Whats a Lama Gotta Do?!?
Lunatic Goofballs
23-03-2009, 13:49
A very telling representation of South Africa's commitment to peace. :tongue:
A very telling representation of South Africa's commitment to peace. :tongue:
Peoples memories seem appallingly short betimes....
greed and death
23-03-2009, 14:01
South Africa did it because China recently has been the most steady investor in Africa. They do not want to piss off their investor.
Lunatic Goofballs
23-03-2009, 14:05
South Africa did it because China recently has been the most steady investor in Africa. They do not want to piss off their investor.
Yay Peace! :D
Milks Empire
23-03-2009, 14:06
I'm getting really sick of the pony show out of Beijing on the topic of Tibet. The fact of the matter is, power in Tibet should come from Lhasa alone, with 0 interference from Beijing.
greed and death
23-03-2009, 14:07
Yay Peace! :D
As I Always say Money > Morals.
23-03-2009, 14:15
As I Always say Money > Morals.
But what happens when money gets devalued?
greed and death
23-03-2009, 14:20
But what happens when money gets devalued?
That just means the masses have elected a populist for president.
23-03-2009, 14:52
Whats a Lama Gotta Do?!?
Well, if you asked in Spanish or Italian, I would answer "spit a lot".
(In Spanish and Italian we use "lama" both for the camelida and the tibetan buddhist teacher.)
Brutland and Norden
23-03-2009, 14:56
But what happens when money gets devalued?
Hey, morals get 'devalued' over time too! It's all a matter of which devalues faster! :D
23-03-2009, 14:59
The poor Lama... never gets a break.
greed and death
23-03-2009, 15:03
The poor Lama... never gets a break.
See what happens when we let China buy Warner Brother's stock.
Truly Blessed
23-03-2009, 15:37
That has got to be the dumbest reason ever for excluding someone.
"South Africa thinks that, if the Dalai Lama attended the conference, the focus would shift away from the 2010 World Cup -- the global soccer championship it will host next year."
Shift focus? Great reasoning there.
Lunatic Goofballs
23-03-2009, 15:45
The poor Lama... never gets a break.
See what happens when we let China buy Warner Brother's stock.
Lunatic Goofballs
23-03-2009, 15:47
That has got to be the dumbest reason ever for excluding someone.
"South Africa thinks that, if the Dalai Lama attended the conference, the focus would shift away from the 2010 World Cup -- the global soccer championship it will host next year."
Shift focus? Great reasoning there.
Yep. They can't invite him to the peace conference because he might discuss peace. That would be disastrous. :p
Truly Blessed
23-03-2009, 16:10
I feel insulted if I were a Buddhist. I think he should release his Ninja/monks.
Intestinal fluids
23-03-2009, 16:16
But what happens when money gets devalued?
Then we devalue our morals to rebalance the equation.
greed and death
23-03-2009, 18:40
Then we devalue our morals to rebalance the equation.
Morals automatically devalue when money devalues. It is called the greed and death effect.
For instance Great depression the moral response to the matter was the creation of the 3rd Reich. Then the holocaust happened.
Milks Empire
23-03-2009, 18:59
Morals automatically devalue when money devalues. It is called the greed and death effect.
For instance Great depression the moral response to the matter was the creation of the 3rd Reich. Then the holocaust happened.
That didn't happen in the United States. And don't say Japanese internment. It was most definitely the wrong thing to do, but that was the war, not the Depression.
Apparently they have a good reason to feel frightened.
greed and death
23-03-2009, 19:18
That didn't happen in the United States. And don't say Japanese internment. It was most definitely the wrong thing to do, but that was the war, not the Depression.
All the new Deal did was shift the moral devaluation to Germany.
Milks Empire
23-03-2009, 19:36
All the new Deal did was shift the moral devaluation to Germany.
Furthermore, Germany wasn't the only place that went totalitarian and/or aggressive when times got tough. Mussolini (who was heavy-handed enough as it was) just got worse, Austria had its own Nazi party, Spain wound up with Franco by the end of that revolution, and Japan's military got hold of power there.
greed and death
23-03-2009, 19:39
Furthermore, Germany wasn't the only place that went totalitarian when times got tough.
Are you trying to turn this conversation serious????
I just said you can mathematically trace the world's morality to the devaluation of currency.
Milks Empire
23-03-2009, 19:43
Are you trying to turn this conversation serious????
I just said you can mathematically trace the world's morality to the devaluation of currency.
Hai... I iz a spoylr. :p
23-03-2009, 19:45
As a small non-sequitur, the title of the thread would have been cuter as
"What's Lama Got To Do With It?"
Lord Tothe
23-03-2009, 20:03
Here's the theme song for all national or global peace movements. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIlJ8ZCs4jY)
That has got to be the dumbest reason ever for excluding someone.
"South Africa thinks that, if the Dalai Lama attended the conference, the focus would shift away from the 2010 World Cup -- the global soccer championship it will host next year."
Shift focus? Great reasoning there.
Yeah, what the fuck is up with that? He can't attend this year, because focus would shift away from a sporting event next year?
Thabo Masebe is a moron. It's obvious, so he could at least be honest about the real reason for barring the Dalai Lama from entering.
23-03-2009, 20:21
Yeah, what the fuck is up with that? He can't attend this year, because focus would shift away from a sporting event next year?
Thabo Masebe is a moron. It's obvious, so he could at least be honest about the real reason for barring the Dalai Lama from entering.
Which everyone knows is "China has Cape Town by the Afrikaner Balls."
Which everyone knows is "China has Pretoria by the Afrikaaner Balls."
Fixed it a little :p
He could sing a song (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/flash/llama) until they let them in.
Marrakech II
23-03-2009, 21:38
South Africa did it because China recently has been the most steady investor in Africa. They do not want to piss off their investor.
Further proving that Human rights takes a back seat to money.
Marrakech II
23-03-2009, 21:42
Apparently they have a good reason to feel frightened.
Nomala I gotta better one than that. This one is much more frightening. Also out of the UK.
23-03-2009, 21:43
Fixed it a little :p
His spelling was correct. "Afrikaans" has two a's in it, "Afrikaner" has just one.
Edit: I just noticed your main correction was changing "Cape Town" to "Pretoria." But still, his spelling was correct.
His spelling was correct. "Afrikaans" has two a's in it, "Afrikaner" has just one.
Edit: I just noticed your main correction was changing "Cape Town" to "Pretoria." But still, his spelling was correct.
I just like Afrikaaner with two a's better :tongue:
23-03-2009, 22:32
I just like Afrikaaner with two a's better :tongue:
Ah, fair enough. :p
23-03-2009, 22:36
What the hell is going on with the world? This is the fourth diplomatic fuck-up I've seen in this forum alone in as many weeks. I always knew our leaders were children, but the least you could expect from them it to at least have the appearance of people who knew what they were doing.
Bless bishop Tutu for his support. It's always nice to see that, in a time of "enlightened self-interest" and increasingly nationalization, some people are willing to call themselves human beings and actually act like them.
What the hell is going on with the world? This is the fourth diplomatic fuck-up I've seen in this forum alone in as many weeks. I always knew our leaders were children, but the least you could expect from them it to at least have the appearance of people who knew what they were doing.
Clearly, we need to expect even less than that. :(
More depressing news on the Tibet/China front: Hundreds of people rioted after a Tibetan monk "apparently committed suicide" (which is, of course, oh-so-common among monks---not) after he was investigated by police for unfurling a Tibetan flag.
Lunatic Goofballs
24-03-2009, 00:05
As a small non-sequitur, the title of the thread would have been cuter as
"What's Lama Got To Do With It?"
I like it. :)
Lunatic Goofballs
24-03-2009, 00:06
Bless bishop Tutu for his support. It's always nice to see that, in a time of "enlightened self-interest" and increasingly nationalization, some people are willing to call themselves human beings and actually act like them.
I've come to expect such things from him. I'm rather disappointed in the other Nobel Laureates.
Zombie PotatoHeads
24-03-2009, 02:06
Further proving that Human rights takes a back seat to money.
When hasn't that happened?
The West has been doing that with regards to China for years. Why else would they have 'most favoured trading nation' status?
Well, now Motlanthe has ruined it for everybody! First Desmond Tutu and former South African President FW de Klerk pulls out of the meeting in protest, then the entire Norwegian Nobel Committee says they won't go, Nelson Mandela puts his plans on hold...
And now it's all been called off!
A peace conference for Nobel laureates in South Africa has been postponed indefinitely after Pretoria refused the Dalai Lama a visa, organisers say.
Despite the controversy surrounding the decision, government spokesman Thabo Masebe confirmed that no visa would be issued "between now and the World Cup".
Shimon Peres and Lech Walesa had to turn around - and the South Africans have disapointed Charlize Theron, the bastards! http://generalitemafia.ipbfree.com/uploads/ipbfree.com/generalitemafia/emo-uowtantrumwd1.gif
Well played... Instead of risking any tensions with China they chose to become the laughing stock of the rest of the world. Worst part is, it was probably worth it. Money talks and all that jazz...
greed and death
24-03-2009, 22:02
Further proving that Human rights takes a back seat to money.
As long as money feeds and cloths us it always will.