A little bit of help here with an online birthday present!
14-04-2008, 11:16
As the title says.. I'm in a somewhat dire need to find an interesting online birthday present for a person that I know online. (figures)
Members of NSG, can you help me? I can't seem to find something interesting that won't be just 'ah, ah, thanks. bye.' .. if you understand what I mean. :)
I was thinking of some kind of flash thingy or something that isn't that cheesy but still effective.. a simple Happy Birthday to you X may work in the end.. but heh.
If you guys need some more details, her name is Alecsutza and she'll be turning 17. She's not the kind of 'pink!!!' person either, but not 'black!!!' either.
To conclude.. can I get some help or some tips on this?
Thanks alot guys..
14-04-2008, 11:18
As the title says.. I'm in a somewhat dire need to find an interesting online birthday present for a person that I know online. (figures)
Members of NSG, can you help me? I can't seem to find something interesting that won't be just 'ah, ah, thanks. bye.' .. if you understand what I mean. :)
I was thinking of some kind of flash thingy or something that isn't that cheesy but still effective.. a simple Happy Birthday to you X may work in the end.. but heh.
If you guys need some more details, her name is Alecsutza and she'll be turning 17. She's not the kind of 'pink!!!' person either, but not 'black!!!' either.
To conclude.. can I get some help or some tips on this?
Thanks alot guys..
Nothing says 'happy birthday' better than a selection of melons!
14-04-2008, 11:24
Go and buy a large amount of paint - then go to some wide open space, like a public park, and paint out Happy Birthday Alecz.... in, like, 20 meter high letters.
Then go find it on Google Earth and send her the link.
Oh, put 'Love...whatever your name is'
Burning Sappho
14-04-2008, 11:34
I can't top the Google Earth one -- but if you don't feel quite that enterprising, what about sending her links to a selection of sites you find funny/amusing/interesting?
The more there are, the more devoted you'll seem, and if any of them are silly game sites, you can swap scores (exciting, eh?)
This one (http://www.angryalien.com/) has bunnies acting out famous movies in 30 seconds.
Go and buy a large amount of paint - then go to some wide open space, like a public park, and paint out Happy Birthday Alecz.... in, like, 20 meter high letters.
Then go find it on Google Earth and send her the link.
Oh, put 'Love...whatever your name is'
Only problem with that is that Google Earth doesn't exactly update every bit of Earth every night. It'd be convinient, but to bad for us. How about some Truffles? Everyone loves chocolate.
Go and buy a large amount of paint - then go to some wide open space, like a public park, and paint out Happy Birthday Alecz.... in, like, 20 meter high letters.
Then go find it on Google Earth and send her the link.Since when is google earth updated even close to real-time?
14-04-2008, 12:03
Since when is google earth updated even close to real-time?
I'm sure by the time he's out of the police station it will be up.
Call to power
14-04-2008, 12:16
post personal information about her on an Internet forum, it will show you care and remember things
also I think NS needs pics so we an better decide what to give :p
14-04-2008, 13:01
Go and buy a large amount of paint - then go to some wide open space, like a public park, and paint out Happy Birthday Alecz.... in, like, 20 meter high letters.
Then go find it on Google Earth and send her the link.
Oh, put 'Love...whatever your name is'
See, you should have thought of that idea before the last (annual?) satellite imagery was taken. ;)
Personally, I give away piano recordings. I've done that about four times now (different people), and all liked it. It has the benefit of being intangible (I don't know any of their addresses), not costing money (something I'd find awkward with people I know, but have never met), and being a very personal gift.
Of course, this only works if you can use some kind of musical instrument reasonably well. I can only just scrape by with the piano, really...
14-04-2008, 13:03
NS needs pics so we an better decide what to give
So you can better decide... sure. :p
South Lorenya
14-04-2008, 13:10
Just give them an awesome link, such as http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/justthewords.htm
Call to power
14-04-2008, 13:15
Just give them an awesome link, such as http://www.ibras.dk/montypython/justthewords.htm
perhaps some sort of reminder of who you are (http://www.bozzetto.com/flash/fem_male.htm)
14-04-2008, 13:34
post personal information about her on an Internet forum, it will show you care and remember things
also I think NS needs pics so we an better decide what to give :p
This is also a good idea, it may be worth putting her email address on this thread so we can all send her a Happy Birthday message.
17 you say...
14-04-2008, 14:16
can you buy them a gift certificate to a website? can you go to pages.google.com and make them a birthday card? do you have a digital camera? can you draw a picture of them and "take" them on a birthday adventure, photographing everything and send them the photos over the net?
these are all things I would enjoy from my online friends....so maybe they would like it too.
14-04-2008, 14:27
is this a romantic friend or just a friend?
Nothing says love like a WA endorsement.
14-04-2008, 15:14
do you have a digital camera? can you draw a picture of them and "take" them on a birthday adventure, photographing everything and send them the photos over the net?
This. Or use the digital camera to replace Google Earth in Barringtonia's suggestion above - spray paint your birthday greetings anyway, take a pic of it, upload it and send her the link.
Or don't spray paint anything but just write stuff on a piece of cardboard and hold it into the camera. Ideally with yourself visible.
introduce her to NSG, she'll be thankful forever.
14-04-2008, 22:06
Thanks everyone for your help!
I V Stalin
14-04-2008, 22:09
introduce her to NSG, she'll be thankful forever.
I was going to say that. :(
*shakes fist*
Damn you! :p
Brutland and Norden
14-04-2008, 22:17
Nothing says love like a WA endorsement.
Yes, yes! :p