How enthusiastic are you about Barack Obama as president?
05-12-2008, 04:27
Are people as enthusiastic as they were about Obama during the campaign? Let us find out.
05-12-2008, 04:33
I was never all that enthusiastic about Obama...I was pretty adamant about putting down the Rumors and Conspiracy theories...
But, I was never all that enthused by him...Only voted for him cause McCain wouldve been alot worse...
But, im not expecting anything all that huge outta him...even Iraq's a non-issue at this point, being that Bush has signed the plan to pull out in 2011...
05-12-2008, 05:13
i like him better every day. i think he is going to do a teriffic job under very difficult circumstances.
05-12-2008, 05:14
why dont we wait till he gets in office first....
05-12-2008, 06:15
05-12-2008, 06:22
I like the appointments he's made(with the exception of HRC). I think the fact he kept Gates on shows he's not stubborn or bullheaded in the way he'll go about things and is open to various opinions. I'm not expecting miracles, but I think we'll get competent governance.
New Mitanni
05-12-2008, 06:52
As enthusiastic as for any other unqualifed pandering fraud and would-be cult leader.
But on the bright side, now whenever I'm walking down the street and run into a bum looking for change, I'll be reminded of the Dark Lord :tongue:
I'm not enthusiastic about him, but I am confident that he could prove to be a very effective and competent president.
It appears he's already off to a good start by picking a qualified economics team and avoiding the pressure to appoint the kind of protectionist and anti-globalist types that would wreck our economy from top to bottom. The choice of fiscally responsible, free-trade free-markets Rubinistas whose ideas have kept up with changing economic times is a sure-fire move that will hopefully address the pressing economic issues of the next four years, and perhaps next eight should he win reelection.
We'll see, though.
New Wallonochia
05-12-2008, 09:36
I'm less excited about Obama being President than I am about Bush not being President.
05-12-2008, 09:40
"I voted for Obama, because he is a intelligent, hard-working politician for the US Government."
Mirie Tessers, 1st December, 2008.
05-12-2008, 09:41
He'll be bad, like all other US presidents. Just less bad than McCain or Bush, which is not hard. I hope, for example, he'll stop to support fascists in South America and let the elected governments of Chávez, Correa, Morales, Lugo, Ortega, ... do their job, in agreement with local populations, without having to suffer from US-supported and US-paid coup attempts and violence...
Anti-Social Darwinism
05-12-2008, 09:45
I voted for Obama because I didn't want to vote for Palin, which is what a vote for McCain would have been.
He'll do.
i think it all depends on the rest of US. our priorities and how we express them in our buying habits and lifestyles.
his cabinet pics have me skeptically moving him from the number two place on the poll, very good, to somewhere between there and the number three position, averagely good.
even that is still good enough to make me glad we didn't end up with another damd military adventurism for the sake of major economic intrests at the expense of real economics, environment, social rights, domestic policy and every damd thing else republican.
but i have to admit i had a LITTLE higher hopes then what his cabinet picks so far seem to indicat. hopes; not really expectations, but hopes. and for the most part the hopes are still there. we haven't, after all, seen his first hundred days after enaugeration yet.
i'll reserve any deeper and more detailed judgement until after then.
05-12-2008, 10:17
I think he wrote his script in the protracted election season. He's committed himself to trying to get things done, and he's already made some good headway, without even having to wait until his first day on the job. I'm impressed with how transparent he has been, and I'm not unimpressed by his propositions for who will be near the seat of power.
Given that he's still waiting for the other guy to get out of his chair, it's hard to draw too much of a conclusion, so far.
Eh, I never cared for his policies. That's why I voted for Ron Paul who I have always backed. And I don't care if it was a wasted vote because the majority wanted Obama anyways.
Eh, I never cared for his policies. That's why I voted for Ron Paul who I have always backed. And I don't care if it was a wasted vote because the majority wanted Obama anyways.
no vote is ever wasted. if we all voted 'third party', as maybe its not all that much of a fantasy that some one of these days people will, maybe that's the big whooopie that will happen in 2012, the major economic intrest that have a strangle hold on both major parties would just have to get over it, or show their hand by suspending elections and declairing martial law. which they might think twice about doing if they want there to be any pieces left on either side to pick up after if they did.
ron paul would not be my first choice, nor would nader, but someone like cynthia mckenney, or better yet, several i would have liked to have drafted who didn't try running this time arround, like maxine waters, or if kussenich and gravel were to switch parties and run as greens i'd certainly vote for a ticket that had them as running mates. peter cammajo is another potential pick i'd recomend.
Are people as enthusiastic as they were about Obama during the campaign? Let us find out.I am.
05-12-2008, 13:08
He seems to be quite competent, but he has to carry through with it.
05-12-2008, 13:26
I think I'll be withholding judgement until he actually has some power. Seems like the smart thing to do.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
05-12-2008, 14:01
I think I'll be withholding judgement until he actually has some power. Seems like the smart thing to do.
No, the smart thing is to make all sorts of wild predictions now, so that when something happens you can say, "See, I totally called that."
For example, I am now predicting that Obama will attempt to wow voters during the Midterm elections by eating an entire VW Beetle. He'll prove unsuccessful, however, and disillusioned voters will elect a Republican majority to the Senate and House of Representatives.
Hairless Kitten
05-12-2008, 14:47
He will be the best black president since ever.
05-12-2008, 14:50
I voted for McCain, so I think he will be pretty disastrous.
Ron Paul was a good candidate, unfortunately he withdrew.
05-12-2008, 18:34
I hope that he does good. He has not been in DC too long, so I hope that he has not been bastardized by the political system at the Dome. I think our worst problems are from the "career" politicians.
05-12-2008, 18:46
"Meh" pretty much sums up my feelings.
05-12-2008, 18:47
He will be the first black president since ever.
The Romulan Republic
05-12-2008, 19:04
The problem is, America and the World are in such a dangerous situation right now that merely being adequate won't cut it. Drastic improvements are needed, quickly. Hence, Obama will be seen by history as either one of the best Presidents, or one of the worst. Their is little room for middle ground.
So far, he's done well. He's intelligent, well-intentioned, and an inspiring figure. The simple fact of his historic election, coupled with his charisma, have raised people's hopes and vastly improved America's standing in the World. And he's been moving very quickly and professionally to appoint a very strong Cabinite. On the other hand, he made a real mistake in appointing Clinton instead of Richardson to Secretary of State. He passed over the more qualified pick, likely for political manuvering, and now it turns out that Clinton may not be able to take the post legally, as the Constitution apparently has some rule about Congressmen taking cabinate posts that received a pay-raise while they were in office. Rather embarrassing given Obama's background as a Constitutional lawyer, though it will likely be glossed over unless the GOP wants to use it to make trouble.
Not a huge error, but notable nonetheless.
05-12-2008, 19:12
the Constitution apparently has some rule about Congressmen taking cabinate posts that received a pay-raise while they were in office.
It's fixable, it's been done before: Congress just has to cut the Sec of State's pay back to where it was so she is not accused of benefitting from her vote to raise the cabinet's pay.
Typical, really: a woman applies for the president's job, but is offered a job as a secretary instead, and then gets paid less than all the other secretaries.
05-12-2008, 19:16
The problem is, America and the World are in such a dangerous situation right now that merely being adequate won't cut it. Drastic improvements are needed, quickly. Hence, Obama will be seen by history as either one of the best Presidents, or one of the worst. Their is little room for middle ground.
So far, he's done well. He's intelligent, well-intentioned, and an inspiring figure. The simple fact of his historic election, coupled with his charisma, have raised people's hopes and vastly improved America's standing in the World. And he's been moving very quickly and professionally to appoint a very strong Cabinite. On the other hand, he made a real mistake in appointing Clinton instead of Richardson to Secretary of State. He passed over the more qualified pick, likely for political manuvering, and now it turns out that Clinton may not be able to take the post legally, as the Constitution apparently has some rule about Congressmen taking cabinate posts that received a pay-raise while they were in office. Rather embarrassing given Obama's background as a Constitutional lawyer, though it will likely be glossed over unless the GOP wants to use it to make trouble.
Not a huge error, but notable nonetheless.
that problem has been fixed before so it will probably be fixed again--by lowering the pay for sec of state to where it was when mrs clinton joined the senate.
maybe the republicans will force some kind of supreme court ruling on it *shrug* but i think it will get approved. it doesnt seem to fit with at literal reading of the constitution but it does fit with what must have been the reason behind putting it in to begin with.
You're the kind of guy who explains the joke's punchline, aren't ya?
He passed over the more qualified pick, likely for political manuvering, and now it turns out that Clinton may not be able to take the post legally, as the Constitution apparently has some rule about Congressmen taking cabinate posts that received a pay-raise while they were in office. Rather embarrassing given Obama's background as a Constitutional lawyer, though it will likely be glossed over unless the GOP wants to use it to make trouble.
I'm sure he's well aware of that fact. I'm also sure he's well aware of the solution. Lower the pay of the cabinet post, which is perfectly permissible and has already been done in the past.
Philosophy and Hope
05-12-2008, 19:27
I worked for my local Obama/Biden headquarters, but I'll admit in the beginning I wanted Hillary, I think Obama is what we need for our economy which is what the country wants most. I approve.
German Nightmare
05-12-2008, 20:15
Are people as enthusiastic as they were about Obama during the campaign? Let us find out.
I am.
05-12-2008, 20:19
This is, surprisingly, one of the most balanced polls I've ever seen on NSG.
Way to unfunny the joke.
09-12-2008, 11:23
I am not too sure if Barack Obama will do a good job, but I will be praying for the man that he is able to make wise decisions to guide us through these tough times. Do I think he will be one of the greats? No. Though a Democrat, I think McCain would have done at least as well as Obama may do yet. My basic view of Obama, to be honest, is that he might not be anymore trustworthy than the crooks we have put up with for the past eight years. So my standards for him are low...if he can do all the things he promised in his campaign (e.g.: national service = afford college) I will be happy and will support his reelection campaign to the fullness of my ability. If it were up to me I would have wanted to see Obama as VP, possibly with Clinton as president.
Dumb Ideologies
09-12-2008, 11:34
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say that I'm cynical about all the Obama hype. In truth, I'm more enthusiastic for dumbass Dubya not being President anymore than about who is replacing him.
09-12-2008, 11:42
He will be a pretty bad president with his policies.
Because they're terrible. From a "Leftist" point of view, they're far too Right for me to be comfortable with.
*sigh*I would say "Lucky I'm not American" apart from that pesky thing that the U.S. has far too much influence over the world...
09-12-2008, 11:49
In truth, I'm more enthusiastic for dumbass Dubya not being President anymore than about who is replacing him.
Even if it had been Caribou Barbie?
09-12-2008, 11:52
As enthusiastic as for any other unqualifed pandering fraud and would-be cult leader.
So you'll be cheerleading for him just as loudly as if he were Dear Leader Shrub right?
09-12-2008, 17:04
So you'll be cheerleading for him just as loudly as if he were Dear Leader Shrub right?
Bush is a Real American Hero silly, he doesn't qualify.
Ferrous Oxide
09-12-2008, 17:26
I hope he's going to be a bad President; as a McCain supporter, my pride rests on it. I hope the US crashes and burns under his regime.
09-12-2008, 17:40
Based on his cabinet appointments, I'm not as enthusiastic as I was. That said, he'll, at the very least, be a much needed improvement. Provided that he stays true to the policies that got him elected, he'll do fine. If, on the other hand, he tries to be some sort of pseudo-moderate Clinton type who will cater to the GOP, then the best the Democrats can hope for is that Palin is the GOP nominee in 2012.
09-12-2008, 18:05
He will RUIN our country!!! He will DESTROY the fabric of our society!
09-12-2008, 22:34
I hope he's going to be a bad President; as a McCain supporter, my pride rests on it. I hope the US crashes and burns under his regime.
Which is a weird way to think. A more constructive way to think, would be to hope that the president you didn't support, will act more like the president you WOULD have supported. The 'I hope you die' mentality seems a little infantile.
09-12-2008, 22:39
*Makes that 'sort-of' noise*
09-12-2008, 23:16
I hope he's going to be a bad President; as a McCain supporter, my pride rests on it. I hope the US crashes and burns under his regime.
You said you didn't care about American politics. Liar.
Which is a weird way to think. A more constructive way to think, would be to hope that the president you didn't support, will act more like the president you WOULD have supported. The 'I hope you die' mentality seems a little infantile.
It's Potato Boy. Wangsty emo-sturbation coupled with a longing for the good old days of Bush, Blair and Howard.
09-12-2008, 23:25
Change, yeh right. He ran a campaign based on the wrongness of the Iraq war then keeps the same secretary, Picks CEOs from the financials who caused this mess, then will likely give billions of dollars to bad companies. Let me put it this way: I hope I'm wrong, but I think the country's going to go downhill. I've been wrong before though.
09-12-2008, 23:34
I think he could be an averagely good president if he surrounds himself with the right people for the jobs needed done... Though I mainly voted for him because the idea of Palin as president if anything happened to McCain gave me chills up my back.
10-12-2008, 01:07
Which is a weird way to think. A more constructive way to think, would be to hope that the president you didn't support, will act more like the president you WOULD have supported. The 'I hope you die' mentality seems a little infantile.
A little?
10-12-2008, 01:16
I'm not even the tiniest bit enthused, despite being told almost daily that I should be. However, I do retain a sense of perspective(something that was noticeably absent from the losing side's proclamation's the last two elections) and will refrain from predicting the Apocalypse and/or rains of blood and locusts o'er the land merely because my candidate did not win.
10-12-2008, 01:32
Went with the majority and voted he will be a very good president. Mainly out of hope really.
10-12-2008, 02:29
I'm not even the tiniest bit enthused, despite being told almost daily that I should be. However, I do retain a sense of perspective(something that was noticeably absent from the losing side's proclamation's the last two elections) and will refrain from predicting the Apocalypse and/or rains of blood and locusts o'er the land merely because my candidate did not win.
its for the best really, i cant remember the last time we had a rain of blood and locusts.
but i must say that bush turned out rather worse than i ever expected him to.
Well...I still disagree with a whole lot of his policies and whatnot, but my biggets sticking point was always Iraq, and that is going to be resolved exactly how I wanted it to be.
So despite not voting for him, I'm hoping he kicks ass and takes names and proves me wrong.
Though I admit to knowing almost nothing about the topic, people I know who claim to know economics say that his picks for cabinet posts that will deal with the economy are great, so props if thats true.
Non Aligned States
10-12-2008, 03:11
Which is a weird way to think. A more constructive way to think, would be to hope that the president you didn't support, will act more like the president you WOULD have supported. The 'I hope you die' mentality seems a little infantile.
I wonder how he would feel if he gets his wish, but the process involves American invasion and total genocide of Australia...
10-12-2008, 06:29
I'm not even the tiniest bit enthused, despite being told almost daily that I should be. However, I do retain a sense of perspective(something that was noticeably absent from the losing side's proclamation's the last two elections) and will refrain from predicting the Apocalypse and/or rains of blood and locusts o'er the land merely because my candidate did not win.
Judging by what followed the doomsaying of those unhappy about Bush's 'election', I'd say they had a better perspective on it than you did, perhaps.
to the topic question: ask me again 100 days AFTER the enaugeration!
right now its all b.s. speculation.
i have a lot of hopes, dreams and wishes, but i know a lot of them are contrary to what seems to be the ongoing popular culture, and even the economic mafia, let alone someone who claims to not intending kiss its (the e.m.'s) bottoms entirely, would have a hard time swimming upstream against that.
i'm not for giving him a get away with everything free pass, but i am for giving him a friggin chance first, at least.
i also think, a works projects administration, putting people to work fixing infrastructure, is the right idea, but someone needs to tell obama highways are the wrong transportation infrastructure to rebuild. we need clean powered narrow gauge interurban railways and we can put the automakers back to work building components for them.
(gm already has a rail oriented division, it's called emd, electromotive devision, and its been making more then half of the western hemisphere's railway locomotives for more the 60 years. though the little people sized multiple unit passenger equipment, and computer aided intelligent railways i'm talking about are a very different thing in concept, and like solar and other clean energy components, there is plenty of opportunity here for automakers and other industries likely to be obsoleted by peek oil)
i know my plan sounds crazy, because people are so emotionally attatched to what the're familiar with, and this just isn't it, but i don't think very many people can honestly deny, well anyone can deny honestly, that what their familiar with, its reality check is very much bouncing.
The Grendels
10-12-2008, 13:48
Does this mean he's not a terrorist anymore? I get such mixed messages from the media.
10-12-2008, 17:35
Does this mean he's not a terrorist anymore? I get such mixed messages from the media.
just as its not illegal if the president does it, so is it not terrorism if the president does it.
Knights of Liberty
10-12-2008, 18:12
is it not terrorism if the president does it.
Reagan proved this.
Dumb Ideologies
10-12-2008, 18:24
All those guards you always see around Obama? You see, they aren't really there to stop him from being shot. No, they're there to stop him from sneaking into the National Archives and replacing the Constitution with the Communist Manifesto. Not a lot of people know that.
10-12-2008, 20:05
All those guards you always see around Obama? You see, they aren't really there to stop him from being shot. No, they're there to stop him from sneaking into the National Archives and replacing the Constitution with the Communist Manifesto. Not a lot of people know that.
Don't forget they're also there to keep him from switching every copy of the Bible with a Qu'ran.
Knights of Liberty
10-12-2008, 20:06
Don't forget they're also there to keep him from switching every copy of the Bible with a Qu'ran.
Wait...were did my Bible go...wait, I dont own a Qu'ran...CURSE YOU OBAMAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
10-12-2008, 23:04
Judging by what followed the doomsaying of those unhappy about Bush's 'election', I'd say they had a better perspective on it than you did, perhaps.
Of course you'd say that. I can't help but notice that a nightmarish fascist society comprising all the worst parts of '1984', 'V For Vendetta' and 'The Handmaid's Tale' completely failed to materialize though, which, if you listened to certain segments of society, is what was predicted to be just around the corner in 2000, and then again in 2004.
Luckily, our long national nightmare is now over, and we have B. Hussein Obama to give us all hope and change, sprinkled with audacity.
10-12-2008, 23:16
Thoroughly unenthused
10-12-2008, 23:37
I get violently ill at the thought of him in the White House.
I get violently ill at the thought of him in the White House.
Might want to see a doctor about that. You'll have an interesting four years.
10-12-2008, 23:47
Might want to see a doctor about that. You'll have an interesting four years.
Interesting isn't the word. It will be a LLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG 4 years!
Interesting isn't the word. It will be a LLLOOOONNNNGGGGGG 4 years!
To pass the time, I suggest calling for armed rebellion, secession and bitterly moaning on an internet forum. It means you're a True 'murrican.
10-12-2008, 23:58
To pass the time, I suggest calling for armed rebellion, secession and bitterly moaning on an internet forum. It means you're a True 'murrican.
Are you OK?
I believe this thread asks for my opinion on the Obama presidency. I gave it. You don't like it. OK, I get it. Tough luck for you!
Are you OK?
I believe this thread asks for my opinion on the Obama presidency. I gave it. You don't like it. OK, I get it. Tough luck for you!
Fair enough.
Non Aligned States
11-12-2008, 00:59
I get violently ill at the thought of him in the White House.
11-12-2008, 01:22
Of course you'd say that. I can't help but notice that a nightmarish fascist society comprising all the worst parts of '1984', 'V For Vendetta' and 'The Handmaid's Tale' completely failed to materialize though, which, if you listened to certain segments of society, is what was predicted to be just around the corner in 2000, and then again in 2004.
Luckily, our long national nightmare is now over, and we have B. Hussein Obama to give us all hope and change, sprinkled with audacity.
Why do you think "V for Vendetta" was written originally? And why do you think it made it to film when it did? I'm sure you've heard of the phrase 'zeitgeist'?
What a lot of people thought was going to happen when Bush FIRST gained the office, was that Bush was going to unite, after divisions had grown bettween the parties. Look back at your polls from 2000 - almost two-thirds of America thought Bush would act in a bipartisan fashion - to some extent - and unite partisan politicians.
So - the idea that there was some feeling that Bush was going to be a fascist totalitarian the minute he steeped in is - frankly - horseshit.
Bush was even retaining popularity until after 9/11.
What turned people against Bush wasn't some fairytale about fascism - it was the fact that his everyday words and actions suggested a theocratic measure, his politics became more and more openly partisan, and his actions became visibily unconstitutional. Croneyism, partisan politics, suspension of Constitutionality, a militant self-serving agenda, a negative foreign policy, and a form of Christian identity politics are the reasons why people turned against Bush.
That's where your 'rightwing' comparisons come in - not BEFORE Bush took office, but because of what he DID in office.
Pay attention to the actual sequence of events, and stop trying to promote a revisionist history.
11-12-2008, 01:23
I get violently ill at the thought of him in the White House.
No you don't. Don't act like such a Drama queen.
11-12-2008, 03:43
Luckily, our long national nightmare is now over, and we have B. Hussein Obama to give us all hope and change, sprinkled with audacity.
That's President Obama to you.
11-12-2008, 03:54
No you don't. Don't act like such a Drama queen.
A feeling of.... offense(I'm not sure of the particular nuances of what his post made you feel) from some hyperbole is fairly drama queenish.
11-12-2008, 04:13
A feeling of.... offense(I'm not sure of the particular nuances of what his post made you feel) from some hyperbole is fairly drama queenish.
"I feel violently ill"... no, you don't. Dramatic, much?
11-12-2008, 07:07
I get violently ill at the thought of him in the White House.
I'm sure you can form an NSG Support Group with New Mitanni and Potato Boy to ease your upset stomach.
Enjoy the 4 Years.
Knights of Liberty
11-12-2008, 07:44
Because hes black.
11-12-2008, 07:48
Because he's an uppity nigg3r. Clearly.
Non Aligned States
11-12-2008, 08:06
Because he's an uppity nigg3r. Clearly.
Because hes black.
Now, now. Be fair. He doesn't like Obama as President-elect, fair enough. We don't know the why just yet. Let's see what he has to say before you bring out the tar and feathers hmm? Maybe he will have insightful and valid complaints. Maybe he is simply mistaken about some things. Maybe we'll need the tar and feathers.
But let's give him a fair shake first.
Knights of Liberty
11-12-2008, 08:12
Now, now. Be fair. He doesn't like Obama as President-elect, fair enough. We don't know the why just yet. Let's see what he has to say before you bring out the tar and feathers hmm? Maybe he will have insightful and valid complaints. Maybe he is simply mistaken about some things. Maybe we'll need the tar and feathers.
But let's give him a fair shake first.
Ive had discussions with Dorksonia. You wont here anything but how Obama is a Muslim socialist with a whitey hating christian paster.
My "because hes black" comment is just my quick, intellectually lazy response.
11-12-2008, 18:25
"I feel violently ill"... no, you don't. Dramatic, much?
Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally. But meh
Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally. But mehYou prove that it doesn't!
11-12-2008, 18:44
I win!
Mad hatters in jeans
11-12-2008, 18:59
He was a good choice i suppose, but i'm not so happy about the amount he spent on his election campaign (what was it again? $600million) . McCain really didn't stand a chance anyway, and after Palin turned out to be an airhead he was doomed to failure, not to mention again the huge difference on the amount he spent on the election campaign ($50million?).
11-12-2008, 21:29
11-12-2008, 22:15
Hyperbole is not meant to be taken literally. But meh
The thread title is "How enthusiastic are you..." not "how excessively dramatic can you be".
A similar level would be a thread asking 'how much do you like cookies', and someone posting the response 'cookies make me want to kill myself'.
11-12-2008, 22:21
He was a good choice i suppose, but i'm not so happy about the amount he spent on his election campaign (what was it again? $600million) . McCain really didn't stand a chance anyway, and after Palin turned out to be an airhead he was doomed to failure, not to mention again the huge difference on the amount he spent on the election campaign ($50million?).
IIRC, the final tally was $700 million to $300 million in favor of Obama, which is incredible, considering his refusal to use the public funds system.
I would offer my take on this, but I have a "final" I have to attend...
11-12-2008, 22:35
Why do you think "V for Vendetta" was written originally? And why do you think it made it to film when it did?
'V' was originally written as a hysterical response to Margaret Thatcher's policies, and even it's author called the film version 'an insipid liberal fantasy.'
What a lot of people thought was going to happen when Bush FIRST gained the office, was that Bush was going to unite, after divisions had grown bettween the parties. Look back at your polls from 2000 - almost two-thirds of America thought Bush would act in a bipartisan fashion - to some extent - and unite partisan politicians.
When I mention apocalyptic proclamations, I'm obviously not talking about people who voted for him, centrists, or anybody who might comprise your 'two-thirds'. I'm talking about your Kos/NYTimes Op-Ed types, who were predicting fascist nightmares
Pay attention to the actual sequence of events, and stop trying to promote a revisionist history.
Talk about being a drama queen. I'm not "promoting revisionist history", I'm just "remembering what I've heard people say"
That's President Obama to you.
No, it's not. You've still got another month or so until Utopia kicks in. On a related note, I just love how people who've spent the last eight years talking about 'Shrub', and 'Bushie' and 'Dubya' are now all of a sudden overcome with respect for the Presidency.
12-12-2008, 01:00
'V' was originally written as a hysterical response to Margaret Thatcher's policies, and even it's author called the film version 'an insipid liberal fantasy.'
The whole point is that it's a fantasy, based on a zeitgeist. It shows a potential distopian future projected from the perception of the policies of the time.
Which is why it appeared as a film when it did.
When I mention apocalyptic proclamations, I'm obviously not talking about people who voted for him, centrists, or anybody who might comprise your 'two-thirds'. I'm talking about your Kos/NYTimes Op-Ed types, who were predicting fascist nightmares
The 'two-thirds' figure (and there's the evidence I eneded that you paid no attention to the history of the time) isn't Bushevik support - it's based on the overall perception of the time - somewhere around 66% of ALL those polled believed Bush would unite bipartisan political parties.
What are MoveOn supposed to have done? Given that they weren't even founded until 1998, and they really attacked Bush in the 2004 elections...? See - this is why I accuse you of revisionist history.
Talk about being a drama queen. I'm not "promoting revisionist history", I'm just "remembering what I've heard people say"
If your 'remembering what you heard people say' is recycling things that aren't true... you ARE 'promoting revisionist history'.
That's not to be debated. Ignorance is no excuse.
12-12-2008, 01:19
No, it's not. You've still got another month or so until Utopia kicks in. On a related note, I just love how people who've spent the last eight years talking about 'Shrub', and 'Bushie' and 'Dubya' are now all of a sudden overcome with respect for the Presidency.
Lighten up. It was a comment on all the people who used to claim that disagreeing with Bush was treason that now flap their jaws about seccesion or impeaching a man who hasn't even taken office yet.
But you already knew that.
Non Aligned States
12-12-2008, 01:25
12-12-2008, 19:09
What are MoveOn supposed to have done? Given that they weren't even founded until 1998, and they really attacked Bush in the 2004 elections
I didn't accuse specifically of anything. What I said was 'the Kos type of person. But I guess tossing around buzzwords like 'revisionism' is easier than sweating comprehension.
Lighten up. It was a comment on all the people who used to claim that disagreeing with Bush was treason that now flap their jaws about seccesion or impeaching a man who hasn't even taken office yet.
But you already knew that.
I love it when people tell me what I saves me so much time. To mention impeachment in connection with B. Hussein Obama anytime before the end of January would be ludicrous. You can't impeach him, he's not the President. And even then, you have to wait until you can prove he's done something illegal and get an impeachment vote through Congress. And as far as 'secession' goes, the only people I've heard mention anything even remotely close to 'secession' were the idiot celebrities who jacked their jaws about moving to Canada four years ago.
Knights of Liberty
12-12-2008, 19:14
B. Hussein Obama
Adorable. The election is over. Can we stop with the "OMG HUSSEIN EBIL MUSLIM!!111!" tripe please? It didnt get your guy elected, its not going to do anything now but show that youre still childish (among other things).
And as far as 'secession' goes, the only people I've heard mention anything even remotely close to 'secession' were the idiot celebrities who jacked their jaws about moving to Canada four years ago.
Then you havent been paying attention.
12-12-2008, 19:27
Adorable. The election is over. Can we stop with the "OMG HUSSEIN EBIL MUSLIM!!111!" tripe please? It didnt get your guy elected, its not going to do anything now but show that youre still childish (among other things).
Then you havent been paying attention.
Again, he's only feigning ignorance of these things.
Of course you'd say that. I can't help but notice that a nightmarish fascist society comprising all the worst parts of '1984', 'V For Vendetta' and 'The Handmaid's Tale' completely failed to materialize though, which, if you listened to certain segments of society, is what was predicted to be just around the corner in 2000, and then again in 2004.
Luckily, our long national nightmare is now over, and we have B. Hussein Obama to give us all hope and change, sprinkled with audacity.
Yes, none of the predictions materialized. There was never an unnecessary war with Iraq (like many were afraid Bush would start to finish what Daddy began), or a general economic crisis, or a banking collapse, or a collapse of the housing market, or a suspension of basic liberties, or widespread corruption, or cronyism.
Yup, none of that happened. The last four years were well-handled. Anyone who suggests that the Bush Presidency was an utter failure is clearly a deluded and dirty liberal.
12-12-2008, 20:17
Adorable. The election is over. Can we stop with the "OMG HUSSEIN EBIL MUSLIM!!111!" tripe please?
I am adorable. Especially if I remember to shave and have on a good shirt. I find it exceedingly ironic, though, that all the lefties are singing the 'Get Over It, Move on With Your Life' song. Nothing like being on the winning team to change your persepective, is there.
Again, he's only feigning ignorance of these things.
Tell you what, when I want someone to speak for me and tell the world what I think or know, I'll hire a PA that resembles Gwenyth Paltrow in Iron Man and let her do my talking. Until then, I'm not really taking auditions for the position.
Knights of Liberty
12-12-2008, 20:26
I am adorable. Especially if I remember to shave and have on a good shirt. I find it exceedingly ironic, though, that all the lefties are singing the 'Get Over It, Move on With Your Life' song. Nothing like being on the winning team to change your persepective, is there.
Its almost as "ironic" as the righties now singing the "Youre A Personality Cult!!!" song and no longer singing the "Support the president or youre unpatriotic!!!" song.
12-12-2008, 21:41
Its almost as "ironic" as the righties now singing the "Youre A Personality Cult!!!" song and no longer singing the "Support the president or youre unpatriotic!!!" song.
I guess that means both groups are weaselly and shifty and not to be trusted. They probably all have beady little eyes, too.
I am adorable. Especially if I remember to shave and have on a good shirt. I find it exceedingly ironic, though, that all the lefties are singing the 'Get Over It, Move on With Your Life' song. Nothing like being on the winning team to change your persepective, is there.
The difference here is that they're telling you to get over a lie the right made up in order to try and win the election, not an event, not a war, not a violation of rights, not disenfranchisement. A lie. The fact that you'd compare a concern about the turnout of an election with whether or not we should be focusing on Obama's name to promote irrational fear says a lot.
Tell you what, when I want someone to speak for me and tell the world what I think or know, I'll hire a PA that resembles Gwenyth Paltrow in Iron Man and let her do my talking. Until then, I'm not really taking auditions for the position.
So your argument is that you're not PRETENDING to be ignorant. I'm sure we can all accept your assertion that you actually ARE ignorant. We won't even require you to prove it.
12-12-2008, 22:30
I didn't accuse specifically of anything. What I said was 'the Kos type of person.
And I showed you that - in at least one of those cases, you were talking horseshit.
So - rather than just trying to widen the goalposts until someone falls in, why don't you actually back up what you are saying?
But I guess tossing around buzzwords like 'revisionism' is easier than sweating comprehension.
It's not a matter of comprehension. It's a matter of you making bullshit assertions which you can't back up.
Instead, you trot out some stories you claim you heard, but which can't be directly tied to realistic events.
Whine all you like, that is revisionism.
12-12-2008, 22:33
I am adorable. Especially if I remember to shave and have on a good shirt. I find it exceedingly ironic, though, that all the lefties are singing the 'Get Over It, Move on With Your Life' song. Nothing like being on the winning team to change your persepective, is there.
If the situation this time around, was about a close race that came down to conflicted results - you might have a point.
But it wasn't. The country overwhelmingly told Bush and his kind to piss off. That's the difference four years makes, and it's the little detail that you apparently choose to ignore.
12-12-2008, 22:47
He's not gonna be a FDR or an Aberham lincoln, but I think he'll at least get us back to where we were before Bush, mabye farther.
The blessed Chris
12-12-2008, 23:18
Extremely. Best case scenario is that he actually does a reasonable job, and worse case scenario is that the misplaced, delusional utopianism of the voters for whom Obama is a messiah is destroyed like a child's sandcastle. Can't lose either way.
Flammable Ice
12-12-2008, 23:20
I think he has to do well - he's the first black president and if he doesn't do well, the racists will pounce on the opportunity to use it to justify their stances.
While ideally, people would look past such superficial issues, the fact is that many around the world, both black and white will see him as a kind of representative of blacks. He has a lot of pressure to succeed.
The blessed Chris
12-12-2008, 23:21
I think he has to do well - he's the first black president and if he doesn't do well, the racists will pounce on the opportunity to use it to justify their stances.
While ideally, people would look past such superficial issues, the fact is that many around the world, both black and white will see him as a kind of representative of blacks. He has a lot of pressure to succeed.
That doesn't really answer the question at all, does it?
12-12-2008, 23:22
Best case scenario is that he actually does a reasonable job, and worst case scenario is that the misplaced, delusional utopianism of the voters for whom Obama is a messiah is destroyed like a child's sandcastle.
Maybe we'll get lucky and both things will happen. One from 'Column A' and one from 'Column B', like we were all at some giant metaphorical Chinese restaurant.
So your argument is that you're not PRETENDING to be ignorant. I'm sure we can all accept your assertion that you actually ARE ignorant. We won't even require you to prove it.
Way to give me the benefit of the doubt like that. That's very big of you, you kind and generous person, you. Just so you know, it would have been no trouble at all for me to prove it, if you had wanted...I've got all the documents right here.
As for the You're all right, and I stand corrected. Apparently your average leftist doesn't need the impetus of a lost election to become hysterical, really, any kind of stimulus will do, apparently.
Knights of Liberty
12-12-2008, 23:24
Way to give me the benefit of the doubt like that. That's very big of you, you kind and generous person, you. Just so you know, it would have been no trouble at all for me to prove it, if you had wanted...I've got all the documents right here.
Lets see it. I personally want to see your evidence. I dont believe you have any. I want to be proven wrong. I want a right winger who isnt full of absolute crap on NSG. Itd be nice to have an ideological adversary on NSG who can actually hold their own.
As for the You're all right, and I stand corrected. Apparently your average leftist doesn't need the impetus of a lost election to become hysterical, really, any kind of stimulus will do, apparently.
Who is hysterical? I cant speak for Joc, but I'm just asking you to be an adult. Apperantly thats too much to ask.
Flammable Ice
12-12-2008, 23:37
That doesn't really answer the question at all, does it?
Not well, but it does imply an answer. I gave my thoughts on a factor that makes it more likely for Obama to do well - the extra pressure. From this, you could have inferred that I had some confidence about his prospects.
In truth, I don't have especially strong feelings, so if you wanted an impassioned pro-/anti- Obama rant, you should look elsewhere.
12-12-2008, 23:50
Lets see it. I personally want to see your evidence. I dont believe you have any. I want to be proven wrong. I want a right winger who isnt full of absolute crap on NSG. Itd be nice to have an ideological adversary on NSG who can actually hold their own.
You missed the punchline there, bub. You're supposed to read it so that it means that it would be no trouble for me to prove that I'm ignorant and that I have the documents that certify that. It's a joke. A small one, but then again, I'm using a tiny type-font. That was another joke, just so you know.
Non Aligned States
13-12-2008, 03:58
A small one, but then again, I'm using a tiny type-font. That was another joke, just so you know.
As a comedian, you stink.
You missed the punchline there, bub. You're supposed to read it so that it means that it would be no trouble for me to prove that I'm ignorant and that I have the documents that certify that. It's a joke. A small one, but then again, I'm using a tiny type-font. That was another joke, just so you know.
To be fair, I laughed. It's cool when people don't take themselves too seriously. People tend to read my posts like I'm angry and self-righteous, but usually much of it is quite sarcastic and written with a smile. It's nice to see someone, no matter how passionate, who can take a joke and offer one in return.
I am adorable. Especially if I remember to shave and have on a good shirt. I find it exceedingly ironic, though, that all the lefties are singing the 'Get Over It, Move on With Your Life' song. Nothing like being on the winning team to change your persepective, is there.
It's not the "get over it" song. It's the "quit being an Islamophobic scaremongering lunatic" song.
Of course you'd say that. I can't help but notice that a nightmarish fascist society comprising all the worst parts of '1984', 'V For Vendetta' and 'The Handmaid's Tale' completely failed to materialize though, which, if you listened to certain segments of society, is what was predicted to be just around the corner in 2000, and then again in 2004.
Boy. You are sure showing "certain segments of society." I'm sure they would hypothetically be very humbled by your thrashing of their predictions, were you actually to address them.
Sadly, though, you're right. V for Vendetta didn't happen. Half a million dead Iraqis happened instead. Whew! I'm relieved, aren't you? The acting in that movie was terrible.
13-12-2008, 16:30
I want a right winger who isnt full of absolute crap on NSG. Itd be nice to have an ideological adversary on NSG who can actually hold their own.
I'm not interested in being your arch-nemesis. I don't have the I'm already married.(That's a joke, by the way)
To be fair, I laughed. It's cool when people don't take themselves too seriously. People tend to read my posts like I'm angry and self-righteous, but usually much of it is quite sarcastic and written with a smile. It's nice to see someone, no matter how passionate, who can take a joke and offer one in return.:p
Yeah, the only thing I take less seriously than everybody else here is myself. The only reason I do this is that it entertains me, and I find the responses interesting.
13-12-2008, 17:31
I don't think Obama will make any difference with this country... We are on a downhill track and we will have to hit the bottom before we can climb back up.
Who is hysterical? I cant speak for Joc, but I'm just asking you to be an adult. Apperantly thats too much to ask.
stop being hysterical!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course you'd say that. I can't help but notice that a nightmarish fascist society comprising all the worst parts of '1984', 'V For Vendetta' and 'The Handmaid's Tale' completely failed to materialize though, which, if you listened to certain segments of society, is what was predicted to be just around the corner in 2000, and then again in 2004.
Luckily, our long national nightmare is now over, and we have B. Hussein Obama to give us all hope and change, sprinkled with audacity.
Here's the thing though. We laugh at a lot of the right wingers when the moan and cry over Obama's win because, frankly, we think he'll do a good job. Of course, the right wing responded "well, YOu said the same thing about Bush, didn't you?" Yeah, we did. We said he'd be a horrible president, and bad for this country. And in the last 8 years we have seen:
a budget surplus has disappeared, replaced with the largest budget deficit in US history
a complete and total disrespect of the framework of our society through the duplicitous and unforgivable attempt to manipulate our justice system through termination of of otherwise competent district attorneys solely to replace them with political lackeys and an attempt to appoint to the highest levels of judicial power a vastly unqualified individual for no other reason than her willingness to toe the line
the first attack on US soil by a foreign power since World War II, the first attack on the continental United States since the War of 1812, and the first peacetime attack on US soil in history.
a major US city practically wiped off the map, made manifestly worse by the complete bungling of an incompetent lackey appointed to an agency whose sole purpose is to deal with disasters exactly like that one
an invasion of a sovereign nation based on intelligence that has since been demonstrably proven to be 100%, completely, utterly false
a decline in the overall quality of education in this country due to the farce that is no child left behind
the appointment of an attorney general who didn't believe habeus corpus is a constitutionally protected right and who, almost certainly, cared so little about the law that he lied under oath at a congressional hearing
an unprecedented use of signing statements to circumvent the will of the legislature
attempts by those in his administration to get around the requirements of law by pretending that, despite being in the presidential administration, were not part of the executive branch, and thus not bound by laws pertaining to that branch
500,000 innocent Iraqi civilians, dead
American soldiers torturing people who have never even been tried for, let alone, convicted of any crime
treatment of prisoners, by executive order, in ways that have already been ruled unconstitutional and illegal, even with a court stacked in his favor
attempts to write discrimination into our federal constitution
a total squandering of good will towards the US in the post 9/11 months
foolish attempts to privatize social security, despite all common sense otherwise, which would have been an unmitigated disaster considering:
the worst economic collapse in decades, a certified recession, and the shaking of the very foundations of the american banking and automotive industries
So yeah, when 2000 came along, we did say that Bush would be bad for this country, that we would face severe problems, and the nation would be left undeniably worse for his presidency. And we were right.
So yeah, when 2000 came along, we did say that Bush would be bad for this country, that we would face severe problems, and the nation would be left undeniably worse for his presidency. And we were right.
I say, my brothers, let us gather together and tar and feather this scoundrel! Surely, for we are...the SONS OF LIBERTY!
Deus Malum
13-12-2008, 19:58
I say, my brothers, let us gather together and tar and feather this scoundrel! Surely, for we are...the SONS OF LIBERTY!
Didn't log into your other account often enough, eh? :p
(Assuming this is Velka Moravia, or however that's spelt)
Absolutely not. I'm an old IIer who grew out of arguing with twelve year olds, who now spends his time logging into his account to ensure that his four year labor of love doesn't die off.
But that, my friend, is besides the point.
Deus Malum
14-12-2008, 20:49
Absolutely not. I'm an old IIer who grew out of arguing with twelve year olds, who now spends his time logging into his account to ensure that his four year labor of love doesn't die off.
But that, my friend, is besides the point.
Ah. My bad, then.
Naughty Slave Girls
03-02-2009, 18:02
He will suck. The media will love him. He is Carter II.