You know it's dead when...
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2009, 16:03
I saw a news bit about this on CNN and thought I had to find it and share this with you.
Apparently House SPeaker Nancy Pelosi has a new youtube channel and is trying to show off her youtube savvy:
You know when an internet sensation has reached it's end when Nancy Pelosi does it. :p
Conserative Morality
16-01-2009, 16:05
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Youtube was dead in '06?
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2009, 16:07
Youtube was dead in '06?
I'm actually referring to the video on her youtube channel. Have you watched it?
16-01-2009, 16:08
I always thought that it was Katie Couric who ended it (such as her use of "da bomb"). Guess I was wrong.
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2009, 16:12
I always thought that it was Katie Couric who ended it (such as her use of "da bomb"). Guess I was wrong.
My favorite was in Lewis Black's show, 'Root of all Evil' in the case of Ultimate Fighting vs Blogging, Blogging won it's case by rickrolling Lewis.
16-01-2009, 16:13
Oh God, no... just no. Who would have thought a 4chan meme would have got that far (and yes, Rickrolling originates from 4chan).
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2009, 16:16
Oh God, no... just no. Who would have thought a 4chan meme would have got that far (and yes, Rickrolling originates from 4chan).
Figures. :p
Conserative Morality
16-01-2009, 16:36
I'm actually referring to the video on her youtube channel. Have you watched it?
Which one?
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2009, 16:48
Which one?
the one on the opening page. the cats one.
Conserative Morality
16-01-2009, 16:55
the one on the opening page. the cats one.
I did not realize 'Cat cam' was an internet sensation. Just shows how often I go on Youtube.:D
16-01-2009, 17:24
I did not realize 'Cat cam' was an internet sensation. Just shows how often I go on Youtube.:D
I'm surprised. You do have LOLcats verbiage as your location.
Conserative Morality
16-01-2009, 17:31
I'm surprised. You do have LOLcats verbiage as your location.
Yeah, but that's different. :D
Marrakech II
16-01-2009, 17:31
I always thought that it was Katie Couric who ended it (such as her use of "da bomb"). Guess I was wrong.
I thought it was Chris Berman that kept saying "keeping it real" during a superbowl a few years back.