NationStates Jolt Archive

Name a Good thing Hitler and Stalin did that you supported

Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:10
Because there is no way Hitler or Stalin was 100% wrong. There has to be at least something they did that everyone would agree with.
I'll give mine.


Hitler: Achieved full employment from 30% unemployment!!! Now, everyone likes unemployment reducers, economy being so important and everything.
Promoting exercise for children in schools.
His vegetarianism.
His environmentalist credentials, especially emphasis on recycling (eg: dead jews to soaps)

Stalin: His fashionable moustache.

PS: Yeah yeah, Godwin's Law but theres a point!
24-01-2009, 00:17
I think Hitler would have made a very good graphic artist.

Stalin, apparently, was quite knowledgeable about linguistics. He probably would have made a good Professor that wrote angry articles about shit. Sort of a prototype Noam Chomsky.
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:20
I think Hitler would have made a very good graphic artist.

Stalin, apparently, was quite knowledgeable about linguistics. He probably would have made a good Professor that wrote angry articles about shit. Sort of a prototype Noam Chomsky.

Actually this thread made me realize how little I know of Stalin. All the WW2 Hollywood movies are about Nazis.
24-01-2009, 00:22
One thing you can't deny about Hitler, he really hauled Germany out of an economic nosedive.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 00:23
One thing you can't deny about Hitler, he really hauled Germany out of an economic nosedive.
No, not really.
24-01-2009, 00:25
No, not really.

Awwwww. Stupid reality. :(
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:27
No, not really.

The Nazis rose to power while unemployment was very high [3], but achieved full employment later thanks to massive rearmament[4]
Nazis came to power in the aftermath of the Great Depression. When the Nazis came to power the most pressing issue was an unemployment rate of close to 30%[3]

Reducing 30% unemployment would def win u an election!
Exilia and Colonies
24-01-2009, 00:32
Hitler did quite a bit of work in finding smoking to be bad for you and supported anti-smoking policies.

Stalin... Not so much in the way of good stuff no...
24-01-2009, 00:33
I mean, whatever you may think about the Nazis, they sure looked spiffy. That was liek 90% Hitler.
Exilia and Colonies
24-01-2009, 00:34
Hitler also got a shell in the head. I supported that.
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:35
Hitler did quite a bit of work in finding smoking to be bad for you and supported anti-smoking policies.

Stalin... Not so much in the way of good stuff no...

Oh the irony. Universal healthcare from Stalin!

"Stalin's policies granted the Soviet people universal access to healthcare and education, effectively creating the first generation free from the fear of typhus, cholera, and malaria.[57]"
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:36
I mean, whatever you may think about the Nazis, they sure looked spiffy. That was liek 90% Hitler.

Oh yea, the sexy Nazi uniforms.
24-01-2009, 00:37
Oh yea, the sexy Nazi uniforms.

Inspired plenty of BDSM porn.
24-01-2009, 00:38
Both Hitler and Stalin created massive infrastructure boosts for their respective nations. Hitler gets extra points for NOT killing thousands in the process, but then loses them again for having a large part of it destroyed in WWII.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 00:41

Reducing 30% unemployment would def win u an election!
Yeah, and when you know how he did that, it's not such a feat anymore.

While you're at it, quote the rest of the article you refer to:

"Eventually, the Nazi party developed strong relationships with big business and abolished trade unions, while real wages dropped by a fourth and employees could not easily change employer. Taxes, though, were still low well into the war. Already before the war, people undesirable to the regime were used as slave labour, and in 1944 they reached one quarter of the workers."

So, employing a third more people while reducing their wages by a quarter and paying for the rest with credits and deficit spending... not so great.

As for financing their economical system, take a look at this:
24-01-2009, 00:42
His vegetarianism

Just gives me more reason to hate him.
24-01-2009, 00:42
It does say eventually. At the beginning it can't have been so bad.
24-01-2009, 00:45
well...Hitler got Volkswagen going, i believe...They make good cars, Im considering getting one when I get some money...

Stalin kept Hitler out of Russia...Gotta be good for Russians there, lol....
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:46
Yeah, and when you know how he did that, it's not such a feat anymore.

While you're at it, quote the rest of the article you refer to:

"Eventually, the Nazi party developed strong relationships with big business and abolished trade unions, while real wages dropped by a fourth and employees could not easily change employer. Taxes, though, were still low well into the war. Already before the war, people undesirable to the regime were used as slave labour, and in 1944 they reached one quarter of the workers."

So, employing a third more people while reducing their wages by a quarter and paying for the rest with credits and deficit spending... not so great.

As for financing their economical system, take a look at this:

Well, it's still better than 30% unemployed.
Dumb Ideologies
24-01-2009, 00:46
His vegetarianism

Hitler wasn't a vegetarian. He adopted in his later years, on the advice of his doctor, a predominantly vegetarian diet because of stomach problems
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:47
Hitler wasn't a vegetarian. He adopted in his later years, on the advice of his doctor, a predominantly vegetarian diet because of stomach problems

So, listening to doctor's advice. Another plus for Hitler.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 00:47
Both Hitler and Stalin created massive infrastructure boosts for their respective nations. Hitler gets extra points for NOT killing thousands in the process, but then loses them again for having a large part of it destroyed in WWII.
I hope you realize that Hitler's economy relied heavily on slave labor and pursued the doctrine of "extermination through labor".

The uniforms are really the only thing that looked great - yet that is very little compared to all the rest.
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:48
I hope you realize that Hitler's economy relied heavily on slave labor and pursued the doctrine of "extermination through labor".

The uniforms are really the only thing that looked great - yet that is very little compared to all the rest.

How about autobahn's?
24-01-2009, 00:49
The best thing both of them did was to die.
24-01-2009, 00:49
Hitler made the German people feel good about themselves........which wasn't so great for the rest of the world. He also created an economic boom in Germany.....which wasn't so great for the rest of the world. He did have a strong anti smoking sentiment, and his regime did have many animal protection laws.

Nazi fashion was also spectacular!
24-01-2009, 00:50
The uniforms are really the only thing that looked great - yet that is very little compared to all the rest.

Yahbut, nazi porn will be with us forever.

So it's like a tiny bit of happiness x infinity. Which more than offsets the great amount of misery x a decade.

It's a bit like the Romans.
Dumb Ideologies
24-01-2009, 00:51
So, listening to doctor's advice. Another plus for Hitler.

Well...perhaps more his doctor listened to his advice. Hitler was a complete hypochondriac and was on basically every drug there was towards the end. When Hitler says he's ill, I guess as his doctor you're not going to dare disagree with him, just give him another pill.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 00:51
Well, it's still better than 30% unemployed.
It's make-belief and nothing more.

That's like discounting those unemployed people who've been unemployed for more than a year. They're still unemployed but no longer part of the statistic.
24-01-2009, 00:52
Hilter, got a trope named after him

as for Stalin hmm, didn't start a nuclear war once the soviets got the bomb.
24-01-2009, 00:52
I hope you realize that Hitler's economy relied heavily on slave labor and pursued the doctrine of "extermination through labor".

The uniforms are really the only thing that looked great - yet that is very little compared to all the rest.

Oh, yes. But that policy really only came into force when they had lots of people to enslave - after they'd conquered most of eastern Europe, for example. Most of the infrastructure boosts - factory and manufacturing centre building, finishing construction and expansion of the Autobahn system, expansion of the ports - occurred pre-war, and purely with German workers.
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:53
and his regime did have many animal protection laws.

I already mentioned his environmentalism.
Neu Leonstein
24-01-2009, 00:53
How about autobahn's?
He didn't invent them, and he didn't make the plans for them.

99% of the Nazis' economic success stories came from Hjalmar Schacht, not Hitler. And Mr Schacht was a banker (and reading his life story, you'd think he would have made an excellent CEO at Wall Street, actually...)
24-01-2009, 00:53

Reducing 30% unemployment would def win u an election!

It was really Streissman in before '29 that got the balling rolling back to economic success, Germany had a plan to pay back war reperations by '86 as I recall. However, the Stockmarket crashed, and the German economy tanked again. The stockmarket crashed, of course thanks to overvaluation. So the United States, we can blame you.

"You know what really grinds my gears? You, America, fuck you!"
24-01-2009, 00:54
And then there's all the movies that came from it.

Really, Hitler did far more good than Stalin.
24-01-2009, 00:55
Stalin managed to implement communal farming in Russia. He also unified half of Europe under one government. His government also let America lie to and trick their citizens in to a blood frenzy and extreme patriotism, that has been the characteristic of their country since then.
24-01-2009, 00:55

Reducing 30% unemployment would def win u an election!
Eh he 'reduced' unemployment by making women, Jews etc. not count and giving German men their jobs, as well as conscripting them into the army. The economy was very close to collapse because of Goering's 4-year plan, and had they not gone to war their artificially deflated currency would have lost a lot of value.

Good thing that Hitler did : Employed some excellent propaganda artists. Seriously, some of those images are very cool.

Good thing that Stalin did : Won the Second World War.
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:55
And then there's all the movies that came from it.

Really, Hitler did far more good than Stalin.

Oh yeah, even after 60 years.

So Hitler did create lots of jobs in Hollywood.
24-01-2009, 00:55
He didn't invent them, and he didn't make the plans for them.

Not entirely true. Hitler completed the project, but then expanded it beyond the original concept to being a true network. He does get some credit for this.
Nova Magna Germania
24-01-2009, 00:56
Eh he 'reduced' unemployment by making women, Jews etc. not count and giving German men their jobs, as well as conscripting them into the army. The economy was very close to collapse because of Goering's 4-year plan, and had they not gone to war their artificially deflated currency would have lost a lot of value.

Good thing that Hitler did : Employed some excellent propaganda artists. Seriously, some of those images are very cool.

Good thing that Stalin did : Won the Second World War.

Meh, even Neville Chamberlain could of won that war with 20 million casulties.
24-01-2009, 00:58
And Mr Schacht was a banker (and reading his life story, you'd think he would have made an excellent CEO at Wall Street, actually...)

He would have fit right in down there. That's true.
24-01-2009, 00:59
How about autobahn's?
A shower of shite, had to be repaved after the war.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 01:06
well...Hitler got Volkswagen going, i believe...They make good cars, Im considering getting one when I get some money...
Yes, he founded the Volkswagen main plant.
But they didn't start producing the people's car right away - they started producing war material. Many Germans were ripped off by the company which had established a "safe for your car" plan where you made a monthly down-payment and once your plan card was full were supposed to receive your beetle. Rarely if ever happened because they built Kübelwagen and Schwimmwagen instead.
How about autobahn's?
"The first road of this kind was completed in 1931 between Cologne and Bonn and opened by Konrad Adenauer (Lord Mayor of Cologne and future Chancellor of West Germany) on 6 August 1932.
This road was not yet called Autobahn, but instead was known as a Kraftfahrtstraße (lit. automobile road). The idea was a street which had no crossings and was only to be used by cars and motorcycles and not by pedestrians or the common horse drawn carts. As Adolf Hitler did not become Chancellor until afterwards in January 1933, the claim that the Autobahn was conceived by the Nazis is a myth.
Nevertheless, for a variety of reasons, the Nazi regime pressed ahead with the construction of the Autobahn system. This created jobs and reduced the unemployment rate, though slave labour was used at this time. The Autobahn also possibly served another purpose: the road connection between various regions within Germany could make military defense and logistics much more efficient and rapid in response."

However, during the war, the Autobahn was rarely used for troop transport. Only 3860km were completed when the project was officially canceled in December 1940. Much too little to have an impact on the war, as only an additional 320km were completed until the end.

It's more make-belief and propaganda than anything else. The German Railroad Service had to pay for the Autobahn while receiving nothing in return, and during the war it was the German Railroad Service which bore the brunt of transport.
24-01-2009, 01:07
I know. He pushed for Germany to pioneer TV.

Beat that Stalin.
24-01-2009, 01:08
I know. He pushed for Germany to pioneer TV.
We got there first ^__^
24-01-2009, 01:13
Hitler: Highway (AKA Autobahn)
Neu Leonstein
24-01-2009, 01:17
Not entirely true. Hitler completed the project, but then expanded it beyond the original concept to being a true network. He does get some credit for this.
Hitler, or his staff? Ultimately Hitler himself didn't understand, nor care for the economy. Schacht, Todt, Speer, even Göring - they were the guys in charge of that stuff.

Hitler was more esoteric than that, he didn't enjoy spending time with such trivial matters.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 01:18
Oh, yes. But that policy really only came into force when they had lots of people to enslave - after they'd conquered most of eastern Europe, for example.
Not to forget the political and Jewish prisoners, mind you. Those were "available" long before the war.
Most of the infrastructure boosts - factory and manufacturing centre building, finishing construction and expansion of the Autobahn system, expansion of the ports - occurred pre-war, and purely with German workers.
The Autobahn project was canceled in December of 1940, but construction continued nonetheless. However, only a fraction of German unemployed workers were used for that. Slave labor was extensively relied on.

As for the other projects, yes, the economy was boosted. On credit and primed for war.
German Nightmare
24-01-2009, 01:24
We got there first ^__^
Really? Mechanical or electronic?
24-01-2009, 01:32
I know. He pushed for Germany to pioneer TV.

Beat that Stalin.

We got there first ^__^

Psh, like it matters, WE got there first, Son!!! Take that Europe!!!
24-01-2009, 01:35
What Good thing did Hitler do?

he was a strong environmentalist.
he used alot of gas.
he kept a firm control of the population
he encouraged the use of energy efficent practices (by bombing the s#!t outta them)
and he believed in Gated Communities where everything was shared.

The Lone Alliance
24-01-2009, 02:45
PS: Yeah yeah, Godwin's Law but theres a point!
Yeah pissing me off.

Screw you.
24-01-2009, 03:19
Hitler: Achieved full employment from 30% unemployment!!!

This is actually a complete and utter myth, most estimates reckon that he increased unemployment. Unemployment may have seemed to increase, but that was because Hitler did stupid crap like not include women in the employment surveys, so basically half the country didn't count.
Dumb Ideologies
24-01-2009, 03:22
This is actually a complete and utter myth, most estimates reckon that he increased unemployment. Unemployment may have seemed to increase, but that was because Hitler did stupid crap like not include women in the employment surveys, so basically half the country didn't count.

Thats not all. I went to fascist Italy, and one of the trains was late!
24-01-2009, 03:24
Also, pretty much every single quantifiable improvement in the economy had absolutely nothing to do whatsoever with Hitler. Most of it would have happened anyway, as a natural recovery from the depression, other improvements were due to the work of Schacht.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
24-01-2009, 03:28
*runs away from thread, laughing maniacally*
24-01-2009, 03:30
Because there is no way Hitler or Stalin was 100% wrong. There has to be at least something they did that everyone would agree with.
I'll give mine.


Hitler: Achieved full employment from 30% unemployment!!! Now, everyone likes unemployment reducers, economy being so important and everything.
Promoting exercise for children in schools.
His vegetarianism.
His environmentalist credentials, especially emphasis on recycling (eg: dead jews to soaps)

Stalin: His fashionable moustache.

PS: Yeah yeah, Godwin's Law but theres a point!
One of the best things that Hitler did was invade Russia!! :D
24-01-2009, 03:38
One of the best things that Hitler did was invade Russia!! :D

Ironically, I actually thought that was his biggest mistake, If he'dve kept the Non-Aggression pact with Stalin, he'd have been able to commit Germany's full force to Britain, and without us having entered the war, as of yet, he might could have made her capitulate...

Maybe asking Japan not to hit Pearl Harbor would've helped too I reckon...

He needed to play more Risk, lol...
24-01-2009, 03:42
Ironically, I actually thought that was his biggest mistake,
That is why I agree that it was a good thing. If Hitler hadn't invaded Russia, Germany may have prevailed.
24-01-2009, 03:44
That is why I agree that it was a good thing. If Hitler hadn't invaded Russia, Germany may have prevailed.

lol, cant argue with you there...
24-01-2009, 04:57
Because of Hitler we now have gay Nazi porn. That's something to be grateful for. ;)
24-01-2009, 05:03
Hitler's scientists banned smoking because they knew it was connected to cancer.

I wouldn't want to ban somking, due to impracticallity, but the idea that he knew smoking was bad and did something about it is interesting.

Stalin...I don't know much about him, so I can't say much...
24-01-2009, 05:15
We got there first ^__^

Ah, while it is true that the Great Britainish did invent the TV first, Hitler made sure that the Germans had the first broadcast network. Also the UK Logie Baird system never adopted the CRT. So then:

UK obviously world beater.

Germany the first to reduce to practice.

In conclusion:

While the british once again prove that they actually invented everything, Germany takes the cup in this tie for actually making it useful by having the first actual TV program.
24-01-2009, 05:30
Ah, while it is true that the Great Britainish did invent the TV first, Hitler made sure that the Germans had the first broadcast network. Also the UK Logie Baird system never adopted the CRT. So then:

UK obviously world beater.

Germany the first to reduce to practice.

In conclusion:

While the british once again prove that they actually invented everything, Germany takes the cup in this tie for actually making it useful by having the first actual TV program.

Idk, I think Germany may have actually beat them to it...Although the US was first in its Adoption of it anyway, so There! lol

From Wikipedia:
"In 1884 Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a 20-year old university student in Germany, patented the first electromechanical television system which employed a scanning disk, a spinning disk with a series of holes spiraling toward the center, for rasterization. "
South Lorenya
24-01-2009, 05:35
Stalin went to war with the nazis.

Hitler shot himself.
24-01-2009, 05:43
Idk, I think Germany may have actually beat them to it...Although the US was first in its Adoption of it anyway, so There! lol

From Wikipedia:
"In 1884 Paul Gottlieb Nipkow, a 20-year old university student in Germany, patented the first electromechanical television system which employed a scanning disk, a spinning disk with a series of holes spiraling toward the center, for rasterization. "

Ah maybe then the germans had a double first.

The germans were defo the first to have a regular national broadcast network, that point isn't in dispute.

So well done Hitler, again.
24-01-2009, 05:44
Also, I'd like to point out that this entire thread has been about what Hitler did, or didn't do. So even to this very day he is still giving us pleasure,

Unlike Stalin.
Dostanuot Loj
24-01-2009, 05:53
I think Hitler would have made a very good graphic artist.

Stalin, apparently, was quite knowledgeable about linguistics. He probably would have made a good Professor that wrote angry articles about shit. Sort of a prototype Noam Chomsky.

Actually, I'm finishing my Linguistics degree now, and I'm a huge fan of Stalin (I am minoring in Soviet history, maybe a second major), so I can safely say I've read Stalin's Linguistics works. And all I have to say about them is this: My cat is a better linguist then Stalin. He really had no idea what he was talking about.

As for Hitler and Stalin. Stalin is my idol, and I'm not even communist.
24-01-2009, 05:54
Also, I'd like to point out that this entire thread has been about what Hitler did, or didn't do. So even to this very day he is still giving us pleasure,

Unlike Stalin.

Does not Stalin share in this thread as well?
The Black Forrest
24-01-2009, 05:55
Ah? Hitler was nice to a great Aunt?
24-01-2009, 06:01
Does not Stalin share in this thread as well?

Yahbut apart from the angry chap supra, nobody really wants to talk about him. So Hitler >>> Stalin. (Though no doubt he did fine work in the psychopath department).
The Romulan Republic
24-01-2009, 06:01
Actually this thread made me realize how little I know of Stalin. All the WW2 Hollywood movies are about Nazis.

I'll make you a deal: I ever finish film school, I'll make a Stalin biography.:D

Seriously, it would be interesting. Stalin strikes me as evil in a very different way from Hitler. Hitler was a madman, and a bigot. Stalin, while probably mad in his own way, seemed much more like he was doing it simply because he believed it was nessissary for Russia's survival, and was willing to do anything, however ruthless, to achieve his goals. Which in no way excuses his crimes, but I imagine a film about him could be a fascinating study in pragmatic evil.

It should not be forgotten that Stalin probably killed more people than Hitler ever did. The man modernized Russia, beat Hitler, and brought the world into the Space Age, but he did so through means that were utterly brutal, evil, unnessissary, and unjustifiable. You're right though, he's not as well-known as Hitler, and a movie about him or about WW2 from the Russian perspective would be fascinating.
Black Kids
24-01-2009, 06:02
Making moustaches unfashionable.
24-01-2009, 06:03
Actually, I'm finishing my Linguistics degree now, and I'm a huge fan of Stalin (I am minoring in Soviet history, maybe a second major), so I can safely say I've read Stalin's Linguistics works. And all I have to say about them is this: My cat is a better linguist then Stalin. He really had no idea what he was talking about.

As for Hitler and Stalin. Stalin is my idol, and I'm not even communist.

To be honest, I have no idea what a linguistics degree entails. I was simply reporting that some people found his contributions to be valuable.

But his ability aside, he would have made an excellent angry professor.
The Scandinvans
24-01-2009, 06:07
Tried to kill each other.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
24-01-2009, 06:13
Stalin had that mustache. FUCK YEAH (!

Hitlers mustache was crap (srsly, who told him that little squares were in style? They've never been in style. That's like hiring 12-year olds to piss on your face. Sure, you might do it. You might like it. But you don't put a clear indication that you do it on your face and then make it part of the world's first television broadcast. But, I digress, and weren't there parenthesis around here somewhere?). However, in spite of the 'stache issues, Hitler had one good thing to his name: Mel Brooks would never have made To Be or Not to Be had millions of Jews not been systematically executed.
Dostanuot Loj
24-01-2009, 06:14
To be honest, I have no idea what a linguistics degree entails. I was simply reporting that some people found his contributions to be valuable.

But his ability aside, he would have made an excellent angry professor.

If he knew the subject he would.

But he doesn't, and the only people who actually considered his contributions worth-while were Soviets under his control. Kinda biased.

What he did do, and I will give him credit for this, is liberate Soviet mainstream linguistics from the pattern of "Language is a structure of the class-system!" nonsense and allowed them the freedom of persuing western linguistic concepts such as those brought forth by Saussure and Ogden-Richards. Which, when you look at it, is a horrible irony considering how Stalin clamped down hard on everything else in Soviet life.
24-01-2009, 06:23
If he knew the subject he would.

But he doesn't, and the only people who actually considered his contributions worth-while were Soviets under his control. Kinda biased.

What he did do, and I will give him credit for this, is liberate Soviet mainstream linguistics from the pattern of "Language is a structure of the class-system!" nonsense and allowed them the freedom of persuing western linguistic concepts such as those brought forth by Saussure and Ogden-Richards. Which, when you look at it, is a horrible irony considering how Stalin clamped down hard on everything else in Soviet life.

Eh? You don't have to know the subject to be an angry professor. You just have to be a professor and also angry. Knowledge of the subject at hand is a secondary consideration.

He strikes me as the type of person who would have gotten himself comfortably tenured and then proceeded to rage against everything except the field he was teaching.

What is linguistics anyway? It sounds vaguely creepy.
24-01-2009, 06:24
While the british once again prove that they actually invented everything

I thought it was the Chinese that invented everything.
24-01-2009, 06:28
I thought it was the Chinese that invented everything.

No. They only invented pasta and sunspots.

Though at some point everybody meets a Cantonese girl in honkers who makes them think otherwise.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
24-01-2009, 06:31
No. They only invented pasta and sunspots.

Though at some point everybody meets a Cantonese girl in honkers who makes them think otherwise.
????!? (
And all this time I was blaming all life's problems on the devices of the Germans.
Dostanuot Loj
24-01-2009, 06:31
Eh? You don't have to know the subject to be an angry professor. You just have to be a professor and also angry. Knowledge of the subject at hand is a secondary consideration.

He strikes me as the type of person who would have gotten himself comfortably tenured and then proceeded to rage against everything except the field he was teaching.

What is linguistics anyway? It sounds vaguely creepy.

Well, he'd have to know the subject first, which is the issue. Historically, Stalin was not the most academically-capable totalitarian.

To put it simply, Linguistics is the study of language. Simple eh? We study language in every facet, not learning it per-say, but learning what makes it work, how it makes itself work, how it develops, all that. It ranges from mathematical aspects of morphology of a given language (How the words are put together to make words), to philosophic aspects such as semiotics and semantics, which study meaning of the concepts and the signs themselves.
24-01-2009, 06:53
Well, he'd have to know the subject first, which is the issue. Historically, Stalin was not the most academically-capable totalitarian.

Well now, that I would disagree about. You might not rate his contributions highly, but he was involved with the theoretical development of the national question under marxist-leninism. To say he was not academically capable was wrong. It's just that we judge his contributions under different normative values or someshit. In any event, he was clearly more of an academic than, say, Mao or Hitler, who produced nothing within the same academic context.

But I am not saying he would have been good at his professor subject. All I am pointing out is that he had the wherewithal to fit in with the prevailing academic ethos of the day. As such, he would have made it as a mediocre professor in respect of the subject he taught. Yet at then same time he would have been most excellently angry about everything else. Making him interesting.

And you cannot honestly tell me that there are not plenty of useless lumps who become professors based upon saying the right things a few decades ago. Given what Stalin actually did, it would be well within his capabilities.
24-01-2009, 06:54
????!? (
And all this time I was blaming all life's problems on the devices of the Germans.

See fiddles, you have to step outside the catholic education at some point. And then you will find that there are other hot girls in short pleated skirts who will also not give you sex.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
24-01-2009, 07:05
See fiddles, you have to step outside the catholic education at some point. And then you will find that there are other hot girls in short pleated skirts who will also not give you sex.
I wuz raised outside the Catholic education, hence my molestation free youth and periodic descent into the Presbyterian basement of nasty coffee, Southahn accents, and joyless rhetoric.
But the part about short skirts and no sex was so damnably true. Why do women dress so sexy and then not give sex to complete and total strangers, is what I want to know. And why am alone and drunk on Friday night?
24-01-2009, 07:23
Why do women dress so sexy and then not give sex to complete and total strangers, is what I want to know.

God's own private mystery I would suppose. The main thing, from what I can remember, is if they flash their panties. That's usually a good bet.

Mind you, when I say that, I have to warn you that Val Kilmer was still considered cool at that time. The rules may have changed.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
24-01-2009, 07:35
God's own private mystery I would suppose. The main thing, from what I can remember, is if they flash their panties. That's usually a good bet.

Mind you, when I say that, I have to warn you that Val Kilmer was still considered cool at that time. The rules may have changed.
Fiddlebottoms has no clue what just happened, but is pretty sure it didn't benefit him. Hence, it was unfair, and so he shall cut himself. That'll show the world!
24-01-2009, 07:54
Fiddlebottoms has no clue what just happened, but is pretty sure it didn't benefit him. Hence, it was unfair, and so he shall cut himself. That'll show the world!

Haha, yeah.

People cutting themselves too. That used to be considered the height of comedy.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
24-01-2009, 08:00
Haha, yeah.

People cutting themselves too. That used to be considered the height of comedy.
I thought that groin kicks were the height of comedy. Or maybe it was innuendo-laden sight gags.
Ferrous Oxide
24-01-2009, 09:10
Hitler made the German people feel good about themselves........

They're still trying to find someone to do that again. The closest thing so far is the Germany national football team.
24-01-2009, 09:11
They both put on some amazing parades.
24-01-2009, 11:06

Hitler: Sucked a gun, killed himself. (oh, okay, I'll play nice...) Autobahns, funding for the rocket-science that eventually led to both the Soviet and American space programmes.

Stalin: ummmm... ah... er... invaded Hitler's Germany and finished off the Third Reich?
24-01-2009, 15:52
Nazi scientists working for hitler's secret weapons and propaganda are responsible for creation of magnetic tape which lead to videos and cassettes etc as well as much of the initial rocket research which gave us jet aircraft and rockets
24-01-2009, 16:03
I think stalin is a pretty cool guy. eh kills paesents and doesnt afraid of anything
24-01-2009, 16:29
Hitler: Built the Autobahn
Stalin: Helped us beat Hitler.
No Names Left Damn It
24-01-2009, 21:30
His vegetarianism.

He wasn't a vegetarian.
The Parkus Empire
24-01-2009, 23:09
Hitler: He helped greatly to end unemployment (even before the war).

Stalin: He beat the hell out of Hitler. :D
The Parkus Empire
24-01-2009, 23:15
He wasn't a vegetarian.

More like a "flexitarian".
25-01-2009, 00:13
Stalin: Curbstomped Nazi Germany.
Hitler: Blew his own brains out.
German Nightmare
25-01-2009, 02:42
hitler: Built the autobahn
hitler: He helped greatly to end unemployment (even before the war).
Miles Edgeworth
25-01-2009, 02:56
United most of the country in a single goal, and while the ends (which was to create a genetically superior race) may be desirable, the means, not so much.
25-01-2009, 04:03
Nazi scientists working for hitler's secret weapons and propaganda are responsible for creation of magnetic tape which lead to videos and cassettes etc as well as much of the initial rocket research which gave us jet aircraft and rockets

Alle dinge Hitler nichts zu tun hat. Das er sich erschossen hat war das beste dinge er getan hat!
German Nightmare
25-01-2009, 04:43
Alle dinge Hitler nichts zu tun hat. Das er sich erschossen hat war das beste dinge er getan hat!
Stop butchering the German language!
25-01-2009, 05:02
Alle dinge Hitler nichts zu tun hat. Das er sich erschossen hat war das beste dinge er getan hat!
Oh Jesus. Yer German is pretty schlimm, pal.
25-01-2009, 05:05
Didn't hitler have medical programs which advanced the use of penicillin?
25-01-2009, 09:55
Because there is no way Hitler or Stalin was 100% wrong. There has to be at least something they did that everyone would agree with.

Stalin helped initiate space exploration...sort of.

Hitler didn't use chem weapons during the Battle of Britain or Stalingrad...does that count?
greed and death
25-01-2009, 10:34
More like a "flexitarian".

yeah. he was a vegetarian like most vegetarians i know.
he would eat meat if he was in a formal setting and the main course was meat and it would be seen as an insult to refuse it.
by the 40's when he had absolute power he only got meat because his chef would sneak it in (was of the school that total vegetarianism was bad) and his quack physicians would inject it in him animal proteins.
Linker Niederrhein
25-01-2009, 12:00
Their existence caused the creation of this comic ('').
No Names Left Damn It
25-01-2009, 12:25
yeah. he was a vegetarian like most vegetarians i know.

He enjoyed eating roast pigeon and bull's testicles, so you're talking shit.
25-01-2009, 13:43
Because there is no way Hitler or Stalin was 100% wrong. There has to be at least something they did that everyone would agree with.

Hitler was 100% wrong. Fucked up Germany for good.

1)Wiped out Nazi Germany (CCCP played the major role against the Nazis).
2)Supported the birth of Israel, while instituting the Jewish Autonomous Oblast - Birobidz'an.
3)At least tried not to have post-war Germany split in two halves.

As for the rest, fucked up CCCP quite a lot.
25-01-2009, 13:49
Well now, that I would disagree about. You might not rate his contributions highly, but he was involved with the theoretical development of the national question under marxist-leninism. To say he was not academically capable was wrong.
But I am not saying he would have been good at his professor subject.

Meh. More than being an accomplished theoretician of marxism-leninism, I'd say that Stalin tried to simplify marxism-leninism for the great public (or masses :) ). I read some of Stalin's works, and they're not very innovative. Simple, though. They can be understood by anyone with a minimal knowledge of history and political philosophy.

The real problem with Stalin's opus is that he oversimplified - and, I guess, he did so to suit his political needs more than to contribute to the propagation of knowledge.
25-01-2009, 13:51
One good thing that both men did is create a climate that is ripe for making great jokes about.
25-01-2009, 14:21
You know, when I red the OP title really carefully I realize... I never supported anything they did, I wasn't even alive yet.
25-01-2009, 15:03
Hitler pulled Germany out of depression and made them a regional power.

I might not agree with the way he did it.
25-01-2009, 16:19
You know, when I red the OP title really carefully I realize... I never supported anything they did, I wasn't even alive yet.

Yep. Hitler died 31 years before I was born, and Stalin died 23 years before I was born. At least according to the official data of my ID. ;)
No Names Left Damn It
25-01-2009, 16:21
Yep. Hitler died 31 years before I was born

You were born in the late 90s?
No Names Left Damn It
25-01-2009, 16:21
Also, things they did that I support;

Hitler: Invading France

Stalin: Gulags.
25-01-2009, 16:51
His environmentalist credentials, especially emphasis on recycling (eg: dead jews to soaps)

I always found it strange that the Nazis would want to use something they considered unclean as a basis for soap. But Hitler did have good taste in music, viz. Wagner and all that.
25-01-2009, 20:00
Name a Good thing Hitler and Stalin did that you supportedDying.
It's something more dictators should do, sooner rather than later.
Glorious Norway
25-01-2009, 20:03
It's something more dictators should do, sooner rather than later.

Non-dictators don't die?
25-01-2009, 20:23
Non-dictators don't die?

Psh, no, I dont believe GW can die...
25-01-2009, 20:43
You were born in the late 90s?

Failing at Math 101, are we, neh?
Nanatsu no Tsuki
25-01-2009, 22:10
It's something more dictators should do, sooner rather than later.

No Names Left Damn It
25-01-2009, 22:44
Failing at Math 101, are we, neh?

It's a well known fact Hitler died in the 60s in Argentina.
25-01-2009, 23:09
It's a well known fact Hitler died in the 60s in Argentina.

I doubt hitler did.....But, several Nazi Henchman and Officers did...Damn Catholics smugglin em out..
The Mindset
25-01-2009, 23:33
I support social Darwinism. Unfortunately, Hitler based his on race rather than intelligence.
The blessed Chris
25-01-2009, 23:40
Hitler did create a pretty nifty transport network. The Blitzkrieg attests to its efficacy.