Women get more orgasms when having sex with richer men...
...or so the study referenced in this (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article5537017.ece) article seems to suggest:
Wealthy men give women more orgasms
Scientists have found that the pleasure women get from making love is directly linked to the size of their partner’s bank balance.
They found that the wealthier a man is, the more frequently his partner has orgasms.
“Women’s orgasm frequency increases with the income of their partner,” said Dr Thomas Pollet, the Newcastle University psychologist behind the research.
He believes the phenomenon is an “evolutionary adaptation” that is hard-wired into women, driving them to select men on the basis of their perceived quality
However, it fits into a wider body of research known as evolutionary psychology which suggests that both men and women are genetically predisposed to ruthlessly exploit each other to achieve the best chances of survival for their genes.
He and Nettle tested that idea using data gathered in one of the world’s biggest lifestyle studies. The Chinese Health and Family Life Survey targeted 5,000 people across China for in-depth interviews about their personal lives, including questions about their sex lives, income and other factors. Among these were 1,534 women with male partners whose data was the basis for the study.
He said: “Increasing partner income had a highly positive effect on women’s self-reported frequency of orgasm. More desirable mates cause women to experience more orgasms.”
This is not an effect limited to Chinese women. Previous research in Germany and America has looked at attributes such as body symmetry and attractiveness, finding that these are also linked with orgasm frequency. Money, however, seems even more important.
David Buss, professor of psychology at the University of Texas, Austin, who raised this question in his book The Evolution of Desire believes female orgasms have several possible purposes.
“They could promote emotional bonding with a high-quality male or they could serve as a signal that women are highly sexually satisfied, and hence unlikely to seek sex with other men,” he said. “What those orgasms are saying is ‘I'm extremely loyal, so you should invest in me and my children’."
Best things in life are free, eh? :tongue:
I have to wonder whether the study applies more universally...eg. a prostitute having a wealthy or poor client or across vastly different cultures...or how the detection system works: Do women have some sort of bank account balance & property ownership sense or radar? What if the woman is living in a communist paradise and everyone is pretty much equal..Would other characteristics take precedence then? Does the wife value - give 'monetary worth' to - herself as well?
Also, with the study 'only' referencing 1500 couples in China one has to ask him or herself: Just how reliable the study really is? :)
Cabra West
19-01-2009, 16:59
I read about that... I can't really say it's true for me, though. *shrugs*
I think the thing about this study is that it highlights a possible correlation, not a causation. So it might be a bit more complex than it would first appear. Things to do with female orgasm usually are ;)
Exilia and Colonies
19-01-2009, 17:01
Some people will believe anything...
Pure Metal
19-01-2009, 17:03
He said: “Increasing partner income had a highly positive effect on women’s self-reported frequency of orgasm. More desirable mates cause women to experience more orgasms.”
self-reported, eh? talking in front of their partner were they? faking maybe? just a thought
Also, with the study 'only' referencing 1500 couples in China one has to ask him or herself: Just how reliable the study really is? :)
Probably not at all; they probably lied because they didn't want their rich husbands to divorce them and get a new wife. ;)
self-reported, eh? talking in front of their partner were they? faking maybe? just a thought
The only way to get actual data would be to hook electrodes up to their brains and let them get it on.
Dumb Ideologies
19-01-2009, 17:06
So THATS what first attracted Debbie McGee to the millionaire Paul Daniels
19-01-2009, 17:07
I think the thing about this study is that it highlights a possible correlation, not a causation. So it might be a bit more complex than it would first appear. Things to do with human beings usually are ;)
It's the same with anything in psychology (and indeed science generally), just because there's evidence two things are related does not mean the one causes the other. Or even if it's causal, it may only account for a small amount of the variance, or rely on an interaction with other factors...
Psychology, by it's nature gives messy data... you will never find a perfect causation.
Probably not at all; they probably lied because they didn't want their rich husbands to divorce them and get a new wife. ;)True, true...
However, it's interesting that is one of the explanations they are offering for positive correlation from evolutionary point of view (eg. the last paragraph of of the article).
Pure Metal
19-01-2009, 17:09
The only way to get actual data would be to hook electrodes up to their brains and let them get it on.
kinda kills the mood, that does. not that i'd know
*faps at electrode fetish*
19-01-2009, 17:10
maybe rich men have more leisure to practice sexual techniques with a variety of women so they actually ARE better lovers.
maybe they can afford better sex toys.
maybe rich men have more leisure to practice sexual techniques with a variety of women so they actually ARE better lovers.
maybe they can afford better sex toys.
Maybe the women feel more secure, and don't have to worry about anything like money anymore.
19-01-2009, 17:14
Are we talking real orgasms or faked ones?
Maybe the women feel more secure, and don't have to worry about anything like money anymore.
Maybe this particular area of sex life needs a more indepth study....
I certainly would like to know whether I have to lie about being a millionare or is having just several hundred k on off-shore account that's not quite reachable right now enough... ;)
Are we talking real orgasms or faked ones?
Good question.
Are we talking real orgasms or faked ones?
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
I'm totally broke, anyone want to volunteer to be the other part of the control group for the electrodes thingy?
19-01-2009, 17:18
Maybe the women feel more secure, and don't have to worry about anything like money anymore.
especially in china where poor men make next to no money and work like dogs. thats not a recipe for great sex.
Pure Metal
19-01-2009, 17:20
That's what I'm trying to figure out.
I'm totally broke, anyone want to volunteer to be the other part of the control group for the electrodes thingy?
i volunteer to do the sex. you do the electrodes. all we need is the wimmins.....
19-01-2009, 17:20
Well, if we're talking about someone who's got six kids screaming in the next room and worrying about whether there's enough money to pay for food and shelter, I'd say that might interfere in their ability to have orgasms...
and that if the kids are being taken care of by a nanny a floor away, and no worries about finanaces, it might not be as difficult....
...but I doubt that just having money = more orgasms. Sounds like a late-night infomercial claim to me.
Cabra West
19-01-2009, 17:20
i volunteer to do the sex. you do the electrodes. all we need is the wimmins.....
I would volunteer, but I think the result wouldn't be conclusive...
Lunatic Goofballs
19-01-2009, 17:20
It's a good think I'm not rich then or my wife would be in real trouble. ;)
Exilia and Colonies
19-01-2009, 17:21
Well you've already got the electrodes. Why not go the whole hog and buy a robot?
Well, if we're talking about someone who's got six kids screaming in the next room and worrying about whether there's enough money to pay for food and shelter, I'd say that might interfere in their ability to have orgasms...
and that if the kids are being taken care of by a nanny a floor away, and no worries about finanaces, it might not be as difficult....
...but I doubt that just having money = more orgasms. Sounds like a late-night infomercial claim to me.
Dylsexic Untied
19-01-2009, 17:25
maybe rich men have more leisure to practice sexual techniques with a variety of women so they actually ARE better lovers.
maybe they can afford better sex toys.
Usually wealthy men are so for a reason, they work their ass off, and usually don't have the leisure for that....or much else...like a lot of quality time with the wife...
...but I doubt that just having money = more orgasms. Sounds like a late-night infomercial claim to me.
Well, according to the article it's not only money but looks and other attributes as well: Previous research in Germany and America has looked at attributes such as body symmetry and attractiveness, finding that these are also linked with orgasm frequency. Money, however, seems even more important.
It could make sense for the woman in terms of evolution: A poor sexlife could lead in to finding a new partner.
That is, if the man isn't suitable enough woman might end up finding a husband more capable of taking care of the woman and children using "good sex" as one of the meters IF the sexual satisfaction would be tied to "secondary attributes" - from looks and intelligence to prosperity - of the partner.
Cabra West
19-01-2009, 17:33
It could make sense for the woman in terms of evolution: A poor sexlife could lead in to finding a new partner. That is, if the man isn't suitable enough woman might end up finding a husband more capable of taking care of the woman and children using "good sex" as one of the meters IF the sexual satisfaction would be tied to "secondary attributes" - from looks and intelligence to prosperity - of the partner.
But that's not what it is, is it? Sexual attraction is what happens BEFORE sex, This is about what happens during sex.
An example: I - personally - am not that attracted to rich men. I know a few, and I would label them "bastards". I don't think I will ever decide to have sex with them, because I don't like them or find them attractive.
There's still the option that they could give me more and better orgasms than I ever experienced before, but I'll never know about that, since I'm not attracted to them.
No, I think we have to rule out attraction for this one. If anything, it could be a way of making the relationship stronger, but it surely isn't a way to start one.
19-01-2009, 17:33
Usually wealthy men are so for a reason, they work their ass off, and usually don't have the leisure for that....or much else...like a lot of quality time with the wife...
maybe sex in china is so bad generally that the few rich men who have time to invest in learning sexual techinques put them over the top in the orgasm sweepstakes.
maybe sex in china is so bad generally that the few rich men who have time to invest in learning sexual techinques put them over the top in the orgasm sweepstakes.
I don't know, it seems to me the population of China points to it being the place for sex.
Cabra West
19-01-2009, 17:38
I don;t know, it seems to me the population of China points to it being the place for sex.
From what I hear they tend to be pretty prudish, though.
But that's not what it is, is it? Sexual attraction is what happens BEFORE sex, This is about what happens during sex.
I wasn't talking about attraction, I was talking about sexual satisfaction.
Would you say a good sexlife is an improtant factor of a relationship in average?
If the answer is 'yes' then evolution ending up in binding sexlife with other attributes of the partner which would further enhance the partner selection mechanism would make sense.
From what I hear they tend to be pretty prudish, though.
So do I, I was making a failed attempt at a joke.
Cabra West
19-01-2009, 17:41
I wasn't talking about attraction, I was talking about sexual satisfaction.
Would you say a good sexlife is an improtant factor of a relationship in average?
If the answer is 'yes' then evolution ending up in binding sexlife with other attributes of the partner which would further enhance the partner selection mechanism would make sense.
It does play a role in the relationship, yes. But it doesn't play a role in the partner selection process.
19-01-2009, 17:42
I don't know, it seems to me the population of China points to it being the place for sex.
orgasm isnt required for conception.
i really dont think that china is a good place to do this study. poor is very poor, rich is very rich and the variables involved in being either may well be more important than the man's actual net worth.
It does play a role in the relationship, yes. But it doesn't play a role in the partner selection process.
Yes it does, if good or bad sex is a factor that can determine whether you want to be with someone else.
Cabra West
19-01-2009, 17:44
Yes it does, if good or bad sexlife is a factor that can determine whether you want to be with someone else.
Usually partner selection is what goes on BEFORE you have sex... every sexual encounter could result in a pregnancy, after all. So it's important to choose the right guy. And you can't really try out all that many, otherwise you might end up with some pretty inferior offspring...
19-01-2009, 17:48
we could look at it this way...
who is more the chooser in sex with a rich man?
perhaps the rich man chooses "sexier" women who are the type to enjoy sex more and have better orgasmic records. maybe he rejects the woman who never loosen up enough to enjoy sex thus leaving those women for the poor man to have sex with.
Usually partner selection is what goes on BEFORE you have sex..
My point is that unsatisfactory sex can break the relationship up - Most likely earlier rather than later.
..every sexual encounter could result in a pregnancy, after all. So it's important to choose the right guy.
Well, the poor sexlife is there to remind you that you chose badly ;) :tongue:
Also, it would impact the threshold of staying in such a relationship ie. whether the woman would be better off trying to find a new partner.
But, as long as there is no bigger follow-up study all this is purely academic speculation.
Knights of Liberty
19-01-2009, 18:34
Are we talking real orgasms or faked ones?
This. I was thinking it didnt mean "Women get more orgasms with rich men" but what it reall meant was "Women fake more orgasms with rich men".
19-01-2009, 18:38
This. I was thinking it didnt mean "Women get more orgasms with rich men" but what it reall meant was "Women fake more orgasms with rich men".
Make him think he's just that good and you can dig deeper. :D
This was made up to boost the egos of rich men with small penises. Those sports cars weren't doing enough.
Knights of Liberty
19-01-2009, 18:40
Make him think he's just that good and you can dig deeper. :D
This was my thought exactly.
But, for some reason when reading this article, I kept thinking of "wealthy men" in terms of really rich old white guys who screw 20 year old women and think that shes really into him (and not his money...). Like Donald Trump. I doubt that guy gives women orgasms.
This was made up to boost the egos of rich men with small penises. Those sports cars weren't doing enough.
lolz. :)
Truly Blessed
19-01-2009, 18:51
Think this goes back to Alpha Male / Alpha Female however you slice it. Fake / Real it is for the man's benefit mostly. Ego trip.
So you do the same study and you only tell the woman that he is loaded. assuming he treats lady friend well same thing will likely happen. He make it looks like he is rich by renting a Porsche or some other sports car. He drives back to his rented shack in the Hollywood Hills, pool the whole nine yards.
I bet we could show a similar pattern in apes of some sort.
Make him think he's just that good and you can dig deeper. :D
This was made up to boost the egos of rich men with small penises. Those sports cars weren't doing enough.
Ahh but would you rather sped your life being rich and not having orgasms or not being rich and having lots of orgasms? That's the most important question anyone will ever ask themselves :p
19-01-2009, 19:00
The women of Zimbabwe must be incredibly frustrated at the moment.
Knights of Liberty
19-01-2009, 19:02
The women of Zimbabwe must be incredibly frustrated at the moment.
What are you talking about? Zimbabwe has tons of billionares. They just printed a $100 trillion bill. They are the most sexually satisfied people in the world.
19-01-2009, 19:08
we could look at it this way...
who is more the chooser in sex with a rich man?
perhaps the rich man chooses "sexier" women who are the type to enjoy sex more and have better orgasmic records. maybe he rejects the woman who never loosen up enough to enjoy sex thus leaving those women for the poor man to have sex with.
Interesting thought.
I figured it had something to do with women's pleasure being more tied up in security and provision for themselves and potential offspring (instinctually, don't get all defensive, feminists).
19-01-2009, 19:12
So THATS what first attracted Debbie McGee to the millionaire Paul Daniels
like it
Came across something else that might or might not relate to this..
High Hormone Levels in Women May Lead to Infidelity, Study Shows
January 14, 2009
AUSTIN, Texas — Women with high levels of the sex hormone oestradiol may engage in opportunistic mating, according to a new study by psychology researchers at The University of Texas at Austin.
Doctoral candidate Kristina Durante and Assistant Professor of Psychology Norm Li published their findings in the article "Oestradiol Level and Opportunistic Mating in Women" in the Jan. 13 issue of Proceedings of the Royal Society of London: Biology Letters.
"The study offers further evidence that physiological mechanisms continue to play a major role in guiding women's sexual motivations and behavior," Durante said.
Durante and Li investigated the relationship between oestradiol, an ovarian hormone linked to fertility, and sexual motivation in a study of 52 female undergraduates not using contraception. Participants' ages ranged from 17 to 30 years old.
The researchers measured the participants' hormone levels at two points during each woman's ovulatory cycle and then asked them to rate their own physical attractiveness. Independent observers also rated the participants' physical attractiveness.
Participants also answered survey questions that measured their propensity to cheat on a partner.
The researchers found that a woman's oestradiol level was positively associated with self-perceived physical attractiveness. Women with a higher oestradiol level also reported a greater likelihood of flirting, kissing and having a serious affair (but not a one-night stand) with a new partner.
Oestradiol levels were negatively associated with a woman's satisfaction with her primary partner
"Our findings show that highly fertile women are not easily satisfied by their long-term partners and are motivated to seek out more desirable partners," Durante explained. "However, that doesn't mean they're more likely to engage in casual sex. Instead, they adopt a strategy of serial monogamy."
Remember kids, it's not cheating when it's serial monogamy! :)
So, on the other hand we have study claiming prosperity is a factor to a good orgasm and on the other hand we have beautiful women out there seeking for a better catch: 1 + 1 = 2 - In order to have a beautiful and satisfied wife man has to be filthy rich and symmetrical! :(
20-01-2009, 02:21
Interesting thought.
I figured it had something to do with women's pleasure being more tied up in security and provision for themselves and potential offspring (instinctually, don't get all defensive, feminists).
and it might. but why would a rich man put up with a "frigid" wife? he doesnt have to.
the poor man is lucky to have any wife at all.
Zombie PotatoHeads
20-01-2009, 02:36
From what I hear they tend to be pretty prudish, though.
very prudish. Average age to lose one's virginity is something like 22. It was 24 for men and 26 for women not so long ago, but has been dropping - much to the consternation of the Authorities.
Not that surprising then that they report, going on that study's findings, lousy sex lives.
I think it's (being sexually aroused by money) moreso in China due to the dire poverty there. 1/3 of them still live below the poverty line. That's 400 million. In rural China (where over 2/3 of them still live), the official (read: grossly inflated to make the Chinese govt look good) average income is ~$30US a month. In the cities, it's not that much better really: ~$100US /month. They can see first hand just what real poverty is, so finding a guy who earns enough so that takes you out of that lousy situation and means you now no longer need to slave away 10+ hours a day is going to be a huge turn-on for anyone.
Zombie PotatoHeads
20-01-2009, 02:38
So THATS what first attracted Debbie McGee to the millionaire Paul Daniels
It certainly wasn't his hair that did it.
20-01-2009, 02:40
very prudish. Average age to lose one's virginity is something like 22. It was 24 for men and 26 for women not so long ago, but has been dropping - much to the consternation of the Authorities.
Not that surprising then that they report, going on that study's findings, lousy sex lives.
I think it's (being sexually aroused by money) moreso in China due to the dire poverty there. 1/3 of them still live below the poverty line. That's 400 million. In rural China (where over 2/3 of them still live), the official (read: grossly inflated to make the Chinese govt look good) average income is ~$30US a month. In the cities, it's not that much better really: ~$100US /month. They can see first hand just what real poverty is, so finding a guy who earns enough so that takes you out of that lousy situation and means you now no longer need to slave away 10+ hours a day is going to be a huge turn-on for anyone.
yeah. women who arent exhausted by working hard physical labor all day have more orgasms.
Zombie PotatoHeads
20-01-2009, 02:44
yeah. women who arent exhausted by working hard physical labor all day have more orgasms.
a blinding bit of insight there, Ash.
Now all you need to do is have someone pay you to do an indepth study on this matter.
Anti-Social Darwinism
20-01-2009, 02:47
Could this be an exercise in rational self-interest?
20-01-2009, 02:54
a blinding bit of insight there, Ash.
Now all you need to do is have someone pay you to do an indepth study on this matter.
im pretty smart that way.
did you know that men who arent chronically malnourished are better lovers too?
Zombie PotatoHeads
20-01-2009, 02:58
im pretty smart that way.
did you know that men who arent chronically malnourished are better lovers too?
news to me.
Next you'll be telling me that breathing prolongs life.
20-01-2009, 03:09
*Buys lots and lots and lots of Lottery Tickets from multiple sources*
20-01-2009, 05:04
and it might. but why would a rich man put up with a "frigid" wife? he doesnt have to.
the poor man is lucky to have any wife at all.
The rich man has to put up with frigidity if marrying her is what elevated him or secured him in his wealth.
Marrakech II
20-01-2009, 05:08
maybe rich men have more leisure to practice sexual techniques with a variety of women so they actually ARE better lovers.
maybe they can afford better sex toys.
You may be on to something here. ;)
Marrakech II
20-01-2009, 05:09
news to me.
Next you'll be telling me that breathing prolongs life.
I don't believe that one bit.
20-01-2009, 05:10
The rich man has to put up with frigidity if marrying her is what elevated him or secured him in his wealth.
then she has more orgasms because she demands them.
20-01-2009, 05:11
The rich man has to put up with frigidity if marrying her is what elevated him or secured him in his wealth.
Or if she threatens to take Half...
20-01-2009, 05:34
Money. It's better than Viagra, and it won't give you a heart attack either.
Vault 10
20-01-2009, 05:36
Or if she threatens to take Half...
And 99% of the time, it would be this case.
20-01-2009, 05:42
Being poor, and having kept the women in my life pretty consistently happy, I'm calling bullshit on this study.
20-01-2009, 05:43
Being poor, and having kept the women in my life pretty consistently happy, I'm calling bullshit on this study.
maybe you are destined to be a rich man.
20-01-2009, 05:46
maybe you are destined to be a rich man.
Not the rate I'm going.
20-01-2009, 05:47
Not the rate I'm going.
buy lottery tickets every time you show a woman a particularly good time.
20-01-2009, 05:50
There's an ad on the page that says the following: "Are you addicted to sex? Take the quiz to find out!"
20-01-2009, 05:54
There's an ad on the page that says the following: "Are you addicted to sex? Take the quiz to find out!"
Why would I need a quiz to know that :confused:...
I've never had sex with a rich guy. In fact, I've only ever made out with one rich guy. And I would not put him near the top of the list in that.
I think sex with my ex was better when he was a broke student, because he wasn't stressed out about making money and working all the time. Maybe all the women polled slept with rich heirs.
20-01-2009, 08:25
I'm totally broke, anyone want to volunteer to be the other part of the control group for the electrodes thingy?Electrodes? Sign me up.
There's a couple of other posters who need to consider getting in here ...
Pepe Dominguez
20-01-2009, 08:34
Sex is supposed to produce an endorphin rush, right? I wouldn't know, but I used to be an avid distance runner and am a consumer of spicy foods, which are both activities that are reputed to stimulate endorphin release. I probably enjoyed running more on sunny days than on cloudy ones, and enjoy spicy foods at good prices better than those of equal quality at higher prices. Given all that, it doesn't surprise me at all that women might respond to the chemicals released during sex more positively during good times, defined as prosperity, than during bad. What's the controversy in that? Seems like there's a rush to judgment going on for some people.
20-01-2009, 08:39
...but I used to be an avid distance runner and am a consumer of spicy foods...
Surely not a good combination.
Pepe Dominguez
20-01-2009, 08:42
Surely not a good combination.
Not when done concurrently, I would bet. You don't see many hands offering tamales during marathons. :D
Non Aligned States
20-01-2009, 09:11
And 99% of the time, it would be this case.
You forgot where the population was sampled. China is hardly the place to look for equal rights among genders.
Anti-Social Darwinism
20-01-2009, 09:52
Does this finding apply if you didn't know he came from money?
I found out a strange thing the other day, my ex-husband stands to inherit about $5 million when his mother dies. I didn't know this when I married him and I didn't know it when I divorced him. I feel very odd.
sex may be a physical activity, but the mind plays as major a roll in sexual gratification.
not everyone, of either gender, has the same taste in it either!
and it damd sure isn't JUST size. either of genitalia or secondary sexual charicteristics, and i'm generalizing for both genders, nor even aesthetics in indevidual perceptions of ideal form, but of course where each others heads are comming from as well. not not the little heads down there, the big ones on top of the neck. you know the ones with the little grey cells inside.
Pepe Dominguez
20-01-2009, 10:15
sex may be a physical activity, but the mind plays as major a roll in sexual gratification.
not everyone, of either gender, has the same taste in it either!
and it damd sure isn't JUST size. either of genitalia or secondary sexual charicteristics, and i'm generalizing for both genders, nor even aesthetics in indevidual perceptions of ideal form, but of course where each others heads are comming from as well. not not the little heads down there, the big ones on top of the neck. you know the ones with the little grey cells inside.
Woah, wait a minute now. One stereotype at a time, please. We're still on gold-digging women at the moment. :D But you're probably right.
20-01-2009, 11:12
...or so the study referenced in this (http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/science/article5537017.ece) article seems to suggest:
[Karl Marx mode]In the bourgoise society, sex is class-biased.[/Karl Marx mode]
Also, with the study 'only' referencing 1500 couples in China one has to ask him or herself: Just how reliable the study really is? :)
About zero.
20-01-2009, 11:23
Pfft. Everyone knows that rich men are able to afford the vast amounts of research in the field of semen flavouring, which leads to more oral sex as foreplay and, therefore, possibly more orgasms for women with rich men.
That or they are able to afford the Axe Body Spray that is portrayed in the commercials and not the one that they layman can get his hands on.
20-01-2009, 13:03
Actually, wealth goes with a whole lot of other factors. Wealthy men tend to have:
a good education
A nice bed to shag in
A healthy body (Note: I said "tend to")
In some cases, more leisure time to frolic.
I don't disbelieve the survey but this also is true:
Women who are on holidays tend to have more orgasms. (Would anyone doubt this?)
No. Just no. I don't know many women who expect a man to support them anymore...fuck that, sisters are doing it for themselves! I don't care what my lovers make...it's not MY money, and I'm certainly not thinking about their wallet during sex. Pffft.
20-01-2009, 19:21
What are you talking about? Zimbabwe has tons of billionares. They just printed a $100 trillion bill. They are the most sexually satisfied people in the world.
That would explain a lot...
20-01-2009, 19:23
...and I didn't know it when I divorced him. I feel very odd.
Orgasmic recoil.
20-01-2009, 19:28
It stands to reason. Rich men have more money for women to sink their fangs into. Any woman would cream their jeans over that.
It stands to reason. Rich men have more money for women to sink their fangs into. Any woman would cream their jeans over that.
I'm not sure you crammed enough misogyny and bitterness into that statement...you should give it another shot.
20-01-2009, 19:33
See what I mean about the "fangs"?
See what I mean about the "fangs"?
I know, right? How beyond the pale to question someone on his or her gender biased, acrimonious statement! I mean...clearly all women are money grubbing bitches! It's an axiom!
20-01-2009, 19:38
I know, right? How beyond the pale to question someone on their gender bias, and acrimonious statement! I mean...clearly all women are money grubbing bitches! It's an axiom!
You mean to say that NO women are out there to marry for money? You don't really believe that, do you?
I know my wife, poor lady, certainly didn't; but I can name no less than three of her close friends who did. They bedded the poor guy down, married him, divorced him a short time later, and now live on easy street with a goodly share of his money.
You mean to say that NO women are out there to marry for money?
Learn to read.
20-01-2009, 19:42
Learn to read.
I read well enough to see that you also must think that there are no women out there who would marry a man for his money. I really didn't misread anything. I simply know that marriage for money exists.
You mean to say that NO women are out there to marry for money?
It stands to reason. Rich men have more money for women to sink their fangs into. Any woman would cream their jeans over that.
YOU made the claim that 'any woman would cream their jeans' over a rich man, suggesting that you believe most, if not all women would make relationship choices based on a man's bank account. The counter to that is NOT automatically 'no women marry for money' but rather, "I challenge your assertion that most, if not all women do so".
Once again...considering that most women in the industrialised west actually work, and bring in their own income, the idea that we are swimming around like sharks looking for a poor rich man to prey upon is...laughable at best. It couldn't POSSIBLY be in the case of your friends that things were good for a while, and then ceased to be?
I mean...your wife wouldn't divorce you, because you're poor, right? That IS the only reason to divorce, isn't it? To get 'half' of his stuff? There'd be no point then in divorcing you?
You don't really understand how divorce works, do you?
I read well enough
No, no I don't think you do.
Neesika has a point. However, I'm positive that marriage for money still exists, but it is probably such a rarity that it isn't even really worth mentioning.
21-01-2009, 07:35
Or if she threatens to take Half...
Ah, that takes me back. Any one else remember when Eddie Murphy was funny?
21-01-2009, 08:02
Ah, that takes me back. Any one else remember when Eddie Murphy was funny?
I was wondering if anyone would get the reference...*gives a Cookie* lol...
Yeah, I think if he wants to get funny again, he should watch Raw again...
I read well enough to see that you also must think that there are no women out there who would marry a man for his money. I really didn't misread anything. I simply know that marriage for money exists.
It went right over your head. Someone says "Its not always like that" and you take it to mean "Its never like that" I would work on my reading comprehension.
21-01-2009, 15:22
besides the thread is about money generating orgasms. women who whore themselves out to rich men arent concerned about orgasms they are concerned about money.
besides the thread is about money generating orgasms. women who whore themselves out to rich men arent concerned about orgasms they are concerned about money.
I'm concerned about orgasms... so I guess if this study is to be believed I need money.
21-01-2009, 15:32
I'm concerned about orgasms... so I guess if this study is to be believed I need money.
especially if you date lots of chinese women...
especially if you date lots of chinese women...
Actually.. that's sort of funny you mention it.