Really, really, really dumb laws.
Anti-Social Darwinism
21-08-2008, 19:59
Maybe, just maybe, I can understand not riding a horse while under the influence, but prohibiting unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday? Or prohibiting animals from mating within 1500 yards of a church, tavern or school? Who passes these laws? Why? What dumb laws do you have to deal with?
In the District of Columbia, a "machinegun" is defined as any weapon that has a box magazine, even if it doesn't remotely qualify under Federal law as a fully automatic weapon.
It could be an old bolt-action Mannlicher rifle - but that nifty spring clip that holds a few rounds makes it "a machinegun" in the eyes of the District of Columbia.
The imperian empire
21-08-2008, 20:05
Christmas is illegal in the UK, so are Mince pies.
Thank Oliver Cromwell and his Puritans for that.
Be the way, no one gives a shit about those laws, so it has been Christmas as normal for the past 400 years.
Oh, and banning Fox Hunting, ridiculous law. Making the Channel Tunnel a no fly zone, stupid too.
Acta Sanctorum
21-08-2008, 20:23
Citizens may not enter Wisconsin with a chicken on their head.
Minnesota law.
21-08-2008, 20:26
Whaling is illegal in Oklahoma, so is making a donkey wear shoes.
I dont' really have to "deal" with those much though, since Oklahoma is landlocked (no access to whales) and I don't have shoes big enough for a donkey.
The stupid ones I really deal with day to day are the liquor laws.
Also, I'm not a porn watcher but porn is illegal here.
Skalvian Insurgents
21-08-2008, 20:30
Im just glad my state wasnt on the list....We get too much Grief from shit like that, lol...
Conserative Morality
21-08-2008, 20:30
From mah city:
You can't swear on a playground.
From mah state:
You can't have Oral sex
In certain parts of Canada, all bicyclists are required to always keep both hands on the handlebars, and also signal all turns and stops (which requires the use of at least one arm).
In Virginia, I believe, it is legal to beat your wife on the steps of the courthouse in the morning before 8 AM. It is also legal to beat your wife with anything smaller in width than your thumb (thus, rule of thumb).
And I can't remember where, exactly, but somewhere in the UK it's legal to shoot a welshman with a bow and arrow.
In Virginia, I believe, it is legal to beat your wife on the steps of the courthouse in the morning before 8 AM. It is also legal to beat your wife with anything smaller in width than your thumb (thus, rule of thumb).
All wife beating was forbidden in Virginia as of 1986.
Conserative Morality
21-08-2008, 20:40
In certain parts of Canada, all bicyclists are required to always keep both hands on the handlebars, and also signal all turns and stops (which requires the use of at least one arm).
In Virginia, I believe, it is legal to beat your wife on the steps of the courthouse in the morning before 8 AM. It is also legal to beat your wife with anything smaller in width than your thumb (thus, rule of thumb).
And I can't remember where, exactly, but somewhere in the UK it's legal to shoot a welshman with a bow and arrow.
And I can't remember where, exactly, but somewhere in the UK it's legal to shoot a welshman with a bow and arrow.
in the UK it's legal to shoot a welshman with a bow and arrow.
Good, good, now all I have to do is convince everyone that everyone except me is Welsh. And a man. :D
21-08-2008, 20:43
Im just glad my state wasnt on the list....We get too much Grief from shit like that, lol...
Not being on that list does not make them any less real
� 97-29-55. Seduction of female over age of eighteen by promised or pretended marriage.
If any person shall obtain carnal knowledge of any woman, or female child, over the age of eighteen years, of previous chaste character, by virtue of any feigned or pretended marriage or any false or feigned promise of marriage, he shall, upon conviction, be imprisoned in the penitentiary not more than five years; but the testimony of the female seduced, alone, shall not be sufficient to warrant a conviction.
All wife beating was forbidden in Virginia as of 1986.
Ah. Indeed. Upon further reading at Wiki, that was a hoax. Oh well, it was interesting while it lasted.
Pirated Corsairs
21-08-2008, 20:46
It is illegal in this country to consume an alcoholic beverage unless the planet has gone around the sun 21 times since your birth.
In most places in this country, it is illegal to marry your partner if you happen to have the same type of genitals.
Pretty silly, huh?
Conserative Morality
21-08-2008, 20:48
It is illegal in this country to consume an alcoholic beverage unless the planet has gone around the sun 21 times since your birth.
In most places in this country, it is illegal to marry your partner if you happen to have the same type of genitals.
Pretty silly, huh?
The trick is finding the right planet...:D
21-08-2008, 20:50
It is illegal in this country to consume an alcoholic beverage unless the planet has gone around the sun 21 times since your birth.
In most places in this country, it is illegal to marry your partner if you happen to have the same type of genitals.
Pretty silly, huh?
When you put it that way the drinking one really does seem quite silly :tongue:
When you put it that way the drinking one really does seem quite silly :tongue:
At least we get to shoot foreigners in foreign countries, and vote for the "leader of the Free World"
It is illegal in this country to consume an alcoholic beverage unless the planet has gone around the sun 21 times since your birth.
In most places in this country, it is illegal to marry your partner if you happen to have the same type of genitals.
Pretty silly, huh?
Oh, any law can sound silly when you put it that way. For example: it's illegal to move a piece of metal such that it results in the ignition of an explosive fuel that propels another small metal object into a human being, unless given express permission, indicated by a decorated piece of metal pinned to one's uniform, and given to that individual by an organization created by another organization that is elected into power by a majority of the citizens of one's local area.
Conserative Morality
21-08-2008, 20:54
At least we get to shoot foreigners in foreign countries, and vote for the "leader of the Free World"
But even if you shoot teh ebil foreigners, you can't have teh beerz.
Monarchist Britain
21-08-2008, 21:04
"Christmas is illegal in the UK, so are Mince pies.
Thank Oliver Cromwell and his Puritans for that."
Actually that was abolished soon after it was created. (4 years or sumin)
My guess? At least in terms of the United States, most areas were rather sparsely populated compared to today, and so the politicians didn't have as much to do. Thus, boredom is relieved.
South Lizasauria
21-08-2008, 21:35
Maybe, just maybe, I can understand not riding a horse while under the influence, but prohibiting unmarried women from parachuting on Sunday? Or prohibiting animals from mating within 1500 yards of a church, tavern or school? Who passes these laws? Why? What dumb laws do you have to deal with?
It is either connected to a vast conspiracy by the NWO or the government got bored and decided to pass those laws for laughs. BEWAR DAH GUBMENT!
21-08-2008, 21:52
At least we get to shoot foreigners in foreign countries, and vote for the "leader of the Free World"
I heartily agree with the sentiments expressed in this post.