NationStates Jolt Archive

The Piñata Party

16-08-2008, 09:45

My friends, I hope you will join me in supporting a cause that seeks to do away with an horrific practice... the abuse of the sweet, colorful, innocent beings we know of as piñatas.

The abuse of these creatures is so pervasive that even children are involved in their systematic extermination... parents encourage them by purchasing a young piñata, confining it in a dark closet or shed until the last day of its short, brutal life. They then hang the piñata from a tree, sometimes jerking the poor strangling creature up and down while a blindfolded executioner, often called "the birthday boy" or "the birthday girl" and their friends fall to clubbing them ritualistically and viciously until the hapless piñatas are beaten to death. These small, vicious humans often dive to the floor, snarling like hungry wolves on a kill and trying to grab the lion's share of their victims entrails.

Friends, I hope you will view this documentary, although it is strong stuff, and forgive the unusually graphic nature of the video... but until you have seen how horrifically these poor creatures lose their lives, and in the face of such callousness, you can't truly understand the enormity of this practice.

Who Cries for the Piñata? (

I hope you'll join me in my crusade.

1. We recognize the right of piñatas to exist.

2. We will use all of our resources to protect and give sanctuary to these colorful creatures.

3. We will begin a program of education in our schools to show our young people that piñata abuse is not all fun and games.

4. We will set aside land for a piñata preserve, and bring in experts to help with a program of breeding.
16-08-2008, 14:58
Dont vote for a moderator and their sadistic ways, help promote peace, understanding and unity. Vote for the SSA Party. We are the only party that is nice to people :)
Western Mercenary Unio
16-08-2008, 14:59
Dont vote for a moderator and their sadistic ways, help promote peace, understanding and unity. Vote for the SSA Party. We are the only party that is nice to people :)

hey,the Space Party is nice to people too!Join the Space Party!
16-08-2008, 15:00
Hiss, booo, mods can't have parties.
16-08-2008, 15:13
I'm NICE to people.....

you still have both kneecaps, don't you?
16-08-2008, 15:35
Yes... I wear mine around my neck...

I still remember that day,
I was dancing through the forums,
a song in my head,
then down from a tree leapt a mod in a dark mask.
She kicked at my knees,
and ripped them out.
My poor pattellar tendon,
snapped without a chance.
So, I hung the around my neck,
and cried to myself.
I will avenge, the mod that made me have to wear my fricken knee caps around my friggen neck :mad:
16-08-2008, 15:36
Hey, I haven't kicked anyone.....
well, not since Prague, anyway.
16-08-2008, 15:39
you kicked at them though, then you ripped them out with your bare teeth, and drunk my synovial fluid. Finally you tore out my anterior cruciate ligaments and used them to floss your teeth... (Mods' are trained in proper dental hygiene upon receiving their positons)
Brutland and Norden
16-08-2008, 15:42
you kicked at them though, then you ripped them out with your bare teeth, and drunk my synovial fluid. Finally you tore out my anterior cruciate ligaments and used them to floss your teeth... (Mods' are trained in proper dental hygiene upon receiving their positons)
Poor Lapse. At least the posterior cruciate ligament and the median and lateral collateral ligaments are still intact.

BTW, Fancy total knee replacement surgery? :p
16-08-2008, 15:43

I was hungry.
16-08-2008, 15:48
Poor Lapse. At least the posterior cruciate ligament and the median and lateral collateral ligaments are still intact.

BTW, Fancy total knee replacement surgery? :p
Unfortunatly, the gait cycle gets somewhat stuffed up without the quads and patella. hyperflexion could be the word?


I was hungry.
I offered to buy you some food in trade for you sparing me! :mad:

See people, you cannot trust mods (or pinataisats) ultimatly, they will eventually attack you and eat you alive. So vote SSA
Western Mercenary Unio
16-08-2008, 15:48
See people, you cannot trust mods (or pinataisats) ultimatly, they will eventually attack you and eat you alive. So vote SSA

no,join the Space Party!
16-08-2008, 15:49
Brutland and Norden
16-08-2008, 15:50
Unfortunatly, the gait cycle gets somewhat stuffed up without the quads and patella. hyperflexion could be the word?
We can get around that. provided Kat hadn't eaten the bellies of the quadriceps femoris of the other muscles.
16-08-2008, 16:04
We can get around that. provided Kat hadn't eaten the bellies of the quadriceps femoris of the other muscles.

She took a few bites out of my sartorius, and had a bit of a nibble on my Adductor Magnus,. Fortunatly she left the quads alone except for Vastus lateralis... She sort of marinated that and cooked it on a BBQ...
Brutland and Norden
16-08-2008, 16:11
She took a few bites out of my sartorius, and had a bit of a nibble on my Adductor Magnus,. Fortunatly she left the quads alone except for Vastus lateralis... She sort of marinated that and cooked it on a BBQ...
We can get around that. For a price of course. :p
Anti-Social Darwinism
16-08-2008, 20:01
The NFILPP supports the Pinata Party in its attempts to "Save the Pinata." To this end we will not have any young pinatas at our Party parties - only old pinatas which will be filled with with liquor of all varieties. Join the NFILPP now and help a pinata grow old, painlessly.

Remember the NFILPP motto:


But do it responsibly.
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 03:39
17-08-2008, 03:58
Liar, liar, pants on fire....

Where are the ears? The tail? The whiskers?

Everyone's seen my picture....
17-08-2008, 03:59
Kat, let's join forces and push these so called "thinkers" back to their own forum!
17-08-2008, 04:02
Kat, let's join forces and push these so called "thinkers" back to their own forum!

The Faux-Animal Rights/Piñata Alliance!!!!
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 04:02
Liar, liar, pants on fire....

Where are the ears? The tail? The whiskers?

I see. So because this one doesnt have ears, a tail or whiskers, it is acceptable!

OMAD! Kat is worse than I thought! THE MOD IS RACIST:eek:

EDIT:I see. My wires were crossed, You were referring to yourself
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 04:04

The Faux-Animal Rights/Piñata Alliance!!!!

I see, so because we expose the truth about the parties in this election, it means we must be excluded? See! Look Generalities! The SSA tries to protect you and the mods chase them out! It be forum 7 all over again :(
17-08-2008, 04:06
I see. So because this one doesnt have ears, a tail or whiskers, it is acceptable!

OMAD! Kat is worse than I thought! THE MOD IS RACIST:eek:

EDIT:I see. My wires were crossed, You were referring to yourself
You said that was me.
Clearly it's not.

And of course it's not all right -- it's my party's raison d'etre -- to stop piñata abuse!
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 04:08
You said that was me.
Clearly it's not.

And of course it's not all right -- it's my party's raison d'etre -- to stop piñata abuse!

You would say that wouldn't you. Do we believe her NSGers?:rolleyes:
17-08-2008, 04:29
no, it is all part of her plan to become a fully fledged game admin and further her own power!

(however, if that does work, we will suck up to you and ask for a froum 7 again :) )
Enormous Gentiles
17-08-2008, 05:23
Did someone mention a Piña Colada Party? (
17-08-2008, 09:08
My user name is Euroslavia, and I approve of this party, and in fact, endorse it!
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 09:35
See! A vote for the Piñata Party is a vote for the mods - a vote for the stu quo! Vote the SSA! The only party that will mock the mods when their backs are turned.
17-08-2008, 10:01
See! A vote for the Piñata Party is a vote for the mods - a vote for the stu quo! Vote the SSA! The only party that will mock the mods when their backs are turned.

Is that really something to brag about? I mean, really...
17-08-2008, 10:08
Is that really something to brag about? I mean, really...

I think it is...

Hey, we all know what happens when people mock you to your face...
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 10:13
I think it is...

Hey, we all know what happens when people mock you to your face...

Yes they disappear in the middle of the night:eek:
IL Ruffino
17-08-2008, 12:34 (
17-08-2008, 12:42
Tlaloc will be displeased and will withold rain if these sacrifices do not continue.
17-08-2008, 12:57
:( E tu?

*starts battering Ruffy with a stick to see what comes out when he splits open*
IL Ruffino
17-08-2008, 13:05
:( E tu?

*starts battering Ruffy with a stick to see what comes out when he splits open*

*starts battering Kat with crackers to see what she tastes like when she's deep fried*
Moleland 3
17-08-2008, 13:22
*Raises eyebrow*
18-08-2008, 03:23
*starts battering Kat with crackers to see what she tastes like when she's deep fried*

But you'll have to take my fiance's word for it. ;)

Vote Faux-Animals/Pinata!

Because if the SSA is slinging this much mud at us, they must know we're good and they're gonna lose!