The NBC Show "Kings" realistic depiction of Power
Though at first it seems a bit ridiculous I find the depiction of power of a modern monarchy or any nation, if there were one, rather realistic out of any television show and even some movies. Loosely the show is supposed to draw some inspiration as a modern version of the story of King David (with some religious elements as if God were there but still more symbolic)
The King tries to use the Reverend to calm the people and the Reverend tries to exert religious influence on the King back, the major wealthy figure (symbolic of a modern military-industrial complex in many countries) makes the King continue a war or threatens to bankrupt the King then you have the surrounding drama of the court.
It is actually a compelling show, I am surprised so far. It seemed like it would be bad from the previews.
Watch it free at: (scroll down for first episodes)
15-04-2009, 16:47
I've seen the first couple of episodes and I was pretty impressed as well. They stuck pretty well to the story of David, and the liberties they took were no more than you'd expect from dramatic license and/or Hollywood.
Blouman Empire
15-04-2009, 17:05
Might have to keep an eye out for it and hope an Australian channel buys it up.
Might have to keep an eye out for it and hope an Australian channel buys it up.
You can view it free at
I've seen the first couple of episodes and I was pretty impressed as well. They stuck pretty well to the story of David, and the liberties they took were no more than you'd expect from dramatic license and/or Hollywood.
I also liked the rare depiction of true realpolitik that seems to hit pretty close to reality.
15-04-2009, 17:35
I also liked the rare depiction of true realpolitik that seems to hit pretty close to reality.
That too. Ian McShane was a good choice to play King Silas. His character is just as ruthless as Al Swearingen was on Deadwood. The scene where he leans on his old nemesis to get the gold to re-fund the treasury was pretty good,
Post Liminality
15-04-2009, 17:40
I love it, I just keep wishing they better writers for dialog.
The Parkus Empire
15-04-2009, 17:41
That looks like a good series. But what I would really like to see is something based on the actual lives of the major politicians from 1945-1980.
When Eisenhower is on the phone with Nixon trying to decided whether or not to kick him-off the ticket for VP, and Nixon's says "Shit or get off the pot"--great stuff. Then Nixon proves himself to Eisenhower with his "Checkers Speech".
Great show so far. I agree that it's a good depiction of power - and how a modern monarchy might work.
Blouman Empire
15-04-2009, 17:54
You can view it free at
Thanks but this only works if you are in the US.
Do you or anybody else have a way to get around this?
15-04-2009, 18:03
Thanks but this only works if you are in the US. Do you or anybody else have a way to get around this? streams some of its shows on the Internet. You might be able to find it there. That's about the only thing I can think of.