Why do people say...
...the meda is liberally biased? Honestly, sure they've been covering Obama more, but they just bashed him endlessly. On Reverend Wright, on some gossip, on minor flukes in his plan. They haven't talked about the real, positive, results however (from what I see it's just AIGAIGAIG!!!!), not to mention Fox.
What do you say?
Conserative Morality
24-03-2009, 03:05
The media is a pack of hungry, ruthless wolves, ratings being their sustenance. They will do anything for higher ratings/reader membership.
Knights of Liberty
24-03-2009, 03:05
...the meda is liberally biased?
Because those people are not paying attention
Honestly, sure they've been covering Obama more, but they just bashed him endlessly. On Reverend Wright, on some gossip, on minor flukes in his plan. They haven't talked about the real, positive, results however (from what I see it's just AIGAIGAIG!!!!), not to mention Fox.
What do you say?
The media has indeed talked about the good things with Obama. Theyve actually been pretty balanced. Well, except for FOX.
The media is a pack of hungry, ruthless wolves, ratings being their sustenance. They will do anything for higher ratings/reader membership.
Mainstream media and tabloids, at least.
Non Aligned States
24-03-2009, 03:13
What do you say?
They say the media is liberally biased as a means of denial. Deny that their viewpoints are retarded. Deny that they lost. Deny that the people just don't like their ideas. Deny that they might just possibly, maybe, might be wrong.
It's a security blanket for the insecure.
24-03-2009, 03:22
What do you say?
People are idiots, that's what I say.
...the meda is liberally biased? Honestly, sure they've been covering Obama more, but they just bashed him endlessly. On Reverend Wright, on some gossip, on minor flukes in his plan. They haven't talked about the real, positive, results however (from what I see it's just AIGAIGAIG!!!!), not to mention Fox.
What do you say?
Because when you're wrong about everything you have to blame the things that make that obvious.
What spoiled brat little-league player doesn't complain that the only reason he was struck out was because the umpire made a bad call, or liked the other team better. Look up those baby beauty pageants and drop by. I guarantee you none of the losers mothers are going to say, "huh! my baby's not that cute, I guess I just feel that way because she's mine."
Even MSNBC which fired Donahue, despite his show being their most profitable, because he criticized the administrations pro-war stance, is only airing a couple of liberal shows because their ratings made it obvious that they'd have to be idiots to try to compete with FOX for the conservative viewer.
ABC canceled Bill Maher despite consistently good ratings, even when they never aired his show at the same time two nights running, just because he mocked the Bush administration.
The media are inherently corporate, and therefore inherently conservative. They air a few liberal voices because their ratings are too damn good and they make too much money. But some of the conservative crap they put on the air (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KCl_--E3T2c)... ugh!
I admit, that's not entirely fair. They did cancel that turd. But a liberal equivalent would never get off the ground. The daily show got started as an apolitical local news spoof. Even with Jon Stewart on, it's not especially liberal. He'll make vicious fun of a Democrat when the opportunity presents itself. It's just that the conservatives are genuinely so much worse. Of course they're going to be the butt of more jokes.
24-03-2009, 03:47
I don't know about the US, but a large section of the media in Britain is biased. But it's biased against the government (whatever government is in power), whenever a politician does or says anything, it is usually met with constant whining by a lot of the media.
24-03-2009, 03:57
The media is a pack of hungry, ruthless wolves, ratings being their sustenance. They will do anything for higher ratings/reader membership.
greed and death
24-03-2009, 04:49
The media is as liberally based as their rich white owners are ?
24-03-2009, 05:15
Having worked in "the media" for a short while, I feel confident in saying "the media" are a bunch of jaded cynics. Full stop.
24-03-2009, 05:22
Because it allows Republicans to bitch about/discredit the Media when it does them wrong...
When we have a liberal its got a conservative bias, when we have a conservative it has a liberal bias. The myth comes from the belief that all news studios are in Hollywood like the movie studios.
Desperate Measures
24-03-2009, 06:22
Everyone wants to be an underdog because everybody loves Rocky I. It was the best Rocky and who doesn't want to be Rocky. The world is against Rocky. But Rocky wins. Kind of. Wait until you see Rocky II. Rocky wins. If the media loves Rocky how can Rocky fight the media and win the hearts and minds of America?
...the meda is liberally biased?
to the best of my knowledge, the only PEOPLE actually saying that are the vested interests in persuading them of that lie, and the idiots who buy into it.
there IS certainly bias, in corporate media, and it is very much NOT "liberal".
liberal, is being used here, as a convenient brush to tar truth with, by those who want everyone to believe anything but. which is kind of ridiculous.
its also of course exacerbating human gullibility, but then that IS the intent of those saying it. to do so.