NationStates Jolt Archive

The Marijuana Party

16-08-2008, 23:29

I, Kryozerkia, hereby announce that The Marijuana Party is running for the 5th NSG Parliament.

The Marijuana Party is a left-wing social-minded party who believes in the complete and total legalisation of Marijuana and fiscal responsibility. We believe that we as a society can be happy and productive in a world with legalised Marijuana.

In addition to supporting the legalisation of Marijuana, the party mandate also supports:
Universal healthcare with a national "drug" plan
A bong in every household
Making the marijuana leaf the symbol of our glorious nation

The Marijuana Party needs your support today! We need members, so sign up!

The Marijuana Party: Stoned and Oblivious since...ever...?

Cannot think of a name
16-08-2008, 23:33
I am interested in your ideology and would like to read your pamphlets.
16-08-2008, 23:41
What? Where am I? Yeah, sign me up for this shit whatever it is. I have like no idea what's going on here.
16-08-2008, 23:45
Here is a pamphlet... *hands one to CTofN)*.

As you can see, we not only fully support the complete and total legalisation but we also believe that by allowing the government to distribute it along with licensed private entities we can eliminate the crime associated with it. It would also free a number of citizens from jail who would otherwise languish in an unjust system when there are much worse criminals that could be wasting away in that space.

By legalising it, we open up another segment of the economy. There is much potential here for growth. It also would help cut down on green house gases, as hemp makes for an excellent alternative fuel to oil. It can also be used to make beer, parchment (the 1776 Declaration of Independence was written on hemp parchment*), clothing and other products.

* This is actually true.
16-08-2008, 23:46
Are you willing to offer bribes for votes?
Dumb Ideologies
16-08-2008, 23:47
I've never seen such a "weedy" party.

Sorry, I'll go. I'm just overcompensating for the dramatic failure of my own party to gain any support whatsoever
16-08-2008, 23:47
Are you willing to offer bribes for votes?

I'm willing to offer a quarter ounce per vote.
16-08-2008, 23:52
I'm willing to offer a quarter ounce per vote.

Kryozerkia for beneveolent dictator!
16-08-2008, 23:54
I've never seen such a "weedy" party.

Sorry, I'll go. I'm just overcompensating for the dramatic failure of my own party to gain any support whatsoever

You need to offer the people something. They need a tangible reward.

Kryozerkia for beneveolent dictator!

Aw shucks... :D