Hey Generalites...how does it work around here?
There are some very, very confused people here, and I thought it might be good to compile a list of 'how shit gets done on NSG'. A basic 'how to' for those who really can't debate themselves out of a wet condom. Standards we generally hold NSGers to. Of course, I expect some pretty wide variation, but I suspect that the majority of people here do have certain shared expectations.
I'd like to propose that a shared expectation is:
#1:He/she who asserts, must prove.
Yes? No? I mean, really. Are you going to let someone get away with making some ridiculous argument without providing a shred of proof, and then say, 'now you go prove I'm not right or I'm right by default'?
#2: Fass can pretty much say anything and threads will erupt into virulent attacks upon him, countered by virulent support for him, so pick a side and dive in!
18-09-2008, 01:39
Numero 3 - Despite about 75% of the members of the board being liberal (in a recent poll), if you claim that there is a liberal bias here, you are a bigot and must be destroyed. Always.
QUATRO - For easy making of long thread, pick a current event and stick in an Israel reference. Not only do you get current event discussion, you then also get Israel vs Palestine (clash of the titans) and then a tangendal argument about Islam. Bringing me onto my next point.
Cinq - Diss Islam and you will perish. Seriously. You'll have like 6 or so posts calling you a bigot and such. And that's just from Gravlen.
Nikotwasik- Conservatives have a massive persecution complex. If you DON'T persecute them from time to time, they languish and get depressed.
18-09-2008, 01:45
Numero 3 - Despite about 75% of the members of the board being liberal (in a recent poll), if you claim that there is a liberal bias here, you are a bigot and must be destroyed. Always.
The obvious answer, then - would be to become a liberal...
18-09-2008, 01:48
The obvious answer, then - would be to become a liberal...
Yeah, if you have no intellectual integrity.
Knights of Liberty
18-09-2008, 01:50
Nikotwasik- Conservatives have a massive persecution complex. If you DON'T persecute them from time to time, they languish and get depressed.
The obvious answer, then - would be to become a liberal...
But they have one as well, except its different in the way that they see everyone else as persecuted and overcompesate by creating fluffy terms for minorities that if you said to those minorities, would probably get your car stolen and your ass kicked.
Pointing out that their arguments are as full of holes as Aunt Agnes' grannie panties suffices btw. No need to go to any further effort to 'persecute'.
18-09-2008, 01:57
But they have one as well, except its different in the way that they see everyone else as persecuted and overcompesate by creating fluffy terms for minorities that if you said to those minorities, would probably get your car stolen and your ass kicked.
Errr... sure, whatever you say.
Who did where with the what now?
(On a second read-through... I have decided your response doesn't seem to fit with my post, because you've attached it to the wrong post... am I right?)
18-09-2008, 01:58
Yeah, if you have no intellectual integrity.
Well, you did already say you weren't a liberal...
Free Soviets
18-09-2008, 02:02
foreign word for 7: there are a disproportionate number of philosophers here. engage at your own risk and don't be surprised when the argument about how badly republicans suck somehow turns to metaphysics.
18-09-2008, 02:04
Flaming and flamebaiting are not viable substitutes for actually having a logical argument and being able to convey it.
Running to the moderation team because you disagree with someone else's opinion and you want him banned/warned/told to shut up will not win you any popularity contests.
18-09-2008, 02:17
Running to the moderation team because you disagree with someone else's opinion and you want him banned/warned/told to shut up will not win you any popularity contests.
And is very unlikely to generate any 'positive' moderation activity, either. Especially the third or fourth time. :)
18-09-2008, 02:33
Everyone can see when you're ignoring questions you cannot answer and focusing on irrelevant side issues in an increasingly desperate hope that you'll never have to say you're wrong.
Beyond that, it's okay to say 'I'm wrong' occasionally, it really is, try it, just once, you'll feel better.
Anti-Social Darwinism
18-09-2008, 03:16
12. Any thread about politics, especially comparing candidates for the purpose of becoming informed, will eventually degenerate into an argument about abortion, religion or the Middle East - or all three.
13. Conservatives - moderates aren't liberals.
Liberals - moderates aren't conservatives.
Moderates are people who can see merit on both sides and who feel that actually becoming informed and thinking about an issue or a person works a whole lot better than climbing on any one bandwagon and waving an unthinking party-line banner. You see, I don't think conservatives are evil (except maybe Palin and Huckabee) nor do I think liberals are evil (except maybe Rosie O'Donnell and she's more stupid than evil)
Free Soviets
18-09-2008, 03:26
13. Conservatives - moderates aren't liberals.
Liberals - moderates aren't conservatives.
Moderates are people who can see merit on both sides and who feel that actually becoming informed and thinking about an issue or a person works a whole lot better than climbing on any one bandwagon and waving an unthinking party-line banner. You see, I don't think conservatives are evil (except maybe Palin and Huckabee) nor do I think liberals are evil (except maybe Rosie O'Donnell and she's more stupid than evil)
yeah, this isn't a rule of how this place works (especially since, as an objective fact, 'moderates' by and large don't actually hold a coherent body of political ideas).
i'll give you a "don't expect your accusations that democrats are actually communists to be seriously entertained", though.
Trans Fatty Acids
18-09-2008, 03:28
Moderates are people who can see merit on both sides and who feel that actually becoming informed and thinking about an issue or a person works a whole lot better than climbing on any one bandwagon and waving an unthinking party-line banner.
Alternatively, "a moderate is someone who can't make up her mind." (Quoting my first and favorite PoliSci prof.) :p
Anti-Social Darwinism
18-09-2008, 03:42
Alternatively, "a moderate is someone who can't make up her mind." (Quoting my first and favorite PoliSci prof.) :p
Your Poli Sci prof didn't get into the real world much, did he? I find that separation from reality to be true of most university humanities types. I am a moderate. I see no particular virtue in espousing an extreme and calling it truth. Because I am a moderate, I am able and willing to look at all sides of question and analyse them, hopefully rationally, before making up my mind - and I do make up my mind.
Trans Fatty Acids
18-09-2008, 03:53
I do make up my mind.
Actually he was quite involved in various real-world enterprises -- and I think he would have said that you're unusual, that most people who self-describe as "moderate" on an issue can see multiple sides and cannot (and/or don't care enough to) decide on a single position.
Kind of like how people self-describe as "agnostic" when their actual position on the existence of God, if they take the time to explain it, is better described as "unsure" or even "apathetic". Old-fashioned Huxley-style agnostics are pretty rare.
King Arthur the Great
18-09-2008, 04:18
14. Humor/satirical remarks are only assumed if one presents a license for clowning.
18-09-2008, 04:27
most people who self-describe as "moderate" on an issue can see multiple sides and cannot (and/or don't care enough to) decide on a single position.
Then there are those of us (I prefer 'Centrists', by the way) who are quite capable of choosing a position, but can still show respect to those on the other side of that position.
15. If you can't agree with your opponent and demonizing isn't working, brag about how you're ignoring everything he says. Be sure to quote relevant portions of the posts you're ignoring.
18-09-2008, 04:32
Ju-Roku: No matter how outlandish and flagrantly ridiculous a troll post is, there's a certainty that someone will take it to be truth. In agreement with it.
18-09-2008, 04:37
#1:He/she who asserts, must prove.
That's the kind of wrongheadedness that caused all the problems in the fist place.
16. If your argument fails to persuade, just keep repeating it. That'll work.
This Number: You will mix people up from time to time. Admit it and move on. Defending your mistake just makes you look silly.
I am not Jordaxia.
Neesika is not Sinuhue, no matter what lies she tells to the contrary.
Knights of Liberty
18-09-2008, 04:47
People: Some people are just jerk offs, some people are stupid, some people are just wrong, and some people will continue to be the above no matter what evidence you throw their way. Know when you keep debating, when to just let it go, and when to use the ignore function.
This Number: You will mix people up from time to time. Admit it and move on. Defending your mistake just makes you look silly.
I am not Jordaxia.
No shit...Jordi is likeable :D
Neesika is not Sinuhue, no matter what lies she tells to the contrary.I make no such claim! Sinuhue is Neesika!
18-09-2008, 05:12
42: Everyone will be assumed to be male, no matter how many times they mention that they are female, or put "I AM FEMALE" in their signature or their location.
43: Posters who have been around for a while not infrequently already know something of each others' opinions and personality and will sometimes joke around with each other. This does not actually mean that they are conspiring against you or participating in a "circle-jerk."
44: If you are 12 years old and have taken a grand total of one middle school social studies class, you are probably not an expert on international politics and law. Don't let that stop you from posting as if you are, though, as it hasn't stopped anyone yet. :tongue:
18-09-2008, 05:26
42: Everyone will be assumed to be male, no matter how many times they mention that they are female, or put "I AM FEMALE" in their signature or their location.
42a: Except of course accounts that end in the letter 'a', which always imply at least a C-cup (Angela, Barbara, Clarissa, Debra ...)
42a: Except of course accounts that end in the letter 'a', which always imply at least a C-cup (Angela, Barbara, Clarissa, Debra ...)
Yes, exactly. And I'm definitely barely a B. Except around Thanksgiving.
18-09-2008, 05:28
42a: Except of course accounts that end in the letter 'a', which always imply at least a C-cup (Angela, Barbara, Clarissa, Debra ...)
Actually you Mods are the worst, it was enough to find Euroslavia was male but Tsaraine?
Avatars help.
Actually you Mods are the worst, it was enough to find Euroslavia was male but Tsaraine?
Avatars help.
Well, Euro also uses female avatars. He likes messing with us.
18-09-2008, 05:31
Well, Euro also uses female avatars. He likes messing with us.
Indeed, such is my point, Tsaraine's avatar is also distinctly female and thus I'd concluded he was female as well.
People always assume I am female for some reason <_<
#n When you keep repeating the same ideas over and over again in a debate, please don't get mad when people turn on you and point it out.
#n When someone uses a non partisan source like factcheck.org refute it with a biased blog with no research done. This is of course different than blogs where there is empirical research done.
#n Realize that polls are merely a snapshot of the situation at the current time. Try and pay attention to data over time to form a better conclusion.
PS. I am Kilgor Trout
Indeed, such is my point, Tsaraine's avatar is also distinctly female and thus I'd concluded he was female as well.
I also found the package with used panties confusing.
18-09-2008, 05:47
42a: Except of course accounts that end in the letter 'a', which always imply at least a C-cup (Angela, Barbara, Clarissa, Debra ...)
I would believe this more if people didn't keep assuming I was male. :tongue:
(Although there should at least be a 42a: Except of course for mods, half of whom keep tricking us all into screwing up their genders. ;) )
I would believe this more if people didn't keep assuming I was male. :tongue:
(Although there should at least be a 42a: Except of course for mods, half of whom keep tricking us all into screwing up their genders. ;) )
I can't help it if you're masculine.
Everyone really does assume I'm female. Even in real life. Wait...
18-09-2008, 05:58
I can't help it if you're masculine.
Everyone really does assume I'm female. Even in real life. Wait...
I may be masculine, but my boobs are still nicer than yours.
IL Ruffino
18-09-2008, 06:19
#????: Ruffy is awesome.
I may be masculine, but my boobs are still nicer than yours.
You've not seen mine. They're practically perfect. Even your mom said so.
18-09-2008, 06:35
Rule Eleventy: People will bitch when there are too many threads on a topic. Then bitch when mods combine them and there is only one thread on said topic.
Rule Eleventy-Seven
If you expect to actually change someone's political or religious views with your argument you have to share what you are smoking with the Mods.
Anti-Social Darwinism
18-09-2008, 06:44
Rule Eleventy: People will bitch when there are too many threads on a topic. Then bitch when mods combine them and there is only one thread on said topic.
Rule googolplex prime - People will bitch - regardless.
18-09-2008, 07:20
MMVI: Forum memes have become concentrated and compressed over the years. Long-winded references to tacos, mud and named posters are considered clumsy. A reduced size, lower-case "l" and "g" in the bottom left-hand corner of a post is deemed sufficient to introduce a calming note of levity to the proceedings.
MMVII: The siren lure of wandering off-topic must be recognised and responded to by all active posters. Only by such unified acts of civil disobedience will it be possible to change the oppressive laws of the bourgeois apologist mods and their capitalist masters.
MMVIII: Literal-mindedness is no respecter of persons. If you intend to engage in interpostal satire, humorous exaggeration, metaphor or jokes, please use the protective smilies provided in your introductory kit. Unprotected posting could leave you with a nasty infraction and, untreated, may even lead to your being unable to have puppets.
Vault 10
18-09-2008, 08:41
i may be masculine, but my boobs are still nicer than yours.
If it exists, somewhere on the internet there's porn of it.
18-09-2008, 10:03
Rule 9000: ALWAYS TYPE IN ALL CAPS AND USE PLENTY OF :upyours::upyours::gundge::gundge::gundge::sniper::mp5::sniper::mp5: TO HIGHLIGHT YOUR POINT. IT MAKES YOU AWESOME AND SMART.
七十四: Every thread will wander off topic after the 4th page, if not sooner. Attempting to reply to the OP on page 17 will bring you howls of "Didn't you bother to read the thread?!" because it's moved off of a discussion about the latest political crisis to a raging debate on the use of cheese with wines.
七十五:All the long time posters have a topic that bringing it up will be akin to waving a red flag in front of a bull. Be careful then about what you post unless you want to get trampled on.
42a: Except of course accounts that end in the letter 'a', which always imply at least a C-cup (Angela, Barbara, Clarissa, Debra ...)Teeheee :)
Nope, not since I've been dieting ;)
On the OP,
X: accept that you are a newcomer*.
Communities on "da internet" are a lot like communities in real life; the only difference is your credentials get through a lot slower here and people, by nature, tend to be prejudiced against the opinions of those people they don't have a frakking clue about unless (and sometimes even when) they are in complete agreement with them. ;)
* I do
Pure Metal
18-09-2008, 10:29
#35 (maybe): white text is always cool
The Infinite Dunes
18-09-2008, 10:32
#36 They always come back.
18-09-2008, 10:33
Rule gazillion: any discussion where the democrats are referred to as Left will automatically provoke a response that this is an international forum and that in most European countries the Democrats would be referred to as far-right, if they were lucky.
Rule 10 thousand: Quoting Monty Python is always funny. Always.
18-09-2008, 10:41
#36 They always come back.
Trenta-sette : "I'm leaving" threads are for people who hate freedom. So aye, terrorists.
ACHT UND DREISSIG! : Comparing things to Nazi Germany is clever, and a legitimate way to make your argument better. On the other hand, if you say that anyone is Nazirific themselves, it's a GODWIN!
OMG: You can make the same point over and over again with minimal effort by just putting it in your signature.
FTW: You can avoid signatures by turning them off. (random number)% of NSG does this, making rule OMG ineffective/useful.
HAX: Don't assume liberal and conservative are adequate for describing the political spectrum. Not only is that assumption wrong, but someone will point it out to you and berate you for your americanocentrism.
There are some very, very confused people here, and I thought it might be good to compile a list of 'how shit gets done on NSG'. A basic 'how to' for those who really can't debate themselves out of a wet condom.
When you're debating yourself out of a wet condom it's called master-debating.
#36 They always come back.
#36a: Doubly true if they make an "I'm leaving" thread
And what I consider to be rule 0 of NSG(but I don't even know what the numbering is any more): Someone disagrees with you.
Extreme Ironing
18-09-2008, 12:31
<Bold>$n++</Bold>: Beware the Dark Side. And shrubberies.
The Infinite Dunes
18-09-2008, 12:34
When you're debating yourself out of a wet condom it's called master-debating.
#36a: Doubly true if they make an "I'm leaving" threadI'm thinking of coming back. Just don't feel as interested as I once did. I break is in order I believe.
And what I consider to be rule 0 of NSG(but I don't even know what the numbering is any more): Someone disagrees with you.Always, it might even be yourself, probably even in the same post (I think I've done this before).
#36a: Doubly true if they make an "I'm leaving" thread#36a, subparagraph 1: Exceptions occur at the bourgeois moderators' disgression.
18-09-2008, 12:49
I would believe this more if people didn't keep assuming I was male. :tongue:
(Although there should at least be a 42a: Except of course for mods, half of whom keep tricking us all into screwing up their genders. ;) )
I would have thought my gender was OBVIOUS from my name. ;)
Pure Metal
18-09-2008, 13:15
have we had "the first rule of NSG is there is no NSG" yet?
I'm sick so screw your numbers to the wall: Make a joke about "Madness? This is NSG!" because that's never been made in the history of NSG or the internet.
18-09-2008, 13:43
I'm sick so screw your numbers to the wall: Make a joke about "Madness? This is NSG!" because that's never been made in the history of NSG or the internet.
Trente-neuf : Myrth.
The Infinite Dunes
18-09-2008, 13:49
have we had "the first rule of NSG is there is no NSG" yet?It's a bit late for that... it would have to be something like "the fortieth rule of NSG is there is no NSG".
Rule Whatsit: If you're new to NSG, then every topic is New To You! Rest assured that nobody, in the history of this forum, has ever raised such insightful questions as, "How can you be pro-life and support the death penalty?" Shine the beacon of your intellect upon all of us!
Rule Whatsit, Part B: Adam-and-Steve! It's a child not a choice! Guns kill/don't kill people! Capitalism is fascism! Pick your favorite talking-point argument and spout it like you mean it. The internet is home to such a wide range of humanity that there surely is somebody who hasn't heard your brilliant cliche before!
Trenta-sette :
ACHT UND DREISSIG! : Comparing things to Nazi Germany is clever, and a legitimate way to make your argument better. On the other hand, if you say that anyone is Nazirific themselves, it's a GODWIN!
Rule siebundundreißigelf: Out of 77 people trying to use German for humorous pruposes, 74.7 will mangle the (supposed) German horribly.
Rule Whatsit, Part B: Adam-and-Steve! It's a child not a choice! Guns kill/don't kill people! Capitalism is fascism! Pick your favorite talking-point argument and spout it like you mean it. The internet is home to such a wide range of humanity that there surely is somebody who hasn't heard your brilliant cliche before!
Awesome, I hadn't heard the bolded part before!
King Arthur the Great
18-09-2008, 15:24
First rule of NSG: you don't talk about NSG.
Second Rule of NSG: you do not talk about NSG.
Third Rule of NSG: If someone admits defeat, ingores a thread, or vanishes, the thread continues since somebody else will be ready to step in.
Fourth Rule of NSG: As many people to a thread as they want, until the Mods lock it.
Fifth Rule of NSG: Multiple threads on the same subject at the same time, until the Mods merge it to one thread on a subject at a time.
Sixth Rule of NSG: No Flaming, No Trolling.
Seventh Rule of NSG: Threads will go on much longer than they have to, and will be zombified as necessary.
Eight Rule of NSG: If this is your first experience in NSG, your "must post to get noticed" feeling is not necessarily the best thing. But you must post anyways.
Welcome to NSG! The water's warm, the mods are neither men nor women, and if you see a pie, duck.
Rule siebundundreißigelf: Out of 77 people trying to use German for humorous pruposes, 74.7 will mangle the (supposed) German horribly. Sonderregelung Elf B Schrägstrich C: The other 2.3 let Babelfish mangle the German language for them.
First rule of NSG: you don't talk about NSG.
Second Rule of NSG: you do not talk about NSG.
Uncountable Rule of NSG: People will jump into any thread and post their humorous two cents without regard to maybe previously posted identical twins of their wit.
Welcome to NSG! The water's warm, the mods are neither men nor women, and if you see a pie, duck.
MMVI: Forum memes have become concentrated and compressed over the years. Long-winded references to tacos, mud and named posters are considered clumsy. A reduced size, lower-case "l" and "g" in the bottom left-hand corner of a post is deemed sufficient to introduce a calming note of levity to the proceedings.
I, personally, would expand that to: Any reference to LG in the form of tacos, mud, pies, or clowns that is not strictly relevant to the topic and/or unprecendentedly witty shall be considered clumsy.(the same goes for any further thread title "LG spotted!" or similar for a thread on any RL news featuring tacos, mud, pies, or clowns.
Disclaimer: I adore LG at least as much as most others, but this is getting really old and really tiring.
Sonderregelung Elf B Schrägstrich C: The other 2.3 let Babelfish mangle the German language for them.
No, you'll find that those have already ben adequately subsumed under Rule Siebunddreißigelf, Paragraph Acht, Absatz Neun-Punkt-Vier.
Grundsatzerklärung Fünfundsiebzig, Unterpunkt zwei: If two Germans collide in one thread on Rules, they'll invariably descend into bureaucratic nitpicking within two posts or less.
No, you'll find that those have already ben adequately subsumed under Rule Siebunddreißigelf, Paragraph Acht, Absatz Neun-Punkt-Vier.Which gets revoked by Rule Siebunddreißigelf, Paragraph Acht, Absatz Neun-Punkt-Fünf. Nice try.
Grundsatzerklärung Fünfundsiebzig, Unterpunkt zwei: If two Germans collide in one thread on Rules, they'll invariably descend into bureaucratic nitpicking within two posts or less.That's a lie! Untererklärung Elfzig Neun-Neun-Punkt-Fünf-Viertel in conjunction with Paragraph Fünf Unterparagraph Neun-und-Achtzig Zwanzig clearly states that this is not the case! >=(
Lunatic Goofballs
18-09-2008, 16:01
Rule Zero:
18-09-2008, 16:01
Rule siebundundreißigelf: Out of 77 people trying to use German for humorous pruposes, 74.7 will mangle the (supposed) German horribly.
Och I've been generally vergessing my German over the holidays, sorry :(
Neo Bretonnia
18-09-2008, 16:05
42a: Except of course accounts that end in the letter 'a', which always imply at least a C-cup (Angela, Barbara, Clarissa, Debra ...)
сорок: There is an exception to every rule. (see above quote)
сорок одинь: To save time, always assume every Conservative is a racist, homophobic, sexist, fundamentalist religious zealot. It doesn't have to be true, it's just tradition. Long time NSG Conservatives (all 4 of them) understand this and won't take it personally.
сорок два: There are no Liberals on NSG. Only rightheaded thinkers.
сорок три: The United States is NOT the whole world.
And now for a couple of helpful translations to make it easier to understand.
Phrase: "Show me a reputable source"
Translation: "Show me a source that agrees with my point of view."
Phrase: "You're ignoring my argument"
Translation: "You still disagree with me, my argument is flawless, thus you didn't read it."
Phrase: "No offense, but..."
Translation: "I'm about to flame your ass off but I don't want to get Modslapped for it."
Lunatic Goofballs
18-09-2008, 16:06
Rule siebundundreißigelf: Out of 77 people trying to use German for humorous pruposes, 74.7 will mangle the (supposed) German horribly.
Ich habe ein Stinktier in meinen Hosen.
Free Soviets
18-09-2008, 16:07
rule ∏: if you find yourself cornered and beaten, just leave the thread for a couple hours. when you come back you can start all over again without ever having to admit anything.
Och I've been generally vergessing my German over the holidays, sorry :(
You shall be forgiven. But just because you have, to my knowledge, not been misspelling "Heil" any time recently. I mean, people seem to heavily lean towards the "ei" combination anyway even where it doesn't belong ("beleive", anyone?), so why suddenly switch to "ie" where it's utterly, sadistically wrong?
Ich habe ein Stinktier in meinen Hosen.
Q.E.D., and repeat offender with that very same phrase. Bad LG. I shall have to resort to making you say "Streichholzschächtelchen an der Eichhörnchenschwanzspitze" until you can pronounce it flawlessly. Commence!
18-09-2008, 16:14
You shall be forgiven. But just because you have, to my knowledge, not been misspelling "Heil" any time recently.
Danke etc.
I mean, people seem to heavily lean towards the "ei" combination anyway even where it doesn't belong ("beleive", anyone?), so why suddenly switch to "ie" where it's utterly, sadistically wrong?
I would guess that it's because they're trying to be all Germanic and such.
" 'Tschuess' = with an 'e', and I pronounce it as if it was a regular 'u', so heh, maybe 'heil' which is pronounced like an 'i' should have the 'e' afterwards "
Which brings me onto another rule involving German :
Cuarenta : If you're in one of those threads about World War 2 and want to sound clever and shit, just say that the Panzer was the best tank of the war! No worries that there were like six kinds and tons of variants, you'll look smart for using a German word!
" 'Tschuess' = with an 'e', and I pronounce it as if it was a regular 'u', so heh, maybe 'heil' which is pronounced like an 'i' should have the 'e' afterwards "
Oh. You see, there's no "e" in "Tschüss", and even if you do put it there for Umlaut-avoiding purposes, the sound is still nothing like a "regular u".
But, I bow to your use of logic, but I severly doubt that any such capacities for reasoning are present with those who throw their "Hiel"s around.
Cuarenta : If you're in one of those threads about World War 2 and want to sound clever and shit, just say that the Panzer was the best tank of the war! No worries that there were like six kinds and tons of variants, you'll look smart for using a German word!
For future reference, please all note that "Panzer" is just the German word for tank, okay?
For future reference, please all note that "Panzer" is just the German word for tank, okay?
Thanks.No, Panzer is the German word for Armo(u)r. =P
No, Panzer is the German word for Armo(u)r. =P
...,too? I mean, it doubles for both, no? What's German for tank, then?
18-09-2008, 16:32
Oh. You see, there's no "e" in "Tschüss", and even if you do put it there for Umlaut-avoiding purposes, the sound is still nothing like a "regular u".
Yeah, we know that :tongue: (it sounds like some kind of retarded 'eww' thing which is hard to really write down with 'English' sounds is how I'd describe it)
But, I bow to your use of logic, but I severly doubt that any such capacities for reasoning are present with those who throw their "Hiel"s around.
Maybe they take " 'i' before 'e' " too far?
For future reference, please all note that "Panzer" is just the German word for tank, okay?
Yeah, I know, and it also means armour in general. But people use it in an attempt to sound mega smart in WW2 threads.
"errr... which type? Of either?"
...,too? I mean, it doubles for both, no? What's German for tank, then?Der Tank. Tank was a codeword used to trick the nasty Huns into thinking all the British were building was water tanks, and not an unstoppable armored vehicle. There's no German equivalent to tank, though it means Panzer in that sense.
18-09-2008, 16:35
Der Tank. Tank was a codeword used to trick the nasty Huns into thinking all the British were building was water tanks, and not an unstoppable armored vehicle. There's no German equivalent to tank, though it means Panzer in that sense.
Aye well if you're being a genuine smartarse about WW2 then you start getting into Pzkpfw territory and demanding that people write it all in Roman numerals and such.
Aye well if you're being a genuine smartarse about WW2 then you start getting into Pzkpfw territory and demanding that people write it all in Roman numerals and such.Please. PzKpfw. =P
Sumamba Buwhan
18-09-2008, 17:15
Rule Sumamba Buwhan: Sumamba Buwhan loves you with all of his heart, but it's tough love. Pull down your pants and bend over; this might hurt a little.
Holy Cheese and Shoes
18-09-2008, 17:34
rule Π : Post #88 of each thread will remark about how off-topic it has become, but try and get it back on-topic.
rule Ψ : Unfortunately, there always seems to be someone who actually knows what they are talking about, because they are a corporate lawyer / brain surgeon / economist / George Washington / God, in real life
18-09-2008, 17:36
Nikotwasik- Conservatives have a massive persecution complex. If you DON'T persecute them from time to time, they languish and get depressed.I've noticed this. And I certainly don't want anyone to languish.
Cinq - Diss Islam and you will perish. Seriously. You'll have like 6 or so posts calling you a bigot and such. And that's just from Gravlen.
Rule 3.2xPI: As illustrated by Yootopia, you will encounter assholes that have no idea what they're talking about and will make shit up instead.
Adjacent to that rule: Any debating of the facts will be counted as a personal attack by said assholes.
The Alma Mater
18-09-2008, 18:03
13. Conservatives - moderates aren't liberals.
Liberals - moderates aren't conservatives.
Everyone: "conservatives, liberals and moderates" are only a tiny, tiny part of the possible political affiliations. The world is bigger than such narrowmindedness.
Saying this forum has a liberal bias is therefor nonsense. That many people on this forum do not agree with US conservatives on the other hand is not - but that does not make them liberal. Or moderate. Or even nonconservative ;)
Knights of Liberty
18-09-2008, 18:03
Phrase: "Show me a reputable source"
Translation: "Show me a source that agrees with my point of view."
Phrase: "You're ignoring my argument"
Translation: "You still disagree with me, my argument is flawless, thus you didn't read it."
Phrase: "No offense, but..."
Translation: "I'm about to flame your ass off but I don't want to get Modslapped for it."
These translations are all stunningly accurate.
It's a bit late for that... it would have to be something like "the fortieth rule of NSG is there is no NSG".
actually, it's supposed to be "Rule Six of NSG, there is NO RULE SIX!"
Rule Whatever +1: Any topic not political in nature has to be shifted to be critical of Christianity. If that topic is about another Religion, it's imperative that it be shifted to Christianity in less than 2 pages.
Rule Whatever +2: any topic about any Government/Country has to be shifted to blame the USA.
Rule Whatever +3: Any topic of a political nature has to be shifted to place blame on the Conservatives.
Rule Whatever +4: any topic of a business/economic nature has to be shifted to blame big business, then shifted to blame the Goverment, then shifted to blame the USA.
Rule Whatever +5: any topic about education or the results of education has to then be shifted to blame the Government then shifted to blame the USA, or Religion which then has to be shifted to blame Christianity.
Rule Whatever +6: no matter what, it's always the Republican's and GWBush's fault.
Rule Whatever +7: anything Good about the USA has to be credited to the Liberals/Democrats/Obama himself else it's not Good.
Free Soviets
18-09-2008, 18:35
actually, it's supposed to be "Rule Six of NSG, there is NO RULE SIX!"
also: no NSGer is to maltreat the abos in any way whatsoever...unless she says it's ok
The Parkus Empire
18-09-2008, 18:43
There are only a few possibilities here at NSG:
Be a pedantic ass.
Be an humorous ass.
Be an ass which is both.
Be an ass.
Enormous Gentiles
18-09-2008, 18:43
Rule Invisible: The Lurkerz see you. All of you. A lot more often than they should.
The Parkus Empire
18-09-2008, 18:47
Aye well if you're being a genuine smartarse about WW2
The water tank part concerns World War I.
also: no NSGer is to maltreat the abos in any way whatsoever...unless she says it's ok
and no poster is to be caught NOT drinking. :tongue:
18-09-2008, 19:05
Rule jerkoff: NSG is a collection of overlapping self righteous circle-jerks (made of people who deny that such a circle jerk exists), with the over-whelming majority being in the psuedo-socialist liberal absolutists.
Rule 99999: Always be prepared to back up what you say, even if it's the most mundane and obviously true statement. The way NSG works is that 99.99% of the statements made on the forum are never backed up with a source, but you're bound to be faced with demands for evidence spontaneously in such a tone as if all their statements are backed up (which they are not) and as if the majority of statements on NSG are backed up (which they are not).
Rule infinity: If you're up against someone who's set up a massive alleged moral high ground, you're fucked, since almost everyone will flock to worship it. Usual tell-tale signs are: motivation speaks made up of meaningless platitudes about what society SHOULD be doing (involving the likes of you as the problem), constant repetition of the same word until it becomes meaningless (like troll or bigot), a generally mocking tone but one where the people doing it are too self righteous to realise and the eventual decay into arguments against huge strawmen.
Trans Fatty Acids
18-09-2008, 19:13
Rule infinity: If you're up against someone who's set up a massive alleged moral high ground, you're fucked, since almost everyone will flock to worship it. Usual tell-tale signs are: motivation speaks made up of meaningless platitudes about what society SHOULD be doing (involving the likes of you as the problem), constant repetition of the same word until it becomes meaningless (like troll or bigot), a generally mocking tone but one where the people doing it are too self righteous to realise and the eventual decay into arguments against huge strawmen.
Rule infinity-plus-one: People actually like huge strawmen. It gives them something to poke with their rhetorical pitchforks.
Rule thirty-twelve: You will at some point have your tone misinterpreted, whether you use smileys or not. C'est la vie.
Knights of Liberty
18-09-2008, 19:17
Rule 666: Almost all of these rules are merely a clever way for the various members to take shots at each other and express personal biases and vendettes, and in no way should be taken seriously.
Rule Sumamba Buwhan: Sumamba Buwhan loves you with all of his heart, but it's tough love. Pull down your pants and bend over; this might hurt a little.
If you wanna get in, you do the work and pull those pants down. Why should I do your work?
Lunatic Goofballs
18-09-2008, 19:54
Q.E.D., and repeat offender with that very same phrase. Bad LG. I shall have to resort to making you say "Streichholzschächtelchen an der Eichhörnchenschwanzspitze" until you can pronounce it flawlessly. Commence!
Actually, last time it was in my underwear and I can't seem to translate that first word, but the rest seems to translate as 'in a squirrel's tail point (ass?).
It frankly has me worried.
Actually, last time it was in my underwear
I do believe I'll have to cede that point
and I can't seem to translate that first word, but the rest seems to translate as 'in a squirrel's tail point (ass?).
It frankly has me worried.
It translates to "A box of matches attached to the tip of a squirrel's tail". Which yes, is a bit disturbing (poor squirrel!), but makes for a nice laugh if someone tries to pronounce it.
Lunatic Goofballs
18-09-2008, 20:03
I do believe I'll have to cede that point
It translates to "A box of matches attached to the tip of a squirrel's tail". Which yes, is a bit disturbing (poor squirrel!), but makes for a nice laugh if someone tries to pronounce it.
Oh, those silly Germans and their wacky antics!
Oh, those silly Germans and their wacky antics!
It gives us something else to do besides starting World Wars.
18-09-2008, 20:20
Rule Negative 3: When the mods take an action that you disagree with the only way to express your dissent without breaching NSG etiquette is to claim a mod conspiracy against your ideology/religion/person.
Rule pi: When being a complete prick/douchebag/ass without even the illusion of basic decency always claim to that you aren't PC. You'll gain brownie points.
Rule Inverted Pentagram: NSG is there to service all your homework needs.
Rule Inverted Pentagram: NSG is there to service all your homework needs.
and by service, we mean the same type of service that usually requires a "stud fee". :tongue:
Rule pi NSG is a jaded mistress ;)
Free Soviets
18-09-2008, 21:49
rule ∏:
Rule pi
Rule pi
hmm, we seem to have a problem here
These translations are all stunningly accurate.
Don't be fooled. Neo Brettonia has serious problems understanding that a blog is not a scientific study.
hmm, we seem to have a problem here
I was meaning to go for e but pi lured me in...
18-09-2008, 22:41
Rule Zero:
* I am CanuckHeaven and I approve of this message. :D
19-09-2008, 00:15
Avogadro's Number: some people do actually change their minds when confronted with good evidence and sound argumentation. The odds against this occurring in any particular case, however, are approximately Avogadro's Number to one.
Gun Manufacturers
19-09-2008, 00:54
Rule ∞: In a thread about rules, it is impossible to keep the numbers in order.
Rule 134526 (pretty sure it hasn't been used): Don't use pi as a rule number.
19-09-2008, 01:23
Start off ANY communication with a mod with an insult or accusing them of bias. They LOVE that.
Start off ANY communication with a mod with an insult or accusing them of bias. They LOVE that.
addendum: any Mod request has to be bumped and inquired about every 15 minutes to spur them into action.
you may not like the action... but it's action nontheless...
Big Jim P
19-09-2008, 04:06
Rule pi*r squared: The Elders of NSG are Godlike and must be treated with profound respect, if not out-right worship.
Knights of Liberty
19-09-2008, 04:22
Don't be fooled. Neo Brettonia has serious problems understanding that a blog is not a scientific study.
Rule 666: Almost all of these rules are merely a clever way for the various members to take shots at each other and express personal biases and vendettes, and in no way should be taken seriously.
King Arthur the Great
19-09-2008, 04:45
Rule [e raised to the power of (pi * i)] + 1
Jackasses will throw in odd-numbered rules using highly abstract expressions of Zero just to show off. But then again, cynics will do the same.
Start off ANY communication with a mod with an insult or accusing them of bias. They LOVE that.
Do we get bonus points if the insults are in a foreign language? Is there any chart detailing which mod speaks which languages?
Do we get bonus points if the insults are in a foreign language? Is there any chart detailing which mod speaks which languages?Will we get brownie points with Kat if we do it in form of a sonnet?
Do we get bonus points if the insults are in a foreign language? Is there any chart detailing which mod speaks which languages?
maybe, maybe not. but the hits on Babblefish will certainly go up. :D
Will we get brownie points with Kat if we do it in form of a sonnet?
More importantly, is there a chance to substitute chocolate chip cookie points for the brownie points for those of us who prefer cookies?
14. Humor/satirical remarks are only assumed if one presents a license for clowning.
I apply for said license where?
Rule pi*r squared: The Elders of NSG are Godlike and must be treated with profound respect, if not out-right worship.
and you will be posting rule number PI (R) round when?
Gun Manufacturers
19-09-2008, 20:21
More importantly, is there a chance to substitute chocolate chip cookie points for the brownie points for those of us who prefer cookies?
The cookie is a lie!
and you will be posting rule number PI (R) round when?
after the "Cake R Squared" Rule
19-09-2008, 21:32
No shit...Jordi is likeable :D
I make no such claim! Sinuhue is Neesika!Follow your own rule...prove it!
43: Posters who have been around for a while not infrequently already know something of each others' opinions and personality and will sometimes joke around with each other. This does not actually mean that they are conspiring against you or participating in a "circle-jerk."
42a:Sometimes, however, we are.
Rule Pie: LG will dominate you at some point. Beware the weasels. Moats will do nothing but invite him to play closer to your home.
New Limacon
19-09-2008, 21:43
Beyond that, it's okay to say 'I'm wrong' occasionally, it really is, try it, just once, you'll feel better.
False. Being wrong is a sign of weakness, and there is no place on earth where your reputation is more important than an Internet forum filled with a bunch of strangers.
20-09-2008, 01:07
Rule Whatever: Whatever your reason is, whenever you decide to stop posting n NSG, make it into a farewell special. Plenty of people will appreciate the notice and might even miss you or wish you'd stay.
No, really, they will.
Special Rule 2: All threads, no matter how silly or pontless must be a minimum of 2 pages. Failure to follow rules will follow punishment. Lunatic Goofballs will deal with that. :p
20-09-2008, 02:15
Do we get bonus points if the insults are in a foreign language? Is there any chart detailing which mod speaks which languages?
Ve haff our vays of translating.... even svears.
Make sure that when you are leaving forever (goodbye, cruel NSG!!!) you post a thread that is the equivalent of slamming your door on the way out.
Then slink back in a week later like it never happened. NSG will have forgotten it ten seconds later, anyhow.
German Nightmare
20-09-2008, 02:16
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/GermanNightmare/ReadingComprehension_Small.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/GermanNightmare/Spelling_Small.jpg
These two should be required reading for every poster!
German Nightmare
20-09-2008, 02:17
Ve haff our vays of translating.... even svears.
20-09-2008, 02:18
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/GermanNightmare/ReadingComprehension_Small.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/GermanNightmare/Spelling_Small.jpg
These two should be required reading for every poster!
20-09-2008, 02:21
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/GermanNightmare/ReadingComprehension_Small.jpg http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y223/GermanNightmare/Spelling_Small.jpg
These two should be required reading for every poster!
You realize they misspelled "comrehension".
German Nightmare
20-09-2008, 02:29
You realize they misspelled "comrehension".
Actually, I haven't. That's hilarious!!!
And... You receive an award sticker!
(Maybe Disney should've included 41 words in their spelling book!)
Plus, the corrected version does not include stickers... so what's it gonna be?
German Nightmare
20-09-2008, 02:31
Reward stickers are way better than stars!
20-09-2008, 02:32
Actually, I haven't. That's hilarious!!!
And... You receive an award sticker!
(Maybe Disney should've included 41 words in their spelling book!)
Plus, the corrected version does not include stickers... so what's it gonna be?
Hee, I usually hand OUT the reward stickers.... ;) English teacher and advisor to the school newspaper here. ;)
20-09-2008, 02:33
Approximately how long did this thread stay on topic? :wink:
20-09-2008, 02:49
Reward stickers are way better than stars!
What about star stickers?
20-09-2008, 04:13
rule Π : Post #88 of each thread will remark about how off-topic it has become, but try and get it back on-topic.<snip>
Approximately how long did this thread stay on topic? :wink:
Tch! Late again, HotRod! *contacts Accounts Dept* ... 54 posts will be deducted from your pay.
[On-topic, dammit] Realising that this thread is now TL, DR, I propose instead the One Rule to Wring Them All, One Rule to Bind Them -- the ultimate advice: Do As You Wouldn't Be Done By.
Hee, I usually hand OUT the reward stickers.
That's okay. That's better than brownie points anyway, even better than chocolate chip cookie points.
Bullitt Point
20-09-2008, 09:49
Rule Numero Setecientos Cuarenta y Dos:
No matter how much spam, junk, flaming, flamebaiting, Fass-ing, FNGs, DCDs, Ifreanns, Ruffys, trolls, mods, admins, guests, or flotsam clogs up the OMAC servers, you can be guaranteed these things:
1) The majority of Regular Posters are liberals and are offended by any derogatory use of the terms "liberal," "green," "chocolate," "nuclear power," "Al Gore," "pandering," and "sex," among with varieties of these words that are not to be stated around various different posters during varying moods, times, or climate.
Note: No matter how much your views differ from these people, it is wise
to mildly refute their statements and arguments, rather than attack their
beliefs on the whole.
2) The minority of Regular Posters are either slightly or grossly conservative and are offended by mostly every little thing that the majority of the Regular Posters post. Examples of words that can be used in a derogatory fashion in regards to this particular group are "Bush," "evidence," "needless war," "proof," "argument," "atheism," "Muslim," "extremist," "troll," "ban," or "flame."
Note: Most recently, it has been scientifically determined that most Conse-
rvatives cannot be debated with in an intellectually adequate fashion, the
clear majority of these functions ending with someone inevitably calling
another's mother "the offspring of a horses arse and Pat Robertson," while
the perpetrator of said hanus comment usually finds their country invaded
in a search for WMDs, Osama bin Laden, terrorists, or some combination of
the three soon thereafter.
Many attempts have been made to reconcile the differences between these two groups; however, upon seeing the vast array of problems such an uphill task laid ahead, these people simply stuck to posting vast arrays of photographic spam until they were caught by the Jolt moderators of old and given the traditional and highly ceremonial (for some overly-emotional Regular Posters) DOS Letter.
To summate, whether you be a Republican or a Democrat; Liberal or Conservative; Atheist, Christian, Ignostic, Scientologic, or any mix of the above; black, white, grey, purple; or any or all of the above, the most critical rule for NSG is to ignore Rule Numero Setecientos Cuarenta y Dos and spam and argue to either your hearts content or until someone or thing gets you to doubt your self existence, you lapse into a period of deep, lonely existensialism, and your nation and NSG screen name end up on Lazarus.
Hairless Kitten
20-09-2008, 17:18
There are some very, very confused people here, and I thought it might be good to compile a list of 'how shit gets done on NSG'. A basic 'how to' for those who really can't debate themselves out of a wet condom. Standards we generally hold NSGers to. Of course, I expect some pretty wide variation, but I suspect that the majority of people here do have certain shared expectations.
I'd like to propose that a shared expectation is:
#1:He/she who asserts, must prove.
Can you prove this?
I mean, sometimes it is so silly to backup information which is so common and know by a significant share of people. Mostly those proof demanders are just out to destroy a nice conversation and to keep you busy with wasting time.
You can't fit this inside some rule.
Western Mercenary Unio
20-09-2008, 18:04
[QUOTE=Katganistan;14024052]Ve haff our vays of translating.... even svears.
Oh, yeah? Let's see if you know this:
vittu, perkele, paska (*thinks of any other swears in finnish)
New Limacon
20-09-2008, 18:23
You realize they misspelled "comrehension".
Princessess don't need to know how to spell, that's for mermaids.
Approximately how long did this thread stay on topic? :wink:
I think this is the definitive answer to the thread title.
Can you prove this?
I mean, sometimes it is so silly to backup information which is so common and know by a significant share of people. Mostly those proof demanders are just out to destroy a nice conversation and to keep you busy with wasting time.
You can't fit this inside some rule.
Except we're not talking about gravity.
We're talking about people making political/social claims without backing themselves up in any way. And then actually expecting you to go out and prove them right, or wrong.
No. If you have an argument you want to make, then do so. Just typing the words up without providing any verifiable facts to back yourself up with doesn't count as an argument.
New Limacon
20-09-2008, 18:33
No. If you have an argument you want to make, then do so. Just typing the words up without providing any verifiable facts to back yourself up with doesn't count as an argument.
Right. It's not widely known facts (the earth orbits the Sun) or even debatable statements (John McCain should be elected for president) but debatable statements masquerading as widely known facts that posters demand proof for. Sometimes the people making these statements get upset because they assumed what they typed was widely known, but if it's true they should have no difficulty coming up with a source or quote.
Hairless Kitten
20-09-2008, 18:41
Except we're not talking about gravity.
We're talking about people making political/social claims without backing themselves up in any way. And then actually expecting you to go out and prove them right, or wrong.
No. If you have an argument you want to make, then do so. Just typing the words up without providing any verifiable facts to back yourself up with doesn't count as an argument.
It depends. Look at this place as a bar or a cafe. In such places, you don't demand for proof on anything anyone is talking about.
When someone is telling something interesting, I will hunt for additional info on my own. I even do this, with "trustable" sources as newspaper, tv, etc...
The other kind of information is just ignored, until I’m interested one day.
Just typing the words up without providing any verifiable facts to back yourself up with doesn't count as an argument.
That's what you say. Prove that it's not just your own whimsical moral delusion.
Look at this place as a bar or a cafe. In such places, you don't demand for proof on anything anyone is talking about.
Speak for yourself. If someone I chat with in RL makes assumptions or claims that don't appear plausible to me, I certainly will ask them to explain/back up what they said, and I deem that perfectly normal behaviour.
20-09-2008, 21:53
If someone I chat with in RL makes assumptions or claims that don't appear plausible to me, I certainly will ask them to explain/back up what they said, and I deem that perfectly normal behaviour.
Ey, I deem rotating whenever I feel the need to (rather often) to be perfectly normal, but that hardly helps my case. ;)
Ey, I deem rotating whenever I feel the need to (rather often) to be perfectly normal, but that hardly helps my case. ;)
Rotating, as in, turning on the spot? That's okay, I feel having and satisfying the sudden urge to bite people a couple of times a day perfectly normal, too. I spend a lot of my time explaining this to the general populace, but judgement and whether or not this helps my case is still pending.
It depends. Look at this place as a bar or a cafe. In such places, you don't demand for proof on anything anyone is talking about.
When someone is telling something interesting, I will hunt for additional info on my own. I even do this, with "trustable" sources as newspaper, tv, etc...
The other kind of information is just ignored, until I’m interested one day.
This is more like having a discussion in a library. It's a pretty trivial matter for one to find some evidence to support their claims. Not to do so is lazy at best, and at worst, indicative of one trying to avoid acknowledging that their claims are baseless.
Except we can yell at each other here.
20-09-2008, 22:04
Ve haff our vays of translating.... even svears.
Oh, yeah? Let's see if you know this:
vittu, perkele, paska (*thinks of any other swears in finnish)
"female genitalia", ass, and shit, I presume?
20-09-2008, 22:29
"female genitalia", ass, and shit, I presume?
"vittu" means "fuck"... I think.
Don't know the rest.
Newest Nebraska
20-09-2008, 23:12
Both. The fighting includes demands for evidence and the counterclaim that the evidences is not either A) Valid or B) valid to a point but not strong enough or C) valid enough different examples of the thing he/she/it is being accused of.
Newest Nebraska
20-09-2008, 23:25
Number Whatever we're are up to) Quote wikipedia. Others argue wiki is useless. Others prove its worth. Use Wikipedia to validate wikipedia. Tell others to "Check teh Wiki."
Newest Nebraska
20-09-2008, 23:40
Rule Infinity: British vs/ American spelling(color vs. colour, etc.)will come up British usually wins.
21-09-2008, 00:11
Rule Infinity: British vs/ American spelling(color vs. colour, etc.)will come up British usually wins.
no one ever wins the spelling debate.
no one ever wins the spelling debate.
Nor the grammar and punctuation debates :tongue:
It depends. Look at this place as a bar or a cafe. In such places, you don't demand for proof on anything anyone is talking about.
When someone is telling something interesting, I will hunt for additional info on my own. I even do this, with "trustable" sources as newspaper, tv, etc...
The other kind of information is just ignored, until I’m interested one day.
You're being deliberately obtuse.
When someone jumps into a debate and say 'no! no no no, black is actually RED!' you'd better believe we're going to be jumping down his or her throat asking for proof. Because he, or she, has asserted. He or she is actually making an argument...not just 'discussing something interesting'. It is NOT up to us to go out and research why black is not red, or why it is. It is up to the person making the claim to BACK. THEIR. SHIT. UP.
That you are even arguing this suggests you're a mongoloid Lithuanian in a tutu. PROVE ME WRONG OR I WIN!