We Want Your National Animals (WILD RYLLEH)
Since Rylleh's Landscape is almost entirely wilderness with cities being underground to allow for a more beautiful landscape.
The Rylleh Bureau of the Enviorment asks:
"We would like Nations to donate breeding pairs of there national animal to be turned out into the Wilds of Rylleh where they can flourish and produce a very diverse ecology." says Bureau Chief Johnny Appleseed
We can also clone your National animal so none are removed from there enviorment .
Won't you participate and help us repopulate our land......
Country is at:
Go through each page for the episodes of WILD RYLLEH all through the thread....
---Post deleted by NationStates Moderators---
well, we were going to have a cull on the black swan population, but you can have our extras. Does 5000 breeding pairs sound good to you?
Be sure and check the Rylleh Enviorment site to check their progress
animals being checked in
5000 swans is ok
02-08-2003, 22:41
We can donate 30 breeding pairs of red-tailed hawks.
Lord Goobergunch, Goobergunchian President
DU Regional Delegate
As 30 red-tail hawks are being taken to there new Haven
My moose population was off the scale, but since I have opened a few moose-selling shops, the amount has gone down. But I can still give you 20 male and 20 female mooses. 5 of each will be featherbellied, 5 long-necked, 5 black coated, and 5 big hoofed (I breed some odd types of mooses).
400 regular skunks,
20 feather-bellied skunks
and 100 modified winged skunks are on their way.
02-08-2003, 23:14
Do you want any tigers?
Sure! We got plenty of Chobit Kogal's!!
Unfotunately they are quite fragile creature, and they require alot of Madox Yen to survive on (Its all those mobile phones, and sticker pictures...)
As for breeding ,they will mate with an male as long as they have money, but require special candidates that include 60,000 MD.Yen dowry....
Picky but worth it....
New Cyprus
02-08-2003, 23:20
I will donate 6,000 NationStates Bunnies, they only produce 3 NationStates (younger NationStates Bunnies) in their lifetime, treat them well! :D
I'll donate 300 Black Bears.
Commerce Heights
02-08-2003, 23:27
Commerce Heights will donate 4 male and 4 female verynjes. It's up to you to figure out what a verynje is. ;)
Unified Planets could send a couple starships (the feather-bellied type have an extreme fondness for meadows ;) ), but it might be rather expensive. Maybe there's a couple of old rusty Constitution-class ships lying around that you could use... :P
I'll give you a mating pair of Godzillas. Treat them well.
Alpacas: The Most Serene Republic of Xikuang propose to send send three females, one Golden, two Greys, all certified as being in the best of health and free from any disease, and two males, both fine specimens, one grey, one red, the red of a mixed heritage contributory to health and vitality an dthe grey of an established excellent lineage. The five have been chosen for health and breeding compatibility should you wish to breed them (we recommend breeding the red with the golden; this should produce beautiful and healthy young). We ask only that the animals be treated with gentleness and respect, with attention to their natural requirements.
1600 Turtles are on their way!
So many people forget insects...but insects are an important part of any ecology. They clean up the clutter that larger animals leave. They act as a low part of the food chain...but also often a higher portion. Insects are important.
So Wazzu would be happy to send over a few ant farms filled with suicide ants.
The suicide ant is native to some Pacific Island nations near Southeast Asia. They were imported to Sweden before the rise of Wazzu, and have since become Wazzu's national animal.
Many ants have unique traits. Some make living hives. Some have symbotic relationships with other creatures. Some use leaves to farm fungi. Some take over other hives and go on slave-runs. The suicide ant has its own uniqueness.
While normally docile, suicide ants will defend the nest. But instead of stinging an invader, they will run up to it, attach themselves with their mouths, fill themselves with poison, and explode. Suicide. They are harmless to humans unless provoked, make spectacular displays, are highly adaptable, and keep an ecology as clean as any other ant.
We hope these ants will make a special addition to the Ryllehan wilderness.
02-08-2003, 23:46
We will be happy to send 20 breeding pairs of Naks. We would send Warnaks, our national animal, but they are very aggresive animals and hard to transport. The meat from Warnaks is better, but that dosn't seem to be an issue in this case anyway.
As Rioki is known for our great population of the Nighthawk, we are more than willing to donate 20 males and 20 females to your habitat. Be warned, these are very territorial so only the best handlers will be able to enter their area without harm. Other than this, they are quite docile once they get to know the handler. :D
All are taken.
Special Handler Hodgey is running ragged and having a few close calls nearly losing an eye and a few fingers. well take more.
Nianicio we will take tigers trying to create ecosystem
03-08-2003, 02:53
Nianicio we will take tigers trying to create ecosystemOkay, I'll fly two over as soon as we can get them.
You are most certainly welcome to 50 pair of our vampire monkeys. They obviously only prefer to come out at night, and tend to be a bit pesky around warm-blooded mammals.
Since our last uprising, we've developed an effective garlic-banana spray that repels the little buggers quite nicely. We'll throw in 10 gallons as well as the recipe for the (ehhahemm) aromatic elixir.
Please advise as to preferred delivery arrangements.
Peet Redsh, Animal Control Keeper of Auz
Have 5000 breeding pairs of flightless hippos courtesy of The Kingdom of Sirocco.
He may look happy but this is one ferocious beast!
here are 3 untamed bionic attack dogs.
WFAT(Rylleh)---Episode of WILD RYLLEH----
This is Marty Stouffer and this is WILD RYLLEH.... Today two more Species were added To the wilderness, 5000 "Flightless" Hippos and 3 Bionic Attack Dogs..... Let's watch as brave little Hodgey tries to herd The Hippos into there new water hole area .......... (camera disolve to water hole)......
(Hodgey seen Running and Screaming )....... "THERE STAMPEDING AAHHHHH!!!!!!! ........ (Pans back to Marty)..... Please Won't you help us continue this great work send your animals , Financial help or equipment . Little Hodgey could sure use the help... (back ground noise heard).... AAAHHHHH!!!!!!
We could send 30 breeding pairs of the less than common less than sentiant fruit bat that lives only on our island as lond as I can ensure that they will not be harmed.
OK we will give you some grunts, but its kinda human so it needs to be in a really big pen with a obstacle course and needs a barracks and mess hall and a litrine. and feed it MREs only. We would send you a female grunt but we only have 9 in captivity.
The PROG will donate 100 Norwegian Blue Parrots,
NOTE: non of our animals are either deceased, resting or tied from a long squall, bear in mind they do have a tendancy to sleep on their backs though
Your message and want of breeding pairs of national animals has come to my attention, and we, the people of Mister Ness, will donate 100 pairs of breeding domesticated house cats. They are all orange.
I hope this helps,
Amy of Mister Ness
The population of our national animal, the bear is getting close to 400,000 and worrying many of the population of Avalohn. Would you be so kind as to take 20,000 black bears and 20,000 grizzlies off our hands?
Protector Druiman I
I will also donate 2 billion USD to help make habitats for the animals.
We donate 40 parrots. Please be advised that the parrots native to Turner Ward are "Pirate" parrots: flightless birds the size of a human.
King Snork or Zachacha-hoopahayhayia generously donates a 1-Legged Vampire Horse to your efforts. Please advise your handlers that although the 1-legged vampire horse spends most of its time immobile, it has the ability to reach speeds in excess of 40 mph. This speed, combined with its insatiable appetite for blood, makes the 1-legged vampire horse a danger to all animals and humans around it.
Oh right, some thing about the Godzillas, They get touchy around power plants and large citys, also there favorite toys are millatry tanks and armed soldiers. They breed about evey four to six months. ten eggs a season. Their newborns will become top priorty. Inbreeding doesn't seem to hurt them all that much. If you need to push them away from something, other monsters will do the trick. Well I hope you will have as much fun and national security with them as I do!
WFAT(Rylleh)----Episode II of WILD RYLLEH with Marty Stouffer---
--- Among the pristene wildernes background the sound of Coyotes fills
the air and bears once more seen on the slopes again.Orange cats can be seen chaseing bits of stuff floating about. Parrots can be seen fluttering in the trees getting ready for a restful Night.
Occasionally Peeka-Booing behind a tree and making a mad dash for a rock and falling down and ruffleing his Pirate basketball shirt is a Mascot parrot ..Rare but amuseing..
We pan over to a cave. were Hodgey and his new Platoon of Grunt Helpers..
try to get the Once thought Mythical ! legged Vampire horse into his new cave home......(close up of Hodgey being Bitten and chased by Vampire horse and running out of cave)... AAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!--
(Dissolve back to Marty)---Remember We need more animals, Financial help and equipment (Back ground sound of Hodgey: AAHHHH!!!!) So won't you please help ...Im Marty Stouffer for WILD RYLLEH!
The Principality of Vanyc is willing to donate two breeding pairs of our now endangered national animal, the Smoke Jaguar.
The Smoke Jaguar is alot larger than it's South American cousin, with a build that closer resembles a large tiger. Like the South American Jaguar, the Smoke Jaguar cannot roar, is extremely agile and a very proficiant climber. Because of it's size, it is a superiority predator and -will- attack humans if they encrouch on it's territory. It's coat color ranges from light grey with dark grey or black rosettes to solid dark grey.
It would indeed be a crime for anyone to sacrifice the ultimate esthetic of a nation by not giving what has long since become too common to have any interest, no matter who's nation it is. Indeed, so many national animals these days have gained such freedom to romp about that there is nothing accidental in meeting one any longer! It is perhaps luck that our national animal is the cat, such that even in huge numbers they are still as fickle as young girls and can suddenly arouse the greatest interest. Not an unlucky man is he who is visited day in and day out by cat after cat, all of whom act in their own unique ways. But, even so, a sacrifice of two for the esthetic is a worthwhile sacrifice at all times, and only the most boring of fools would be unwilling to work for that great moment in the wild forest when the two chosen cats thrust and parry in the acts of love.
Take my two cats and we shall both leave here happy!
How are the sweet, lovable godzillas doing? We have yet to see them on that show of your's, "Wild Rylleh". The godzillas being our most preecouis resouce, we like to look after them.
10 crook necked squashes on their way.
Chugguar III, Grand High Patriach of The Armed Republic of Chugguar has graciouslly approved the sending of a breeding pair of Tasmanian Devils to your fine nation. Please beware that the Devils may eat the odd small animal here and there, although they are primarilly scavengers.
We the people of Macedendum have been forced at gunpoint to fork over one of each color of our precious Harpies... hence one puce, one vermillion, one burnt umber and one that appears to be of the shade of road cone orange...
Please understand that harpies are FEMALE ONLY and will require the BEST cloning talents to reproduce....
Little Hodgey is being Bandaged up for the next episode of WILD RYLLEH toon in tommorow
200 Hawks have been sent on behalf of the Aziklan Wildlife Administration (AWA).
I will send 75,000 amoebas. They will be sent in a surpsrisingly small vial, they are micro organisms, so you'll simply have to trust that they are there.
......one more thing DON't DROP THE VIAL!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil:
04-08-2003, 06:00
Due to protection laws the gwajhzand conure-hawk is fairly common, but still not excessive enough to send you too many. Our avian linguists will find out which ones wish to go and we will send them. Where shall we send them. Is it 'K if we send some avian linguists for a time to help them settle in?
04-08-2003, 06:14
Our neighbors[read my puppets] have agreed to do the same for the chechen hawk, the iaosaa kea, and the taab parakeet. We will only send if our avian liguists get to help settled in, because they will need translators to aid in tlling the local hawks and eagles off from eating them. You will also have to put then in a different region from monkies or you wil begin to discover dead monkies often with feathers in their hands.
(As monkies prey on parrots the ioasaa kea and the taab parakeet form defensive flocks which will destroy entire monkey troupes if they attck one member of the flock. The "conure-hawk" (actually although a predator it is more closely resembling a parrot) has caused the ahoand bird-eating monkey to become extinct in all of Qaaolchoura except for remote parts of the Ahaond Atonomous region. I just though that I would warn you about the parrots' evolutionary response to primate pedatory habits.)
Due to a change of power the Nation of the Broken Axe is heading in a new direction. Our new national animal is the retarded infant. Broken Axe is willing to donate some of these strange creatures if desired.
How many linguists and animals ?
04-08-2003, 18:01
How many linguists and animals ?
do to the large number of each species who have offered to sign up we will allow 288 of each species to go(unless that is too may), and there are 48 linguists.
04-08-2003, 18:07
Athamasha sends a gift of 150 prize Emus to Rylleh. Them's good eatin's too.
WFAT(Rylleh)----- Episode III Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH-------
Also Starring: Little Hodgey
(Marty Stands over HUGE Canyon (Partly flooded) in SW Rylleh N of Carcossa)....
As we Peer out over this great Canyon area, we welcome two new inhabitants......
(Dissolve to churning rushing water we see Little Hodgey with his head just above water moving at incredible Speed) AAAHHHHHHHHH!!!
.....(Scene: Huge Godzillas Come up out of water Hodgey clinging to neck . Suddenly drops into the water below)...... AAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!......
(Pan to Marty) These creatures are amazing (Background Noise: AAHHHH!!! SPLASH!) and apapt so well to this enviroment. What a beautiful Landscape....
(Dissolve to Godzillas moving away getting comfortable.)
(Pan Back to Marty) Wont you please Help Project Repopulate any way you can ....Im Marty Stouffer For WILD RYLLEH...
Awwwwww they were so cute! I send you 4.4 billion dollars!
I send 20 breeding pairs of cows
WFAT(Rylleh)---Episode IV Marty Stoufer's WILD RYLLEH-------
(Some where in Rylleh ...Marty speaks).... We need to take time and thank those who Do there Part Here On WILD RYLLEH......
(Pans to Grunts herding cows , 1 is carrying vials to a pond , A Group of Bird Linguistic Scientists are talking to the Many birds Nearby)
(Marty puts hand on Grunt and Speaks) .....Its important to have helpers as well as the animals (Strange noise comeing toward Group) to help make all this Beautiful land Possible.....
(Scientists trying to make out sound)
(Noise getiing louder) SSSccccccrrrreeeeeeccchhhh!! AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!
(Hodgey... bolts through the whole group ...Harpies Scratching at his head...
Scattering Cows and causeing the grunt with vials to nealy fall and drop vials... Scientists and Marty scramble to safety)
(Pan to Marty...Dusting himself off)
This is why we need your Help to Keep this truly --WILD RYLLEH--
Im Marty Stouffer....
Greetings from the Nation of Binkabi-Sunsum,
We of Binkabi-Sunsum heartily encourage and cheer your Nations zoological venture. We wish to donate 200 pairs of phoenix to your National Park. We have spoken to our phoenix population and the 200 mates we send are looking forward to being part of this wonderous achievement. Please expect shipment immediately if our donation is accepted. This is the perfect time due to the recent re-births. thus, all the phoenixs sent will be hatchlings. We also wish to offer you the temporary services of our Chief of Creature Preservation and Protection, Michelle Pedma-Choloron, should you need any assistance in the care of phoenix. Feel free to telegraph us and let us know. Namaste, and best of luck to you on this most worthwhile venture.
Lady Rhiannon Golposh, International Relations Counsel. The Nation of Binkabi-Sunsum
Keep Up the support and Keep checking back for more episodes of
------------Marty Stouffers WILD RYLLEH-------
Also starring: Little Hodgey
200 males and 200 females are on the way to you as I speak they are the white streaked Crow it's eggs give a boost of energy and we have included the recipie for their food and £1 bn to cover for the making of their food.
There are 300 of these remarkable animals left in captivity in gigliovia many of these are un-breedable so we leave it to you to breed these wonderful creatures.
Ness ziona
04-08-2003, 22:36
We will send 50 male and 100 female Ice Leopards.
Hello...We at the Democracy of China (The Middle Country) are willing to give you 2 mating pairs of Chinese Dragons...please note that there are only about 40 in the wild (although some argue that there may be a species of Dragon which can camouflage itself VERY well... enough even to escape heat radar...these people estimate the actual numbers to be around 1000)...These dragons live for about 1 millenia (or so say our experts) and don't breed very often...
These dragons have capabilities to control weather (experts are still baffled by how this is and some believe they control it through large magnetic fields). One man who once shouted curses and profanities at a dragon lives under a rain cloud...literally...he still lives today but few ever want to talk to him because they always get soaked with rain if they try. The only time it DOESN'T rain on this guy is when there are droughts... Then it the sun always shines on him no matter how much shade he's under...this man tried to commit scuicide last month by jumping off the Millenium tower in Hong Kong...but unusual Hurricane force winds broke his 200 story fall and he ended up breaking almost every bone in his body but not enough to kill him...when he arrived at the hospital...it rained on his bed...even though he was indoors...err...anyway...so...don't mess with these weather controlling dragons...
.Some argue that Dragons are wiser than humans...these animals will be particularly difficult to transport but can speak many human languages with ease (the female dragon to be transported to your nation promised that it would move to your nation on it's own if someone would read Chinese poetry to it for at least 2400 hours straight...)
These dragons live on a diet consisting of reltively little meat given it's size(about 200 kilos of meat a day) buit eat's mainly plants, being Chinese after all (about 500 kilos of different plants a day)...
It is not suggested that you try eating these dragons as they take long to grow and they can kill at least 20 times more than they'll be able to feed...One general 3500 years ago led an army to kill a dragon (only 3 survived including himself...though he was struck by lightning and injurred badly)...unfortunatly...he was poisonned by the meat...as Dragon meat is only edible when cooked a certain way...and takes at least a month to prepare...almost 2 centuries later...(the dragon meat never spoiled)...Dragon meat was cooked properly for the first time in recorded history and the first person to cook it still lives today...(his 3336th birthday was just yesterday...)...he still looks to be in his 40's...
ERR...anyway...good luck with these dragons and BE CAREFUL with them...
We will send 20 males and females Adlers (Eagles) to populate the skies. These Adlers were carefully selected from the Seigfried Forests.
Diktator Derrick III of Die Elite Reich
We the Principality of Calgar hearby donate 10 Flame Mammoths (5 male, 5 Female) to you. As Minister of The Environment I warn you that when uncomfortable a Flame Mammoth's fur will burst into flame injuring any nearby.Also be sure to keep them away from water as the water will cause harm to them.
E. Matteaus
Minister of The Environment
Principality of Calgar
We here from Carachi will donate 3,000,000,000 amoebas. They will be useful for cleansing your country from any capitalist thoughts and dirth. Unortunately they feed on human flesh as well, so be careful. :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
05-08-2003, 00:23
You can some 20 double crossers. They bite you when you're not looking.
Those 3 billion amoebas may be bored as our country has no Capitalist ambitions :)
I offer 12 adolescent kraken to be shipped in cramped tubs filled with just enough water. A word of advice; the krakens are angry, I suggest that you run after opening the sealed tubs. :twisted:
10 Super Timber Wolves (5 males and 5 females)
Ht. 6' feet
Wt. 3' feet
Lt. 5' feet
Gold fur (male) and Silver fur (female)
I take it you have no need for Broken Axe to send you it's national animal; the retarded infant? :cry:
I give you 5020 standard spidermonkeys and 1 T-virus infected one.
Warning: Heavy security measures required!
Broken axe Im just trying to think of a story line to use them :D
05-08-2003, 21:22
I give you 5020 standard spidermonkeys and 1 T-virus infected one.
Warning: Heavy security measures required!
Remeber, Rylleh, what I said before with that many there would likel be some parrots, hawks, and "conure-hawks" dead too.
OK, Site has a bit of a face lift and sorta renamed the link :
But there will be the same Kinda of episodes with Marty and Little Hodgey so STAY TUNED!!!!!
OH, No Sick Monkeys will take Good animals... our scientists and cloners work to ensure the animals get the best treatment and care.....
06-08-2003, 01:05
I'll donate two male, and two female Ryananian Snow Wolves. They are in healthy condition and were taken straight from the Redwood forests of Ryanania. So... I just post here right? If I need to go to the website or something, please PM me.
The Republic of Defari donates 8 lion cubs, 4 male 4 female, directly from the Presidential Zoo.
My 2 Chinese Dragons should have arrived in your nation by now...
06-08-2003, 01:56
We will donate 3 billion dollars, and supply you with a 25 man naval intelligence detachment to help keep tabs on the animals, catch poachers, etc...
Her Magnificence, The Grand Potentess of Macedendum wishes to donate a fortune in the finest jewels, $12,000,000 cash and offeres to provide 20,000 zoological assistants versed in vetrinary sciences as well as care of the truly exotic... as well as, specially made for little Hodgey, a suit of Mithril and the finest running shoes (with Aglates made in our OWN Aglate factory) to better preserve his safety.
Our thanks for providing superb care to Our precious Harpies...
WFAT(Rylleh)--------Episode V Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH-------
------Also Starring Little Hodgey--------
(Music: Symphonic type )
(Scene: Badlands in South Rylleh)
(New vets and helpers are Putting on fire suits to Palpate( Long glove with lots of lubricant) a Flame Mammoth they think is pregnate....
(Marty is smiling looking serene)
Isn't it wonderful the diverseness of the animals we are working with.
( Deep voiced arguing can be heard mixed with ROARs )
(Pan to Hodgey Sporting his new Running shoes is arguing with the dragons)
(Dragons) Why you little *&^%$ (Flame Consumes Little Hodgey who is wearing his new mithril longjohns is charred and looks like a Briquet)
(Hodgey runs to a near by stream and jumps in) AAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Dissolve to Marty)
See how helpful your equipmqent is to the saftey of the workers.
also we are learning new ways to get along with the animals , so send that support...... I'm Marty Stouffer for WILD RYLLEH........
Aristasia has been watching Ry'lleh's informative and entertaining documentaries, and also see how the rest of the world also appreciates this celebration of natural wonder and life. In support, Aristasia will provide the following, as our contribution to this noble cause:
200 rare albino minks (they don't do much but man are they stylin')
A team of 75 ecologists, handlers, botanists and zoologists, as well as meterologists, to assist in maintaining proper habitats and developing pattern and cycle recognition charts for various aspects of all the non-native animals in Rylleh.
Also, Aristasia will be supporting these domestic efforts, as well as investing in the international aspect of Wild Rylleh, by donating $720M to Rylleh's media and communications industries and departments, ad well as to international bodies, to help broadcast the educational and wholesome Wild Rylleh series to even more international countries.
The Grand High Ruler of The White Cloth has so graciously decieded to donate 30 breeding pairs of coon dogs complete with the finest fleas we have to offer.
We will also send over 1 billion dollars to help aide in the nuturing of the coon dog pups.
Hope this helps.
The Grand Potentess decrees that 50% of her population will tattoo, in bold letters in the colour of their choice, their foreheads with the words "WATCH WILD RYLLEH" to aid in the advertisement campaign.
(OOC)I must say that I am disappointed that Little Hodgy wasn't injured by my Flame Mammoths...... :cry:
We of saturn valley will send 40 Mad Ducks. They are 20 male and 20 female. to care for Mad Duck, make sure have spinny water... spinny good. spinny water that suck down into bottom, but not enough to be dangerous, is only thing that keep Mad Duck from being Mad. He just stare at water, watch it spinny. spinny... spinny...
Neo-Wales shall donate 2 red dragons. These dragons are usually docile creatures but when provoked they can become the bane of the countryside. We reccomend (sp?) that the two dragons be kept away from herds of sheep and any cattle that might be in the area.Also,as a precaution, we are sending several personnel to deliver supplies that may be useful to you once the dragons are in your care. These personnel will leave immediately after the supplies have been delivered.
Sir Richard Confessor
Department Of Wildlife-Neo-Wales
We of saturn valley will send 40 Mad Ducks. They are 20 male and 20 female. to care for Mad Duck, make sure have spinny water... spinny good. spinny water that suck down into bottom, but not enough to be dangerous, is only thing that keep Mad Duck from being Mad. He just stare at water, watch it spinny. spinny... spinny... They need wirlpools?
WFAT(Rylleh) ----- Episode VI Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH----
also Starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: E-NE Rylleh Marty Watching Watery scene)
We have so many variety of animals here some strange and Intelligent animals here in Rylleh.
(Dissolve to pool Hodgey is with the mad ducks gazing at water)
just watch these ducks....
(Water swirls Ducks and Hodgey are Mesmerized they chant spinny..spinny..spinny)
(Marty) See all the strange habits they express....
(Hodgey lost in the spinning loses his footing and falls into whirlpool)
(Marty) ahem... Yes truly strange intelligent creatures Here...
So Keep up with the Support ( Hodgey flailing arms back to the bank) For This Great Cause .....I'm Marty Stauffer for WILD RYLLEH
some are sending through telegrams
Dear Rylleh
sorry about not using the forums but i would rather contact you via telegram , The Dominion of Shiff will Give 10 Breeding Partners of our Shifian Dragon, although i warn you these animals can be agressive ,they are strong fighters and flyers. We uderstand if you decline as you may have trouble breeding them.
Thank you
David, President of the Dominion of Shiff
(OOC)I must say that I am disappointed that Little Hodgy wasn't injured by my Flame Mammoths...... :cry:
Thus proving my tailor's flame retardent suits are beyond top notch.... 8)
The PRF donate 100 of our most elegant creatures, the Royal Crested Mongoose. Noramally mongooses are eaten but it is illegal to eat the Royal Crested Mongoose, although the fact that they are vicious litlle buggers that always aim for the crotch may have something to do with it....
We hope you will find a happy home for them,
Comrade Suhki, Minister of Mongoose Welfare And Consumption Control
The PRF donate 100 of our most elegant creatures, the Royal Crested Mongoose. Noramally mongooses are eaten but it is illegal to eat the Royal Crested Mongoose, although the fact that they are vicious litlle buggers that always aim for the crotch may have something to do with it....
We hope you will find a happy home for them,
Comrade Suhki, Minister of Mongoose Welfare And Consumption Control
Two Rancors, half starved and quite angry, have been delivered to your nation's front door. The Eizen Empire indemnifies itsel ffrom any reprocussions from housing these two beasts.
we send 2000 Potato Bugs to live in Rylleh
I am currently trying to get the show WILD RYLLEH. I will also send over a few docters to help the hurt animal caretakers (Little Hodgey).
Aritasia sent money for show production 750 mill so where working on SAT transmission-----
Update Fire Mammoth was pregnate Had TWINS WOOHHHHOOO!
Linguist learn new Parrot and Hawk language........
Vets Need Dozers to Gather Large animal Stool samples...
WFAT(Rylleh)-------Episode VII Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH------
also starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: Middle of Rylleh lush Forest ....Marty Examining Potato Bugs)
Even these Small Creatures have there place On WILD RYLLEH....
( Rumbling sound.....Tree limbs snapping... Rancor waving claw around...Hodgy gripped on its thumb)
(Marty)...Oh look a Rancor....
(Hodgey) AAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Rancor tosses Hodgey aside and moves off into the woods as if looking for something)
(Hodgey flies through air hits Large tree)
(Hodgey) AAHHHHHH!!!!!!
(Pan to Marty) Big or Small thats what makes this truly WILD RYLLEH.......
.......I'm Marty Stouffer
Be Sure to Check WFAT(Rylleh) news show 80 minutes w/ Dan Blather
To help you in your re-populating, The Queendom of Optimum Miseria ofers you 250 each, male and female, of our Backstabbing Weasels. Do NOT let them talk you into anything, they are VERY persuasive.
To save Little Hodgey the embarrassment of anything they might sway him to do, say, fork over money for... if not worse... we also send a pair of the highest grade Sound Proof Ear Muffs.. as regular readers of your show, we hope he will excersize caution and wear the ear-muffs ONLY when he is caring for our animal... as wearing them any other time might bring about more harm than good...
With Deepest Sincerety... The Queen of Optimum Miseria...
Ummm, We're with the Imperial Envrionmentalist Conservation and Well, We've got about five hundred more rancors here saved from the latest nationwide cull.
Think you can take them off our hands? Oh Really That's great!!!!!!
*Transport takes off full speed8
Ummm, We're with the Imperial Envrionmentalist Conservation and Well, We've got about five hundred more rancors here saved from the latest nationwide cull.
Think you can take them off our hands? Oh Really That's great!!!!!!
*Transport takes off full speed8 :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... how much to take a rancor or two off your hands.. they would make delightful sport....akin to Pampalona, and their pansy running of the bulls....only FAR more interesting.... i can guarentee they would be WELL fed...
:mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
BWAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA... how much to take a rancor or two off your hands.. they would make delightful sport....akin to Pampalona, and their pansy running of the bulls....only FAR more interesting.... i can guarentee they would be WELL fed...
Name a fair price and we can easily work something out :twisted: .
09-08-2003, 07:00
Technologia will be more than willing to donate 250 of both male and female chao. These tiny, docile creatures make excellent pets. They are very affectionate and remarkably intelligent. Chao can also survive in the wild just as easily. If threatened, they prefer to run rather than fight, but if cornered, the adults are actually quite capable of defending themselves. They can also fly and swim at astonishing speeds.
WFAT(Rylleh)-----Episode VIII---Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH------
also starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: Off the Coast of Rylleh Near A secluded Inlet.....Marty Stand on the tower of one of the Newest Minesweepers in Rylleh on Loan for this Show...... Hodgey Standing on Back of Deck Wearing his Ear muffs and trying to Straighten them on his Head)
(Marty) This is a Part of Beautiful Rylleh Not Seen much On WILD RYLLEH.
The ocean is truly beautiful here.
We are waiting to glimpse one of Our new Ocean Dwelling Arrivals.
(Marty Looks in on the Bridge Waitng for the signal from Radar man to see if anything is around)
(RadarMan) Sir! I see Something ....... Off the Stern ...IT"S HUGE
(Stern of Ship..... Hodgey Style'n and profile'n his ear muffs....Crew yelling and pointing.... Hodgey Looks bewildered think there saying something about his ear muffs)
(Crew) Get Back Hodgey its its aaaaa!! itttssss aaaaa.....
(Water Churning Noise are near deafening)
( Hodgey turns aroun to see were every one is pointing)
(Kraken Lurches out of the water Tentacles reach out and grab Hodgey)
(Hodgey) AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(Hodgey is whirled around and Thrown over Bow of Ship...Kracken Dissapears in an Inky black Cloud)
(Marines Fish Hodgey out... He's still wearing earmuffs)
(Marty) You See it is always a Suprise and an exciting time on the Ocean..
.. and Thats why this is WILD RYLLEH Im Marty Stouffer...
don't for get to keep those animals coming
don't for get to keep those animals coming
As a gesture of friendship, the Republic of Ictus will donate fifty breeding pairs of chinchillas, to do with as you like. They make equally fine fur coats as they do additions to the ecosystem. Two trucks, one housing each sex, are on their way. May either your nations biodiversity or wardrobe profit.
Napoleon Champagne, Minister of Wildlife Conservation.
WFAT(Rylleh)------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH--------
also starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: Beautiful landscape near a large canyon.....Small Furry creature scurry about......Hodgey standing near canyon edge little furry creatures crawling all over him)
Deep canyons blanket SW Rylleh they are both beautiful and dangerous.
But even Small fury creatures call this hom as they scurry up and down the canyon...They are so cute...
(Hodgey, covered with Chinchilla Hair, seems to be getting itchy and red -eyed.... he start stumbling around in a sneezing fit)
(Hodgey slips off canyon into the water far below)
(Hodgey) AAAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....................AAAAaaaaahhhhh!!!!.......aaaaahhhhh!!!!! ...Splunk!
This reminds me when going through Rylleh remember wildernees can be Beautiful and dangerous , respect for the lands and creatures is important.... So you can keep coming back to WILD RYLLEH...Im Marty Stouffer
In name of the principalty of Tir Na Roob, we gladly offer you 50 Gabriel Hounds. Be aware that they are carrier of the HMHVV virus that can change your common humans into dwarfs, trolls, elves, orcs.This virus propagates in a still unknown way. If that ever happen remember to treat those people right, they are still sentient! As a mutated animal, the Gabriel Hound is stronger and smarter than your common dog.
We shall not be taken responsible for any dammage etc...
Have fun with those and good luck.
Sperethiel, high lord, in charge of environmental issues
12-08-2003, 14:12
20 Vernitious Knids have been delivered
youu might want to purchase some oompah loompahs off us. if they don't eat in a while they may well attack humans
12-08-2003, 14:16
Daistallia is willing to sell upto 5 tons of live trout. They are tasty! :D And it looks like your bears and all those aquatic predators could use prey! Only 1.5 million USD per ton. An ongoing feeding program for those predators can also be worked out if you like - 500,000 USD per ton for fresh frozen trout. If this is of interest, may we suggest 2 tons per month? If you can accept both, we will discount the live trout 20%.
Greetings from the Free Land of Flayers!
The Dung Elves of one of the Flai’i tribes have been out collecting a moderate amount of Flayer Moskito and they are willing to send them over with a scout team to find the right kind of murky boggy patch.
The Dung Elves themselves will most likely want to return (the jungle swamps of my little nation are quite unique) but on the off-chance of them wanting to stay on - they might want to set up a small village of longhouses in some remote forest that is untouched by mankind. They are a independant and peaceloving people that want to live in harmony with nature. Okay, they can be fierce hunters but as they abhore metals and electricity the only thing you'd have to fear are venom-tipped spears.
Dr. Endugu,
Political advisor on Flai'i matters
Wait how do all these anamils coexist? The Godzillas might be hurt by those bruteish chincillas or those horrible hounds or those henouis rancors. I'm not even going to start with those Vernouis Knids or the chao. To ensure my my godzilla's protecion, I will donte five hundred thousand dollars. Keep them safe.
Evil Lands
12-08-2003, 16:41
*donates 2 nazgûls*
"I know it's kinda lame", says ruler of Evil lands. "But we think that they're cool and they're very easy to take care of, they don't eat or sleep. But it is advised that you keep them away from jewelry, especially rings."
Greetings from Karabigo
As far as we know, the Karabigo butterfly is almost extinct cause of our poluted enviroment by the Sodasales industry. Only 5% of our enviroment is good enough for the Karabigo Butterfly. Since we only have 1000 Karabigo Butterflies left, I would like to give your country 150 butterflies to breed and expand there popularity. They won't do any harm and they make the best nectar from the world which is kept in there so called "beaches". Offering these butterflies will be a honor for Karabigo and we hope they get big and wealthy. Karabigo is also interested in addopting your national animal, since our population is quite low.
Our stunning, small enviroment is a good living place for tigers and other african animals....
Karabigo greets you :D
Greetings from Karabigo
As far as we know, the Karabigo butterfly is almost extinct cause of our poluted enviroment by the Sodasales industry. Only 5% of our enviroment is good enough for the Karabigo Butterfly. Since we only have 1000 Karabigo Butterflies left, I would like to give your country 150 butterflies to breed and expand there popularity. They won't do any harm and they make the best nectar from the world which is kept in there so called "beaches". Offering these butterflies will be a honor for Karabigo and we hope they get big and wealthy. Karabigo is also interested in addopting your national animal, since our population is quite low.
Our stunning, small enviroment is a good living place for tigers and other african animals....
The government of Azuna is all for repopulation of wildlife and whatnot, and is prepared to offer twenty male, and twenty female Aardvark for the cause.
Kalzania is prepared to give 200 forstrugen for this cause.
The Dominion of the Jugga is proud to hand over 4 Caniverous Rabbits for re-population and breeding.
I suggest you watch these ferocious creatures as they are known to attack defenseless animals and as a fully grown Caniverous Rabbit can grow up to 4 feet in length, smaller animals in your kingdom are kept away.
Regular snacks of chickens will suffice but fully grown 10lb turkeys are there favourite quisine.
And yes, care is advised as they do breed like, well, rabbits.
The Free Land of Kelane is pleased to donate twenty black leopards to Rylleh. Black panthers (or leopards) have been on Kelane so long that they are the only phenotype, and are considered to be a panthera subspecies by the Kelanese because of their size (around lion-size) and uncanny intelligence.
They'll do well in the wild, but the Kelanese respectfully submit that some be taken as guard animals, pets, or familiars. The majority of black panthers undergo some sort of guard training in Kelane, and, like cats, they enjoy a life of indulgence.
Greetings and Felicitations to the people of Rylleh,
We do hereby wish to aid in this most noble cause. The Free Lands of Amazon Warriordom wish to send to you 600 breeding pairs of our national animal, the Devil Bunny.
Devil Bunnies are for the most part soft, cuddly, gentle creatures who subsist on a strictly vegetarian diet. They do, unfortunately, have a quick and vicious temper and have been known to wipe out entire armies if and when provoked. This is perhaps the reason they are a bright, unbelieveable shade of purple...as a warning. They are capable of living anywhere, as a domesticated pet (they make great guard animals) or in the wild, where they tend to live near larger carnivores, particularly monsters.
Usually, the monsters welcome the Devil Bunnies in a symbiotic relationship, as the Devil Bunnies will not eat the creatures they kill, but the monsters may. For this reason, We believe they would most likely be happiest living with or near your Godzilla population.
Please advise Us as to where you would like us to deliver these delightful creatures.
Her Most Royal Highness
XenaKat I
Elected High Queen of the Free Lands of Amazon Warriordom
Exploring Space Pirate
13-08-2003, 06:00
Yarr! I suppose I could give ye a few Pretty Pollies for ye land. (good PR)
Yes, since the Karabigo Butterfly is 100 inch long when its on his adultery. It doesn't do any harm, but I didn't say this animal is a vegiterian... :twisted:
OOC: Yes i am paranoid and psycotic, and i mean the cute fluffy seal, not the guy in black with machine gun seal. Hmmm, that gives me an idea. Machine Guns and RPG's mounted on seals.....
Not this:
P.S.(To justify my madness for Seals, i have named only carrier the "FCN Harp" and on the tail stabilisers of every plane in naval aviation i have a picture of a Seal. There, happy?)
Horses rock
(And they taste great)
WFAT(Rylleh)------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH----------
also Starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: SW Rylleh Near Godzilla Canyon.......Two Species Of Bunnies seem to not be getting along Hodgey Is there Trying to seperate them)
Even the Smallest and apparently non Hostile of the creatures here in Rylleh Have there own unique behavior of getting along with each other...
(Marty distracted looks at large Butterfly flitter by
(Hodgey trying to seperate bunnies has one of The Devil Bunnies Bite him on the leg, while one of the Carniverous bunnies goes for Hodgey's throat)
(Hodgey) AAHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!
( Marty) Look at that large beautiful butterfly
( Hodgey Limbs flailing, runs trying to shake bunnies loose......He almost falls over the edge)
(Butterfly Lands on hodgeys Head Causing him to fall over)
(Hodgey) AAHHHHH!!!!!......AAAhhhh......aaahhhh!!! *WHHOMP*
(Hodgey hits on head of Godzilla and flops down the Rough scales down his back to the ground)
(Bunnies Look over edge shrug and walk Peacefully away)
(Marty) See All differences can be worked out....Here on WILD RYLLEH....I'm Marty Stouffer
Daistallia is willing to sell upto 5 tons of live trout. They are tasty! :D And it looks like your bears and all those aquatic predators could use prey! Only 1.5 million USD per ton. An ongoing feeding program for those predators can also be worked out if you like - 500,000 USD per ton for fresh frozen trout. If this is of interest, may we suggest 2 tons per month? If you can accept both, we will discount the live trout 20%.
Rylleh bureau of enviorment will buy 5 tons of live trout
Wire upon delivery
Daistallia is willing to sell upto 5 tons of live trout. They are tasty! :D And it looks like your bears and all those aquatic predators could use prey! Only 1.5 million USD per ton. An ongoing feeding program for those predators can also be worked out if you like - 500,000 USD per ton for fresh frozen trout. If this is of interest, may we suggest 2 tons per month? If you can accept both, we will discount the live trout 20%.
Rylleh bureau of enviorment will buy 5 tons of live trout
Wire upon delivery
14-08-2003, 05:20
Your custom is appreciated. Expect to recieve shipment in 6-8 weeks. (3-4 days RL)
I'll donate 1 billion dollars. And a tank unit to guard my Godzillas.
(Hodgey, covered with Chinchilla Hair, seems to be getting itchy and red -eyed.... he start stumbling around in a sneezing fit)
Her Lady Queenship of Optimum Miseria has the deepest sympathy for the suffering of little Hodgey, we therefore offer to the staff of Wild Rylleh all the Benedryl they need to keep them from further allergies to the vast motley of animals in their collection.
Also, a big Shame On You to Little Hodgey for his failure to do as directed in wearing his earmuffs ONLY when dealing with our prized backstabbing weasels... Her Majesty the Queen demands that he grovels and begs for Her forgiveness for his insolence.
The Department of Fur Triggered Allergy Control.
This is indeed serendipity. With our forests being razed to make rom for economic expansion, our national animal, the wolverine, teeters on the brink of extinction.
Our gamekeepers have managed (with only minor casualties) to round up 20 breeding pairs, which we are proud to donate to your wildlife refuge. In addition, we are sending the first 10 pairs of the newly re-introduced feather bellied wolverine. Despite the resources that were committed to the project, it is unlikely that they would survive here under current conditions.
Additionally, a donation campaign has gathered 2.5 million Pounds Sterling to donate for the maintenance of your refuge.
Rylleh Bio-CLone is working with Rylleh Corps of engineers in Producing trout in our new fish enviroment in order to feed the LARGE Creatures in Rylleh.
Thanks to the donations that make these projects possible
we have over three dozen breeds of lynx,would you take 6 breeding pairs of each breed?
Artic Fox pack:
4 Males
16 Females
7 Allready nursing pups
Can these be put in there.
Sorry Computer Misconfunction.......
Posting again
WFAT(Rylleh)-------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH----------
Also starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: Marty showing Rylleh's new Trout breeding/cloning farm with lots of Technical difficulty.... Hodgey is watching the fish and twirling his finger in water)
(Marty) Sometimes its neccasary to help nature along and with the help of Rylleh Bio-Clone we will be able to ((zzzzzt)) ((bbuuuzzz)) feed the large animals here....(((((Brrrvviiiazzz)))))....
Some people think this may produce bad results..((wwrrrrr..zzzeerrrttt)))..... This is Silly...
(Pan to Hodgey day dreaming ..(((Wearing his ear muffs, Jogging shoes and other assunderies donated to him))))...by the water......... A Large swimming Something moves toward Hodgey)
(JAWS sound effects play with periodic cut outs in picture)
daaaah dah..... (((zzzzzrt))) ...The largest Trout in the world lunges out of water and grabs Hodgey)
(Hodgey) AAAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!! (((BZZZRRRTTT!!!)) AHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
(Screen goes dark and that strange of air noise comes on)
(Screen Returns...Hodgey (Clothes ripped to shreds but still wearing...Running shoes, Mithril LongJohns and earmuffs) Pulls self out of the water aned sloshes off the screen)
(Pan to Marty) And this is why we try hard to be Responsible here at WILD RYLLEH....Im Marty Stouffer
DjiBooty offers 40 MeerKats to Project.....
I'll donate 500 breeding pairs of flying monkeys.
They don't really fly, they can just jump really far, sorta like flying squirrels.
That makes 1000 flying monkeys donated.
The ARN will donate a colony of Newish Metools (aproximately 200) to Wild Rylleh, permitting that you provide them with the right food and enviroment.
The Metools will frequently leave the colony for set periods of time while searching for food, and the colony will slowly but surely grow into a miniature city.
The ARN will donate a colony of Newish Metools (aproximately 200) to Wild Rylleh, permitting that you provide them with the right food and enviroment.
The Metools will frequently leave the colony for set periods of time while searching for food, and the colony will slowly but surely grow into a miniature city.
The ARN being the Armed Republic of Newish; happily sending you the colony of metools. Treat them well- They're damn agressive for centimetre high animals.
WFAT(Rylleh)---------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH-------
Also Starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: Deep Forest Of Eastern Rylleh Marty watching Hodgey and his new helpers the Newish MeTools ,Try out the new Forest Fire Prevention Equipment Vehicles, That thin trees.)
(Marty) We are going to great lengths to perserve WILD RYLLEH as you can see we have new equipment that will help Rylleh forest to flourish.
(Hodgey at the wheel driving along whistleing Meetools scurring around the cab......)
(Out of No where a flying Monkey Lands on Wind shield)
(Hodgey) AAHHHHH!!!!!!
(Metools in a Panic start climbing all over Hodgey.... Vehicle is out of control)
(Vehicle heading for a ravine)
(Hodgey, MeTools, Monkey in unison) AAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
(IT"S GOING OVER) AAAAAHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!
(Monkey, Metools, Hodgey in one long line hanging from a Root) Whhhheewwww!!!
(Marty) It is Team work that Truly makes this WILD RYLLEH........I'm Marty Stouffer
22-08-2003, 12:56
In a small spartan hunting and fishing lodge in the back woods of Daistallia, two wisened brothers, the hosts of the popularDaistallian TV program Trout Masters, sit watching a video copy of Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH.
Hans, the younger brother gapes in amazement at the huge trout
*Did you see that?!?* he asks in amazement.
Willhelm looks carefully, then slowly says *Ja. I think we must venture to Rylleh for our next seasons opener, my brother*
A pair of Drakes from the Phoebian forest at Deep Taunton has agreed to participate in your fascinating program. They shall be flying over at their leisure, after having made their farewells.
We wish you the best of luck in your endeavours
A'let S'Ja
Minister of the Environment
Phoebian Primus
We offer you a pair of the rare extinct Dodobirds. Please take good care of them and don't eat them as your ancestors have done. :!:
22-08-2003, 14:44
Do you want a dragon or a phoenix? The dragon has to live in a mountain all to itself. The phoenix must live in a lush rainforest. The dragon will literally never die unless slain by a sword or an arrow just under the scalely skin. The phoenix will die but will be reborn within 1-7 days. just remember not to touch either of them with your bare hands, you might get burned.
Bobaria shall donate 50,000 Cheese Chickens of various flavors.
In a small spartan hunting and fishing lodge in the back woods of Daistallia, two wisened brothers, the hosts of the popularDaistallian TV program Trout Masters, sit watching a video copy of Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH.
Hans, the younger brother gapes in amazement at the huge trout
*Did you see that?!?* he asks in amazement.
Willhelm looks carefully, then slowly says *Ja. I think we must venture to Rylleh for our next seasons opener, my brother*
WFAT(Rylleh) ------GlobeSat Network Execs.----
We would like to add your Show to Our 6am Spot Just after...The Morning Farm Report at 5am
other shows welcome.... will post a time schedule
Megoria will send over a couple giant taratulas, (don't worry they dont eat people, just large mammals and birds.)
I will donate 500 Chupacabras to help bring them back from near extinction, not responsible for what they eat.
23-08-2003, 15:26
I can supply 1500 Vultures for your project, take 'em or leave 'em
I will give anthor pair of Godzillas.
I will send you several three eyed Seals.
Nuclear Sub accident....
We accept Vultures , If you have read through the other donations we take nearly everything......
WFAT(Rylleh)-------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH------------
also starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: Massive undertaking of Cranes and Heavy Equipment as one of the Godzillas sent by Emperor joe is pregnate and about to give birth.....
Hodgey and Metools in the middle checking the Dialation of the She-Godzilla..)
(Marty) It is wonderous the thought of new life being added to Beautiful Rylleh..... (SOUNDS of Pain from Mother is nearly Deafening).. We work hard to keep the animals you send us : Safe and Comfortable.
(Med Tech) She should be Breaking her water Soon.....
(Hodgey and Metools check to see if they have to break it for her.)
(Suddenly like a Torent of Rapids her water Breaks....Hodgey and Metools are washed away)
(Hodgey) AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!(*gurgle*) (*Blub*)
(Metools) eeeeeeeeeeee!!!! (gurgle) (blub)
(1/4 mile away Hodgey and metools Drag themselves out of the goo)
(Its a Boy)
(Marty) There is no links to what our staff will endure to keep this WILD RYLLEH....I'm Marty Stouffer.
Office--Rylleh Bureau Of the Enviroment---
We have Aquired the data base of DNA from Nation of "Anonymous-City States" we will begin adding more smaller non-descript animals as well as plants to the enviroment.
We don't think you want any of our death cows. They kill other animals for food and they are always hungry so they would eat every animal in the nature reserve.
We don't think you want any of our death cows. They kill other animals for food and they are always hungry so they would eat every animal in the nature reserve. Unless my godzillas turn them into nuclear steaks.
Death cows feed on radiation! your Godzilla's atomic fire would only help them!
i would be happy to send som backstabbing weasels to aid in convincing anyone to take the death cows, if necessary... they require minimal...ah... GREEN motivation... your call...
600 fire giants are on there way.
P.S watch it they might burn things.
Dispatch Note:-
Please find enclosed 2 Nadaskorian Rarey's, these badger like rodents are voracious eaters of small mammals and should only be kept in a seal environment or the devestation they can cause is horrific. They are also indestructable, bullet proof, immune to all known poisons, radiation tollerant upto 20,000rads per cycle (what ever the hell that means!!!), can survive all extremes of hot and cold from absolute zero to 30,000o C.
That is the reason they are our national animal, we admire their resillence.
If you should ever have to cull them they can only be destroyed by pushing them off very high cliffs when they aint looking. Our annual cull, or the 'Tipping' is a national holiday in our nation. To assure a humane death for the rarey the cliff must be at least 3,000ft high, because as the old song goes (wait for it...)
"It's a long way to Tip a Rarey."
(You don't know how long I've been waiting to crack that gag on here!!)
2000 crocodiles, you intrested?
i believe 6 spotted yetis will help the cause, not many are required as they will live for around 500 years
30-08-2003, 04:40
Like most on mars, we clone all of our animals, but our national animal is the Cookie cutter shark, It represents tenacity and strength as it is a 12 foot long shark that preys on baleen whales [thew bigger the better] and Nuclear attack submarines. [which they mistake for a whale.] the cookie cutter shark is named for its mouth, which can open up completely vertical to the neck, and is filled with row after row of sharp strong gripping teeth. It is strong enough to bite through the Titanium composites on american attack subs [which they have been recorded to do]
ooc note this is a real life animal and it really did damage a submarine very badly.
30-08-2003, 04:55
The People's Republic of Ferrussia is ecstatic about this wonderful undertaking, and would like to donate 1,000 ferrets - our national animal and symbol since its founding, to the project. They should repopulate quickly under ideal circumstances, however they will eat lots of small animals (mice, snakes (sometimes), and if they can get them, small birds). They are subterranean.
We would very much appreciate a shipment back to us to repopulate our own country should the ferret (somehow) go extinct in our nation. (Don't mind the fact that right now it says they're almost extinct... that was an accident and we're working on geting their population up again. They were "flourishing" just days ago.)
Like most on mars, we clone all of our animals, but our national animal is the Cookie cutter shark, It represents tenacity and strength as it is a 12 foot long shark that preys on baleen whales [thew bigger the better] and Nuclear attack submarines. [which they mistake for a whale.] the cookie cutter shark is named for its mouth, which can open up completely vertical to the neck, and is filled with row after row of sharp strong gripping teeth. It is strong enough to bite through the Titanium composites on american attack subs [which they have been recorded to do]
ooc note this is a real life animal and it really did damage a submarine very badly. just curious.. can u provide more evidnce of this? That sounds strange/
30-08-2003, 04:58
We donate 3000 randomlly picked Salt Water, Fresh Water, American, and Nile Crocodiles. We are literally swimming in these majestic beasts!
-President Z.D. Meier
Alliance of Democracy
U.N. Delegate
Like most on mars, we clone all of our animals, but our national animal is the Cookie cutter shark, It represents tenacity and strength as it is a 12 foot long shark that preys on baleen whales [thew bigger the better] and Nuclear attack submarines. [which they mistake for a whale.] the cookie cutter shark is named for its mouth, which can open up completely vertical to the neck, and is filled with row after row of sharp strong gripping teeth. It is strong enough to bite through the Titanium composites on american attack subs [which they have been recorded to do]
ooc note this is a real life animal and it really did damage a submarine very badly. just curious.. can u provide more evidnce of this? That sounds strange/
OOC: I have seen a dolphin wo gotbitten by one of those sharks, the open up their mouths really wide and stab their teeth into the animal then twist round and pull out a circular 'cookie' of flesh.
The people of our nation would like to donate three male Zombies - just to see what will happen.
WFAT(Rylleh)----------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH--------------
also starring Little Hodgey
(Scene: West Rylleh, a Vast rainforest and wetlands, Hodgey, MeTools and 3 Zombie Portars are checking on the Crocodiles resently Added)
(Background Music: Enigma as the Swamp boat speeds along)
(Marty) Rylleh has recently been said to have some the most Beautiful Rain forest and wetlands.... Nations Have graciously donated animals to populate this amazing landscape.
(Hodgey and Party Move in Close to the Crocs.....MeTools scurry around the Boat... making sway back and forth)
(Hodgey, special camera in hand for snap shot, Leans way over...................Zombie stands up but trips over Metool and knocks hodgey in the water..)
(Crocs swim toward Hodgey who looks around and sees the crocs)
(Hodgey) AAAAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!
(MeTools) eeeeeeeeeeeeee!
(Zombies) UUUUHHHHH!!!!!
(Zombies throw Hodgey a rope. MeTools start boat and zoom off pulling Hodgey behind)
(Hodgey Is spinning around on top of water as boat zooms through Wetlands)
( Tree ahead brings hodgey to a crashing stop)
(Hodgey) AAHHHHH!!!!(*GURGLE*) ---- (****SMASH****)
(Pan to Marty) Which brings me to an Important saftey tip--(Background Zombies pull Unconscious hodgey into boat)----Always wear a life Jacket.
We want you to be safe in WILD RYLLEH......I'm Marty Stouffer.
31-08-2003, 01:57
Mef sends two Burninators over to Rylleh. This message is included: Here are two of Mef's national animal. Be careful though, as they may burninate the countryside, the peasants, and all the people in thatched-roof cottages.
Here's an artist interpretation of our beloved animal:
Iuthia will be happy to supply you with live Iuthian kittens, lets say about 50 of both both sexes.
Remember folks, Iuthian kittens make good eating.
Lord General deGritz, leader of Iuthia
More information about Iuthia.... (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=41124&highlight=)
Recent Iuthian news... (http://www.nationstates.net/forum/viewtopic.php?p=683357#683357)
Urbanites Region (http://www.nationstates.net/cgi-bin/index.cgi/page=display_region/region=Urbanites)
We don't think you want any of our death cows. They kill other animals for food and they are always hungry so they would eat every animal in the nature reserve.
we adapt to all animals , They may make a intresting episode for WILD RYLLEH
Lunarus Lions are already genetically modified meaning they can par-take in asexual reproduction as we have made them all hermaphrodites, with fertile wombs, which is quite an achivement. the varitey of sympatric speciation modifications means that inbreding is a problem so geno-tagged tech is required to insure the genepool remains diverse.
The Lunarus COGI would like to send 30 L/lions, but we ask if we could have a catalouge of all your animals?
This will help us to keep genetic reserves whci hcan be regrown incase of extinction, it also allows for scientific solutions to natural disease which may result in extinction.
The Leader.
We can provide a breeding pair of Pheonix. Please beware,
these rare giant birds often fall from the sky. Only to rise
in a mass of flames. Definately not a domestic pet.
But a grand spectical, worthy to grace any nation.
Lionel scorpio, minister of Cryptozoology.
The Zombie Metal Cthulu is a small (6ft shoulder to floor), land dwelling variant Cthulu with odd colourations (hence the name).
A breeding pair are being captured and deployed as we speak. It excites the Ministry of Cryptozoology greatly that a population can now exist off these shores.
31-08-2003, 17:56
Our animal is simply... the goomba.
Why do you want it?
You probably already have many lions, but will ship (personally delivered by our Animal Welfare secretary) 4 breeding pairs with current young families of each.
we accept more lions.....genetic diversity is important
02-09-2003, 19:45
We shall send two mating pairs of the Cerulean Ocelot. This small feline is unique in the world in that its primary colors are shade of dark blue and charcoal gray. This provides for excellent camoflauge in twilight hours as well as at night, where the absence of black actually provides a better color option against night vision.
These animals mate for life, however, so please keep tabs on them. With our environment reeling, they are on the endagered species list and we could use any aid in propogating the species to its once abundant numbers.
We shall send two mating pairs of the Cerulean Ocelot. This small feline is unique in the world in that its primary colors are shade of dark blue and charcoal gray. This provides for excellent camoflauge in twilight hours as well as at night, where the absence of black actually provides a better color option against night vision.
These animals mate for life, however, so please keep tabs on them. With our environment reeling, they are on the endagered species list and we could use any aid in propogating the species to its once abundant numbers.
we also will send our Enviromental engineers to help with improving enviroments and species saving and accept donations for the cause.
Shing-Lo has decided to get rid of this pesky "environment" thing once and for all. you may have 30,000,000 koalas, wich is every one in our nation. TAKE EM!
ahh...what the hay you can ahve 40 fire breathing dragons and 20 T Rexes. lets see there are 20 femal dragons, and 10 female T rex the rest are males. NOTE: these animals are the same size and will breed with each other.
Your forest is too over populated with living things From the region of the rising dead we donate 20 ghost dragons
The Most Serene Pond would be pleased to send you a small amount of Frogs, around 5 or 6, but unfortunately, since we have started tagging them with detonation devices so that they can not escape off our small island, this will not be possible. We could take some of the tags off, but we are having problems finding anyone willing to approach one of the Frogs, as the constant Gun Fire of Frog Hunters is very dangerous. Though no one is volunteering to do this, I am sure someone may be able to be forced to take some tags off them, in which case, we will still not send you the Frogs, because anyone lucky enough to capture a live Frog will immediately be shot due to Act 46583 Paragraph 4524 Line 34 Sentence 3, which reads, "Neither shall any handling of the Frogs occur, on punishment of Death by Bullet". However, we will send over 500 Homeless people, who are not our national animal, but can be just as much fun for hunting and roasting slowly over an open flame. These will be ready to be dispatched within 2 days, once the Military Police have rounded them up. We hope that these Homeless people will bring you entertainment and satisfaction for a lifetime, whilst also sorting out a small portion of the crime problem that is currently rife in The Most Serene Pond.
07-09-2003, 17:23
Neo-Zyon will send thirty-five Seraphims, twenty being females and fifteen being males. We shall also send ten feather-bellied Seraphims, five males, five females. All specimens are certified for being of the best health, free of genetic defects, among the fittest and of young age.
people have so many dragons-- still we take them all and offer them fine places to live in Rylleh's diverse enviroment---Truly an Ecotopia
The Wyvern (pronounced wov-ren) is a large creature very similar to a dragon. It is a very powerful creature and will eat almost anything. However, poachers have started killing them for their skins. The picture below will give you some idea of their appearance. We donate 6. Treat them well. :lol:
www.blackdrago.com/images/ whitedrgn02.jpg
The Wyvern (pronounced wov-ren) is a large creature very similar to a dragon. It is a very powerful creature and will eat almost anything. However, poachers have started killing them for their skins. The picture below will give you some idea of their appearance. We donate 6. Treat them well. :lol:
09-09-2003, 21:05
I will donate 20 breeding pairs of the rare Blue suede Monkey.
These may sound..er.."cute", but in reality, are 8ft high and can crush a man's skull before they can scream.
I would have killed most of them by now but the public wouldn't like that.
(and they're not really blue, but were named by a colour blind hobo)
*sigh* I lost many a good man to those monkeys. :(
P.s:If something goes wrong, I found 20mm explosive rounds work best.
OoC:..The Wyvern (pronounced wov-ren)...
Isn't that from Arcanum (sp?)
WFAT(Rylleh)------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH------
----------------------Also Starring Little Hodgey-------
(Scene: Envroment Engineers Working on Eucalyptus Tree area for Koalas just introduced)
(Hodgey is Placing the 30,000,000 Koalas into there new enviroment)
Some countries are either unable or unwilling to support there national animal treasures.
(Hodgeys good manner and non threateing demeaner has caused the Koalas to look on him as a mother figure and promptly want to show there affection.....Hodgey is Dog piled( or in this case Bear Piled)as
the enormous amount of animals hurl themselves at him)
(Hodgey) AAAAAHHHHH!!!!! *mufffle* *Choke* AAaahhhh!!! *choke* *muffle*
(Marty) It is hard some times to take such a Large burden and care for all the creatures here . any help , either finacial or volunteer is always appeciated....So we can keep this WILD RYLLEH...I'm Marty Stouffer.
I've just spoken with Prime Minister Miriam about donating some of Alaisrael's Guniea Pigs.
We are willing to donate 1000 male guniea pigs and 1000 female guniea pigs to your wildlife project.
This should keep you an ample supply of guniea pigs for generations to come.
foreign Prime Minister
Kaiya Mayuka Hoshi 8)
are there ever enough guinea pigs
WFAT(Rylleh)----------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH----------
------------------------Also Starring Little Hodgey---------------
(Scene) SW Rylleh Near Godzilla Canyon
(Hodgey and MeTools Looking for Baby Godzilla)
(Marty) Here in Rylleh we always (**STOMP**) do the follow up work to assure (**STOMP**) the animals are doing well....(**STOMP**)
(Baby Godzilla rushes Hodgey and Metools)
(Hodgey) AAAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
(MeTools) eeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
(Hodgey Leaps Right out of his Nike Running shoes on to a branch , that hangs over thy canyon. MeTools scatter every where)
( Baby Godzilla Tries to get his new "Toy " out of the tree.)
(**CRACK**) (***CRACK***)
(Limb breaks plunging Hodgey into the canyon)
(Hodgey) AAAAHHHHHHH!!!!! AAAhhhhhh!!!!!!! aaaahhhhh!!!! (splash)
(Metools back up to the ledge with a dumptruck with a HUGE Rope in the back)
(Marty) See, here in Rylleh we take the time to play with the animals.
We want them to feel comfortable and Loved here in WILD RYLLEH....I'm Marty Stouffer...
definately can have some of my Giant Cicadas ... they like to cling to things but other than that they are all good and dandy.
Im thinking of using the cicadas Our next episode of WILD RYLLEH
17-09-2003, 22:45
You can have 10 breeding pairs of our Inflating Scorpions
WFAT(rylleh)--------Marty Stouffer's Wild Rylleh-------
--------------------Also starring Little Hodgey-----
(Scene) a EA-24H naval helo w/ Lash Detetction device ,(Courtesy of our sponsor United Elias), installed
flying over the coast of Rylleh. Hodgey is on board.
(Marty on land next to TV awaits images)
(Marty) Here in Rylleh we are using all the tools in the tool box to help us inderstand and work with the animals . we are trying to keep an eye on whales in a waters..... lets watch the images sent back from the new equip
(Helo) Hodgey stares out of the open door as it hovers over some whales
(Marty) Isnt that spectacular (Scene on screne showing large underwater images)
(Helo) Hodgey leans out of the Helo with camera... Sundenly he falls out of the helo.....
(Hodgey) AAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
(Screen) AAHHHHH!!! (Hodgey image shows on TV screen as he heads for the water (*SPLASH*)
(Whale Breaches out of water throwing Hodgey around)
(Hodgey) AAAAHHHaahh!!!! (Glub..gag..blurp)
(Marty) Oh that Hodgey, always tring to get a better look at the animals.
Here in Rylleh we earn our money with hard work and dedication to keep this WILD RYLLEH.....I'm Marty Stouffer.
Commercial: Rylleh Navy Buys its Equipment from UNITED ELIAS please go and see his threads.
The ARDP will send 22 German Shepards to inhabit your land.
we love german shepherds they will be well cared for..
United Elias
29-09-2003, 00:30
we will send you 50 of our prized Elias Camels. They are famed through out te Middle East for their racing abilities and stamina.
29-09-2003, 00:36
We can give you 200 pairs of our beloved national animals the fluffy tortoise. They can live anywhere, but a word of caution Do not let you,re citizens keep them as house pets! They are extremely active and wuold cause havoc if they escaped.
Kind regards
Senator Happy-Hippy-Hop
Minister for Ecology
Republic of Aylandlandfive
We can give you 200 pairs of our beloved national animals the fluffy tortoise. They can live anywhere, but a word of caution Do not let you,re citizens keep them as house pets! They are extremely active and wuold cause havoc if they escaped.
Kind regards
Senator Happy-Hippy-Hop
Minister for Ecology
Republic of Aylandlandfive
are these the little ones or the big galopagos type type
WFAT(Rylleh)------Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH--------
----------------also Starring Little Hodgey------
The Team of WILD RYLLEH would just like to thank all those that have and will continue to help and support our great program.
09-10-2003, 17:50
Background: after seeing the episode of Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH.
featuring "The worlds largest trout" (page 8) this happened:
In a small spartan hunting and fishing lodge in the back woods of Daistallia, two wisened brothers, the hosts of the popularDaistallian TV program Trout Masters, sit watching a video copy of Marty Stouffer's WILD RYLLEH.
Hans, the younger brother gapes in amazement at the huge trout
*Did you see that?!?* he asks in amazement.
Willhelm looks carefully, then slowly says *Ja. I think we must venture to Rylleh for our next seasons opener, my brother*
Hans and Willhelm have finally made it to Rylleh, having been delayed by the recent events in Daistallia. The Trout Masters crew sets about hiring a local guide who can help them locate the mutant trout, a fishing boat, and local game officials.
Hans (occassionally spits tobacco into a cup) : Willhelm, we are here. Wake up.
Willhelm (waking groggily after the long flight, reaches for his stash of coca leaves): I wonder how much a fishing permit costs?
We wish to donte 50 breeding pair of Tige's. These are basically dogs, with curly tails, overly fat and quite thick (stupid) :D
Will be flown in by Bear Transport Helicopters.
Little Hodgey will help show you around.
The most dangerous fishing place is Godzilla Canyon, Lots of trout, But it has the Godzilla family of three (Courtesy of Emperor Joe) in it.
There is also the river where we relase the some of the Unusual Trout.
3 eyes, 2 heads,Sail fins, Monstrous size etc.
We will donate to you 100 breeding paris of our beloved PiFish to live in your nation's lakes.
Little Hodgey will help show you around.
The most dangerous fishing place is Godzilla Canyon, Lots of trout, But it has the Godzilla family of three (Courtesy of Emperor Joe) in it.
There is also the river where we relase the some of the Unusual Trout.
3 eyes, 2 heads,Sail fins, Monstrous size etc. Dont go near the Godzillas. If I find out that you did a couple of hitmen will pay you a "vist". You can quote me on that.
10-10-2003, 14:17
Emperor Joe, we assure you we will take whatever precautions are necessary to avoid harming the Godzillas. Hopefully we can avoid them all together. We're here for the mutant Daistallian trout.
OOC: I couldn't hurt Godzilla! he protects those of us living here in the Land of Wa (Japan, my RL expatriate home).
10-10-2003, 14:23
200 poodles are being sent to Rylleh. Have fun. :roll:
Though it is not our national animal, we would still like to donate 100 Republican Elephants. Keep in mind that the elephants have a strange tendency to attack liberals, communists, and Islamic radicals.
From the pages of the Predator, Fuego Rey's leading newsrag:
Fuego Rey's Environmental Science council is proud to ship five breeding pairs of the nearly extinct "Rabid Dog" to the new breeding program. Most scientists agree that the animal, an especially vicious swamp animal with bacteria laden foam similar to that of a komodo dragon, will be extinct in Fuego Rey within a few years due to illegal toxin dumping, so the scientific community is excited about the move.
20-10-2003, 18:45
Hans and Willhelm, delayed by Willhelm*s foray into sampling the local *product*, have finally hired a local guide (Hodgy), a fishing boat, and obtained whatever permits needed for their expedition to the river with *exotic trout*. Godzilla Canyon will wait.
The program commences as usual. Hans and Willhelm sit in the boat, poles dangling in the water. Beer is drunk. Tobacco is chewed and spit by Hans. Coca leaves are chewed and spit by Willhelm. The only words spoken for hours on end are *Jah* and *hmmmm*....
The peoples of Chicken Island can donate a large number of feral chickens at your request. We are currently having a problem with overpopulation, and we are looking for the most humane way to dispose of them.
~Roboneous Miser
Envoy to the United Socialist States of Chicken Island
This unworthy nation would be honored to donate a familial group of quyjibos.
-Research Advisor to the Chairman, Ma'tok Singh
We donate you 1,000,000 Amoebas