Genetic Enhancements.
Recently genetic therapy has developed to the point were we could "replace" humans with a highly advanced man made spices. Would this be legal, are they even considered to be "people", how would you treat them, knowing they're not in fact human?
If one could create a genetically enhanced army he could become a world power in no time, or a leader in scientific advancements. This could easily become such a devastating force the former world powers would have to begin creating "super humans" to combat the force. What would this mean for the rest of humanity?
Steel Butterfly
20-04-2008, 23:54
Welcome to NationStates. I know this lot can be a bit confusing, but a thread like this belongs in "General," not in "NationStates," which is an RPing forum. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy your stay. :)
Is that kinda how if you mix a french and greek you get a freak?
If one could create a genetically enhanced army he could become a world power in no time, or a leader in scientific advancements. This could easily become such a devastating force the former world powers would have to begin creating "super humans" to combat the force. What would this mean for the rest of humanity?
Have you been watching Starwars today?
Lunatic Goofballs
21-04-2008, 00:34
Yep. That's a good idea. I've seen how this turns out in the movies.
If you need me, I'll be cowering behind the couch. :)
21-04-2008, 00:42
...I'm having difficulty picturing the ways humans could be replaced by spices.
21-04-2008, 00:42
..."replace" humans with a highly advanced man made spices.....
I'd find it amusing, but I doubt that the average person would be thrilled at being replaced by a sprig of synthetic thyme.
21-04-2008, 00:45
....and in comes the plans to make Space Marines
I want my own Chapter dammit,....they'd be just like the Iron Warriors or Alpha Legion:)
21-04-2008, 01:01
I'd find it amusing, but I doubt that the average person would be thrilled at being replaced by a sprig of synthetic thyme.
...I'm having difficulty picturing the ways humans could be replaced by spices.
Damn the both of you! I was gonna make that joke!
Recently genetic therapy has developed to the point were we could "replace" humans with a highly advanced man made spices. Would this be legal, are they even considered to be "people", how would you treat them, knowing they're not in fact human?
If one could create a genetically enhanced army he could become a world power in no time, or a leader in scientific advancements. This could easily become such a devastating force the former world powers would have to begin creating "super humans" to combat the force. What would this mean for the rest of humanity?
Well I think if we just sent the worl'ds collunary community after them then all woould be well and good. The Obesity rate might jump another couple percentage points.
I'd find it amusing, but I doubt that the average person would be thrilled at being replaced by a sprig of synthetic thyme.
Thyme is an herb. Now if you were to replace a person with some pepper.
Anyway, thyme for me to get out of this thread before it's peppered with puns, or before I get a-salted for making so many of my own.
21-04-2008, 03:08
Thyme is an herb. Now if you were to replace a person with some pepper.
Anyway, thyme for me to get out of this thread before it's peppered with puns, or before I get a-salted for making so many of my own.
Thyme is a herb, and it can also be a spice, if treated properly. Of course then it would no longer be a sprig. Ah well, at least I didn't stuff a bunch of terrible puns into my post.
[NS]Click Stand
21-04-2008, 03:39
At worst, the rich would by their kids better bodies, which would create a whole class distinction based on strength/whatever.
At best, the U.S takes over the world and creates a world government run by Bush. :)
21-04-2008, 04:51
Thyme is an herb. Now if you were to replace a person with some pepper.
Anyway, thyme for me to get out of this thread before it's peppered with puns, or before I get a-salted for making so many of my own.
/me pulls out the pun apples and begins chucking them at redwulfs' head. Bad pun! Bad, bad pun!
Genetic enhancement and screening for birth defects should be mandatory for all. Think of it as accelerated evolution; faster, stronger, smarter, better sight and ears, a better person. The world is full of weak and stupid people and anything that can be done to change that should be.
Yeah, that's why it's a bad idea to ban it...the more legitimate and transparent research is, the less chance you have of militaries spawning unregulated and uncontrolled Ubermensch programs.
21-04-2008, 06:34
The shit hits the fan when the wonder slugs start dying out and people fight over what's left.
(A cookie if you get this one.)
21-04-2008, 06:39
In this period we should ask the question: would genetic enhancements be cheaper than and as effective as super-armor-muscle-suits like those in Halo and Crysis?
In this period we should ask the question: would genetic enhancements be cheaper than and as effective as super-armor-muscle-suits like those in Halo and Crysis?
Actually those suits aren't realistic. In Starship Troopers all the cap troopers went into battle in something that resembled the 'rines suits' from StarCraft. Had lots of guns, mini-nukes, jump jets, and a whole lot of other shit that made each man a walking weapons locker and completely bullet proof. But before they could get that they had to master the lesser stuff so they could still fight without it. So you'd really want both. And a ton of bots parading into combat ahead of you.
The shit hits the fan when the wonder slugs start dying out and people fight over what's left.
(A cookie if you get this one.)
I'm getting a Heretics of Dune feel from this, but I might be wrong.
Non Aligned States
21-04-2008, 07:21
The shit hits the fan when the wonder slugs start dying out and people fight over what's left.
(A cookie if you get this one.)
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will have little girls specially engineered just to collect all these wonder slugs, and of course for protection, they'd have an armored soldier to guard and raise them. They'd almost be like daddies to the little girls. Big ones.
21-04-2008, 07:26
I'm getting a Heretics of Dune feel from this, but I might be wrong.
That sounds about right.
I haven't read any kind of Dune anything for a long while now...
Don't worry, I'm sure someone will have little girls specially engineered just to collect all these wonder slugs, and of course for protection, they'd have an armored soldier to guard and raise them. They'd almost be like daddies to the little girls. Big ones.
I think you win the cookie.
Non Aligned States
21-04-2008, 07:53
I think you win the cookie.
I think they might get funny names though. Like Mr Bubbles. Of course nobody would expect Mr Bubbles to be a half tonne walking engine of destruction now would they? :p
I think they might get funny names though. Like Mr Bubbles. Of course nobody would expect Mr Bubbles to be a half tonne walking engine of destruction now would they? :pIf they knew about Transhuman transition they would, now.
Although I don't get the thing about the slugs, human, the Doctrine tels us to be on our own two foot - my superior self is disgusted at the idea of being dependent on some gizmo to be, well... me.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have a certain underwater city full of weaklings to be exterminated...
Hmmm, where did I put my plasma cannon?
:P Cheerio!