Recruiting foxes for the hendhouse guard
18-03-2009, 13:30
Bernie "Another white collar criminal who is more important than you" Madoff has decided he doesn't want to go to jail and should be able to stay in his 7 million dollar penthouse hiding his money.. I mean, awaiting sentencing. You know, since he isn't a flight risk and isn't a danger to anyone or the community.
And the lawyers covertly implied that this should be allowed because they need Madoff to help uncover all the assets which they wouldn't be able to otherwise. I have a better idea. They indict his wife and investigate his kids and then see how much of a smartass he is then.
For what reason do all these white collar criminals who have defrauded thousands of people for billions of dollars practically get off? Especially when your average schmuck who decided to smoke some marijuana is going to end up in jail for years. Maybe we should start planting a gun on these white collar asshats when they get arrested, then we can tack on some gun charges to their crime and they will have to go to jail.
A better question is why do the people who are under investigation for causing the problem being sought to be in charge of sorting out their own crime? How is that a good idea for crimes that involve defrauding people? "Oh yeah, sorry I defrauded you of millions of dollars, I will fix it right up if you put my in charge of it." *3 months later* "You lost another million dollars? No idea how that happened."
18-03-2009, 13:38
We are so close to a culture war in this country.
Bernie "Another white collar criminal who is more important than you" Madoff has decided he doesn't want to go to jail and should be able to stay in his 7 million dollar penthouse hiding his money.. I mean, awaiting sentencing. You know, since he isn't a flight risk and isn't a danger to anyone or the community.
And the lawyers covertly implied that this should be allowed because they need Madoff to help uncover all the assets which they wouldn't be able to otherwise. I have a better idea. They indict his wife and investigate his kids and then see how much of a smartass he is then.
For what reason do all these white collar criminals who have defrauded thousands of people for billions of dollars practically get off? Especially when your average schmuck who decided to smoke some marijuana is going to end up in jail for years. Maybe we should start planting a gun on these white collar asshats when they get arrested, then we can tack on some gun charges to their crime and they will have to go to jail.
A better question is why do the people who are under investigation for causing the problem being sought to be in charge of sorting out their own crime? How is that a good idea for crimes that involve defrauding people? "Oh yeah, sorry I defrauded you of millions of dollars, I will fix it right up if you put my in charge of it." *3 months later* "You lost another million dollars? No idea how that happened."
With ye there. Its a world-wide phenomena. If you fuck over people without violence, you virtually walk. The states is actually a bit harsher than most on the bastards, believe it or not.
18-03-2009, 13:56
Isn't it in the victims' interests to recover as much of the money as possible?
18-03-2009, 14:28
Isn't it in the victims' interests to recover as much of the money as possible?
I think you missed the part about appointing fraudsters to recover the money that they personally defrauded people of.
greed and death
18-03-2009, 14:31
wooohoo the government appointed me to go through his assets and distribute them.
he only has a few thousand dollars to distribute. never mind my new Ferrari
East Tofu
18-03-2009, 14:33
I don't have a lot of sympathy for a lot of the people who invested with Madoff. There were plenty of warning signals that he wasn't actually trading.
A lot of people put ALL of their money in with him - which sounds stupid, even if he's perfectly legitimate.
And, since it's a Ponzi scheme, a lot of the early investors are not actually victims - they're winning participants.
18-03-2009, 14:37
Bernie "Another white collar criminal who is more important than you" Madoff has decided he doesn't want to go to jail and should be able to stay in his 7 million dollar penthouse hiding his money.. I mean, awaiting sentencing. You know, since he isn't a flight risk and isn't a danger to anyone or the community.
And the lawyers covertly implied that this should be allowed because they need Madoff to help uncover all the assets which they wouldn't be able to otherwise. I have a better idea. They indict his wife and investigate his kids and then see how much of a smartass he is then.
For what reason do all these white collar criminals who have defrauded thousands of people for billions of dollars practically get off? Especially when your average schmuck who decided to smoke some marijuana is going to end up in jail for years. Maybe we should start planting a gun on these white collar asshats when they get arrested, then we can tack on some gun charges to their crime and they will have to go to jail.
A better question is why do the people who are under investigation for causing the problem being sought to be in charge of sorting out their own crime? How is that a good idea for crimes that involve defrauding people? "Oh yeah, sorry I defrauded you of millions of dollars, I will fix it right up if you put my in charge of it." *3 months later* "You lost another million dollars? No idea how that happened."
it happens because the rich can afford the best lawyers.
without good lawyers you are screwed.
18-03-2009, 14:56
I think you missed the part about appointing fraudsters to recover the money that they personally defrauded people of.
Is it not likely that only the fraudsters know where much of the money is? Hackers are regularly used to remedy the problems they have caused in order to reduce of elimiate their jail time, why not do the same with people who have committed financial fraud?
East Canuck
18-03-2009, 14:56
minor nitpick but isn't it called henhouse?
18-03-2009, 15:06
Is it not likely that only the fraudsters know where much of the money is? Hackers are regularly used to remedy the problems they have caused in order to reduce of elimiate their jail time, why not do the same with people who have committed financial fraud?
Well there is a difference in the type of crime committed and the mindset of the criminals. Hackers do stuff to be dicks and just to prove they can usually. These fraudsters are defrauding people. The very crime implies that they are untrustworthy and have made themselves rich screwing people out of money and thus relying on them to find the money they defrauded people of is literally like looking for foxes to guard the hen house. "Oh sorry, it's all gone, but thanks for the reduced jail time."
minor nitpick but isn't it called henhouse?
You go to hell, you go to hell and you die.[/Mr Garrison]
greed and death
18-03-2009, 15:08
it happens because the rich can afford the best lawyers.
without good lawyers you are screwed.
i keep telling Neo art to give me pro Bono legal services everytime i get arrested for something to fix that problem.
Bu he never agrees to fly in and represent me.
18-03-2009, 15:12
Well there is a difference in the type of crime committed and the mindset of the criminals. Hackers do stuff to be dicks and just to prove they can usually. These fraudsters are defrauding people. The very crime implies that they are untrustworthy and have made themselves rich screwing people out of money and thus relying on them to find the money they defrauded people of is literally like looking for foxes to guard the hen house. "Oh sorry, it's all gone, but thanks for the reduced jail time."
You could say the same about the wisdom of putting someone who is known to maliciously attack computers 'to be dicks and just to prove they can' in a position where they are responsible for computer security. There are ways and means around the trust problem - the court could set a sentence then suspend it contingent on the recovery of the assets. That way, if he is then uncooperative or attempts further fraud you can still send him to prison for the original farud.
18-03-2009, 15:19
i keep telling Neo art to give me pro Bono legal services everytime i get arrested for something to fix that problem.
Bu he never agrees to fly in and represent me.
G&D neo isnt good enough to represent you in criminal cases.
F. LEE BAILEY wouldnt be good enough to get you off.
East Tofu
18-03-2009, 15:26
We could waterboard him. Oh, wait. Not allowed under the current administration.
Heikoku 2
18-03-2009, 15:30
We could waterboard him. Oh, wait. Not allowed under the current administration.
Yeah, we should also gouge out his eyes! Indict his wife and kids with no evidence, no matter how little to do with this they have and how stupid a man that clearly has the wits to con lots of people would have to be to hide the cash with such close people, that'll show him! Because, after all, this is the 800s, and people's relatives are held responsible for what they do, and torture is acceptable! Hur hur, it's about punishing SOMEONE, and if it's someone the man fucked or that has some of the man's genes, tough! STONE THEM!
Sentence him. Make it clear it'll be that much harsher if he does not cooperate. Jail him. End of story.