this along.
ooc: Okay - you can post the Director.
Here it goes - feel free to ask me if you have questions about the attack (hopefully I didn't screw any of it up.)
Wolfish Initial Attack. (I’ve added time indexes, because a lot of this will happen simultaneously).
2200 hours: President Todler addresses Wolfish through a television address.
Good Evening. An hour ago, I authorized our ground, air, sea and special operation forces to begin an offensive attack against the slave nation of Tuttsville.
Tuttsville has demonstrated time and time again, over the past weeks and months a careless disregard for human and civil rights – and has provoked our nation at every opportunity.
The final straw came yesterday, when a team of Wolfish Marines attempted to peacefully enforce the lawful, and United Nations sanctioned blockade of that nation.
They were taken captive at gunpoint, and are now being taken back into that dark abyss of a country.
We will not tolerate such action.
Our forces – joined by the heroic Karbinese people – have been ordered to reduce the Tuttsville military might through any means necessary – short of weapons-of-mass destruction.
The military command has assured me this will be a difficult, but winnable battle.
But…we need your continued support. There will be sacrifices made both by our sons and daughters on the battlefield – but sacrifices will be made at home as well.
This evening the battle for freedom and justice will be joined.
Good night.
2205: Wolfish moves to Defense Readiness Condition 1.
2200: Preparations are finalized – jets are fuels, radar and anti air batteries on high alert, rockets and ICBMs are fueled, additional satellites are ordered over enemy territory.
2210: 30 B52 H take off, loaded with 12 Harpoon anti-ship missiles
2215: 30 B2 Spirit bombers take off, loaded with 40,000 pounds of JDAM munitions.
2220: 25 747-400 ER Missile Platforms take off. Each has 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles on board.
2220: 40 B1-B bombers take off. Each is loaded with 30 cluster-munition bombs.
2245: B52 H begin launching Harpoons (360 in total) at Tuttsville 2nd, 5th, 7th and 10th fleet (I estimate approx. 160 ships therefore roughly 2 missiles per target, with a few leftovers to the carriers).
2245: 5 Air Refuelers and 125 IceBlade fighters from the carriers Aquila, Cygnus and Perseus. The refuelers stay within the defense perimeter of the battle groups – the fighters head inland (various locations hunting for airborne targets).
2300: B2 Spirits begin bombing known anti-air and radar locations primarily around Minitz River base, Cahokia base and Grundy base.
2300: 747-400 ER Missile platforms begin launching 2,500 tomahawks from 600 miles off shore. Targeting instructions as follows:
* 50 to Energy Generating Stations: dams, nuclear plants, coal or gas generators, geothermal pumping stations (2 missiles to each of 25 targets)
* 50 to bridges - primary targets: main, arterial or highway-crossing bridges)
* 200 to radar or anti-air sites
* 300 to government building (3 missiles to each target site – therefore 100 targets)
* 400 to railway infrastructure, targeting switching yards, bridges, maintenance facilities, tunnels, and main transit lines.
* 1,000 to airports / air force facilities. Each tomahawk targeted at runways holds cluster munitions to “pockmark” runways. (5 tomahawks to each target – 200 targets).
* 750 to supply depots, arms and munition factories, warehouses (5 to each target – 200 targets).
* 250 to oil and gas refineries (5 to each target, 50 targets).
2300: IceBlade fighters (from the carriers) engage enemy air targets from 25 groups of five.
2315: B1-B bombers enter enemy territory – using cluster munition bombs to destroy radio, television and military communication systems.
2315: Battle group (BG-02) begins shore bombardment. 2 Cruisers each launch 16 cruise missiles targeting anti-ship and radar installations, deck guns shell shore emplacements near Ava.
2315: BG-04 begins attack on Tuttsville 2nd and 5th fleets. 2 Cruisers each launch 16 cruise missiles targeting surviving ships from earlier B52 H attack. Air wings from Gemini Alfa and Gemini Beta take to the skys to battle enemy carrier fighters.
2315: BG-05 begins shore bombardment. 2 Cruisers each launch 16 cruise missiles targeting anti-ship and radar installations, deck guns shell shore emplacements around Skokie.
2315: BG-06 begins shore bombardment. 2 Cruisers each launch 16 cruise missiles targeting anti-ship and radar installations, deck guns shell shore emplacements around Okawville.
2315: BG-09 begins shore bombardment. 2 Cruisers each launch 16 cruise missiles targeting anti-ship and radar installations, deck guns shell shore emplacements around Girard.
*At 2315 On board the Karbinese battle group command ship*
"Come about - launch the fighters."
"Aye Sir. (picks up microphone) All hands to battle stations - commence launch operation Delta."
On the flight deck organized chaos broke out as the crews prepared the F-22s for launch - anti-air and anti ship missiles were strapped to the wings, and safety bolts removed.
"What's the condition of the two enemy battle groups XO?" the Admiral asked in the Command and Control centre.
"Sir - Wolfish B52s launched 2 Harpoons to each ship at 2210 hours - a second attack happened moments ago with the launch of 16 cruise missiles. Wolfish Battlegroup 4 has also launched its airwing to join this attack.
The Tuttsville fleet had spread out to defend the coast line. They are spread out and vulnerable."
"Very good. Take no chances, but sink both fleets."
"Aye Sir."
With that the last of the fighters took off, heading due east into the night. Flames could be seen against the black of night as the fighters moved in fast and low - waiting for their fire-control systems to tell them when to fire.
Other fighters maintained altitude, searching for any remaining airborne targets from the (four?) enemy carriers.
It would be a long an bloody night.
08-09-2003, 15:54
Somewhere in the depths of NationSates, The Fyreheatian Prime Minister BUMPS into a wall....
2202: "Sir! You need to turn on the TV sir, now."
The Presidential aid says to the President as he walks quickly into his office.
The aid turns the TV on and up comes the Wolfish Presidential address to his country, he watches fixed like never before.
After it is over the aid speeks up saying "You senior advisors are already assimbled.
"OK, What do you all think?" The President barks as he walks into the situation room.
"Well sir, the way we see it, they are doing one of two things. Anouncing it to their country, and to the world, before actualy attacking has to mean either they are foolishly giving us a heads up, their military is simply behind the curve-not attacking when they should have-and they do not know it, or they want us to think they are going to attack but are not going to. I tend to lean towards their military dropping the ball."
"If thats the case than they are about to attack. Send out to all military forces, Military Alert Red-1."
"Yes sir!"
"Also sir, what about bringing home some more that we know they might be actually attacking."
"Very well, recall the 4th and...the 11th Fleets."
"Yes sir."
2206: All military forces have recieved the code red-1 alert and have sprung to action. Colonel Bingmire, commander of the 2nd and 5th Fleets, order them to consolidate into a defensive posture.
All aircraft Carriers load their planes and launch patrols while the remaining aircraft standbye with pilots in the cockpits ready to launch. All shore defenses prepair while the Airforce gear up for anything. All Fleets remaining in dock prepair to launch.
2208: (onboard a distroyer prepairing to leave dock.)
"Do you think its true, do ya think they will attack Sarg?"
"I don't know kid, but don't you worry. You do your job and if only one of us is going to make it...I'll make sure I tell your family you died with honor." He smiles at the Privite who takes him serious for a second. "Just do your job kid, you'll be fine."
2213: "Sir, we just got this from Intel,"
*he shows a satellite image of launching B-52s in Wolfish.*
"Damn, alert all Air forces about this!"
"Yes sir"
2217: The 10th Fleet steams out of port at the Cahokia Military Facility and Possitions itself 50 miles West of Tuttsville
"You know what, with all thats being said I wonder what the President is realy hidding."
"YOU WILL SHUT THE HELL UP LIEUTENANT! And I will not hear you question our President again! Your a pilot, and you will do whatever you are told."
2219: The 7th Fleet leaves port from Colfax Naval Station and possitions itself apr. 50 miles North of Tuttsville.
2225: "Sir, we just recieved intel that ER Missile Platforms and B1-B bombers have just launched from Wolfish. Sir, they are going to attack!"
"Very well. Alert Black-1. Recall all military for National Defence. Institute nation wide martial law. Contact our allies and find out who will support us. Do not ask for actual assistance yet."
"But sir..."
"YOU HEARD ME. Do it damit!"
"Yes sir."
> 13th Fleet launches from Mintze River Naval Station and positions itself 50 miles South of Tuttsville.
2229: The President recieves intel on the launching B-2 Spirits.
"This is almost 15 minutes old. Hell they could practically be here by now you idiot. Inform all Air Defences to activate their active radar. Get some of our refitted Hawkeys in the air! I want those things seen before they get into our airspace!"
2234: The 12th Fleet leaves port from the Cahokia Military Facility and steams East to 50 miles out.
Director Steve Chesterfield sits as he has for the last couple of days recording the site of the slave camp from a distance away. He has left and came back several times but never going home to his wife and family. He has determined, and captured on hours of vidio, that the camp is devided into 12 distinct sections:
1) Recieving - This is where all incomming prisoners start out. Here, they are evaluated for what they would be best at, geven their basic items like bedding and stuff and prepaired for what awaits them.
2) Mens Breakdown - This is where all the men go from Recieving in order to be "Broaken" of their desires for freedom. Starvation, torture, sleep deprivation, and brainwashing techniques are common place.
3) Womens Breakdown, Entertainment / Professional - This is the same thing as number 2, eccept no methods are used that would permanantly scare or disfigure the prisoner.
4) Womens Breakdown, Labor - Same thing as number 2, only for women. A lot more harsh, phisically, than number 3.
5) Mens Training, Hard labor - After they are "broken" they must rebuild their strength and abilities. Here they recieve 3 squares a day and intince physical training.
6) Mens Training, Professional - Here, the men are trained on how to be "profesional slaves." Working around others in visible "jobs."
7) Womens Training, Entertainment - You can guess what they are taught here.
8 ) Womans Training, Professional - This is the womens version of number 6.
9) Womens Training, Laber - For those not thought "pretty enough" for entertainment or profesional status, this is where they go.
10) Mens Evailuation - Here, the men are checked to see if they can do their job as they have been assigned.
11) Womens Evaluation - Same as number 10. It appears many high ranking Tuttsville individuals, both in the military and the government, regularly stop by to "evaluate" the women trained for "entertainment."
12) Corrections - this is where those who cause trouble go. This is worse than the Breackdown areas. Unlike their, anything goes. Rape, intence torture, and all kinds of other meathods are used to break, or kill, the "prisoner." Whichever comes first.
All the sudden, things change.
"What the hell are they doing?" Chesterfield wonders.
All of the prisoners are being rounded up and placed in a single group. For the first time sence he has been watching, they are merging the groups together.
*Tat tat tat tat tat*
He captures it on tap. The guards slaughter everyone, even those ready to "graduate." Thay kill them all. They feverishly work to prepair the grounds to hide any evidence that the camp ever existed.
"Holly crap, why are they doing this?" he wonders.
He sits there and records for many hours as the guards buldoze, burry, and burn the camp. He runs out of tape before they finish and runs off...
Soon he will know why they did this. Soon, he must go public. Soon, he will be the most wanted man in Tuttsville.
Screems ring out on ever ship and in military instilations accross the country as men race to make sure everything is ready. Life vests are put on, weapons are ponted to the skys, and Carriers begin launching aircraft.
"Sir, I have 30 B-52 Bombers inbound, ETA 6 minutes!"
Most of the ships have not made it to their destinations, 50 miles out, yet. But all can respond and do so launching 2 F-14 Tomcats for each inbound B-52. They immediately hit their afterburners and hope they can make it to the bombers before they can strike at anything.
2246: "Sir, incoming fighters! I read 125, of what appears to be IceBlades sir." Airbases across the country bussle with action as all fighters are scrambled to meet the incoming threat. Air Forces light up the night sky as flames role out of the engines of dozens of aircraft. Citizens wonder as 60 F-22s, 48 F-15s, and 96 F-16s launch and spread out to ingage the IceBlades.
2257: "This is Tango-Tango-355 to Caoikia Tower with emergancy traffic, do you read? Over."
The Hawkey, modified to pick up stelth aircraft, found something moveing fast.
"This is Cahokia Tower, go with your emergancy traffic!"
"Be advised, picking up 10 birds headed your way, and there tallins are hot. Over."
Sirens sound all across the base, 12 F-22 Raptors are launched to intercept. A similar scenario plays out at Grundy Air Force Base with 6 F-22s and 6 F-15s launching from there.
Unfortunatly, no one identifies any aircraft heading to the Cahokia Military Facility. Although on hightened alert, 10 B-2s begin to drop their payloads across the base. several radars and AD sites explode in sudden bursts as other AD systems fling artilery and missiles into the air hoping to find something. Nearby towns are stuned as they see the bombs go off in the near distance.
I still have to respond to the Tomahawks, B-1Bs, and multiple Fleet manuvers. Sorry, not enough time now. I will try, but may not, to get it up later tonight.
I still have to respond to the Tomahawks, B-1Bs, and multiple Fleet manuvers. Sorry, not enough time now. I will try, but may not, to get it up later tonight.
ooc: That's cool - I know it was a lot to respond to.
In the office of President James Todler:
"Samantha - do we have that call with Prime Minister Fyreheart set up yet?"
"His office is on the line now Sir - patching you through."
"Mr. Prime Minister - James Todler here. I hope you're well.
I wanted to formally ask for your assistance with a most serious matter Sir.
As you may know, Wolfish and Karbine are involved in a conflict with the nation of Tuttsville.
Our people our supporting this fight - but to tell you the truth - its going to be a tough one.
This nation has lied to and deceived its own citizens about its use of slaves throughout society - in factories - in forced manual labour - and as postitutes.
Three of our citizens are being held, and we believe have been taken into slavery.
This lead to an embargo - which as you know, quickly digressed into a shooting war.
Sir - I'm calling to ask for your assistance. I need your military might to join with our own to eliminate this threat to civil rights throughout our world.
Sir - hours ago - Wolfish launched a major offensive - in fact, we've yet to receive a full accounting of our success - but regardless - it won't be enough to still this large nation. We need your assistance - primarily, at this point, heavy and strategic bombers - naval assets - anything that can drop a bomb or fire a missile..."
*Awaits response*
*2,500 Tomahawks*
As the Tomahawks rise, 1 by 1 in the distance, air defence systems around the country are alerted. Patriots point to the sky in waiting. Radar operaters look a little closer at their screens and additional fighters prepair for launch. The glow of the missile exhaust is an unfamiliar sight to the young men posted on the Air Defence sites, but that does not keep them from doing their jobs. As the incomming machines of death speed towards their targets, Patriots accross the country emerge from their humble storige to seek their own targets...
OOC: More to come.
The incomming Tomahawks do the following damage:
1) 1 dam distroyed located near the city of Normal. The sudden release of water causes instant fludding of Lower Normal, a part of town lower than sea level, killing over 4000 citizens.
2) 1 coal power plant located near Metropolis
3) 2 nuclear power plants, one located near Marien, the other near Chicago
> The result of the power plants being destroyed is a searge throughout the system shutting down power to all civilian areas North of the lakes
4) The main bridge crossing the Mintze River near Okawville was distroyed
5) The bridge crossing from Pawnee to the West to the unnammed island was distroyed
6) The bridge crossing the river North of Witt was also distroyed
7) 27 Radair and air defence sites were hit, with the only concentration being South of Marion
8) Governmant buildings were hit in Melledgeville, Pawnee, Freeport, Brookfield, Ridgway, Warsaw, Hanover, Ava, and Neoga
9) Railway infastructure was hevily damaged, rail capabilities are totaly halted South of the Mintze River. As well, rail capabilities are cut off to the following cities: Metropolis and Rockford, Decatur, Cobden and Edwardsville, and the area North of the Colfax Naval Station.
10) Several airports were damaged, the following being the most significant (sort of clockwise): the Marion Airport was reduced to 1 runway, the Witt Airport completely unuseable, the Shawneetown International Airport took several hits to hangers distroying some aircraft, the South Airport in the Mintzh River Naval Station took hits damaging or distroying several Naval Aircraft and 1 runway, the Bourbonnais Airport is useless, the Chicago International Airport lost its tower and 1 runway, and the Ava Airport took hits reducing it to useless status.
11) Dozens of depots, factories, warehouses and refineries are hit. The most notable being a factory supplying tank rounds and an adjasent warehouse.
ooc: do you want additional time to counter attack? Or should I proceed? Fyreheart may also jump in soon.
OOC: very long, but it's finally here!
The F-14s charge forward after the incomming B-52s headed towards the 2nd, 5th, 7th, and 10th Fleets. They aproach with reason and determination. However, equally determined were the pilots of the B-52s. As the F-14s aproached weapons range, the B-52s begain dropping their Harpoons. As soon as they were in range, the F-14s fired their own missiles back, fireing quickly to try to hit as many as possible. Many went down. However, many fired their Harpoons, leaving the fleets to defend themselves.
Harpoons fired at each fleet:
2nd: 76
5th: 64
7th: 49
10th: 68
As the missiles aproached, all fleets took defencive postures. However, the 2nd and 5th Fleets were streached thin, and lacked the protection of group defence.
"What is our tactical status Mr. Jones?" Colonel Sanchess, commander of the 2nd Fleet asks of his first officer.
"Not good sir." The commander responds. "We have 76 incomming Harpoon missiles, only 6 IND Distroyers, and our ships can not assist each other because they are not in range. The command group should be OK. But I fear for the other ships. The incomming are spread out also, but several ships have been targeted by 2 Harpoons. We will take some losses sir."
As the missiles begine arriving Phalanx Systems throughout the fleet fly into action. IND Distroyers nock down what they can, but most ships are on their own.
"Sir." A radir operater said on the flagship.
"What is it?" Colonel Sanchess inquires.
"Sir, the SS Pollyman is turning towards the incomming missiles."
"What?" he said. "Why the hell would he do that? How many have targeted it?
"2 sir"
The Colonel grabs the radio, pushes some buttons and yells into it "Captain, what are you doing? Your blocking your rear Phalanx! Why are you turning into the missiles damnit!"
"The Communications operator speeks up, "Sir. I am geting a responce from their communications officer, text only."
"What does it say?"
"'Rear Phalanx System falure! Captain ordered turn.' Thats it sir." A breaf pause and the operator asks a question. "Sir, I still don't get it. Why turn into the missile? The sytem is still designed around defending from a side attack. It would up their chances of hitting both missiles."
The Colonel responds in a low voice. "The good captain has resigned himself to getting hit. He is trying to minimize the damage. A missile to the side will create a large hole, more flooding and it would be harder to close off. Even when they did the ship could lisp badly. Get hit in the front, the damage is more internal. Smaller hole means less water. Not to mintion the ship is still pilotable with only a slight dip in the bow. It makes sense!"
On the bridge of the SS Pollyman,
"Time!" Captain Rickman screems as the missile races towards his ship.
"10 seconds sir!" an uneasy ensign responds from behind his monitor. The missile has lowered its altatude and is armed while it homes in on its target. "6...5," as if on cue, the forward Phalanx Defence System roars into action flinging hundreds of 20mm rounds through the air. "4..." The missile flyes at top speed, bareing down on the ship. "3..."
"All hands brace for inpact!" Captain Rickman yells into the speeker.
"2..." The stress in the young ensigns voice is obvious, but no one cares about that as the bridge crew stairs out the frunt at the incomming missile. "1!!!" He yells. The Captain lowers his head as his hands turn white from sqeezing the arm rests, and he brasses himself for the vabration of the impact to rock the ship.
The vibration never comes. The impact never happens. The Captain hears a muffled pop and looks up to see the missile tear apart no more than 300 yards from the ship. The bridge errupts in chear and the Captain slightly smiles. He knows that there is more to come.
"Shut up! Everyone." He yells, "We can celibrate when that secont missile is shot down. Whats its ETA?"
"90 seconds sir!" Everyone quickly returns to their work places and breaths a collective sigh. They have confidence in their defence now, mabye too much confidence.
The missile screems throught the air as it approaches the ship, a similar scene plays out.
"5...4..." the Phalanx opens up, "3...2...1..."
This time a small pop was not heard.
This time, the Phalanx missed.
This time, the crew would not be chearing.
The missile slams into the front of the ship in a huge ball of flames sending peaces of metal flying in all directions. The Captain did not look down this time, and that was a good thing. The bridge crew looks in horor and the 20mm barrel to the forward Phalanx flyes through the air and smashes into the bridge. Barely slowing, it continues to the rear of the bridge and through the rear wall. Outside the bridge, 2 guards stand, rifles at their sides on either side of the door, as they do anytime a naval vessel is prepaired for battle. When the barrel smashes through the wall it sends both guards to the ground with the force of a freaght train. One gets up fairly quickly and sees his friend still on the deck. Focusing his eyes, he looks closser and notices his brother in arms is missing his left arm, and most of his left shoulder. He quickly runs onto the bridge and sees the Captain slowly getting up from the deck.
"Are you OK sir? He asks the Captain.
"Yes," he responds with a cough. "You?"
"I'm fine sir, we need to get to the ACR sir!" he reminds the Captain.
The Captain stumbles out of the bridge and pauses for a moment to look at the body of the other guard. A lieutenant runs up,
"SIR!" he yells, "We have flooding in the forward sections of decks 3, 4, and 5!"
"Get a damage control team up here," the captain orders as he starts to walk. "I am headed to the Auxiliary Control Room. Inform the crew that the bridge is evacuated, than turn us and head at maximum speed to shore! We need to retreat untill we know how bad the damage is."
"Yes sir." the lieutenant responds and runs away.
Meanwhile, on deck 5, torpedo room. Ensigns Rogers and Falkner were manning their stations, being the only "essential" crew members in this forward area. All the "non-essential" crew had been evacuated from all the forward sections just in case.
The only other notable peace of debris from the missile impact, crashed downwards, through several decks and through the front hull creating a large holl on the 4th deck, right above the two ensigns' post. A small explosion threw the two to the deck. When Rogers got up he noticed Falkner was not moving. Water begain rushing quickly from the hatch to the above deck and the yellow light above the automatic door to the secion activated.
Automatic doors where instailed in all ships to help control and contain flooding. A solid yellow meant that the computer identified a leak and the doors might close. A solid red indicated the doors were prepairing to close, evacuate immediately. Red and yellow flashing, acompanied by a warning klaxon, equaled the door was in motion and closeing. A solid red and yellow light would mean the door was clossed and secure.
"We gata go man, come on!" Rogers reached down and pulled Falkner up and realised that half of his face was missing. Out of instinct, he reached down and pressed his fingers onto the neck of his friend, he felt no pulse. Looking back his heart begain to pump a little harder because the solid red light was on.
He begain running in the knee high water and tripped falling and hitting his shoulder blade on a pipe. It hurt, and he had trouble breathing. When he looked up, the door was closeing and he was running out of time. The water, rushing in very fast, was up to his chest now, and he could hardly move through it. He reached the door less than a second after it closed.
He was trained for this. His adrenaline was flowing, his heart pounding through his chest, but he was relatively calm. He knew he could go up to the 4th deck and get out there. Half swimming and half running he made his way back to the ladder and tryed to climb it. The water was pouring through so fast and powerfull he could hardly hold on to the ladder, let alone climb it. He still refussed to panic. He just grabbed on, held his face away from the torrent of water, and treaded. When the water reached the top, it stopped comming through the hatch, and he simply pulled himself up to the next level. There was no one here, every one had evacuated. Luckily, they did not follow protocol and close the door anyway. The automatic doors are suppose to be a last resort.
This section was longer than the one he was in, almost twice as long. And by the time he got up, the solid yellow was already on above the distant door. His running was instantly laborious as the water was already just above his calf. Even with the water rushing out of the doors and into other sections, it was still riseing very fast, the hole was very big.
The indicater changed to solid red and he knew he had to get out, fast. Not compensating for the rushing water, his left foot was swept out from under him and he fell into the wall hitting his head and falling to his knees.
Get up idiot! he thought to himself. You can cry later
He did, slowly, get up. But it was when the water hit his chin. Standing, that was chest high and again the door was starting to close.
Training went out the door. All the adrenaline his body had dumped into his system and he moved recklessly, screeming out for help from anyone who might hear him. No one did.
The door was inches from clossed when he jumped forward and grabbed it trying to force it open again.
He realized how foulish that was when the pain jetted through both arms like someone had just pushed dozens of knifes into each one. Ensign Rogers will now have to suffer through the pain of all 8 fingers being amputaed between the second and third knuckles, while simultaneously drowning. The door, with thousands of pounds of preasure behind it, didn't even slow when he grabbed it.
Rogers let out a screem that no one heard. The water raised above his head and he actualy started moving, trying to find a way out. He look up at the ceiling, now inches from his head, and noticed a lighting fizture that could provide a bubble of air, or so he thought. Getting under the fixture, he took one last breath as the water just kept raseing. The wires went through a hole at the top of the fixture, alowing all the air to quickly seep out.
Rogers mind raced.
He had one last idea and started to swim toward the front of the section, where the water was comming from.
His gut was starting to burn, wanting air to replace that which was in his lungs.
He reached the hole only to find a mess of pipes and wires. He tryed to get through them, but he couldn't. Even if he still had all of his fingers there just was not enough room. He pushed back into the section, his lungs were on fire and he wanted to inhail. It took everything he had to not, but sheer terror had now set in and he was flailing around uncontrollably, starting to swim this way, than that.
The burning was intense.
He doubled over in pain, the water red instead of clear.
Every miscle in his body tightend. He arched backwards, streaching every limb out and screeming a muffled screem exhaleing all the air in his lungs.
Automatically, his lungs tryed to inhale, sucking in only water. Compleatly involuntairy, his body started to try to caugh, than it attempted to vomit. each time sucking back in only water. The pain in his stomach was so intinse, it felt like someone was shoveing red hot coal down his throat.
He thought of his wife back home, and their unborn child.
His lungs started to convulse. Ever nerve in his body burned.
What will they do without me? He thought selflessly
His eyes started to go black His limbs stopped moveing, he stopped trying.
His thoughts turned to his mother, his sister, and his brother. Than, they returned to his wife
I love you. He thought.
The pain was gone now.
Gone the only way it could go.
Indeed, this will be a bloody night!
Similer situation played out throughout the 2nd and 5th Fleets. They did not yet even have a satellite for their Intigrated Naval Defence Systems. Because of this, they were week and vulnerable.
Losses in the 7th Fleet were the lowest. The 10th faired OK, but could be better.
Losses by Fleet:
2nd: 1 Nimitz damaged, 1 Cruiser sunk - 3 damaged, 2 Distroyers sunk - 6 damaged, 4 Frigates sunk - none damaged
5th: 2 Cruisers damaged, 1 Distroyer sunk, 3 damaged, 2 Frigates sunk.
7th: 2 Distroyers damaged, 1 Frigate sunk
10th: 1 Distroyer sunk - 1 damaged
Along the shore lines, near Ava, Skokie, Okawville, and Girard, incoming cruise missiles meet with outgoing Patriots. Several get shot down, while a few make it through to their targets.
7 cruise missiles hit around Ava,
3 around Skokie,
2 around Okawville, and
4 around Girard
"Launch all available F-14 and F-18 fighters." Colonel Sanchess orders. "Hell, thats all we have left practicaly. Have whats left of the Fleet assemble and send the fighters forward to attack."
With that, the decks of the remaining carriers (2 Nimitz class and 2 AC-2000 class) begine launching every fighter they have.
132 F-14 Tomcats
132 F-18 Hornets
"Send 36 F-14 and 24 F-18s after the Karbine air forces, send the rest after those bastard Wolfish forces!"
ooc: I'm not going to write a lot of story right now - that'll come when I get a bit more time.
Losses from air raid -
20 of 35 B-52s were lost to Tuttsville fighters.
3 B1-B were shot down by anti-air fire
1 B2 Spirit was lost - apparently by a stray missile (no target lock) (you'll recall you didn't detect them, but I figure I'll take one out)
5 IceBlades were lost in air-to-air combat with enemy F22s.
BG-04 was unscathed so far in the combined attack against Tuttsville - the two enemy fleets between her and the Karbinese forces were damaged, having lost some nine ships with another 10 damaged.
*On board BG-04*
"Sir - Inbound Boogies - Looks like over 200 heading here and 60 to the Karbinese fleets."
"Alright people - I'm declaring Situation Black. Get me the football."
*The football is the briefcase carrying nuclear launch codes.*
"Its right here Sir."
"Have Captain Mason get his crusier loaded up with Tactical EMP missiles."
"Aye Sir - but you'll have to give the order before he can launch."
"I understand - get me the President on the phone."
*30 seconds later*
"Admiral - President Todler on the line."
"Mr. President - I have declared Situation Black. I have over 200 armed enemy fighters inboud - about 10 minutes out. Our fighters are unfuelled, and unarmed after we attacked the enemy fleets. If we cannot use Situation Black, we are left with only point defenses. My recommendation is a series of EMP air bursts - followed by a land-based strike against the fleets."
*There was a long pause from the President*
"Alright Admiral. Your authorization code is Delta-Five-Alfa-Six-Baker."
"Thank you Mr. President. Hopefully we'll speak soon."
Moments later the Crusier Manchester had turned broadside to the oncoming aircraft.
Its Standard missile launchers now each contained six medium range tactical nuclear warheads - designed to emit - not blasting heat and shockwaves - but rather an electro-magnetic pulse that would fry the electronics on board the jet.
The missiles launched one after the other - accelerating to mach 3 within second.
"Ten seconds to detonation Sir."
"Very good."
The missiles were programmed to explode directly in the flight path of the jets - about 3 km in front of them. The effective range of the tiny nukes was about 6 km.
The missiles exploded as planed. The pulse was measured by the nearest ship and sufficent to fry the systems on the planes, but weak enough to not destroy the pilots - they'd have a change to eject, and probably wouldn't get cancer for 10 years.
"Once the blast subsides get our rescue crews out there. We need to pick those guys up."
"Aye Sir."
At Wolfish Defense Command the final preparations were being made to send a second bomber wave was being prepared to attack the ships from the two Tuttsville fleets.
ooc: I'll wait and see if the fighters are all down.
The 2 LA-Class subs had been patrolling away from their fleets when the massive attack on Tuttsville began - then, with the movements of the various fleets, they found themselves between the Tuttsville 5th fleet and their own forces.
The two commanders were on their secure phones, trying to figure out what to do.
"We have plenty of targets - we aim for the big boats and run from the little ones," said one commander.
"That sounds okay. But what if we use a combination attack..."
They worked out the details even as the Tuttsville aircraft were taking off to attack the Allied fleets.
*The subs are basically between your 5th fleet and the Tuttsville shore*
The northern sub moved about 20 km's away from the southern, as the both continued their slow and deep approach to the Tuttsville fleet.
At 10 km, the two subs went dead quiet and each deployed 4 swim out, silent running torpedos (very slow, but quiet).
As the torpedos ran towards the two pre-selected IND Destroyers - the subs prepared their calculations for a quick "rise-and-fire" sequence, targetting the same two ships with missiles - timed to arrive at the same time as the torpedos.
"AND FIRE" came the command.
The subs light, short range missile tubes burst open, and spit fire as the missiles rose through the shallow water.
"Missiles away."
"Emergency Dive. All hand...well...hang on.'
Both subs dove for deep water, and began following a random course, maintaining a discrete speed to avoid noise.
But both captains were happy - four torpedos and four missiles fired at each of the deadly IND destroyers. Without that backup, the Tuttsville fleet would be much more vulnerable.
"Whiskey 5-9er this is Lema 2-3." The Hawkey flying high above the fighters calls the command ship.
"Lema 2-3 this is Whiskey 5-9er, go with your traffic."
"Whiskey 5-9er, be advised: picking up launches from the target of Kilo unit. I see 6, say again 6 incoming missiles approaching Kilo with no target lock or apparent spacific target at all. Sending coordinates and radar feed now."
"Only six?" The colonel asks himself out loud, "Bring up our tactical satellite, zoom in on those coordinates."
*The center monitor on the bridge brings up a top view of a distant speeding missile*
"Zoom in on that missile and take a still photo." The colonel orders.
"What kind of missile is is sir?" The ships captain asks his comander.
"I'm not sure," He looks closer at the screen. "Corporal, bring up the radar from Lema 2-3 and overlay it on the Kilo team area diagram."
The screen shows the fighters flying from left to right and the radar blips indicating the approching missiles from the right side.
"Their not targeting any of our aircraft." The captain wonders.
"But they are spread out evenly throughout." A breaf pause holds the room. "It's...wait..." He leans up streatining his back, "No...corporal, how far are the missiles from Kilo Team?" He asks with obvious nervousness in his voice.
"Aproximately 3.5 km away sir."
The communications officer yells into his mic.
"Kilo 1-1, this is Whiskey 5-9er. Kilo 1-1, this is Whiskey 5-9er. Scatter, scatter, scatter. Scatter all aircraft immediately! Do you copy?"
The force comander does not respond. Instead, out of instinct, he turns his comm to the team frequency.
"All ships, bug out! I repeat, bug out, NOW!"
The aircraft, one at a time but quickly, turn off at max speed and fly in different directions. But it was too late. As the 6 missile explode, the pilots who could see it wonder why such a big deal was made. Than they knew. As the EM pulse spread, most of the pilots found their aircraft electronics sputtering, and than completly failing.
"Shit, shit, shit! Um, Kilo 4-1 to Whiskey 5-9er do you copy?"
"Thats affermative." The responce comes after a breaf pause. "Whats the situation?"
"Um, Whiskey 5-9er, their falling like flies out here!"
The pilot thanks his God that his ship was one of the few to get insulated from EM attacks, but others were not so lucky. Those that were still airborn watched as parachutes started opening below them, after pilots ejected from their 25 million doller paper weights.
Several calls come in from pilots who went down with their aircraft, for some reason unable to eject.
"God-damned bureaucrats! They just had to cancel our funding for EM insulation." The commander screems. "DAMNIT!"
Kilo 4th, or the 4th squadren, had all 12 of its F-18s fully insulated. The F-18s are armed for air to ship.
Parts of Kilo 2nd and 7th, both F-14 squadrens, were insulated allowing 7 of them to survive. All F-14s are armed for air to air.
Other pilots and crew begin to scramble to mount a rescue effort.
"Sir, if we do not intercept, they will get to our downed pilots before we can. However, if we do intercept, we may give them the time they need to refuel and rearm their own aircraft to stop any attack we could make on their navy. What do we do?"
The commander thinks for a moment, raises his head, and says "Take those planes to the enemy, kill as many as we can! Thats the most important thing now!"
"Sir, the pilots?"
"Their on their own, send a responce team with the Super Cobras. Mabye they will just forget about trying to capture our guys."
16 Blackhawks and 20 Super Cobras take of from the several carriers and head off toward the downed pilots. The remaining 19 fighters head off after the Wolfish Fleet. All 12 F-18s will try to fire their Harpoons while the 7 F-14s provide air cover.
As the Karbine subs perform their "rise-and-fire" maneuver, 3 of the patroling 5th Fleets subs pick them up and turn to ingage. As the enemy subs start to decend, the 2 LA Class subs and the Virginia Class sub each launch 2 torpedos for a total of 6. One of the LAs target one enemy sub while the other LA and the Virginia target the other. They are at a distance, which leaves lots of room for maneuvering by the enemy, but this should hopefully keep them occupied while the three subs move closer, and mabye other backup can get there.
Above water, the warnings sound on the 2 targeted IND Distroyers. All defences roor alive as the crew run to their stations. On each ship the captains ask what the situation is, and receve the same answer.
"Sir, we have 4 incoming torpedos AND 4 incoming missiles!"
"Activate all counter messures! And...inform command we will be abandoning ship soon." his voice shudders as he says the words.
On the first distroyer, one torpedo takes the bait heading off to strike at the towed decoy. two others chase after the other deployed decoys while one smashes into the side blasting it open. This happens just before the missiles get in range and cause major problems throughout the ship. Bacause of that, several missile defences did not work. Only one anti-missile missile got off, which took out an incoming. only one Phalanx was fully operating and it was able to take out another, but the remaining two made it through rocking the boat hard. The ship almost immediately started to lisp to the side and all hands were ordered to abandon ship.
The other distroyer had a different experiance. The 4 missiles got in range and the ship launched 4 anti-missile missiles. What missed from that was easily taken out by the several Phalanx units. However, the towed decoy malfunctioned and activated while stuck right next to the ship. Although it worked in decoying a torpedo, the torpedo exploded only 10 feet from the ship, while the remaining 3 smashed into the side of the ship right behind the first. The distroyer was blown apart, and few servived.
The capatains of all Fleets order a tight formation so that all defences can be used to help each other in future attacks.
"Sir," an aid says as he walks into the presidents office. I have some bad news, its about that news director."
"We haven't got him yet?"
"No sir, seems he has got his hands on some footage of our slave camp."
"Yes sir. We have discovered a tape going around with nearly 9 hours of footage includeing our efforts to distroy the camp sir! It's causing a bit of an uproar in the populace."
"WELL FIND HIM! Bring him in. I don't care if you have to put him at the top of the 10 most wanted. Get him!" As the aid starts to walk away the president adds, "No, wait. You kill him. You hear me! Plant a gun, say he resisted or just make him disapear, I don't care. But I want him dead within 48 hours! And bring in that special ops guy that helped him. I don't care if he is the only one we find. I wan't to speek to him."
OOC: I will post the advance on the special ops guy when I get a chance.
20 HMMWVs, with 5 perssonel each, leave their nearby base and start out towards their target. Posting 5 miles away, they sit and wait for orders to go in.
From a radious of 5 miles the order was recieved and all 20 HMMWVs move out towards the location of the special ops troop. As they aproach, they use coded radios to talk to each other and HQ, they slowly seround(sp?) the area were the enemy is and close in from all directions. When they get about 1/2 mile away they form 2 lines, the first has 6 jeeps, the second has the remaining 14 to respond as needed. Each HMMWV has the 5 troops, each armed with standard rifles and other equipment and each jeep is mounted with a M-60 on the top.
ooc: I'll call the subs Alfa and Bravo - Alfa is the northern sub, and Bravo the southern.
On Alfa: "Con...Sonar - new contact sounds like...wait...TORPEDO IN THE WATER - BEARING 265 RUNNING DEEP - still a ways off Captain."
"Sonar Aye," replied the Captain. "Helm, make your depth 310 feet, course 015 - take her up to 18 knots...Weapons - return fire along the torpedo's course."
Captian to XO - "Their trying to slow us down - we'll swing out here [points at map] into deeper water. Hopefully our torpedo will slow them down as well."
On Bravo: "Sir - we're still too shallow - we've got contacts converging on our location."
"I'm well aware of the situation helmsman. Maintain course and speed. Once they get close we'll..."
"Con - Sonar - Multiple Torpedos - bearing 010 degrees - they haven't aquired - but their moving at 40 knots!"
"Crash the boat Mr. Kanton - put her on the bottom."
The ship dove quickly - passing below the thermal layer - but the emergency dive light up the sub like a christmas tree on the enemy sonar.
*In Karbinese War Chambers*
"Sir - the situation is this. We've been engaged, and returned fire from the two carrier groups.
Early reports indicate two of our subs engaged and sunk or damaged two Tuttsville IND Destoyers. The subs are not yet in contact with us - they've probably gone deep to avoid detection.
The Tuttsville fleet has suffered major damage, and we are unharmed to this point.
However, these are very early skirmishes - the real battles are yet to come.
As you know - the intital Wolfish attack has damaged much of Tuttsville's infrastructure. However, given the size and resources of this nation, they will be able to repair, replace or rebuild much within days or weeks.
We must keep up the pressure from the initial attack.
Our recommendation is this. We immediately put our missile forces on high alert - given that we are within the same region [due west of Tuttsville] we are within easy missile range of many portions of that country.
We suggest beginning and maintaining contant missile barrages at staggered times and various targets to keep them unbalanced, and continue to inflict damage to key targets.
With their off-shore fleets occupied in the naval war, and many of their anti-air and radar installations damaged - we should be able to get missiles through thier screen.
"Very Well. Begin random, but contant launches - use a variety of newer and stockpiled missiles. Target only militarily significant targets - beginning with radar and anti air. Also - put our own defensive forces on high alert for a possible return attack."
"Yes Sir - Karbinese missiles will fly within the hour."
*1.5 hours latter the Karbinese missile forces began a campaign of missile launches against Tuttsville. Primarly missiles in the arsenal include ground-launched tomahawks - MGM-31C (see picture), and modified "Standard" Extended Range Missiles (SERM).*
*At Karbinese Launch Command (KLC)*
"Download from Wolfish complete Commander."
"Very good. Upload to our birds and hit the button."
"Yes Sir."
The targetting data had come from Wolfish sources - including sat photos, spy planes and ground "assets".
The first round of targets seemed to be radar sites around Bourbonnais and Cahokia base where targets were hit hours before - they'd be re-hit or would hit missed targets.
"Fire when ready Lieutenant"
"Firing sir"
The mix of 8 missiles - both cruise and ballistic took off. Each warhead carried cluster bomblets - the best item to destroy a radar base, or vehicle based radar station.
Karbine forces knew that the ballistic missiles would most likely be shot down - but with Tuttsville already damaged in this region - it'd be tough to concentrate on all incoming threats.
The plan was to launch at random intervals - and random launch sites - and random numbers - for the next 24 hours.
Crews would be rushed to keep up with logistics - but Tuttsville would be pushed to defend unknown targets from unknown risks.
*On board the Karbinese Battle Group*
"Where the hell are my fighters?" bellowed the Admiral.
"Sir - we're still landing them from the last attack against the fleet."
"Launch whatever we have left - I don't care if they're P3s - so long as their armed with anti air missles - we've got 60 inbound fighters."
"Aye Sir - getting an update now.......we can launch 10 F-22s and 5 F-16s in time to intercept - but chances are the enemy will have fired by then."
"DO IT."
The fighters began taking off in staggered intervals as the F-22 squadrons continued to land.
In some cases the jets lifted off without full ammo or missile loads - but that was unavoidable - they needed to clear the decks and get airbourn to intercept as quickly as possible.
"Snake 3-5 to lead - I've got contacts 6 miles out and closing fast - they'll be in range of the outer ring in 30 seconds. Too far for my Sidewinders though."
"Confirmed Snake - the frigates are on their own - we need to protect the carrier and the cruisers - I don't want to swim home."
"Confirmed Lead - going to afterburner."
The plane broke through the sound barrier as the pilot prepared to loose his missiles.
"Target lock - I've got three boogies - they've launched - I'm firing - FOXTROT - FOXTROT - FOXTROT, " he called as the first three missiles of the air war rocketted off their rails."
Similar scenes were taking place as the Karbinese forces tried to hit the enemy fighters before they launched their anti-ship missiles - but they were outnumbered.
Sub Alpha: Onboard the LA Class sub:
"Sir, They have returned fire bearing 001, heading...189. Sir it's not locked on and is slightly off target?"
"They returned fire back in the direction that our torpedo came from, it can't get us. Hmm, if I was them I would dive and seek a hiding place for now. That would be deeper, slow to 10 knots, up bubble to five zero feet. Than turn to heading...265 and go to full speed. If they are going where I think they are, we will pop in right behind them. Conn: contact the SS Boomer, (the Virgina Class going after the Bravo sub) have Captain Moss come about to 048 and make some noise, if they did turn the wrong way they will be headed towards him. He could scare them in the right direction."
The SS Bommer turns as requested which means he is comming from the shallow area. He also has his engine room cause a knock, which seems like an engine problem and can be heard from miles away without problems.
Sub Bravo: The other LA Class sub, the SS Optimum, takes after its target. Lossing the SS Bommer to assist with the other sub makes it hard, at the extrem range of its sonar means they must also go to top speed to keep up.
"It's diving too fast sir, we can't keep up!"
"We still can get a lock, fire a torpedo and keep up pursuit!"
"Yes sir, torpedo away!"
The torpedo sails off after its pray. With their torpedo still over 60 seconds away, the SS Optimum looses contact with the enemy sub.
"We will have to hope they can't avoid that torpedo and get away!"
The general sits in his office pondering, "We must take it to them, show them we will not back down."
The orders are recieved and acted on. The 10th fleet, from behind the line made by the 2nd and 5th, open fire. Its 1 GM Cruiser fires 4 missles at the Karbine fleet while the 3 GM Distroyers fire 1 each as well. The fleet than starts moving forward to meet with the 2nd and 5th.
OOC: More to come.
ooc: Can you explain this part - I didn't understand which ships these are.
The general sits in his office pondering, "We must take it to them, show them we will not back down."
The orders are recieved and acted on. The 10th fleet, from behind the line made by the 2nd and 5th, open fire. Its 1 GM Cruiser fires 4 missles at the Karbine fleet while the 3 GM Distroyers fire 1 each as well. The fleet than starts moving forward to meet with the 2nd and 5th.
I sent you an e-mail. I will wait to finish my post until you respond, either here or with an e-mail.
I sent you an e-mail. I will wait to finish my post until you respond, either here or with an e-mail.
Now I get it. Somehow I missed the 10th being so far inshore. Post when ready.
The Imperial Navy
30-09-2003, 12:34
"Reporting live for Imperial black TV! White folks are dead and we're gettin' the F*ck outta here! Let's go go go!"
*An army of TV trucks drives off.
(Sorry, but i've seen scary movie again recently and just found this joke too funny...)
30-09-2003, 21:46
The incomming missiles were detected immediately and reported to the defense command. All defense systems able where locking in when they came in and fired off as soon as possible. Haveing taken heavier damage before, the area around Bourbonnais was less able to defend itself and took three hits, one ballistic and 2 cruise missiles, taking out radar stations in the area. Temporarily, all central radar has been distroyed around Bourbonnais. From the nearby airport, several E-2C Hawkeys are launched, aloung with 4 escorting F-14 Tomcats each, to make up for the loss.
At Cahokia, the damage came from only 1 cruise missile made it through, however it distroyed a radar site for one of the Patriot missile systems. The system will be out for a while until a replacement gets there.
Against Karbine
"Sir we have incomming intercepters, only 15."
The order came in and the pilots followed them. The 36 F-14s were armed for air to air combat, the 24 F-18s are armed with 1 Harpoon each. Immediately, 12 F-18s dive to the deck and fire off their Harpoons at whatever they could hit. They than turn around and head back to the carrier. 24 F-14s take the lead, get the incomming missiles to lock on them, and than try to evaid them. With the enemy fireing multiple missiles, more than 24 ended up incomming and only 5 of the 24 F-14s made it.
The remaining 12 F-14s fire their own A-to-A missiles: AMRAAMs, at the enemy aircraft. They than move in front of the remaining 12 F-18s to try to manuver them into a closer possition for better shots.
OOC: I am going to try and cut down on the story line stuff. It's taking up too much of my time and I don't want you to get bored with this thing waiting on me.
*With Karbinese Battle Group - 7 Cruise Missiles, and 12 Harpoons enroute - enemy air assets still in the area*
"Sir - Radar show 12 F-14s and 12 F-18s still inbound. Our boys are out of missiles - but we took out a bunch."
"Very good Mr. Hasley. Tell the fleet to brace for the missiles - all defensive systems active."
"Aye Sir - the Tomahawks are 10 seconds out - and the Harpoons a minute behind."
"Sound Impact."
"Aye Sir."
The claxons sounded throughout the fleet, as defensive stations were manned, and damage control teams suited up.
In the front of the formation were the guided missile frigates Dunlop, Hastings and Magpie - in a trianglular pattern - behind them was the Cruiser Deerhurst.
*On board the Hastings (furthers forward).*
The ship lurched as the first spread of 4 Standard Missiles fired towards the remaining enemy jets, this was followed by the booming report of the main deck gun, a Mark 75, 3" rapid fire deck gun targetting the low-flying tomahawks. [technical data: Range: 10 nautical miles/ Guidance System: Remotely controlled / Type of Fire: 80 rounds per minute automatic]
"Sir - the tomahawks are targetting the larger ships - we need to turn our fire to the harpoons - they were fired so quickly from the jets that half are targetting us."
"And that's the way it should be son. We're here to protect the fleet - and God-Dammit - that's what we're going to do. Maintain fire on the tomahawks - but prepare the chaff and flare system."
"Aye Sir."
The remotely and largely automated deck gun rotated and continued to blast away at the tomahawks - the first blew at about 8 nm out - the second at about 5 nm.
"Sir - we're out of ammo for the 3" in ten seconds."
"Confirmed. Helm - come about to 005 degrees - let the Phalax do its job."
"Aye Sir - coming broadside."
"Deploy countermeasures."
Little bits of aluminum and high-temperature flares filled as the Phalax opened up.
Four tomahawks had already passed by - two had been destroyed and one more was inbound before the Harpoons would arrive.
"Sir - we're going to miss it."
"I see that Mr. Jones. Keep those guns on target."
The tomahawk - targetted on another ship - blew by the frigate at just under the speed of sound.
"Dammit." Whispered the Captain, and the radar operator yelled a warning about the harpoons.
The Captain replied - "ALL HANDS ABANDONS SHIP"
The half of the twelve harpoons had locked onto the nearest target as the enemy came under attack from the fighters - unfortunately for the Hastings and her crew - they were that target.
No one actually made it into a life boat or even over the side before the missiles began to strike metal.
"Well," said the Captain. "We fought a good fi..."
The situation on the Dunlop was similar - though they had better luck in targetting the Harpoons as the Tomahawks were largely out of range of their big gun.
Two missiles blew before they reached the ship - but a fourth slipped through - catching them mid-ship, near the waterline breaking the ship's back.
"All hands - bail out." came the call from the XO before the dazed captain had time to shake the sound from his ears.
The Howl-Class Cruiser Deerhurst - a mile behind the frigates was playing clean - up.
One tomahawk had gotten through the missile fence - and 4 harpoons. Its automated defense screen - originally designed for ballistic missile defense of Wolfish, then sold to Karbine - made short work of the remaining threats - though some exploding shrapnel damaged the bow helo pad.
"Mr. Clark - bring our anti air systems up - and target the remaining inbound fighters - I want those pilots swimming home."
"Aye Sir."
The Cruiser rocked as the Standard missiles took off towards the incomign fighters - round followed round. The main deck guns warmed up - if the fighters came within range - they'd find themselves torn in two from 5" deck guns.
Two helos took off from the carrier - and moved towards the burning wreckage of the frigates.
There were no survivors from the Hastings - Rescue ops were begun to get the 90 remaining crew off the Hastings. Many were wounded and would have to be transferred to the Wolfish Hospital ship - but right now there were still enemies in the area.
*On board the Carrier*
Once those fighters are refuelled and armed (speaking of the first flight - the second flight is still airborne with your fighters) - I want them launched with orders to target the 2nd Tuttsville Fleet.
*In the air war*
Having previously fired all their air-to-air missiles the fighters tried to engage the enemy with guns - but once the majority of missiles were launched - their mission changed to one of hunting down the enemy so he couldn't come back - it was a fight of survival - old fashioned dog fighting.
Karbine still had 10 F-22s and 5 F-16s in the air against the Tuttsville F-18s and F14s.
The F-22s being faster and more agile - took the lead, while the F-16s played the part of wingman.
"Target lock - using guns - firing - firing - firing," called the pilot as he came up behind one of the retreating enemy.
His wingman recorded the kill and scanned for the next target - he thought to himself what an amazing machine the F-22 was as it slipped easily behind the next retreating plane.
The fight would go on till both sides either ran out of fuel - or ran out of ammo.
ooc: Wolfish reply coming.
*On Wolfish BG-04 - following the EMP attack Tuttsville has 12 F-18s from Kilo 4th, armed for air to ship and parts of Kilo 2nd and 7th, with 7 F-14s armed for air to air. *
"Begin launching Standard missiles XO."
"Aye Admiral," he replied, picking up the secure fleet-wide radio. "All ships - full defensive posture - weapons free."
There ships were in a standard defensive posture - like Karbine - with the smaller, agile ships out front.
If someone watched the launches it would have appeared as a fireworks display - with missiles launching in sequence from the outer ships to the one's closer to the centre - targetting the inbound aircraft.
The difference from the Karbine launch - was the range of the standard missile - on Wolfish ships - far more technologically advanced - the missile had a much greater range - far greater than the Harpoons the enemy was carrying.
"All missiles away Admiral - we have 22 outbound targetting 19 planes. None have launched yet."
"Very good - lets get whatever we've got into the air as soon as possible just in case."
{reminder - the Wolfish planes had just returned from attacking you.}
"Aye Sir - in 8 minutes well have two squads ready to fly."
The fleet began manovering into position for point defense if any planes got their missiles off.
FYI: Other fleet movements: BG-01, BG-07, BG-08 move towards Tuttsville from Wolfish (north east) - BG-01 and BG-08 head towards Tuttsville 7th, while BG-07 moves south towards BG-02.
Some Bomber and ground attack assets have been transferred to Karbine (due West of Tuttsville, and in your region).
BG-10 and BG-11 (these are assault groups) are in ports in Wolfish.
BG-10 Scorpius
3 ACC – Tarawa Class
2 BB-61 Battleships
2 Howl-Class GM Cruisers
3 Aegis Destroyers
3 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
BG-11 Taurus
3 ACC – Tarawa Class
3 BB-61 Battleships
2 Howl-Class GM Cruisers
2 Aegis Destroyers
3 Mako Frigate
1 Los Angles Attack Sub
1 SeaWolf Attack Sub
OOC: Nice pics :)
IC: Against Karbine:
As the 4 Standard missiles approached, 4 F-14s were ordered to take care of them. Kilo units 9-2, 9-3, 9-5, and 9-9, what remains from the nuck attack, peal off and go ahead from the rest of the pack drawing the standard missiles to them. As the missiles came on them they attempted to evaid while fireing flares. An even split as Kilo 9-3 and 9-5 go down.
Additional standard missiles fire off and head towards the Kilo unit.
"Damn!" the new commander says. After thinking for a while, "Ok everyone listen up. All F-14s, drop the Harpoons! Target their Carrier(s) only! Have them fly in as low as possible and pop up to hit the carrier. We need to rid ourselves of their air support."
They drop the harpoons as the enemy F-22s fly in.
"Shit, their too fast! ARRGGGG!" The pilots ship explodes into flames killing him in seconds. A second pilot finds himself yelling for help as the F-22 slips in behind him for a second shot. But as the enemy pilot ponders the agility of his F-22, he fails to see the F-18 come up from behind.
"Don't worry kid," Kilo 9-2 says with confidence as his wingman, Kilo 9-9 cruises into place beside him. "we got your back. 9-9, fire!" Both F-18s fire a sidewinder at the enemy F-22. (If you have a wingman, they fire 2 missiles at each aircraft!) The wingman screems in an almost child like way while he watches the missiles fly after their target, "Hell ya, take that shi..." He is cut off as he notices a seat blast away from an F-14, which is spinning out of control after lossing its wing. "Damn" he says softly, and goes back to work.
One F-14 pilot, being pursued by an enemy 22 goes into a climb, straight up. He watches his controls as the 22 slips in behind. "Wait for it, comeon damnit, wait for it!" Sweat pores down from under his helmet. The alarm goes off indicating the enemy has a lock. "NOW!" he thinks and hits the trigger. 2 missiles drop off the tips of each wing and fall back, the thrusters purposely not fireing. As they fall back, the piot uses his radar to time it and pushes the detonation button as close to his pursuer as possible. Let the dogfighting begin!
"Kilo 2-6 to 2-1, we have incomming!"
"I see them 2-6." He thinks about it for a second. "What can I do? Wait, it just might work!"
He barks out his orders and the others comply. All 12 of the F-14s armed with a Harpoon take to the sky. They climb as fast as their ageing ships would take them all the way to their 50,000 ft ceiling. once their they leveled off.
"The missiles are almost here! DO IT!" yells the commander.
The F-14s increase to their max speed of Mach 2 and drop their Harpoons releasing control of them to their command ship. The Harpoons sore through the air and slowly drift. The command ship waits untill the last possible second and ignits the thrusters on them, hoping the sail took them far enough to reach the enemy ships.
As the missiles approach, the Squadrin leader gives everyone a choice: bail out, or try to evaid! 9 of the faster and more manuverable F-18s decide thsy want to fly home and stick in there while only 4 of the F-14s do the same. Each pilot that bailed made sure to wait until an incomming locked on to their ship before doing so, in order to take out at least one missile.
Flairs went flying as they pilots hanging in pull this was and that on their sticks and try to out maneuver their nemesis. Expert flying, and a bit of luck, saved 8 of the 9 F-18s, but only one F-14 made it.
The remaining 9 aircraft retreat.
From accross the country, from several bases, the entire complament of stealth fighters and bomber take off. They head off into different directions trying to avoid detection by any enemy forces around the area. Each B-2 is escorted by 2 F-117s, and there are 40 teams. Each team takes off at a different time and take up headings that will keep them away from any enemy aircraft or ships. Their target...
Onboard the SS Springfield, The Flagship of the Tuttsville Navy and the command ship of the 1st fleet, the Fleet Commander Colonel Gillion continues his conversation over a secure link.
"Mr Senator, are we sure that this is the right time?"
"Yes Colonel! This is the best time. It's out, the people are going to know anyway. There is already a small group of citizens starting to cause trouble, some news director started the whole thing. We are looking into helping him if possible. We need you, of all people, with us on this though if we are going to get anywhere. Do we have your support?"
"Mr. Senator, I have told you before. I am with you, whatever you decide. You know the situation better than I do, I am relying on your decision here. If you say we go, than we go!"
"Very well sir. What is your ETA to Tuttsville waters?"
"15 hours"
"Lets see...the 11th Fleet is due in just under 5 hours, and the 4th is due in about 9."
"I will contact our friend in the 4th fleet. We will decide how to proceed and I will call you later. How soon after I arrive are the other deployed fleets due?"
"Just under 2 hours after you get here the other fleets are going to start sailing in, one right after another, over the following 5 hors, about one every 45 minutes. Why?"
"We must have a plan in place, and start it, as soon as the 1st sails in Mr Senator. We must act quickly! I will get the engine room to speed us up at all costs. I will call you in a couple of hours. MAy God be with us all, tomorow I fear Tuttsvilles civil war may begin."
"If it does, you will be on the right side my friend. Goodbye."
In the office of the president
"So we haven't found this director yet because...?" the president asks with obvious anger overflowing his emotions.
"Well sir, his followers are doing a real good job of hiding him. Even though we are rounding them up, no one is speking. The few that do speek, wait long enough for them to move him. He is becoming worrisome sir."
"Very well. Round up his family, everyone. Parents, siblings, wife, kids, ants, uncles, everyone. Interogate them, and good. After that, let them all go. All except the wife and kids. We'll keep them until this is over."
"Yes sir."
"Do we know anything about his whereabouts?"
"Yes sir. We know he is in North Holland. That we know. How long he will stay there, we don't know."
"Very well, get it done!"
OOC: Don't forget about the special forces arrest a while back!
20 HMMWVs, with 5 perssonel each, leave their nearby base and start out towards their target. Posting 5 miles away, they sit and wait for orders to go in.
From a radious of 5 miles the order was recieved and all 20 HMMWVs move out towards the location of the special ops troop. As they aproach, they use coded radios to talk to each other and HQ, they slowly seround(sp?) the area were the enemy is and close in from all directions. When they get about 1/2 mile away they form 2 lines, the first has 6 jeeps, the second has the remaining 14 to respond as needed. Each HMMWV has the 5 troops, each armed with standard rifles and other equipment and each jeep is mounted with a M-60 on the top.
Pete was alone now - the director had made his way away from the camp - and back to "civilization".
He pulled a MRE from his pack and picked up his encrypted radio.
"Whiskey Two-Nine. Bo-Peep finally lost her sheep - ready to catch up with you guys."
"Copy that Bo-Peep - head to grid Bravo 25. We'll meet you in six hours."
"Confirmed - Bo-Peep out."
Pete got to his feet and headed down the valley - where he could follow the stream to the grid point.
We the stress of the last few days fading - he forgot his training - he became careless as he splashed through the ankle deep stream.
20 km away the rest of the troop packed their camp – careful to leave no signs – and headed out the meeting point.
They moved through the forest silently – in standard patrol formation.
(ooc: I’m assuming they are behind your line of hummers, and will witness the mutilation of Pete).
*At Wolfish Defense Command*
“Sir – new images from our spy satellites – looks like every bomber they have warming up on the runways. We lost the picture right after these were taken, so we don’t know where they’re heading.”
“All right – put homeland defense on highest alert – warn the coastal patrol fleet to blast the sky with radar – we might get five minutes warning. And warn Karbine to expect some action – if I were a betting man, I’d say they’re going after the Karbinese missile sites.”
“Right away Sir.”
* Wolfish Airbase in Karbine*
The B1-Bs hand landed after the first bombing run against Tuttsville. It had taken three hours to refuel, arm, and program in new mission orders.
But the stealthy birds were ready with new crews for the next mission – only this time the pilots new the stakes – 12 of their own didn’t return.
“Fox 1 – you are cleared for take-off.”
“Copy Tower.”
The graceful plane pulled out of the line of bombers, and slipped onto the runway – behind it 20 more heavily loaded bombers waiting their turn.
Fox 1 lifted off, and eased back on the stick early – keeping the plane low.
The mission was simple – keep low and fast and sink the Tuttsville 5th fleet.
The 5th had already sustained the loss of most of its air fleet in addition to having 2 Cruisers damaged, 1 Destroyer sunk - 3 damaged, and 2 Frigates sunk.
130 km from the fleet – approaching from the southeast at Mach 1.2 – the flight commander took again to the radio.
“Alfa – launch now – now – now.”
The first ten planes in formation opened their bomb bay doors, and released their harpoons – the missiles took off and headed one again for the outer perimeter of ships.
The 10 planes peeled off – leaving 11 Lancers on course with the missiles.
At 60 km – the commander ordered Bravo team to fire.
“Release Rocket Propelled Torpedo’s now.”
The jets once again opened their doors, and the missiles fired – barely keeping pace with the Harpoons.
The 11 planes turned to catch up to their counterparts at the missiles streaked low to the waves on course to the enemy ships.
50 Harpoons were launched and 22 Torpedoes.
ooc: The purpose of the torpedoes and missiles at the same time is to give you the choice to turn broadside to engage the missiles – or head on to lessen the damage from the torps. Have fun.
At the planes headed towards Karbine they were passed by the second wave of attackers.
A-10 Warthogs also based in Karbine – began their hunter/killer Role.
There squad of 20 – escorted by 40 IceBlades and refuellers also headed for the 5th Tuttsville fleet – their mission would be to engage shortly after the torpedo / missile attacks.
On the eleven “hardpoints” of each plane were loaded with Penguin Anti-Ship missiles.
The Warthogs clung to the wave tops – while the IceBlades stayed at around 12,000 feet to intercept any incoming threats.
“Squad Delta – this is lead. Weapons hot – target the big ships now.”
At 30 km the planes began sequentially firing their missiles. One after the other until 222 supersonic Penguins were in the air.
The jets followed their missiles in – switching to guns they began raking the ships with mini-gun fire – still low to the waves – attempting to take out radar antennas or communications dishes on the smoking boats.
ooc: I’ll wait for your response to see if the IceBlades have to do anything.
*Over Karbine's 4th Fleet*
The pilot watched at the Tuttsville F14 released his missile - but for a split second the rocket motor didn't fire - then when the missile was at the closest point to his own plane - it ignited - blasting through his canopy and killing him instantly.
The plane and missile joined in a massive explosion and tumbled into the sea.
"Sebastion is down - Sebastion is down," went the radio call.
"Cofirm Sebastion down - Jeleco is now lead plane."
"Rodger that."
Jeleco was a young hot shot pilot - but he was good - one of the best trained in the Karbinese forces.
"Okay folks - keep knocking them out of the sky. The fleet is counting on us."
The young pilot switched over to his mini-gun and dropped his external fuel tank.
He pulled a hard turn and pulled back on the stick - taking his agile craft above the fight to get a clearer view of the battle scene.
"Fox 2," he called. "Break left now."
The pilot reacted instantly - jerking the multi-million dollar figther into a barrel roll as a missile blew by.
Jeleco pushed his stick over and came in behind the enemy F-18 and opened up with the minigun.
"Lets see how well you fly without wings you son of a ..."
The damage done, Jeleco joined up with Fox 2 - "Couple more and we're back to the carrier - we're almost on fumes."
"Copy Lead."
As the fighters turned to head back to the fleet - they could see the smoke trails from the missiles speeding through the air.
"Damn - Hope we got a place to land Jeleco."
"Me too Fox 2 - me too."
As the pilots watched the outer permeter opened up once again on the "vampires".
But this time the fleet was short two vessels and the crews - particularly in the front ranks - were worn from battle.
But in the distance they could see the Carrier - and motoring in from behind it was the cruiser Caligula - she'd been brought forward to help plug the hole from the sunk ships.
The massive guide missile ship would not be able to totally shield the carrier - but it'd offer some protection.
"There go the counter measures Fox."
"Looks like fire works from here."
(ooc: I'm not sure how many missiles got off - so I'm assuming 10 all aimed for the carrier. Feel free to correct me)
"Deadly fireworks."
The ships had been through this all before - point defense systems were automated - standard missiles fired off - followed by the phalax, chaff and flares all in an attempt to kill or divert as many missiles as possible.
But the fleets luck was running out in this battle.
Between the cruiser and the carrier - 7 missiles had hit the sea without damage.
It was the three that didn't.
"Oh Shit."
The pilots watched as the three impacted the carrier.
The first harpoon slammed into the bow - 18 feet above the waterline - the second hit the recovery runway and the third blasted a hole midship - just feet above the water.
Jeleco switched frequencies on his radio.
"This is Flight lead to Wolfish Battle Group command - Mayday, mayday, mayday. Our carrier is hit. We need refuelers and a place to land. Can you assist?"
"Flight lead - copy. Stand by."
*a minute later*
"Karbine Flight lead - set course 179er - we're sending some gas cans to meet you with an escort - what is your status."
"We're out of ammo - our carrier is hit by three harpoons - she's listing to port - and we're getting hungry."
"Copy Flight. Our birds are 8 minutes away and the chefs making Sloppy Joe's."
"Confirmed. Hope to see you soon."
*Damage Report: The carrier is damaged, but will stay afloat and resume limited flight operations for defensive purposes only. The two sunk ships are on the seabed - with about 25 per cent of the crew rescued. The airfleet suffered 60 per cent losses. The fleet is retreating from Tuttsville - slowly making its way to Karbine. One squad of Karbine fighters is on the Wolfish carrier (4th battlegroup) where the planes will make up the losses suffered by Wolfish in previous engagements.*
ooc: forgot a bit
*In Karbine*
"Sir - Message from Wolfish. Possible bomber attack at designated missile sites. Apparently they've got some new intel."
"Okay - have all mobile units move to their Bravo locations - and have the fixed sites move all reserve missiles to safe storage. Get pilots in their flight suits sitting on the tarmac - I want them airborne before the first bomb has time to hit the ground."
"Yes Sir."
*In Tuttsville*
The constant rain of missiles eased and then stopped - to this point over 100 missiles have been launched.
ooc: ammo was running low anyway. lol.
The Newer England
17-10-2003, 00:13
As the Team of HMMWVs approach they check their computer and notice their target moving down a nearby stream, right at on of the vehicles. The personnel dismount and set up a simple ambush, their goal is to try and take the target alive. They sit tight and wait until he gets as close as possible and yell out for his to surrender. 2 troops on one side of the stream and 2 on the other with the other vehicles catching up from the rear.
“General, the target is on the move.”
“Where? Let me see.”
The general looks at the screen and thinks.
“He’s going to meet his friends, to catch his ride home. STOP THEM! Stop them now. Tell them to fall back, do not take him!”
The communications officer jumps on the radio and calls for the team. Not being Special Forces, the team setting up the ambush does not turn down their radio. The enemy special ops troop is roughly 100 yards away when their radios sound off alerting him to their presence.
He can barley make out the message: “Hotel 5, hotel 5, this is command., fall back, fall back. Target is on the move and believed to be on his way to meet his friends. Do you copy.”
“Shit!” The Sargent thinks and than yells out “Your surrounded, surrender and you will not be harmed!”
Back at command:
“Take the satellite off that guy, tell the team they better not lose him! Start a grid search around the area going out. Use infra red and find his friends! I just know that’s where he was going!”
“Yes sir.”
(ooc: I’m assuming they are behind your line of hummers, and will witness the mutilation of Pete).
I don’t know, I only know where the one guy is.
The teams of stealth aircraft slip through the night at max altitude. Just outside Karbine airspace they go to radio silence and head to their targets. 20 teams have the usual goals: 10 are to strike at missile silos. The ones command labeled as the top 40 in priority. With each team having a bomber and 2 fighters, the fighters were each given one target and the bomber two, all 4 as close as possible to each other so there would be as little time as needed between each. The bombers primary target, and the 2 fighter’s targets, would be inland a bit. Than the bombers secondary targets would be on the way out. 10 other teams were each given a military target. 2 teams, 2 bombers and 4 fighters, were given what was believed to be a Wolfish military base and airstrip within Karbine. The other 8 were given other Karbine targets including shipping yards, airstrips, radar’s, and such.
The other 20 teams had much more sinister targets. They were to target cities. Specifically, the downtown areas of the ten most populous cities in Karbine. With it being the middle of the night, civilians in those areas would be limited, but the lose of these areas, and the citizens that are there, should pursuade Karbine to get out of the war, even if only one team was successful.
Back in Tuttsville, the government insures that no Tuttsville citizen will know of this act. Because all satellites used for TV are known of, they destroy the satellites and blame the Wolfish government. All cable and broadcast TV stations, as well as papers and online locations now have government agents to watch what is going out. As well, connections to web sites outside the country are severed so outside news can not be seen. This to is blamed on the Wolfish government. All ties to reporters out of the country are broke, only government-authorized communications are allowed outside Tuttsville
Additionally, Tuttsville starts moving towards a more pure militaristic nation. In a similar fashion as the US did in WWII, Tuttsville factories start to convert for military use. Locations where children’s toys were once made, now manufacture rifle rounds and magazines. Clothing manufactures start making uniforms, vehicle plants make military jeeps and convert to make bombs and missiles.
Seeing the incoming aircraft heading towards the 5th Fleet, the Air Force launch interceptor aircraft. 60 F-15 Eagles, 24 F-15E Strike Eagles, and 36 F-16 Falcons take off from Scott Air Force Base in the North to take on the threat. Although they can not get there on time to stop an attack, they should be able to almost immediately counter.
As the enemy aircraft get close, they start launching their weapons, missiles and torpedoes begin speeding towards the 5th fleet, who’s commander now wonders how they will survive.
Following orders, the fleet takes up defensive postures as follows:
5 of the 9 destroyers line up in the first line,
the 6 IND destroyers line up behind them,
next is the remaining 4 destroyers followed by the 4 frigates just in front of the 2 carriers, all of these being lined up pointing at the incoming weapons, assuming that if anything reaches them it should be missiles.
The idea here is to absorb as many of the torpedoes, sacrificing the first 5 destroyers, and than let the IND Destroyers deal with the Harpoons.
“Abandon ship!” The order rang out on all 5 of the forward destroyers.
“All non-essential personnel. Abandon ship immediately!
Predicting the upcoming destruction of all of the ships, they are ordered to save as many lives as possible. Lifeboats and rafts start to pull away from the destroyers as they maneuver into possession to meet their destiny. What defenses they had roar to life as the enemy weapons approach. The two Phalanx systems open up at any possible targets, torpedo counter measures fly into the water, and all personnel left on board bend over and kiss their asses goodbye.
17 of the torpedoes lock on to the 5 forward destroyers and approach at full speed. 3 lock onto towed decoys and harmlessly destroy them. Another 5 get distracted by other decoys and seek them out to the delight of the crews. However, that was not enough.
As the Harpoons approach, 2 lock on to each forward destroyer, and the others fly overhead towards the ships beyond. Although several of these 10 Harpoons were destroyed by the Phalanx systems, it didn’t matter. With 9 torpedoes, and 6 Harpoons striking the 5 destroyers, they had no chance. 4 of the 5 blew up in dramatic fashion and sunk fast with all remaining hands. The 5th had only 1 torpedo and 1 Harpoon hit. The crew was able to save her, however, the engines were out and all but emergency power was off line.
The remaining 5 torpedoes and 40 Harpoons race onwards at the IND Destroyer line. Fire billows from the launch tubs as anti-missile missiles take off and scream at the incoming Harpoons. Each IND fires 4 to match the incoming threat. Missile went out as missiles came in and they met in the middle in several small explosions. Success came in an almost 1 for 3 ratio, with 28 Harpoons being missed. Of those, 19 locked onto the IND Destroyers and turned to attack. As the weapons approached all 5 IND vessels deployed counter measures for the torpedoes and opened up with their 6 Phalanx systems. Most of the 19 Harpoons tore apart as the rounds ripped through them, and 4 of the 5 torpedoes were disposed of. The torpedo that made it through blasted a hole in the side of one of the INDs causing it to lisp to the port, however it remained afloat. With so many phalanx systems training on the incoming Harpoons; only 2 got through. Both impacted on the 2 already damaged INDs. One lossed power and the other lossed one of its Sea Sparrow launchers, which caused a major explosion onboard.
The final 9 Harpoons raced at the next line of defense, 4 destroyers. The only available defenses were 2 phalanxes each. Success came for one, and not for the others. One destroyer got attacked by three Harpoons, and missed all three. Although not sunk, it is useless for now as fire rages uncontrolled. 2 other destroyers each got hit by one Harpoon doing damage to various systems. The 4th took out both of its Harpoons and it’s crew almost cry with joy.
The outgoing 120 fighters from Scott AF Base are notified of the additional incoming wave of enemy aircraft and change their course to intercept! (this, I think, is the 20 A-10s and 40 IceBlades) The 36 F-16 Falcons chase after the A-10s while the Eagles head after the IceBlades.
OOC: I would think I could get to you before you launched your anti-ships from the A-10s, at least with your original plan, so I will wait for the response.
The 11th fleet is now speeding into the area from the North East. It will soon be able to assist in defence!
The 11th
1 - AC-3000 (able to carry 40 aircraft)
2 - Cruisers
6 - Destroyers
2 - Frigates
3 - IND Destroyers
OOC: I dispensed with most of the soryline stuff so we might be able to get in another round before you take off.
Hey - I'm back but just getting into the swing of things. Will post soon.