NationStates Jolt Archive

The Cloud Mystery

Hairless Kitten
06-01-2009, 16:41
Lately, the scientist Henrik Svensmark was on TV with a documentary on how cosmic rays and solar activity affect cloud cover, and how this influences global warming.

I’m not an expert in this matter, but it seemed all impressive.

If he’s right than it’s still bad news. People will have the feeling they can go on driving their humvees.


Another inconvenient truth?:
06-01-2009, 16:43
People will have the feeling they can go on driving their humvees.

Not when I'm around in my eco-compatible humvee hunter/killer, aka a T-90 running on LPG.
06-01-2009, 16:54
Not when I'm around in my eco-compatible humvee hunter/killer, aka a T-90 running on LPG.

Man, if you were a real greenie, you'd be riding an air-powered bicycle, man! Damn, where's the hippie emoticon when you need it?:D
06-01-2009, 17:34
The problem here is that people will look at this as being the ONLY cause for global warming unless they are better informed. If they can understand that greenhouse gasses and other things that humanity is doing are also contributing and that this whole cloud thing is natural, then there shouldn't be a problem. Of course, with all the problems in the atmosphere, the clouds aren't getting any help.
Hairless Kitten
06-01-2009, 18:07
The problem here is that people will look at this as being the ONLY cause for global warming unless they are better informed. If they can understand that greenhouse gasses and other things that humanity is doing are also contributing and that this whole cloud thing is natural, then there shouldn't be a problem. Of course, with all the problems in the atmosphere, the clouds aren't getting any help.

I look at it different. Maybe human activity isn't influencing the global warning at all. But that doesn't mean polluting is cool. There are countless other reasons why we should take care of our environment.

Anyway, the global warming hype is already over. In many magazines they ask famous people for the past trends. One year ago, almost all of them mentioned the global warming. This year no one does. They are now chitchatting about Obama the Savior
06-01-2009, 18:14
When the world starts to burn, I will be the first one there with the marshmallows.