Paychecks and Jobs
30-10-2008, 02:06
I am wondering how many people have been living paycheck-to-paycheck (or worse) for the last 8 years, and how many have lost jobs in the last 6 months? Were you better off economically during the Democrat/Clinton era or are you better off now?
New Wallonochia
30-10-2008, 02:10
I'm from Michigan, which should answer most of your questions.
I'm actually better off now....
Its wierd.
30-10-2008, 02:16
I don't get a paycheck. My entire paycheck goes to paying taxes on my tips. I am currently being subsidized by my parents.
Yay underemployment!
Neu Leonstein
30-10-2008, 02:29
I'm not sure that's a valid way of judging policies. 8 years is a very long time, and the things that you do as a person or that happen to you irrespective of politics distort the picture way too much.
I was 12 years old in 2000, so I'd say my financial position is not comparable.
Well, I DO live paycheck to paycheck, somewhat, but I was indeed worse off during the Clinton Administration. Being a college student working through college in a min wage job versus being a graduate fully employed in another country does that. ;)
30-10-2008, 02:40
I am wondering how many people have been living paycheck-to-paycheck (or worse) for the last 8 years, and how many have lost jobs in the last 6 months? Were you better off economically during the Democrat/Clinton era or are you better off now?
I'm a grad student. I'm *sort of* paycheck to paycheck, in that I must set aside a certain amount to cover my half of the tuition (I've got a 60% fellowship). If I weren't, then I'd be frickin' loaded.
South Lorenya
30-10-2008, 03:19
During the Clinton era I was in school, then college and made no cash, so yes, I'm better off now incomewise. I know full well, however, that I'm an exception. For every person like me, there's someone like Illusion, a friend of mine who signed up in the army (despite my warnings not to), only for Iraq to be invaded a month later. IIRC he's been sent there five times so far... no, he hasn't been wounded (to my knowledge), but...
30-10-2008, 03:32
I've never in my life lived paycheck to paycheck. In the past 8 years, I've paid off my house, 3 cars, and my ex-wife. I have no debt. My job is relatively secure. Life is good.
The last 8 years have actually been pretty damn good to me, for reasons having nothing to do with any political party. I'm far better off now (well, up until about 2 months ago) than I was 8 years ago. And I'm still voting for Obama.
greed and death
30-10-2008, 03:37
I saw my earnings quadrupole these last 8 years given I invested in Haliburton as bush got elected.
New Manvir
30-10-2008, 03:39
I'm 19 years old, work part-time and Canadian.
I was 12 years old in 2000... and I was leeching off my parents. They were much more well off during the Clinton years - their collective income has dropped 60%, while everything else goes up up up. Lovely.
But, I did get a job a year later at about $10,000 a year, and I'm now making $84,000. And my life has improved greatly.