Survey Poll : Politics & Economics
Assuming an ideal world, select two options from the poll, your ideal political system, and your ideal economic system, and explain.
Note - Other users can see your responses
I'd say that I hope this would lay to rest the usual "Well you would say that because NSG is full of fundies/libertarians/socialists" (delete as appropriate). Of course it won't, but in reality it won't, but hey, it might be interesting anyway...
05-07-2008, 08:56
Assuming an ideal world, select two options from the poll, your ideal political system, and your ideal economic system, and explain.
Note - Other users can see your responses
I'd say that I hope this would lay to rest the usual "Well you would say that because NSG is full of fundies/libertarians/socialists" (delete as appropriate). Of course it won't, but in reality it won't, but hey, it might be interesting anyway...
Ideal is pretty open to interpretation...
But, i chose free economy with a king, since it seemed easier to have an omnipotent etc. ruler (essentially God), than having alot of people having to decide things, additionally, the economy was left to roam free as it's heart desires, since everything is so ideal- no one would ever exploit a monopoly or anything bad like that.
Neu Leonstein
05-07-2008, 08:57
A minarchist constitutional republic with a very free economy. Basically.
Jello Biafra
05-07-2008, 09:12
A directly-democratically run political system with an economy that is somewhat planned and somewhat unplanned.
I go for absolute monarchy and a mostly state controlled economy. I favour the idea of divinity over divine right, as it permits greater centralisation and acts as a check against the sort of problems Saudi Arabia has experienced with the religious institutions being able to hold the monarch to ransom. With one person and one aim the country is far more likely to achieve it's goals than it is having millions of ill-informed members of the public mostly concerned with their own personal problems fighting amongst themselves over which person tells them the inconsistent BS they like most.
Economically I think a mostly state directed economy is best, as it maximises revenues available for the country as a whole, can put resources where they are needed without having to wait for the market to "decide" and can focus on things that are needed or desired. Regardless of their short term profitability. Ultimately I see the economy as existing to provide the resources allow the country to achieve it's maximum potential in it's artistic, cultural and academic achievements. The economy would be run not to maximise profits, but to provide the revenues needed to cater for the needs of the population so they are able to follow higher pursuits as much as possible.
Ideal is pretty open to interpretation...
But, i chose free economy with a king, since it seemed easier to have an omnipotent etc. ruler (essentially God), than having alot of people having to decide things, additionally, the economy was left to roam free as it's heart desires, since everything is so ideal- no one would ever exploit a monopoly or anything bad like that.
Take ideal to mean that you have a clean slate to work with, rather than trying to mend an existing system, rather than you being able to defy gravity or anything like that
it isn't the little green pieces of paper that are unhappy.
however 'well off' anyone is, however 'worse' off anyone else is, as long as people are punished for refusing to deceive themselves, under ANY idiology, form of government, economics or belief, i'm sorry but i don't see any other name for that then tyranny, whatever the economic or any other excuse.
if poverty is the price of freedom and tyranny the price of wealth, i'll take poverty any damd day of the week.
that doesn't mean people can't get togather and build infrastructure and tecnology for the gratification of doing so, as much or more then the gratifications the existence of such infrastructure and tecnologies enable.
some endevouirs do bennifit from a hierarchy of sorts, or so it at least appears, but i don't see this as requiring an over all umbrella of hierarchy that exceeds its bennifits.
i also don't see as valid the idea that market forces, in a context of symbolic value, in any way insure bennifit or even prevent not just a little harm, but massive and threatening harm to all of existence.
i don't think there are any idiological panacea, only that the kind of world we, real people, places and things, have to live in, is what counts: and NOT emotional attatchment to circular, myopic and self serving illusions, of symbolic value as its own ultimate end.
Ad Nihilo
05-07-2008, 14:21
Assuming an ideal world:
1) The economic system: public ownership of infrastructure, land, banking, and natural resources; syndicalist ownership/management of companies; open market, strongly regulated against monopolies, cartels, and unfair competition.
2) The political system: democratic legislative with legislative chambers at all relevant levels, and with candidates elected on personal platforms - political parties would be abolished; the executive would be a technocratic, apolitical body, much like a civil service, all the way up; the legislative apolitical and independent.
Call to power
05-07-2008, 15:47
an ideal world wouldn't have need for government or an economy :cool:
Daistallia 2104
05-07-2008, 15:49
None of what you have in that poll...
The poll oiption are very limited, and I realise that's partly due to the limit of 10 options, but it's also due to the limits placed by the OP's apparant lack of imagination.
In an ideal world
Politics: most likely something along the lines of distributed, collaboirative, polyarchy
Economics: one of several post-scarcity models
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 16:08
In the REAL world:
A mostly undisturbed free economy, with a Republic. EVERYONE is elected, not just the president and the senate. All three branches. The government has very little power, at all levels, but it could be set as the smaller the organization, the more power. Cities would have slightly more control over their city then states have over their states. However, even this would be reduced.
In an IDEAL world:
Communism. Each town untouched by other towns other then sharing their goods. No rule. No government would be needed.
Couldn't work in the REAL world though.
Call to power
05-07-2008, 16:24
In the REAL world:
A mostly undisturbed free economy, with a Republic. EVERYONE is elected, not just the president and the senate. All three branches. The government has very little power, at all levels, but it could be set as the smaller the organization, the more power. Cities would have slightly more control over their city then states have over their states. However, even this would be reduced.
you want the generals and nuclear scientists of CM land to be elected?!
Each town untouched by other towns other then sharing their goods.
why would they want to share goods when they already have all that they need from the donut rain?
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 16:32
you want the generals and nuclear scientists of CM land to be elected?!
HEY! You aren't supposed to know about phase two!
Erm... Ah.. I mean... Yes?:D
why would they want to share goods when they already have all that they need from the donut rain?
It's a Communist ( thing.
05-07-2008, 17:23
Could really have done with "unelected, but not a monarchy" as an option.
05-07-2008, 17:31
Ah, nerks, the laptop battery's about to die. Just pretend I typed at length about left-wing Communism, direct democracy, Socialist free trade, economic democracy, and communal education and so on. Damn.
05-07-2008, 17:42
Ah, nerks, the laptop battery's about to die. Just pretend I typed at length about left-wing Communism, direct democracy, Socialist free trade, economic democracy, and communal education and so on. Damn.
My ideal sort of government can't exist yet, ergo I have no choice to select on the poll.
05-07-2008, 18:22
rule by scientists...
economists make economic policies, environmentalists make environmental policy,etc. Universities are powerful city-states. When computers are good enough, they will assist in the decision making process (similar to medical diagnosis computers).
05-07-2008, 20:28
rule by scientists...
economists make economic policies, environmentalists make environmental policy,etc. Universities are powerful city-states. When computers are good enough, they will assist in the decision making process (similar to medical diagnosis computers).
*runs screaming*
05-07-2008, 20:36
My ideal political system would be very much what the United States has right now. I don't see anything wrong with it (in before "lolcongress"). It's representative, it's fair, and it's easily changeable; people just have to participate. Even a direct democracy, with all the political freedoms in the world, would fail if nobody participates.
My ideal economic system would be somewhat of a planned economy, but more of a mixed economy. Regarding necessities (fuel, health, welfare, education, food, etc.), there would be a lot of government regulation. Private businesses can sell these things, but only under government standards. Essentially, supply-and-demand is regulated by the government (yes, I know how illogical that sounds). Corporations and conglomerates would not be able to pass a certain point in profits or size. The upper crust of society (citizens & business) would be taxed highly, while the poorest would not be taxed at all. The middle class would obviously fall somewhere in-between.
The problem: it would essentially require a single world government. It's impossible to regulate price of everything without going bankrupt, unless you control the price of everything in the world.
Crimean Republic
05-07-2008, 20:43
Hmmm, if I was the king, a Monarch would be pretty Ideal for me, just for the sake of argument.
05-07-2008, 21:09
if poverty is the price of freedom and tyranny the price of wealth, i'll take poverty any damd day of the week.
Sigged, if you don't mind.
Conserative Morality
05-07-2008, 21:12
rule by scientists...
economists make economic policies, environmentalists make environmental policy,etc. Universities are powerful city-states. When computers are good enough, they will assist in the decision making process (similar to medical diagnosis computers).
Starship troopers disagrees. *Uses flamer on Winding*
Could really have done with "unelected, but not a monarchy" as an option.
The "other" option would be the one for you ;)
In the REAL world:
A mostly undisturbed free economy, with a Republic. EVERYONE is elected, not just the president and the senate. All three branches. The government has very little power, at all levels, but it could be set as the smaller the organization, the more power. Cities would have slightly more control over their city then states have over their states. However, even this would be reduced.
In an IDEAL world:
Communism. Each town untouched by other towns other then sharing their goods. No rule. No government would be needed.
Couldn't work in the REAL world though.
As I said, by ideal read it to mean you have a fresh country to work with, not an entire world or being able to "god-mod" anything.
None of what you have in that poll...
The poll option are very limited, and I realise that's partly due to the limit of 10 options, but it's also due to the limits placed by the OP's apparant lack of imagination.
As I've said, there is an open other option. I included the options i assumed would be most popular.
an ideal world wouldn't have need for government or an economy :cool:
It would be a very empty world then ;) Rather, perhaps, an ideal world would have a perfect model of government with a perfect ruler, would it not? ;)
Sel Appa
06-07-2008, 01:32
Socialist Dictatorship
New Manvir
06-07-2008, 02:02
Every political and economic decision should be made with a coin flip.
06-07-2008, 02:04
What's with all the communism? C'mon, people.... you wouldn't want me to notify the CIA about all this communism, now would you? Well, it's worth pointing out I am accepting donations for the "Don't alert the CIA fund"...
06-07-2008, 03:51
Ideally, the scandanavian system around the world (specifically the form in Norway).