The Eleventh Doctor
The Mindset
03-01-2009, 20:31
Is a relative unknown called Matt Smith. He's 26, the youngest guy to ever play the role. I must admit I was quite apprehensive about that fact at first, but then I saw this promo shot from the BBC website:
He looks like he can pull it off. Also, he came across adequately eloquent with just enough quirks in his introductory interview.
What do you lot think so far?
03-01-2009, 20:34
He looks like a bit of a twat, really.
I watched Ruby in the Smole, but can't remember him at all.
I think he'll have to try hard to beat both Tennant and Eccleston.
03-01-2009, 20:34
Oh, yes! He could indeed become one of the great Doctor Who's! But... NEVER as good as Tom Baker!
03-01-2009, 20:36
What else has he been in?
The Mindset
03-01-2009, 20:38
What else has he been in?
Honestly? No fucking clue. I'd never heard of him before now. But I trust Stephen Moffat, and he definately has the "look" of a doctor in that picture. 2010 is a long way off yet, who knows what kind of direction he'll take it, but judging from that image and its tone I'm guessing a darker one.
EDIT: Here's his intro interview:
03-01-2009, 20:41
Honestly? No fucking clue. I'd never heard of him before now. But I trust Stephen Moffat, and he definately has the "look" of a doctor in that picture. 2010 is a long way off yet, who knows what kind of direction he'll take it, but judging from that image and its tone I'm guessing a darker one.
Hmm, I just hope he isn't too youthful, it just wouldn't be right. Even David was basically an old man trapped in a young man's body.
03-01-2009, 20:41
I say give the guy a change, i remember when Tennant took over, many criticize but he been amazing. He young but that may just add something new to the show.
Eh, I've grown attached to 10.
The Mindset
03-01-2009, 20:42
I say give the guy a change, i remember when Tennant took over, many criticize but he been amazing. He young but that may just add something new to the show.
He'll be 27 by the time filming starts. I dunno if I consider that too young, and in the picture above, he certainly carries a certain age in his posture.
03-01-2009, 20:47
ALso i love the darker edge iof the show, which DT always played well (see family of blood conclustion, he destory those aleins in the most nasty way) so this guy got the right look to pull that off. But hydesland i agree he has to pull off old man trapped to do it right
03-01-2009, 20:51
He'll be 27 by the time filming starts. I dunno if I consider that too young, and in the picture above, he certainly carries a certain age in his posture.
He surpose to be a good actor so....
03-01-2009, 20:52
What else has he been in?
The BBC version of Philip Pullman's Ruby in the Smoke, apparently.
If anyone remembers that from a couple of years ago.
Psychotic Mongooses
03-01-2009, 23:29
But, I liked David Tennant.... :(
David Tennant is an amazing Doctor. We'll see what Matt Smith brings to the role though. He has a look about him which makes me think he'll do a good job.
Call to power
04-01-2009, 15:09
He looks like a bit of a twat, really.
my first thought was the film mask followed by how shite 2010 is turning out to be
The imperian empire
04-01-2009, 16:12
I've never seen or heard of him before.
Personally I'd of LOVED to of seen Jason Issacs or Robert Carlyle as the Doctor.
The Infinite Dunes
04-01-2009, 16:18
When I first saw Matt Smith I thought "so Doctor Who is going to go through an emo phase, how swell". But I saw the hand gestures and his bouncing back and forth between adjectives, unable to decide. Then I thought, that could indeed work.
04-01-2009, 17:12
Meh. Bring back Tennant!
04-01-2009, 17:19
Personally I'd of LOVED to of seen... Robert Carlyle as the Doctor.
"Hod yer whisht, ye fuckin Dalek, or I'll shove yon Sonic Screwdriver up yer tin arsehole, ye metal c**t."
Yes, I can see that working on teatime Auntie Beeb...
Meh. Bring back Tennant!
Dinnie worry, you've still got a whole year if embarrassing, BBC luvie, ham-acting left.
04-01-2009, 17:31
...followed by how shite 2010 is turning out to be
....and it hasn't even started
Personally I'd of LOVED to of seen Jason Issacs or Robert Carlyle as the Doctor.
Billy Connolly - enough of the Doctor getting younger each time he regenerates, at this rate he will be a child in a few incarnations.
04-01-2009, 17:32
Personally I'd of LOVED to of seen Jason Issacs or Robert Carlyle as the Doctor.
Of what?
No Names Left Damn It
04-01-2009, 18:04
Meh. Bring back Tennant!
You watch Doctor Who?
04-01-2009, 18:08
He looks like an emo.
I don't think emo doctor will work.
The Archregimancy
04-01-2009, 18:16
The first doctor I actually remember was John Pertwee's third. Every regeneration since, I can remember people getting upset about the shift, and convincing themselves the new Doctor couldn't possibly be as good as the previous Doctor. With one glaring exception (poor Colin Baker), the new Doctor's usually found his feet.
I'm fond of Tennant too, but I'm willing to give this Smith person a chance. He'll be a different doctor, but that needn't make him a bad doctor. The programme's bigger than the actors who play the character (with the possible exception of Tom Baker - and people often forget just how irritating he was in his first episode, Robot).
Though, like others, I wouldn't mind a slightly older doctor next time around.
04-01-2009, 18:19
Now, bringing back Billie Piper? I'm all for it.
Also, I liked Christopher Eccleston.
04-01-2009, 18:45
The 11th Doctor is a Stargate crossover - he looks like Todd the Wraith.
Port Arcana
04-01-2009, 19:02
I still like the 8th doctor more.
Free Lofeta
04-01-2009, 19:14
Speaking of Christopher Eccelston...
Bring back Claude!!
Call to power
04-01-2009, 19:28
"Hod yer whisht, ye fuckin Dalek, or I'll shove yon Sonic Screwdriver up yer tin arsehole, ye metal c**t."
:eek2:maybe he could reprise his Hitler role and become a Nazi time lord!
I'd pay.
Billy Connolly - enough of the Doctor getting younger each time he regenerates, at this rate he will be a child in a few incarnations.
well it is a children's show :tongue:
Now, bringing back Billie Piper? I'm all for it.
more Billie Piper is always a good thing
The 11th Doctor is a Stargate crossover - he looks like Todd the Wraith.
Doctor Todd, that'd be hilarious!
04-01-2009, 19:41
You watch Doctor Who?
Of course. I started watching regularly with Tom Baker waaaaaaay back when (I've seen some Pertwee episodes, but not all the way through his series), followed through to Peter Davison... hated Colin Baker and lost track until they restarted the series with Christopher Eccleston and have been back since the first episode of the 9th Doctor.
No Names Left Damn It
04-01-2009, 19:46
Of course. I started watching regularly with Tom Baker waaaaaaay back when (I've seen some Pertwee episodes, but not all the way through his series), followed through to Peter Davison... hated Colin Baker and lost track until they restarted the series with Christopher Eccleston and have been back since the first episode of the 9th Doctor.
I didn't realise it was shown in America.
04-01-2009, 19:52
I didn't realise it was shown in America.
Yes, though we're generally several weeks behind the UK from what I understand.
Why so surprised, though? I'm fairly certain there are American shows we export too....
No Names Left Damn It
04-01-2009, 19:56
Why so surprised, though? I'm fairly certain there are American shows we export too....
Yeah, but, I dunno, I just never expected Americans to watch Doctor Who.
Now, bringing back Billie Piper? I'm all for it.
Also, I liked Christopher Eccleston.
Never repeat bringing back Billie Piper. Her chipmunk features should never have graced the screen as Rose Tyler (what an awful, awful character!!!:mad:).
As for Matt Smith, I with-hold judgment until actually seeing him something.
04-01-2009, 20:01
I respectfully disagree. Billie Piper was a very popular companion, and she did her job very well.
No Names Left Damn It
04-01-2009, 20:01
Never repeat bringing back Billie Piper.
She's come back like 5 times now, of course she'll be back again.
04-01-2009, 20:01
Never repeat bringing back Billie Piper. Her chipmunk features should never have graced the screen as Rose Tyler (what an awful, awful character!!!:mad:).
As for Matt Smith, I with-hold judgment until actually seeing him something.
Bring back Billie Piper.
I respectfully disagree. Billie Piper was a very popular companion, and she did her job very well.
Popular I don't disagree with with, but did her job well?
04-01-2009, 20:02
I didn't realise it was shown in America.
Only since PBS started carrying it some decades ago.
04-01-2009, 20:06
Popular I don't disagree with with, but did her job well?
Yup. If she didn't enact Rose Tyler well enough to make people sympathize with the character, people wouldn't care. It's not like she runs around in a bikini shaking her tits and ass on Doctor Who.
04-01-2009, 20:10
Yup. If she didn't enact Rose Tyler well enough to make people sympathize with the character, people wouldn't care. It's not like she runs around in a bikini shaking her tits and ass on Doctor Who.
Bingo. Plus, I like her features.
Yup. If she didn't enact Rose Tyler well enough to make people sympathize with the character, people wouldn't care. It's not like she runs around in a bikini shaking her tits and ass on Doctor Who.
People sympathised with Martha, but because she followed the whole "love" angle from Rose they got rid of her character and she wasn't as popular as many saw her as a replacement.
I personally don't think Rose was a very good character and should certainly not have come back in season 30 (series 4) as it cheapened the Donna angle, but that's my personal opinion.
04-01-2009, 20:27
People sympathised with Martha, but because she followed the whole "love" angle from Rose they got rid of her character and she wasn't as popular as many saw her as a replacement.
I personally don't think Rose was a very good character and should certainly not have come back in season 30 (series 4) as it cheapened the Donna angle, but that's my personal opinion.
Yes. It is.
I liked Martha as a character but thought that she didn't actually come into her own until she was ON her own. It was embarrassing, as it is IRL, to see someone throwing themselves at someone else who's simply not interested.
And no, it didn't cheapen the Donna relationship. There was never an indication Donna wanted to be the Doctor's girlfriend -- she just wanted to travel across the galaxy, see new things, and be important to others. Check Donna's reaction when Rose and the Doctor meet again -- that's not the way jealous people act.
And no, it didn't cheapen the Donna relationship. There was never an indication Donna wanted to be the Doctor's girlfriend -- she just wanted to travel across the galaxy, see new things, and be important to others. Check Donna's reaction when Rose and the Doctor meet again -- that's not the way jealous people act.
It cheapened the relationship not because she wanted to be "with" the Doctor, nor that she was jealous. What we were supposed to be doing at the end of the story was watching the culmination of a story arc with Donna being the main character (barring the Doctor) but instead we had the additional Rose/Doctor arc spliced into the story cheapening the Donna aspect. There was no need for it as Rose's story was over in Doomsday.
Dumb Ideologies
04-01-2009, 21:31
Literally a case of Doctor....Who?
04-01-2009, 21:33
She's come back like 5 times now, of course she'll be back again.
And that is after they sent her to an alternate dimension with a permanently sealed rift.
04-01-2009, 22:07
more Billie Piper is always a good thing
Even her 'singing' career?
Psychotic Mongooses
04-01-2009, 22:23
Even her 'singing' career?
'career'? :p
The Mindset
04-01-2009, 22:32
'career'? :p
04-01-2009, 23:37
instead we had the additional Rose/Doctor arc spliced into the story cheapening the Donna aspect. There was no need for it as Rose's story was over in Doomsday.
Apparently not, given that the Dalek BAD WOLF storyline has been arcing since the 9th Doctor. And Rose has been involved in all of it.
Call to power
05-01-2009, 00:20
Even her 'singing' career?
bitch please! (
...well shes better than most of the 15 year olds I've seen :$
I want David Tennant back :(.
Call to power
05-01-2009, 01:48
I want David Tennant back :(.
I want him to play an evil character for a change myself just to see if he can
"right then" *rubs hands together* "I'm gonna cut you up so bad not. even. the batman will be able to piece you together faggot"
omg I think I have the next riddler
I want him to play an evil character for a change myself just to see if he can
"right then" *rubs hands together* "I'm gonna cut you up so bad not. even. the batman will be able to piece you together faggot"
omg I think I have the next riddler
Yeah, I think he'd be an awesome Riddler.
Maybe we should make a petition to have David Tennant play the Riddler in the next DC sanctioned Batman movie?
05-01-2009, 03:05
bitch please! (
...well shes better than most of the 15 year olds I've seen :$
Better than Gwen Stefani's solo career (
Yeah, I think he'd be an awesome Riddler.
Maybe we should make a petition to have David Tennant play the Riddler in the next DC sanctioned Batman movie?
And Robert Picardo as the Clock King. Also, Depp would be a better Riddler. Tennant can be the Hatter.
I want him to play an evil character for a change myself just to see if he can
05-01-2009, 05:56
I want him to play an evil character for a change myself just to see if he can
"right then" *rubs hands together* "I'm gonna cut you up so bad not. even. the batman will be able to piece you together faggot"
omg I think I have the next riddler
Bartie Crouch?
Zombie PotatoHeads
05-01-2009, 13:43
what's with his neck and forehead? They're freaking massive!
I'll be interested to see how they explain Tennant's re-generation. 10 was to be the maximum limit was it not? (though I do vaguely recall the Master somehow cheated his way into getting more than 10).
With the 'twin' Tennant doctor in the other universe, the series looks set to be leading itself into quite possibly having two doctors at the controls.
Speaking of other Timelords, whatever happened to Dr Who's 'daughter'? The one who was cloned from him in a last year's episode (called, amazingly enough, 'The Doctor's daughter'). I was expecting to see her in the finale episodes but she was nowhere to be seen. They certainly appeared to have set her up for extra appearances.
what's with his neck and forehead? They're freaking massive!
I'll be interested to see how they explain Tennant's re-generation. 10 was to be the maximum limit was it not? (though I do vaguely recall the Master somehow cheated his way into getting more than 10).
With the 'twin' Tennant doctor in the other universe, the series looks set to be leading itself into quite possibly having two doctors at the controls.
Speaking of other Timelords, whatever happened to Dr Who's 'daughter'? The one who was cloned from him in a last year's episode (called, amazingly enough, 'The Doctor's daughter'). I was expecting to see her in the finale episodes but she was nowhere to be seen. They certainly appeared to have set her up for extra appearances.
12 regenerations. 13 incarnations.
05-01-2009, 14:49
I want him to play an evil character for a change myself just to see if he can
He did, in secret smile ( it was good
05-01-2009, 15:39
what's with his neck and forehead? They're freaking massive!
I'll be interested to see how they explain Tennant's re-generation. 10 was to be the maximum limit was it not? (though I do vaguely recall the Master somehow cheated his way into getting more than 10).
With the 'twin' Tennant doctor in the other universe, the series looks set to be leading itself into quite possibly having two doctors at the controls.
Speaking of other Timelords, whatever happened to Dr Who's 'daughter'? The one who was cloned from him in a last year's episode (called, amazingly enough, 'The Doctor's daughter'). I was expecting to see her in the finale episodes but she was nowhere to be seen. They certainly appeared to have set her up for extra appearances.
I think she's supposed to be coming back for one of the specials which they'll be showing this year. The actress has also spoken about the possibility of having her own spin off show, but I think that might have just been wishful thinking :)
With The Master, he was reincarnated by the other Timelords at the beginning of the Time War with the Daleks and so began a new cycle of regenerations.