23-08-2008, 22:04
I'm considering running in the up coming federal election, and am looking to assemble people to run a campaign. I'll also be filming a documentary on "the election process" that is the difficulties and situations I experience while campaigning the roadblocks, red tape, obstacles, boons, positives etc..
First off anyone that is interested in being involved in the documentary, or the campaign you can contact me at . I've never made a documentary before and the Sony HD Camera I got for my radio show seems to be sufficient for the purposes, but I'm not sure the skills and techniques, best software, post production etc..
Anyone that can offer advice or suggestions on the campaign or put forward issues, policy etc.. is very much willing to post on the webboard I've started for the purpose.
So anyone that is interested in doing some real life political government mental stuff, and earning some experience and maybe even connecting with people feel open to post up or contact me via email.
There are a handful of people that have expressed interest to date. I also had a group of friends on my facebook group for the election but facebook has disabled my account.
Feel open to post up issues and suggestions on the campaign, policy, etc.. also in regard to this post, I'd like to hear what you think about someone running for the position of MP, and taking interest on account of investigating the democratic process or any other comments.
First off anyone that is interested in being involved in the documentary, or the campaign you can contact me at . I've never made a documentary before and the Sony HD Camera I got for my radio show seems to be sufficient for the purposes, but I'm not sure the skills and techniques, best software, post production etc..
Anyone that can offer advice or suggestions on the campaign or put forward issues, policy etc.. is very much willing to post on the webboard I've started for the purpose.
So anyone that is interested in doing some real life political government mental stuff, and earning some experience and maybe even connecting with people feel open to post up or contact me via email.
There are a handful of people that have expressed interest to date. I also had a group of friends on my facebook group for the election but facebook has disabled my account.
Feel open to post up issues and suggestions on the campaign, policy, etc.. also in regard to this post, I'd like to hear what you think about someone running for the position of MP, and taking interest on account of investigating the democratic process or any other comments.