Pulp or no pulp?
In your orange juice do you prefer:
No pulp
Trace amounts of pulp
Heavy pulp?
I prefer heavy pulp. :)
08-02-2009, 08:09
No pulp.
08-02-2009, 08:10
Has to be with pulp.
Anti-Social Darwinism
08-02-2009, 08:11
I don't like pulp. I will strain my OJ even after I squeeze it on the low pulp setting on my juicer.
08-02-2009, 08:11
Meh, I dont like pulp, I think it takes away from the Juice...
If I wanted an Orange, id eat a goddamned Orange...
If I want Juice, I want juice dammit, lol...
Depends. For drinking, pulp (heavy at times ligtnening to showers in the afternoon) for mixing drinks? No pulp
Has to have pulp. Otherwise it's rather like drinking orange water.
Medium, but of the choices I picked "heavy". I used to HATE any trace of pulp, but then I started drinking Bolthouse Farms orange juice, and now I love it.
Anti-Social Darwinism
08-02-2009, 08:21
Has to have pulp. Otherwise it's rather like drinking orange water.
Where do you get your oranges? Oh, wait, I'll bet you buy the packaged stuff. If you buy fresh oranges, preferably Valencias (they're best for juice), and squeeze them yourself, even strained, it's rich and flavorful.
Gun Manufacturers
08-02-2009, 08:22
Pulp? We don't need no stinking pulp!
Elves Security Forces
08-02-2009, 08:24
Meh, I dont like pulp, I think it takes away from the Juice...
If I wanted an Orange, id eat a goddamned Orange...
If I want Juice, I want juice dammit, lol...
Whatever I finds, I keeps.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
08-02-2009, 08:24
Where do you get your oranges? Oh, wait, I'll bet you buy the packaged stuff. If you buy fresh oranges, preferably Valencias (they're best for juice), and squeeze them yourself, even strained, it's rich and flavorful.
You crazy country people with your hick traditions. (I was born in Kentucky and raised in the extreme South of Virginia, so this is quite sarcasm, if you didn't see it).
I don't really care about pulp normally. For Screwdrivers and other cocktail situations, pulp is just unwanted, but for (non-alky) breakfast everything is good.
I don't know how you can stand pulp. I'm just near declaring jihad on you pulp drinkers.
08-02-2009, 08:46
I don't know how you can stand pulp. I'm just near declaring jihad on you pulp drinkers.
Im more of a Crusade kinda guy...Jihad's a little too on the Suicidal side...
pulp content level ok from zero to max.
Where do you get your oranges? Oh, wait, I'll bet you buy the packaged stuff. If you buy fresh oranges, preferably Valencias (they're best for juice), and squeeze them yourself, even strained, it's rich and flavorful.
It's not even the taste so much as simply the consistency. The funny part is that I used to be hardcore non-pulp, and then...I had an epiphany. Now I walk the path of the light. :D
08-02-2009, 09:16
I like mine with heavy pulp. Fresh-squeezed if I can get it, but frozen is OK too. My girlfriend used to drink it, but I told her OJ kills white girls.
Anti-Social Darwinism
08-02-2009, 09:20
I like mine with heavy pulp. Fresh-squeezed if I can get it, but frozen is OK too. My girlfriend used to drink it, but I told her OJ kills white girls.
Mmm... I never really cared.
08-02-2009, 13:20
I prefer pomegranate juice
08-02-2009, 13:21
I like pulp. Common People is a hell of a tune.
08-02-2009, 13:27
I like pulp. Common People is a hell of a tune.
Let's all meet up in the Year 2000 and have juice.
No Names Left Damn It
08-02-2009, 13:28
Not particularly bothered.
08-02-2009, 17:11
No pulp and juice that stuff fresh. I have no time for concentrated orange ice-logs.
I prefer a medium amount of pulp. So more pulp than when I forget to shake it a little and I'm getting juice from the top of the container, but less than when I've forgotten to shake the container and I'm drinking from the bottom and it's more pulp than juice.
08-02-2009, 17:15
I prefer heavy pulp. :)
That's what she said!
*runs out of the thread*
I like a medium amount of pulp in my orange juice.
08-02-2009, 17:48
As no doubt said before, If I wanted texture I'd eat an orange. I drink liquids, thanks.
Desperate Measures
08-02-2009, 18:29
Pulp can make you sterile.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
08-02-2009, 19:49
No pulp. The pulp on the juice makes me gag.
New Manvir
08-02-2009, 19:51
don't care.
Mad hatters in jeans
08-02-2009, 19:54
I like either loads of pulp, or no pulp at all.
oh and why do you want to know?
08-02-2009, 19:56
I like either loads of pulp, or no pulp at all.
oh and why do you want to know?
So we know how to label the carton when we serve you.
Mad hatters in jeans
08-02-2009, 20:03
So we know how to label the carton when we serve you.
oh um who is we?
08-02-2009, 20:09
oh um who is we?
No one.
08-02-2009, 20:55
In your orange juice do you prefer:
Fruit juices are caloric, carbohydrate bombs that give no satiety and cause blood sugar to quickly spike and fall (wreaking havoc with insulin levels and sending you into an even worse sugar craving), which is why I never drink them. I just have the fruit as it is. Far healthier, difficult to over-consume and tastier.
Anti-Social Darwinism
08-02-2009, 21:14
Fruit juices are caloric, carbohydrate bombs that give no satiety and cause blood sugar to quickly spike and fall (wreaking havoc with insulin levels and sending you into an even worse sugar craving), which is why I never drink them. I just have the fruit as it is. Far healthier, difficult to over-consume and tastier.
So, lot's of pulp.
NSG is amazing, three pages on orange juice pulp and no one has hijacked it yet.
No pulp. I wanna drink juice, not pick little mucky flakes out of my teeth.
[NS]Fergi America
08-02-2009, 21:47
No pulp. I can't stand to be drinking something and encounter THINGS in it.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
08-02-2009, 21:51
So, lot's of pulp.
NSG is amazing, three pages on orange juice pulp and no one has hijacked it yet.
This is serious stuff, you can't mess about when it comes to orange juice.
08-02-2009, 22:06
So, lot's of pulp.
1. In English, apostrophes are used to denote contractions or genitives, not plurals, inflections or conjugations.
2. Fruit itself is not pulp.
Anti-Social Darwinism
08-02-2009, 23:08
1. In English, apostrophes are used to denote contractions or genitives, not plurals, inflections or conjugations.
2. Fruit itself is not pulp.
Forgive the typographical error.
Fruit may not be, in and of itself, pulp. But it is full of fruit pulp. I was making an attempt at humor. I'm sorry you didn't find it humorous.
Mad hatters in jeans
09-02-2009, 19:53
No one.
eeep. how can no one want to put a label on...ah hang on, oh you're messing with me okay. For i minute there i thought you were a we not an I.
Forgive the typographical error.
Fruit may not be, in and of itself, pulp. But it is full of fruit pulp. I was making an attempt at humor. I'm sorry you didn't find it humorous.
i certainly did. and i demand you retype the entire thread into proper grammaaar.
go on...for the lolz
LOTS o pulp.
a Pulp orgy...
I wanna CHEW my OJ!
Dalmatia Cisalpina
09-02-2009, 20:22
Needs to have pulp, but to each their own.
09-02-2009, 22:41
I prefer no pulp, but I'll still drink it if it has a little bit.
If it's too much, no thank you. I don't really like chewing my drink.
Anti-Social Darwinism
09-02-2009, 23:28
I prefer no pulp, but I'll still drink it if it has a little bit.
If it's too much, no thank you. I don't really like chewing my drink.
For me, it's about gag reflex. It is funny, though, I can eat an orange without problems, but drinking orange juice with pulp makes me gag.
Holy Cheese and Shoes
09-02-2009, 23:35
For me, it's about gag reflex. It is funny, though, I can eat an orange without problems, but drinking orange juice with pulp makes me gag.
Imagining you drinking lumpy orange juice is now making me giggle.
Sorry, I'm a bad person.
Anti-Social Darwinism
09-02-2009, 23:37
Imagining you drinking lumpy orange juice is now making me giggle.
Sorry, I'm a bad person.
Yes, you are evil. *Gives you sour, lumpy orange juice.*
Pure Metal
10-02-2009, 01:55
no bits, for sure. they get in the way and are icky for some unknown reason.
the worst thing is when you juice oranges and it ends up foamy and pulpy. that's extra gross
No pulp. Seriously I like my OJ smooth.....Oh yeah.
For me, it's about gag reflex. It is funny, though, I can eat an orange without problems, but drinking orange juice with pulp makes me gag.
It's sort of like how you can probably eat a hamburger just fine, but having hamburger chunks floating around in your martini would put you off.
It's sort of like how you can probably eat a hamburger just fine, but having hamburger chunks floating around in your martini would put you off.
Wow, except that's not at all similar. Hamburger chunks are not a natural byproduct of making martinis.
Wow, except that's not at all similar. Hamburger chunks are not a natural byproduct of making martinis.
The point is that something may be fine to eat on its own, but suddenly become off-putting when floating in a drink.
The point is that something may be fine to eat on its own, but suddenly become off-putting when floating in a drink.
Apologies, I missed your point. I should have read more carefully.