First dog (obamas)
i read it that smaller breeds are not as hard on allergic people because they have less dander, which is the cause of allergies, not fur. the obamas should get a little dog. what do you think?
26-01-2009, 22:59
i think i dont care what kind of dog they get. its a personal decision that has no great philosophical theory behind it.
They should get a Cocker Spaniel/Skye Terrier mix.
I has one, and she's cute. And doesn't make my sister's allergies go nuts.
Free Soviets
26-01-2009, 23:03
i think the obamas should get a wheaten terrier, to emphasize their irish heritage.
Santiago I
26-01-2009, 23:06
Weren't they going to give Obama a Peruvian hairless dog?
New Genoa
26-01-2009, 23:22
i think the obamas should get a wheaten terrier, to emphasize their irish heritage.
^^ agreed
Santiago I
26-01-2009, 23:25,0,7575925.story
26-01-2009, 23:27
Old English Sheepdog. (
26-01-2009, 23:30
I think they should get a duck instead.
26-01-2009, 23:31
Naked mole-rat. End of story.
How about a cat?!
Just for once I would like to see a world leader sitting in their chair, stroking a cat. That scene makes for awesome.
Anti-Social Darwinism
26-01-2009, 23:41
I think they've already decided on a Labradoodle or a Portuguese Water Dog. Either one of them, apparently, won't aggravate allergies.
I'm pleased to note that they're also leaning towards getting a pound puppy rather than going to a breeder.
26-01-2009, 23:43
i read it that smaller breeds are not as hard on allergic people because they have less dander, which is the cause of allergies, not fur. the obamas should get a little dog. what do you think?
They need a big dog.
Obama could get a pit bull to show stupid people that pit bulls aren't bad dogs.
But, honestly, they should get whatever type of dog they want.
26-01-2009, 23:53
How are we supposed to reduce the world to a quivering heap of fear with a dog like that??
They need a big dog.
Obama could get a pit bull to show stupid people that pit bulls aren't bad dogs.
But, honestly, they should get whatever type of dog they want.
Or this.
I hate the fact that all breeds of Bull Terriers have this rep. Some people look at my dog like it will attack them at any second.
27-01-2009, 00:12
The Obama's should get whatever they like but the dog has to be enjoyable for the kids and safe to have as a Presidential.
I would suggest getting either a small energetic dog like the Jack Russel Terrier or getting a medium-sized cute dog like a Border Collie or a Siberian Huskie or this thing When you look at it, it's actually pretty cute.:eek:
27-01-2009, 00:16
A Boston Terror! (
27-01-2009, 00:38
i read it that smaller breeds are not as hard on allergic people because they have less dander, which is the cause of allergies, not fur. the obamas should get a little dog. what do you think?
There are more small hypoallergenic dogs than large ones (which I think is just one actually). I have a West Highland Terrier/Poodle mix. Both are hypoallergenic breeds. And both breeds are prone to genetic skin allergies -_-. Combo breed fail.
Also, they should get a ferret. Have to close down the White House because it escaped and is now sneak attacking guests from under the couch.
27-01-2009, 00:49
They should've gotten a Mastiff!
Non Aligned States
27-01-2009, 03:10
They need a big dog.
This one big enough for you?
27-01-2009, 03:11
That isn't a dog.
Non Aligned States
27-01-2009, 03:15
That isn't a dog.
The Half Life community begs to differ.
27-01-2009, 03:20
The Half Life community begs to differ.
And no one cares...
27-01-2009, 03:46
How about a cat?!
Just for once I would like to see a world leader sitting in their chair, stroking a cat. That scene makes for awesome.
And that scene might look something like this.
Obama: The firing power inside my HOPE is enough to annihilate CHANGE. You can watch it all on TV. It's the last program you're likely to see. CHANGE.
James Bond: Well, if I'm gonna be forced to watch television, may I smoke?
Obama: Yes. HOPE. Give him his cigarettes. CHANGE. It won't be the nicotine that kills you, Mr. Bond. CHANGE.
Obama:A light will come down and... oh never-mind. Goodbye, Mr Bond.
Conserative Morality
27-01-2009, 03:49
They should've gotten a Mastiff!
Awww, so cute. They really should. That or a pug.:tongue:
Non Aligned States
27-01-2009, 04:02
And that scene might look something like this.
Obama: The firing power inside my HOPE is enough to annihilate CHANGE. You can watch it all on TV. It's the last program you're likely to see. CHANGE.
James Bond: Well, if I'm gonna be forced to watch television, may I smoke?
Obama: Yes. HOPE. Give him his cigarettes. CHANGE. It won't be the nicotine that kills you, Mr. Bond. CHANGE.
Obama:A light will come down and... oh never-mind. Goodbye, Mr Bond.
If you want different pets, why not a parrot? And an eyepatch at that?
Ferrous Oxide
27-01-2009, 04:05
Obama should get a duck.
Then fatten it up and eat it's liver.
New Ziedrich
27-01-2009, 04:07
Who here is sick of hearing about Obama's dog? I know I am.
Ancient and Holy Terra
27-01-2009, 04:07
And no one cares...
D0g cares. And he'll kill you, so you should care.
27-01-2009, 04:09
Or a trained monkey named G.W.
27-01-2009, 04:22
Or a trained monkey named G.W.
Man, we just got rid of him!
27-01-2009, 04:31
The mistake was leaving the monkey in charge. I'm thinking of more of a crime fighting, shoe dodging, side kick monkey. GW could be like obama's *right* hand monkey. And if the monkey misbehaved then Obama could spank the monkey. :p
27-01-2009, 04:36
Obama could spank the monkey.
pff, Michelle better not be making him do that! He got elected President after all.
27-01-2009, 04:41
pff, Michelle better not be making him do that! He got elected President after all.
Or Michelle could spank his monkey for him :p
It's him monkey though... he coul spank it sometimes, when Michelle is too tired to spank it.
New Wallonochia
27-01-2009, 04:49
He should get a capybara, like the Tick (
Ancient and Holy Terra
27-01-2009, 04:55
Kapibara-san, reporting for Presidential dog duty!
27-01-2009, 06:31
Man, we just got rid of him!
That monkey wasn't trained. ;)
Gauntleted Fist
27-01-2009, 08:39
*snip image*
Kapibara-san, reporting for Presidential dog duty!That would be awesome. :D
Kapibara-san, reporting for Presidential dog duty!
Jesus Christ, if that's the size of the pile of shit, I'd scared of how big the dog is!
miniature dobbermans. i don't know if they're actually related to dobermans, or just a chiwawa with interesting markings and the usual funny little dog chutzpah. i thought they were a joke till i met someone who had one. they're cute, among other things. and fun.
Ancient and Holy Terra
27-01-2009, 11:59
Jesus Christ, if that's the size of the pile of shit, I'd scared of how big the dog is!I'd be more frightened of the fact that the dog could pass whole animals the size of my chest through its digestive system, intact.
I didn't realize that it looked like a pile of doodoo until you pointed that out, though.
But really, a Capibara would be awesome. As long as we're on the subject of awesome pets, how about a Presidential Polar Bear? Or Barack Obama's very own Digimon?
I'd name him Changemon. He would launch Hula Dancers from his chest, except the dancers would be alternately black and white. Aforementioned Digimon would also possess the ability to speak conversational Indonesian and consume large quantities of Nasi goreng.
Conserative Morality
27-01-2009, 12:13
I'd be more frightened of the fact that the dog could pass whole animals the size of my chest through its digestive system, intact.
I didn't realize that it looked like a pile of doodoo until you pointed that out, though.
But really, a Capibara would be awesome. As long as we're on the subject of awesome pets, how about a Presidential Polar Bear? Or Barack Obama's very own Digimon?
I'd name him Changemon. He would launch Hula Dancers from his chest, except the dancers would be alternately black and white. Aforementioned Digimon would also possess the ability to speak conversational Indonesian and consume large quantities of Nasi goreng.
I'm still waiting for the first gamer president to come and pawn people on CoD4 on a regular basis.:D
Ancient and Holy Terra
27-01-2009, 12:17
I'm still waiting for the first gamer president to come and pawn people on CoD4 on a regular basis.:DI'm just curious to see what his SN will be.
Opawna? OBamHeadshot? PresidentKilledYa666?
The possibilities are endless. And delicious.
I really don’t care what kind of dog the President gets. Its not going to make the country a better place, or create job, or balance the budget, or care for children and elderly.
Ancient and Holy Terra
27-01-2009, 12:53
I really don’t care what kind of dog the President gets. Its not going to make the country a better place, or create job, or balance the budget, or care for children and elderly.Untrue.
Large, ferocious dogs occasionally kill cats. As has been proven beyond doubt by the internet, cats are wonderful creatures (i.e A Cat Is Fine Too). Therefore, if Barack Obama owns a large dog that consumes kitties, he's depriving America of an important resource.
On the flip side, a large dog could conceivably require several people to look after it, and consume an inordinate amount of dog chow that would go a long way towards propping up the struggling pet food sector.
Lassie was a large dog that often saved small children and the elderly after they fell down wells or off of cliffs.
Indeed, I believe that the selection of a proper Presidential Dog is the most pressing issue facing our young President today.
Gun Manufacturers
28-01-2009, 01:48
The Obamas should wait until Christmas, and get a Greyhound named Santa's Little Helper (
Mad hatters in jeans
28-01-2009, 02:09
I want to see them get a crocodile or a Tiger, that'l show them opposition parties whose boss.
they have a doghouse now, i think. the dog will come in spring, that source said. both facts come from the same place
hypallergenic dogs (
they are leaning toward Portuguese Water Dog. Michelle likes them. it is a medium sized dog. they will rescue one, so i guess that means a pound* dog. i saw this on dog blog. they look like big poodles, i've read.
if a person's dog allergy symptom is asthma, they should have meds (medication) around.
*animal shelter, thought pound could be americanism
they will get the dog in April, probably. its name is undecided and according to their mama, the girls' suggestions, like frank and moose are silly. it has to be old enough and a good match for them.
No Names Left Damn It
02-03-2009, 21:32
We already had this thread, and they're getting Peruvian bald dogs.
Knights of Liberty
02-03-2009, 21:52
Who. Cares.
No Names Left Damn It
02-03-2009, 22:00
Who. Cares.
Clearly Behaved cares, seeing as she resurrected her long dead thread.
02-03-2009, 22:02
How are we supposed to reduce the world to a quivering heap of fear with a dog like that??
Psssst. That's a haircut. You could just let it grow in all curly.
A Boston Terror! (
Oh good lord -- drools, wheezes, snores, farts constantly, and has pop eyes that it can injure by walking into things.
They should've gotten a Mastiff!
Ugh, why'd they crop its ears and dock its tail? Neos are better looking with their full earflaps and tails!
Awww, so cute. They really should. That or a pug.:tongue:
um, the size difference between that and a pug is roughly five or six times.
Neopolitan mastiffs are ponies.
IL Ruffino
02-03-2009, 22:14
Boston Terriers are amazing, a bit too eager though.
Call to power
02-03-2009, 22:23
they already have Hillary
*wonders how the world has changed since being cryogenically frozen in the 90's*
02-03-2009, 23:32
Naked mole-rat. End of story.
Sounds good to me!
The blessed Chris
02-03-2009, 23:34
How is this of any interest to anybody? Really, who gives a flying fuck?
Pschycotic Pschycos
03-03-2009, 02:05
Irish wolfhound.
It'll slobber all over anyone until they give in to Obama's demands.
New Manvir
03-03-2009, 03:00
They should get this.
If he's good enough for Hades, he's good enough for the White House.
Little dogs are not dogs. They are rats on steroids hoping no one will notice. And they shake.
their portuguese water dog will arrive this month, i think. i read it somewhere about their dog coming to them in april
the six month old Portie puppy just arrived. Tuesday was supposed to be a big debut, but there was a leak. he came from some people he was not a good fit for. PWD's are energetic, meaning they play ,play ,play and then sleep, so not a pooch for everyone. he has no bad habits, appearently. he must've been too big or energetic. well they sure can play with this one. they wanted one they can play with, so that's a good thing.
greed and death
13-04-2009, 00:07
i think the obamas should get a wheaten terrier, to emphasize their irish heritage.
I would rather they did not. every Irish president has been shot.
13-04-2009, 00:11
That isn't a dog.
Have you ever considered a career in detective work?
Vault 10
13-04-2009, 00:40
D0g cares. And he'll kill you, so you should care.
Rule 34 gogogo!
Anti-Social Darwinism
13-04-2009, 01:01
I'm kind of disappointed that they went to a breeder instead of rescuing an abandoned dog.
greed and death
13-04-2009, 01:03
We already had this thread, and they're getting Peruvian bald dogs.
it was a necro.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
13-04-2009, 01:17
We already had this thread, and they're getting Peruvian bald dogs.
They're getting the Peruvian dogs then?
They're getting the Peruvian dogs then?
No, they are getting a Portugese Water Dog that was a gift from Ted Kennedy. He is six months old and was originally named Charlie. They are naming him Bo after their cousin's cat and their Grandpa (nicknamed Diddley after Blues singer Bo Diddley). I like Porties but love my overgrown Golden Retriever and Rottie much better. I have female dogs who protect their Daddy well.
Vault 10
13-04-2009, 02:44
What I find strange is that anybody here cares.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
13-04-2009, 02:44
No, they are getting a Portugese Water Dog that was a gift from Ted Kennedy. He is six months old and was originally named Charlie. They are naming him Bo after their cousin's cat and their Grandpa (nicknamed Diddley after Blues singer Bo Diddley). I like Porties but love my overgrown Golden Retriever and Rottie much better. I have female dogs who protect their Daddy well.
I see. Those Peruvian dogs looked like spawns of hell, I tell you.
I see. Those Peruvian dogs looked like spawns of hell, I tell you.
Yeah, they sure as heck did. I'm not fond of cats and dog's with no fur/hair. It just seems unnatural to me although it must be because they exist. Petting them has to be a horrible experience. Ok, enough play time for me there needs to be bed. I promised myself I'd actually try to get a full 8 hours tonight. Work has kept me so busy that this has not been the case for days.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
13-04-2009, 02:50
Yeah, they sure as heck did. I'm not fond of cats and dog's with no fur/hair. It just seems unnatural to me although it must be because they exist. Petting them has to be a horrible experience. Ok, enough play time for me there needs to be bed. I promised myself I'd actually try to get a full 8 hours tonight. Work has kept me so busy that this has not been the case for days.
Que descanses...
Petting hairless things...:$
Anti-Social Darwinism
13-04-2009, 03:13
Yeah, they sure as heck did. I'm not fond of cats and dog's with no fur/hair. It just seems unnatural to me although it must be because they exist. Petting them has to be a horrible experience. Ok, enough play time for me there needs to be bed. I promised myself I'd actually try to get a full 8 hours tonight. Work has kept me so busy that this has not been the case for days.
Actually, they're not really hairless, it's just that the fur is very fine and thin, to the point of being virtually invisible. Petting them isn't to bad, the skin is quite soft. Also, they make terrible outdoor pets because they sunburn so easily.
In any case, I have a problem with cats or dogs that look like Gollum and need sunscreen.
13-04-2009, 04:40
I'm kind of disappointed that they went to a breeder instead of rescuing an abandoned dog.
Are you surprised though? I'm not.
No Names Left Damn It
13-04-2009, 15:36
How many times has this been gravedug? (digged?) (diggen?)
How many times has this been gravedug? (digged?) (diggen?)
it has never been dead, just archived. dead is deleted, locked and/or archived are sleeping, only locked is a deep sleep, like comatose. ok NNLDI let's just agree to disagree, you troll.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
13-04-2009, 18:50
it has never been dead, just archived. dead is deleted, locked and/or archived are sleeping, only locked is a deep sleep, like comatose. ok NNLDI let's just agree to disagree, you troll.
He is not trolling.
No Names Left Damn It
13-04-2009, 19:07
it has never been dead, just archived. dead is deleted, locked and/or archived are sleeping, only locked is a deep sleep, like comatose.
No. Dead is when people don't post for a long time.
ok NNLDI let's just agree to disagree, you troll.
Please back up how that was trolling.
Please back up how that was trolling. you have tried to bait me and disrupt threads before. that makes you a troll that post was off-topic and therefore disruptive. what is trolling if not making disruptive, off-topic posts?
Nanatsu no Tsuki
13-04-2009, 19:32
you have tried to bait me and disrupt threads before. that makes you a troll that post was off-topic and therefore disruptive. what is trolling if not making disruptive, off-topic posts?
An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.
I really don't see where NNLDI fits into this description. He was not trolling the thread.
No Names Left Damn It
13-04-2009, 19:34
what is trolling if not making disruptive, off-topic posts?
Hahahahaha! I guess every spammer must be a troll then. You really don't know what you're talking about, do you?
The Marktoria State
13-04-2009, 19:44
How about they get nothing and like it! Joking.
I thought they were geting a labradoodle. Labradore/Poodle.
14-04-2009, 02:52
Well, they got a Portugese water dog. Quite cute (the dog), but clearly a PR stunt.
14-04-2009, 03:23
Why didn't they adopt one from the shelters? I guess that's another promise Obama changed his mind on.
Why didn't they adopt one from the shelters? I guess that's another promise Obama changed his mind on.
:rolleyes: It was a gift.
Come the fuck on.
New Limacon
14-04-2009, 03:58
Why didn't they adopt one from the shelters? I guess that's another promise Obama changed his mind on.
Yeah, that bothered me, too. Of course, if this is the biggest campaign promise Obama goes back on, I won't be disappointed.
14-04-2009, 04:22
Yeah, that bothered me, too. Of course, if this is the biggest campaign promise Obama goes back on, I won't be disappointed.
He went back on several campaign promises so far. One is wiretapping, which I am very bothered by.