NationStates Jolt Archive

Would you welcome another Pandemic?

Marrakech II
13-09-2008, 00:58
There is some very different viewpoints on these boards that are a bit off what the society norm is. I am curious how many would welcome a pandemic like the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 that killed up to 5% of the world population. There seems to be some here that would welcome a human cull. So vote and let's see what you think.
13-09-2008, 01:05
No thanks, I have this weird thing where the idea of ~325000000 dying just seems bad to me.
Lunatic Goofballs
13-09-2008, 01:10
There is some very different viewpoints on these boards that are a bit off what the society norm is. I am curious how many would welcome a pandemic like the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 that killed up to 5% of the world population. There seems to be some here that would welcome a human cull. So vote and let's see what you think.

Why do diseases have to kill to be catastrophic? If I were in control, my diseases would be a lot more interesting. *nod*

No thanks, I have this weird thing where the idea of ~325000000 dying just seems bad to me.

Pansy. :p
13-09-2008, 01:12
No thanks, I have this weird thing where the idea of ~325000000 dying just seems bad to me.

That's pretty fucked up. I'd see a therapist or something.
13-09-2008, 01:13
Is it just me or did you just add another option to your poll?
Marrakech II
13-09-2008, 01:15
No thanks, I have this weird thing where the idea of ~325000000 dying just seems bad to me.

I think we could check off evil dictator as an unlikely job prospect for you.
Marrakech II
13-09-2008, 01:16
Is it just me or did you just add another option to your poll?

No, you just took to long of hit off the crack pipe.
13-09-2008, 01:21
I like modern technology and don't like death, so no.

Anyone who says they would want another pandemic is, well, an idiot because they're clearly assuming that their family, friends, and selves would survive completely intact and unaffected. I hate to tell you, but you'd probably lose a family member, a few friends, and perhaps even your own life before all of it is through, let alone what would happen to the friends and families of other people.
13-09-2008, 01:23
I think we could check off evil dictator as an unlikely job prospect for you.

not if 'bad' is 'too low'.
13-09-2008, 01:42
If your talking about Pandemic III I vote yes.. if you mean the nasty killing kind of RL disease than I am a nay sayer.
H N Fiddlebottoms VIII
13-09-2008, 01:56
Anyone who says they would want another pandemic is, well, an idiot because they're clearly assuming that their family, friends, and selves would survive completely intact and unaffected. I hate to tell you, but you'd probably lose a family member, a few friends, and perhaps even your own life before all of it is through, let alone what would happen to the friends and families of other people.
I welcome my death, and the deaths of everyone I have ever known in the cause of whatever the Hell it is I'm hoping to cause with an epidemic. A bit less national or international stability, probably.
Vault 10
13-09-2008, 01:57
There is some very different viewpoints on these boards that are a bit off what the society norm is. I am curious how many would welcome a pandemic like the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 that killed up to 5% of the world population. There seems to be some here that would welcome a human cull. So vote and let's see what you think.

There are better ways of culling the populace.
Until then, I am actually a big fan of the idea of an underground railroad to get women and girls out of these countries where these ridiculous and savage traditions persist.

Get women and girls out of third world countries where they are abused, to women-friendly and monogamous third world countries.

Two birds with one stone: saving women from abuse and making the non-Westernized countries quietly die out.
Knights of Liberty
13-09-2008, 01:58
Two birds with one stone: saving women from abuse and making the non-Westernized countries quietly die out.

So there is something inherantly wrong with non-westerinzed countries?
Vault 10
13-09-2008, 01:59
So there is something inherantly wrong with non-westerinzed countries?
13-09-2008, 02:11
Why welcome anything that could end up killing you? It reminds me of the Ukrainians welcoming the Wehrmacht with bread and salt.

Anyway do pandemics care if we welcome them or not? Or are they just like Ol' Man Ribber - they just keep rolling along?
13-09-2008, 02:17
No thanks, I have this weird thing where the idea of ~325000000 dying just seems bad to me.

But if 300000000 were to die you wouldn't give a shit YOU HEARTLESS BASTARD
Non Aligned States
13-09-2008, 02:35
There is some very different viewpoints on these boards that are a bit off what the society norm is. I am curious how many would welcome a pandemic like the Influenza Pandemic of 1918 that killed up to 5% of the world population. There seems to be some here that would welcome a human cull. So vote and let's see what you think.

The problem with pandemics is that they often fail to get rid of the real problem causers in the world, who are often the best equipped to ride it out. So no, a pandemic isn't really welcome.
13-09-2008, 04:15
Pandemic is so boring. I want a magnetar to come screaming past. Just close enough to really make everyone shit, and kill about half of them.
The South Islands
13-09-2008, 04:20
As long as the right people died, I would not mind at all.
Marrakech II
13-09-2008, 04:22
The problem with pandemics is that they often fail to get rid of the real problem causers in the world, who are often the best equipped to ride it out. So no, a pandemic isn't really welcome.

Hmm I guess it depends on who you consider problem causers. The people with the technology and power or the over breeding illiterates?
Vault 10
13-09-2008, 14:48
Hmm I guess it depends on who you consider problem causers. The people with the technology and power or the over breeding illiterates?
Well, we're the people with technology and power, but not enough space and resources, so I'd vote on the latter.
Big Jim P
13-09-2008, 15:11
Yes, a pandemic would be good. I would hope for a lethality higher than 5% though, and preferably one that predominantly killed off the stupid.
Non Aligned States
13-09-2008, 15:13
Hmm I guess it depends on who you consider problem causers. The people with the technology and power or the over breeding illiterates?

The division isn't so clear cut, there are a significant number of over breeding illiterates with technology and varying degrees of power after all. Some cause problems, others make the problems worse but would never cause it to begin with if it hadn't happened while others are riding on its wake.

A pandemic is too indiscriminate.