Chaos daemons
23-08-2008, 12:14
i challange anyone to a battle of warhamer 40k at games workshop hornsby
23-08-2008, 13:13
Hornsby's on the way out of Sydney, which is a good place to be on the way out of -- and I'm locking this thread before anyone comes along to dispute that.
Chaos daemons, the real reason I'm locking your thread is that this is NS General, and it's supposed to be a discussion forum with a faint emphasis on politics. There's not much to discuss about an invitation.
Nor should you go for "Chaos daemons could beat The Imperial Guard with one hand tied behind their backs even if Blood Axes helped them", either. Stick to the sort of topics General is supposed to be for. I'm sure when other Australian Warhammer players see your name, they'll get in touch.
Oh, and welcome to NS. Read the stickies and have fun.