18-02-2009, 07:50
Mr.David Mills, an english lawyer, has been sentenced by the tribunal of Milano to 4 years and 6 months in jail for corruzione in atti giudiziari (corruption in a trial) and for falsa testimonianza (testifying the false during a trial).
Basically, the judges ruled that:
1.Mills was paid by "someone" to lie about Berlusconi's role and acts in the All Iberian trial and in the trial about Fininvest's "black funds" (Fininvest is Berlusconi's financiary holding).
2.As a result of those lies, Berlusconi was judged innocent in both trials.
1+1=2: Berlusconi is the "someone" who paid Mills to lie AND Berlusconi is guilty, you'd guess. You'd also guess that, upon being sentenced guilty, Berlusconi would step down, out of decency - and if he wouldn't, the President of the Republic would revoke him.
Berlusconi was under trial together with Mills, yes. Until HE had the Parliament pass a law stating that the peopole sitting on one of the four highest chairs in the Republics CANNOT be tried.
(that is, in due order: President of the Republic, President of the Senate, President of the Camera., President of the Council of Ministers)
This forced the Milano tribunal to set Berlusconi's position aside in a separate trial that has been put on hold, while waiting for the Corte Costituzionale to take a final decision.
Welcome to Italy; where all citizens are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello
Nave sanza governo in gran tempesta
Non donna di provincie, ma bordello!
Oh, btw: yesterday an italian politician resigned. But it's not Berlusconi. It's the national secretary of the Partito Democratico, Walter Veltroni, former mayor of Rome. He resigned after a heavy electoral débacle in Sardinia. Under his 16-months leadership, the newborn PD has lost almost every election (national and local) and indirectly caused the fall of the centre-left Prodi cabinet.
Basically, the judges ruled that:
1.Mills was paid by "someone" to lie about Berlusconi's role and acts in the All Iberian trial and in the trial about Fininvest's "black funds" (Fininvest is Berlusconi's financiary holding).
2.As a result of those lies, Berlusconi was judged innocent in both trials.
1+1=2: Berlusconi is the "someone" who paid Mills to lie AND Berlusconi is guilty, you'd guess. You'd also guess that, upon being sentenced guilty, Berlusconi would step down, out of decency - and if he wouldn't, the President of the Republic would revoke him.
Berlusconi was under trial together with Mills, yes. Until HE had the Parliament pass a law stating that the peopole sitting on one of the four highest chairs in the Republics CANNOT be tried.
(that is, in due order: President of the Republic, President of the Senate, President of the Camera., President of the Council of Ministers)
This forced the Milano tribunal to set Berlusconi's position aside in a separate trial that has been put on hold, while waiting for the Corte Costituzionale to take a final decision.
Welcome to Italy; where all citizens are equal, but some are more equal than others.
Ahi serva Italia, di dolore ostello
Nave sanza governo in gran tempesta
Non donna di provincie, ma bordello!
Oh, btw: yesterday an italian politician resigned. But it's not Berlusconi. It's the national secretary of the Partito Democratico, Walter Veltroni, former mayor of Rome. He resigned after a heavy electoral débacle in Sardinia. Under his 16-months leadership, the newborn PD has lost almost every election (national and local) and indirectly caused the fall of the centre-left Prodi cabinet.