Torture in Mumbai
New Mitanni
03-12-2008, 01:19,2933,460133,00.html
Every time I think Islamo-Nazi terrorists have reached the nadir (ironically, an Arabic-derived word) of depravity, they go ahead and prove me wrong.
I’m waiting with bated breath for every one of the Bush haters and assorted lefties on this board who has ever complained about Abu Ghraib to take to the streets, condemn the REAL torture of the Mumbai victims, and demand justice. Here’s your big chance, Heikoku 2, CanuckHeaven, Knights of Liberty, Maineiacs, Muravyets (“I'm one of the most vehement Bush/Cheney haters on this forum,” ), and others too numerous to mention.
Meanwhile, I’m taking bets as to how many of the Islamo-Nazis who terrorized Mumbai were familiar with the following:
Sahih Bukhari Hadith, Book 52
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "You (i.e. Muslims) will fight wi [sic: with] the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.' "
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
( )
03-12-2008, 01:27
Psychotic Mongooses
03-12-2008, 01:29
*slow hand clap*
Kudos. Well done on equating the actions of terrorists with those of your own government.
03-12-2008, 01:37
Isn't the wailing diatribes of a Bushevik in December so cute?
03-12-2008, 01:41
The torture of anyone is bad - also what the fuck is Abu Ghraib if not "REAL" torture?
03-12-2008, 01:42
The torture of anyone is bad - also what the fuck is Abu Ghraib if not "REAL" torture?
For New Mitanni, it would likely be something along the lines of "Justfiable Action In The War Of Terror Against Those Damn Dirty IzlamoNazi Mozlemz".
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 01:42
*slow hand clap*
Kudos. Well done on equating the actions of terrorists with those of your own government.
Astounding really.
Watch me kill NM's thread right now.
I condem any torture of the Mumbai victims and condem their torturers. I condem torture anywhere, by anyone, of anyone.
See, no double standard. With a leftist world view, it is possible to be consistant.
/end thread.
EDIT: Oh yeah, with the whole Mumbai attacks, so much for "zomg teh Bush is keeping us and our allies safe!!111!"
03-12-2008, 01:44
The more derogatory adjectives you use, the worse whatever you're talking about must be.
Heikoku 2
03-12-2008, 01:45
Fascinating, though pointless.
Need I remind you, New Mitanni, that you DO NOT dictate terms to me. I will post when I want, about what I want, how I want, within the rules of this forum. Your shoddy attempt at blemishing an entire religion for the actions of a few nutcases that claim to be part of it is laughable at best, and idiotic at worst. I condemn the actions, yes. They do not justify anything Bush did, however, and it is silly and disingenuous to imply so. I will post in this flamebait of a thread no longer, but you will do well to remember this:
You do NOT dictate terms to ME!
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 01:47
Sahih Bukhari Hadith, Book 52
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "You (i.e. Muslims) will fight wi [sic: with] the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.' "
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
Fun implication, by the way. Now show me similar passages in the Koran. Ill wait.
In the meantime, I got a zillion Bible passages ready if you really want to start a "war on Islam cause only it is ebil!"
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 01:48
Fascinating, though pointless.
Need I remind you, New Mitanni, that you DO NOT dictate terms to me. I will post when I want, about what I want, how I want. Your shoddy attempt at blemishing an entire religion for the actions of a few nutcases that claim to be part of it is laughable at best, and idiotic at worst. I condemn the actions, yes. They do not justify anything Bush did, however, and it is silly and disingenuous to imply so. I will post in this flamebait of a thread no longer, but you will do well to remember this:
You do NOT dictate terms to ME!
Bah, just show youre consistant (I know you are), and condem them. That will make him angrier than anything you could say to him, because he'll be wrong. Again.
Lameness. What is this OP whining about, that lefties should acknowledge what some organized psychos have done by means of loving/forgiving/worshiping Bush?
Oh right, it's just trolling.
03-12-2008, 01:49,2933,460133,00.html
Fox really needs to work on the quality of it's 'journalism':
"Jewish victims made up a disproportionate number of the foreigners killed after 10 Muslim fanatics stormed a series of sites in the Indian financial capital, torturing their captors before they were bound together and killed, the Daily Telegraph reported".
(Emphasis mine)
03-12-2008, 01:50
In the meantime, I got a zillion Bible passages ready if you really want to start a "war on Islam cause only it is ebil!"
I particularly like the bit where God sets bears on kids for insulting his prophets :D
Lunatic Goofballs
03-12-2008, 01:50
03-12-2008, 01:51
Fox really needs to work on the quality of it's 'journalism':
"Jewish victims made up a disproportionate number of the foreigners killed after 10 Muslim fanatics stormed a series of sites in the Indian financial capital, torturing their captors before they were bound together and killed, the Daily Telegraph reported".
(Emphasis mine)
Hey, maybe they're insinuation that this is a Jewish plot or something. With Fox, you never know.
03-12-2008, 01:51
Lameness. What is this OP whining about, that lefties should acknowledge what some organized psychos have done by means of loving/forgiving/worshiping Bush?
Oh right, it's just trolling.
I think the argument is that the torture of Iraqis isn't bad, because some other group of people tortured some other other group of people.
It's the kind of logic that requires you to have your head so far up your own arse that you get to taste your breakfast twice.,2933,460133,00.html
Every time I think Islamo-Nazi terrorists have reached the nadir (ironically, an Arabic-derived word) of depravity, they go ahead and prove me wrong.
I’m waiting with bated breath for every one of the Bush haters and assorted lefties on this board who has ever complained about Abu Ghraib to take to the streets, condemn the REAL torture of the Mumbai victims, and demand justice. Here’s your big chance
This is really your big chance. Do you condemn the tortures perpetrated by the US? Go on, put some backbone into your newfound attitude of self-righteous human rights championing. Backbone - and consistency.
Otherwise, there's really no need - it's you who flip flops on torture depending on whether your 'team' is doing it.
You're going to find that people who actually do condemn torture condemn it no matter who it's performed by, because our condemnation of torture stems from a genuine disgust, not simply from "Bush hating" as you seem to wish.
Those of us who are familiar with your bigoted attitude toward Muslims can easily see that this is just yet another attempt to pound your shoe on the table and rant tearfully about the evil of Islam:
Meanwhile, I’m taking bets as to how many of the Islamo-Nazis who terrorized Mumbai were familiar with the following:
Sahih Bukhari Hadith, Book 52
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 176:
Narrated 'Abdullah bin 'Umar:
Allah's Apostle said, "You (i.e. Muslims) will fight wi [sic: with] the Jews till some of them will hide behind stones. The stones will (betray them) saying, 'O 'Abdullah (i.e. slave of Allah)! There is a Jew hiding behind me; so kill him.' "
Volume 4, Book 52, Number 177:
Narrated Abu Huraira:
Allah's Apostle said, "The Hour will not be established until you fight with the Jews, and the stone behind which a Jew will be hiding will say. "O Muslim! There is a Jew hiding behind me, so kill him."
( )
But I'm sure you'll just dismiss this (as you always do) as just the "bush-hating lefties" with all their confounded anti-American concepts like the ability to think. You're one of those people who are really, really good at ignoring things that might shatter your concept of reality - and it just so happens that there is an amusingly vast amount of such things.
03-12-2008, 01:55
Those of us who are familiar with your bigoted attitude toward Muslims can easily see that this is just yet another attempt to pound your shoe on the table and rant tearfully about the evil of Islam
Please don't insult Nikita Khruschev by imposiing his iconic moment onto New Mitanni.
Please don't insult Nikita Khruschev by imposiing his iconic moment onto New Mitanni.
If the shoe-pounding fits...:)
New Mitanni
03-12-2008, 02:06
*slow hand clap*
Kudos. Well done on equating the actions of terrorists with those of your own government.
Oh so wrong, PM.
Abu Ghraib was nothing more than harsh interrogation measures. And in case you didn't notice, not a single terrorist emerged from Abu Ghraib with his throat slashed, brains blown out, body parts hacked off, eyes gouged out, etc., still less dead. Not a single doctor looked at an Abu Ghraib inmate and found it worse than seeing bodies blown apart or the like.
Hence my use of the term REAL torture to define what was done to the Mumbai victims.
Contrasting Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, yes. Constrasing the haters' responses to Abu Ghraib with their responses to Mumbai, certainly. "Equating" Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, actually or by implication, no. Nice try. ;)
Oh so wrong, PM.
Abu Ghraib was nothing more than harsh interrogation measures. And in case you didn't notice, not a single terrorist emerged from Abu Ghraib with his throat slashed, brains blown out, body parts hacked off, eyes gouged out, etc., still less dead. Not a single doctor looked at an Abu Ghraib inmate and found it worse than seeing bodies blown apart or the like.
Hence my use of the term REAL torture to define what was done to the Mumbai victims.
Contrasting Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, yes. Constrasing the haters' responses to Abu Ghraib with their responses to Mumbai, certainly. "Equating" Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, actually or by implication, no. Nice try. ;)
It's still trolling, circular logic.
To those gullible/bored enough for it, enjoy!
03-12-2008, 02:08
Oh so wrong, PM.
Abu Ghraib was nothing more than harsh interrogation measures. And in case you didn't notice, not a single terrorist emerged from Abu Ghraib with his throat slashed, brains blown out, body parts hacked off, eyes gouged out, etc., still less dead. Not a single doctor looked at an Abu Ghraib inmate and found it worse than seeing bodies blown apart or the like.
Hence my use of the term REAL torture to define what was done to the Mumbai victims.
Contrasting Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, yes. Constrasing the haters' responses to Abu Ghraib with their responses to Mumbai, certainly. "Equating" Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, actually or by implication, no. Nice try. ;)
Ah, so you're using the Gonzo Defense then: It's not torture if people aren't bleeding cripples or dead.
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 02:09
Oh so wrong, PM.
Abu Ghraib was nothing more than harsh interrogation measures. And in case you didn't notice, not a single terrorist emerged from Abu Ghraib with his throat slashed, brains blown out, body parts hacked off, eyes gouged out, etc., still less dead. Not a single doctor looked at an Abu Ghraib inmate and found it worse than seeing bodies blown apart or the like.
Hence my use of the term REAL torture to define what was done to the Mumbai victims.
How cute that you think this.
Contrasting Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, yes. Constrasing the haters' responses to Abu Ghraib with their responses to Mumbai, certainly. "Equating" Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, actually or by implication, no. Nice try. ;)
What difference in reaction? What magical world do you leave in where someone in the civilized world condems the torture America does but condones the torture done in Mumbai? Did you ignore every post past PM's?
I agree with Sssk. Its your turn to show some backbone. Show some consistancy. If youre going to pretend like you actually care about human rights, condem the torture done by the Bush Administration right now.
Otherwise, this is nothing more than an "all muslims are ebil!" rant. Not that anyone ever thought it was anything but.
EDIT: Thats two of us, both me and Heik, who have condemed this torture like you asked. I think we deserve an apology.
The United Taifas
03-12-2008, 02:10
"Every time I think Islamo-Nazi terrorists have reached the nadir (ironically, an Arabic-derived word) of depravity, they go ahead and prove me wrong."
Ironically? Oh, I get it... because some of the major languages spoken in Pakistan, none of which are Arabic, use a script related to the Arabic alphabet.
Well, I suppose it would probably be ironic enough to meet the Morissettian Standard, so who am I to question it?
(Oh, unless you just meant to imply something to the effect that everyone from the Maghreb to the Punjab is both Muslim and Arab.)
Now I'm choking on a chilli-flavoured peanut. Great. [Departs in a cloud of tedium]
"Every time I think Islamo-Nazi terrorists have reached the nadir (ironically, an Arabic-derived word) of depravity, they go ahead and prove me wrong."
Ironically? Oh, I get it... because some of the major languages spoken in Pakistan, none of which are Arabic, use a script related to the Arabic alphabet.
Well, I suppose it would probably be ironic enough to meet the Morissettian Standard, so who am I to question it?
(Oh, unless you just meant to imply something to the effect that everyone from the Maghreb to the Punjab is both Muslim and Arab.)
Now I'm choking on a chilli-flavoured peanut. Great. [Departs in a cloud of tedium]
You're new, you'll learn. New Mitanni tries very hard to be taken seriously, however he rarely says anything that's not laughable.
03-12-2008, 02:13
Nothing says "troll" like a winking smiley. :(
Oh so wrong, PM.
Abu Ghraib was nothing more than harsh interrogation measures.
....aaaaaaaaaand, you missed your big chance.
How predictable.
And in case you didn't notice, not a single terrorist emerged from Abu Ghraib with his throat slashed, brains blown out, body parts hacked off, eyes gouged out, etc.,
Yes, because gouging out eyes is inherent to the definition of torture.
Oh wait it isn't. If you're going to switch your argument from "you liberals are inconsistent about torture" to "it's not really torture when the US does it" you're going to have to do better than that,.
Not a single doctor looked at an Abu Ghraib inmate and found it worse than seeing bodies blown apart or the like.
I'm not even going to pretend that was an argument.
Hence my use of the term REAL torture to define what was done to the Mumbai victims.
Your term "REAL torture" rings as falsely as the term "REAL America."
Torture is torture, and it's wrong.
What's funny is you wanted this thread to expose hypocrisy about torture in "lefties," and what it's doing is exposing your own hypocrisy about torture instead.
Constrasing the haters' responses to Abu Ghraib with their responses to Mumbai, certainly.
No darling. You were contrasting the "haters" responses to Abu Ghraib with your own imaginary wet dream about what the haters might theoretically say.
But they didn't say it. It's a strawman. You're not comparing anything other than your own lack of grasp on reality with your own lack of grasp on reality.
03-12-2008, 02:14
I also condemn the atrocities committed by the gunmen on the civilians in Mumbai.
03-12-2008, 02:17
Oh so wrong, PM.
Abu Ghraib was nothing more than harsh interrogation measures. And in case you didn't notice, not a single terrorist emerged from Abu Ghraib with his throat slashed, brains blown out, body parts hacked off, eyes gouged out, etc., still less dead. Not a single doctor looked at an Abu Ghraib inmate and found it worse than seeing bodies blown apart or the like.
Hence my use of the term REAL torture to define what was done to the Mumbai victims.
Contrasting Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, yes. Constrasing the haters' responses to Abu Ghraib with their responses to Mumbai, certainly. "Equating" Abu Ghraib with Mumbai, actually or by implication, no. Nice try. ;)
I haven't yet seen anyone saying that torture in Mumbai was a good thing?
It seems to me - that people are condemning acts of torture wherever they take place. Perhaps you could link to some of these occassions where people that condemned Bush et al for their torture regime... have endorsed torture in India?
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 02:17
While youre at it NM, since you seem to care so much about human rights, I expect you'll be coming out in support of gay rights now too, correct?
And it appears NM has fled the thread. Shocking.
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 02:19
I haven't yet seen anyone saying that torture in Mumbai was a good thing?
It seems to me - that people are condemning acts of torture wherever they take place. Perhaps you could link to some of these occassions where people that condemned Bush et al for their torture regime... have endorsed torture in India?
Problem is, because hypocrisy and incosistancy are so ingrained in rightwing thought, they find it very hard to believe that anyone can be consistant in their political and moral ideology.
I haven't yet seen anyone saying that torture in Mumbai was a good thing?
No but we're supposed to say it, so New Mitanni can be right about what hypocrites he wants us to be.
Sadly, no one he listed (or anyone else) is conforming to his preferences on this matter. It's a real tragedy.
03-12-2008, 02:22
No but we're supposed to say it, so New Mitanni can be right about what hypocrites he wants us to be.
Sadly, no one he listed (or anyone else) is conforming to his preferences on this matter. It's a real tragedy.
I'm almost wishing I'd been singled-out for my opposition to torture, before - just so I could endorse the tortures in Mumbai and make New Mitty all happy and glowy inside.
New Genoa
03-12-2008, 02:23
While youre at it NM, since you seem to care so much about human rights, I expect you'll be coming out in support of gay rights now too, correct?
Silly person, gays aren't human.
And yes that was sarcasm.
Knights of Liberty
03-12-2008, 02:24
I'm almost wishing I'd been singled-out for my opposition to torture, before - just so I could endorse the tortures in Mumbai and make New Mitty all happy and glowy inside.
I am actually flattered that I bug NM enough for him to single me out in his OP as a terrible person for being against torture.
03-12-2008, 02:26
I am actually flattered that I bug NM enough for him to single me out in his OP as a terrible person for being against torture.
At least he mentioned you. Bastard.