Video Games you can('t) live without
Since everyone seems to have movies they can't live without ( and can. (
I'd like to know what video games you can('t) live without?
My list:
Can't live without:
Civilization 3 and 4
Most of the Legend of Zelda series
Super Brothers 3
Knights of the Old Republic 1&2, Jedi Knight series(really any star wars game expect for the RTSs)
Mechwarrior 3 and 4(and their various expansions)
Most of the Sim titles(sim ant, simlife and the like not The Sims)
Almost any thing that is Age of _(wonders,kings,mythology,etc)
Minesweeper on really slow days
(almost) Any game based on a movie/tv/book series it seems the better the movie the worst the video game too.
any game with superman as a main/title character
The Sims and its ripoffs and dozens of sequels/expansions
So my fellow Nationstaters whats on your list?
Bloodlusty Barbarism
22-12-2008, 22:31
Can't live without Oblivion. I gave it to my buddy so that girls wouldn't see it at my house... but I still go over and play it all the time :p
Can definitely live without those Japanimation games. Y'know. Like Naruto or Pokemon or whatever. They can take their spiky hair and doe-eyes elsewhere.
Edited for an off-color joke that wasn't as funny when I re-read it.
22-12-2008, 22:38
I can live without all games, they are not a necessity.
But however if I had to choose some games I would have to say:
Call of Duty (4 & 5)
The Sims 2 (although I don't play it much anymore)
Phoenix Write
Hotel Dusk
And there are possibly more but I cannot think of them at the moment.
22-12-2008, 22:48
The Total War series - possibly the best Strategy games of all time. Empire: Total War will be the best game ever, and anyone who dissagrees with me is a nincompoop.
Metal Gear Solid series, especially Snake Eater.
Grand Theft Auto IV
Mario Kart DS
Civilization IV
Kingdom Hearts series
Dumb Ideologies
22-12-2008, 23:13
Minesweeper. One day I shall conquer the Intermediate level. I shall then use the resulting feelings of marginally increased self-worth to inspire me to world domination. Or to work out how to play that strange game called "Hearts"...
Minesweeper. One day I shall conquer the Intermediate level. I shall then use the resulting feelings of marginally increased self-worth to inspire me to world domination. Or to work out how to play that strange game called "Hearts"...
I've never won a game of Minesweeper... Ever... Probably has to do with the fact I don't try, but yeah... :(
22-12-2008, 23:30
Age of Empires II: The Conquerors
Lepreachan army
22-12-2008, 23:44
22-12-2008, 23:51
Games I can't live without
Elder Scrolls III - Morrowind plus expansion packs
Timesplitters Series (especially Future Perfect - love the humour!)
Total War: Medieval
Red Alert 2 and Yuri's Revenge - there's a mod called Mental Omega which makes the game so much better
Company of Heroes
Call of Duty IV
Err... that's probably too many, really.
22-12-2008, 23:52
MGS series, GTA series, Hitman series. Many games I love playing. Especially Hitman Contracts.
South Lorenya
22-12-2008, 23:58
In the 25+ years I've been playing video games, I sold exactly one game. Does that answer your question?
23-12-2008, 00:01
I cannot live without Duke Nukem Forever!
23-12-2008, 00:02
MGS, Civ4, Homeworld :] , Medieval 2, Rockband and their like for drunkendid party game nights...
Saige Dragon
23-12-2008, 00:03
I cannot live without Duke Nukem Forever!
I think you just may have created some sort of time paradox there.
23-12-2008, 00:04
Oh - Everquest 2 was a fun game for a while (:
23-12-2008, 00:08
I think you just may have created some sort of time paradox there.
Yea...I do that. :)
Holy Cheese and Shoes
23-12-2008, 00:23
Freespace 2
Homeworld 2
Xcom Apocalypse
Forged Alliance
And at this rate... Fallout 3
Apparently I am loving the sequel action.
23-12-2008, 00:30
Guitar Hero... *almost* ruined my life.
Zainzibar Land
23-12-2008, 00:32
Advance Wars Dual Strike
No more boring days on bus
23-12-2008, 00:45
Arcanum of Steamworks and Magick Obscura
Beyond Good & Evil (and hopefully bg&e2)
Civ 2,3 and 4
Every Extend
Escape Velocity Nova
Fallout 2
Knights of the old republic 1&2
Master of Orion 2 and 3
A bit too many perhaps?
23-12-2008, 00:49
Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes
Resident Evil (The Gamecube Remake of the original)
Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past
23-12-2008, 00:49
Advance Wars Dual Strike
No more boring days on bus
Screw the quote. I just love your name.
Since everyone seems to have movies they can't live without ( and can. (
I'd like to know what video games you can('t) live without?
My list:
any Final Fantasy game
Might and Magic III (Genesis)
Unreal Tournament PS2
Most RPG's
any game I haven't played.
Saints Row
Saints Row 2
Civ III and IV
Sim City 4
Sims 2 + Expnasion Stuff Packs
World In conflict
World of Warcraft
Hearts of Iron 2 + Expansions
Destroy All Humans all 3
Anything i dont like
Gray Army
23-12-2008, 02:50
Games I can't live without:
Call of Duty Series
Civilization Series
Doom Series
Star Wars series
Halo Series
Modern Warfare styled games
Medieval styled war games.
Games I can live without:
Assassins Creed
a few others.
23-12-2008, 05:50
One game I could never go without playing again and thats
23-12-2008, 05:54
Minesweeper. One day I shall conquer the Intermediate level. I shall then use the resulting feelings of marginally increased self-worth to inspire me to world domination. Or to work out how to play that strange game called "Hearts"...
Freecell, baby. That's where the action is. *playing it right now*
23-12-2008, 05:57
Freecell, baby. That's where the action is. *playing it right now*
Freecell is awesome, I played the hell out of it, won many games, and the whole time I had no idea what i was doing. I still don't.
23-12-2008, 06:02
Freecell is awesome, I played the hell out of it, won many games, and the whole time I had no idea what i was doing. I still don't.
I think I'm starting to figure out what I'm doing, but every time I try to explain it to myself, I get confused. :D
23-12-2008, 06:03
I think I'm starting to figure out what I'm doing, but every time I try to explain it to myself, I get confused. :D
Same here, which makes me just want to play it more.
Ferrous Oxide
23-12-2008, 06:08
As someone who has played games since I was four and see them as an art-form... I don't need them to live. That said, always enjoy a good game of FIFA or Civilization.
23-12-2008, 06:12
right now I am enjoying the wonderful GTA rip-off Saints Row. Just a f'n awesome game.
In the 25+ years I've been playing video games, I sold exactly one game. Does that answer your question?
What game would that be?
23-12-2008, 06:54
What game would that be?
Shaq Fu?