Fass, or, well, other doctors...
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:43
Question. What are the approximate odds of a sinusitis case causing the development of meningitis?
19-02-2009, 22:44
I've not seen Fass for months.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:45
I've not seen Fass for months.
Why I added "other doctors" too, it doesn't need to be specifically a Scandinavian one, any doctor, Scandinavian or not, will suffice. :p
19-02-2009, 22:46
Self-diagnosis on the net is foolproof!
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:48
Self-diagnosis on the net is foolproof!
I'm not self-diagnosing. I got diagnosed with a sinusitis and I want to know the ODDS of it generating a meningitis. I sorta forgot to ask the doctor about that. :p
19-02-2009, 22:51
.......I would guess pretty low.
I've had tons of sinus infections.........never meningitis.
Have you been exposed or something?
I'm not a doctor......nor should you listen to me or anyone else on the internet for that matter.
Free Soviets
19-02-2009, 22:52
differential diagnosis, go!
19-02-2009, 22:52
Question. What are the approximate odds of a sinusitis case causing the development of meningitis?
A recent study by the Medical Journal of Britain puts it at about 93.6% - sort your affairs out now.
19-02-2009, 22:53
Why I added "other doctors" too, it doesn't need to be specifically a Scandinavian one, any doctor, Scandinavian or not, will suffice. :p
What other doctor's do we have?
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:53
.......I would guess pretty low.
I've had tons of sinus infections.........never meningitis.
Have you been exposed or something?
I'm not a doctor......nor should you listen to me or anyone else on the internet for that matter.
No, I have sinusitis. I wanna figure out what are the chances of it becoming something BAD, especially as someone from my family caught it from me too.
19-02-2009, 22:54
so, like if you get sicker, go to the doctor.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:54
What other doctor's do we have?
Well, if I don't ONLY call Fass, I might find out. ;)
Saint Clair Island
19-02-2009, 22:55
I've had several sinus infections, and meningitis.
Therefore, the two are irrevocably linked, and if you don't head out to Lourdes as soon as possible, you're going to die within a week or two. My best friend's cousin's hairdresser's girlfriend's roommate is a doctor, and are you denying her 100% super-professional opinion?
Question. What are the approximate odds of a sinusitis case causing the development of meningitis?
It depends on what's causing the sinusitis. Sinusitis can be caused by pretty mild stuff, or it can be produced by really nasty bacteria or fungal infections. You've gotta know where the sinusitis is coming from to know how likely it is to become something else.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:55
so, like if you get sicker, go to the doctor.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:56
It depends on what's causing the sinusitis. Sinusitis can be caused by pretty mild stuff, or it can be produced by really nasty bacteria or fungal infections. You've gotta know where the sinusitis is coming from to know how likely it is to become something else.
Bacterial, it seems. She prescribed antibiotics.
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 22:56
differential diagnosis, go!
I say it's lupus.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:57
if you don't head out to Lourdes as soon as possible, you're going to die within a week or two
The funny part about this is I live right next to Lourdes Neighborhood, in Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 22:57
I say it's lupus.
19-02-2009, 22:58
I say it's lupus.
Bugger. Beat me to it.
19-02-2009, 22:58
It's totally lupus.
19-02-2009, 22:58
Not sure about the sinusitis, but that leg is going to have to come off.
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 22:59
Magic 8-ball says
"Concentrate and ask again".
It may not be the best diagnostic tool in the kit.
19-02-2009, 23:00
so, like if you get sicker, go to the doctor.
Probably the best advice you're going to get, H.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:00
Magic 8-ball says
"Concentrate and ask again".
It may not be the best diagnostic tool in the kit.
*Tepanates someone, shakes their head*
19-02-2009, 23:00
*obligatory NOT A DOCTOR disclaimer*
If you're already on antibiotics, I would think the odds are infinitesimally low. It's obviously not too very likely, anyway, seeing as sinus infections are extremely common and meningitis is not. I think if you've had recent head trauma that ups the odds a bit, but even then it would probably not be enough that you'd need to be worried.
*still NOT A DOCTOR, though*
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 23:00
Seriously, I was thinking just last night about threads that we haven't had in a while. This was the best one I could think of.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:01
Probably the best advice you're going to get, H.
I suppose, but I'm checking for odds, really. As I just CAME BACK from the doctor. Thanks, though.
19-02-2009, 23:01
It's totally lupus.
It could be vasculitis.
19-02-2009, 23:03
It could be vasculitis.
Or a form of leprosy. Didn't see that one coming.
Either way, it's going to end up revealing the fact that Heikoku is either on drugs, or boffing someone else's wife. Or, that 'he' used to be a 'she'.
Or all three.
Bacterial, it seems. She prescribed antibiotics.
Well yeah, but what kind? I mean, if we're talking about an isolated, acute case, and it's being treated with routine antibiotics, then the odds of it becoming meningitis are very very very very very low.
To put it in perspective, something like 40 million people in America get sinusitis in any given year. Meanwhile, even a single case of bacterial meningitis will usually make local papers, because it's that rare (and that serious).
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 23:04
Or a form of leprosy. Didn't see that one coming.
Either way, it's going to end up revealing the fact that Heikoku is either on drugs, or boffing someone else's wife. Or, that 'he' used to be a 'she'.
Or all three.
But, wait...how do we explain the rectal bleeding?
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:04
I begin to notice a tendancy in my threads to descend into mirth. :p
(Suppose, any M.D.s out there, too, that someone WASN'T on antibiotics, as well. I have yet to contact the other person, and he has yet to visit a doctor.)
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:05
Well yeah, but what kind? I mean, if we're talking about an isolated, acute case, and it's being treated with routine antibiotics, then the odds of it becoming meningitis are very very very very very low.
To put it in perspective, something like 40 million people in America get sinusitis in any given year.
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 23:05
(Suppose, any M.D.s out there, too, that someone WASN'T on antibiotics, as well. I have yet to contact the other person, and he has yet to visit a doctor.)
Easy. You just split your prescription in half, and share it with the other person.
Oh...wait...you said M.D.'s, not E.G.'s...:p
19-02-2009, 23:07
But, wait...how do we explain the rectal bleeding?
Which reminds me...
If I ever end up in a hospital, and someone tells me I'll be seeing a 'Dr House'? FIRST thing I will do is stab myself in the thigh.
Because I know... there WILL be blood, at some point - and the later in the event it turns up, the more gross it's going to be, and the more it will hurt. So - if I'm not already bleeding when I get there, I will be. Soon. Sooner, the better.
19-02-2009, 23:07
(Suppose, any M.D.s out there, too, that someone WASN'T on antibiotics, as well. I have yet to contact the other person, and he has yet to visit a doctor.)
Sinusitis rarely gets better on it's own, you'll be miserable until you get medical treatment, you could end up with all manner of other issues like ear infections and rotted teeth.
19-02-2009, 23:07
It's totally lupus.
That's what I always say.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:08
Sinusitis rarely gets better on it's own, you'll be miserable until you get medical treatment, you could end up with all manner of other issues like ear infections and rotted teeth.
I know. I'm already on drugs.
MEDICAL drugs, get your minds out of the gutter, I'm trying to swim in here.
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 23:09
Which reminds me...
If I ever end up in a hospital, and someone tells me I'll be seeing a 'Dr House'? FIRST thing I will do is stab myself in the thigh.
Because I know... there WILL be blood, at some point - and the later in the event it turns up, the more gross it's going to be, and the more it will hurt. So - if I'm not already bleeding when I get there, I will be. Soon. Sooner, the better.
I just started watching House a few months ago (USA network marathons FTW). And the first few episodes I saw all involved "I'm sorry, I peed myself...oh, wait, blood is gushing out of my ass" incidents. Which made me wonder what House was doing with that cane.
Your thigh-stabbing tactic would be well advised.
19-02-2009, 23:10
I know. I'm already on drugs.
MEDICAL drugs, get your minds out of the gutter, I'm trying to swim in here.
I'm just saying, if you're sick, go to the doctor.
Saint Clair Island
19-02-2009, 23:16
I'm just saying, if you're sick, go to the doctor.
What a ridiculous idea. They have such strange beliefs down south.
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 23:21
What a ridiculous idea. They have such strange beliefs down south.
I know. Here we handle poisonous snakes. It's much more common-sensical.
I'm sure they have poisonous snakes in Brazil. There's your answer, Heiky!
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:27
I know. Here we handle poisonous snakes. It's much more common-sensical.
I'm sure they have poisonous snakes in Brazil. There's your answer, Heiky!
Our most famous snake is a constrictor...
Saint Clair Island
19-02-2009, 23:28
Our most famous snake is a constrictor...
You can smear some poison on its head or something and call it a poisonous snake. It's not like anyone will bother to look it up.
19-02-2009, 23:29
Actually, the incidence of intracranial complications of paranasal sinusitis are not known. One study[1] from the early 90s among people hospitalised for sinusitis found an incidence of 3.7%. The incidence in people not hospitalised (and thus without severe illness) is bound to be much lower.
The risk of developing a complication depends on several factors, such as age, pathogen, which sinus is infected and so on... blah, blah, blah. You needn't worry much, it's rare in any case.
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2000009?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=1&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed
Enormous Gentiles
19-02-2009, 23:30
Our most famous snake is a constrictor...
That's no good. You need a Jararaca (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bothrops_jararaca).
Brazilian, heal thyself.
Heikoku 2
19-02-2009, 23:36
Actually, the incidence of intracranial complications of paranasal sinusitis are not known. One study[1] from the early 90s among people hospitalised for sinusitis found an incidence of 3.7%. The incidence in people not hospitalised (and thus without severe illness) is bound to be much lower.
The risk of developing a complication depends on several factors, such as age, pathogen, which sinus is infected and so on... blah, blah, blah. You needn't worry much, it's rare in any case.
1. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2000009?ordinalpos=1&itool=EntrezSystem2.PEntrez.Pubmed.Pubmed_ResultsPanel.Pubmed_DiscoveryPanel.Pubmed_Discovery_RA&linkpos=1&log$=relatedarticles&logdbfrom=pubmed
Thank you very much. :)
19-02-2009, 23:50
Thank you very much. :)
Pah. Call that a reply? He didn't even mention lupus.
The Cat-Tribe
20-02-2009, 01:37
Question. What are the approximate odds of a sinusitis case causing the development of meningitis?
Depends on whether or not you are anti-American. :eek:
(Just kidding, just kidding, just kidding.)
Saint Clair Island
20-02-2009, 01:38
Pah. Call that a reply? He didn't even mention lupus.
It's not lupus.
Heikoku 2
20-02-2009, 01:52
Depends on whether or not you are anti-American. :eek:
Couldn't resist, eh? :p
20-02-2009, 04:44
I say it's lupus.
It's never lupus.
20-02-2009, 04:44
Pah. Call that a reply? He didn't even mention lupus.
I'd recommend getting a second opinion that involves the word lupus.
20-02-2009, 04:46
It's never lupus.
Apparently it was in a recent episode. The irony?
They didn't even consider it until the end of the episode.