NationStates Jolt Archive

Religious Extremists attack cultural event Worldwide - Page 2

Pages : 1 [2]
11-04-2008, 13:45
You also realize that this is an internet chatroom and that some of us do not believe in political correctness.

If you read his post you will notice that in the same breath of uttering "chinaman" he requested that "people be treated with a little respect and dignity." So he believes in at least something, if not political correctness.


Is the OP a Chinaman? Perhaps he is a senior member of the Chinese Government attempting to change our view point with blatant lies and the Chinese Red Machine Propaganda

There is more than just a religious side to this issue, it is about treating people with a little bit of respect and dignity, which believe it or not does not always have be associated with religion.
Corneliu 2
11-04-2008, 13:51
If you read his post you will notice that in the same breath of uttering "chinaman" he requested that "people be treated with a little respect and dignity." So he believes in at least something, if not political correctness.

Meh. Poltical Correctness is overrated :D
11-04-2008, 13:54
I wasn't referring to political correctness...
11-04-2008, 14:51
in the 70s after the fall of the Gang of Four to the crypto Chiang Kai-Shekist forces of reaction the only true beacon of socialism in the stormy seas of reaction was Comrade Hoxha's Albania... unfortunately the days when people could look with hope towards Tirana are long gone.

Holy fuck... LOL.

Forgetting Cuba and Viet-Nam, aren't we?
Seesh, silly little chinese deviationists, lackeys of USA imperialism since mid '60s. ;)

Btw, you clearly never met an Albanian and never explained him your ideas about Hoxha. The proof is that you're still alive.
New Mitanni
11-04-2008, 17:22
Meh. Poltical Correctness is overrated :D

It doesn't have a Chinaman's chance ;)
11-04-2008, 20:07
The Dalai Lama needs to realize that Buddhism is an opiate of masses and must converted to Marxist atheism.

The Dalai Lama is an atheist. Buddhism has no God. He is also a self-described Marxist, as I have pointed out and sourced in other debates and which you continue to ignore.
Red Guard Revisionists
11-04-2008, 20:10
The Dalai Lama is an atheist. Buddhism has no God. He is also a self-described Marxist, as I have pointed out and sourced in other debates and which you continue to ignore.

he's probably just a social democrat anyway... they don't count... reformist scum and tailists of the bourgeois imperialist hegemony.
Red Guard Revisionists
11-04-2008, 20:14
Holy fuck... LOL.

Forgetting Cuba and Viet-Nam, aren't we?
Seesh, silly little chinese deviationists, lackeys of USA imperialism since mid '60s. ;)

Btw, you clearly never met an Albanian and never explained him your ideas about Hoxha. The proof is that you're still alive.
actually i'm being historically accurate, after the fall of the gang of four in the 70s there was a strange minor marxist current referred to as the exmaoist albania lovers by their foes... i don't remember what they called themselves... but i always found the name amusing so when someone mentioned enver hoxha, it just sorta made sense to go that way.
11-04-2008, 20:40
Tibet has ALWAYS been apart of China since hundreds of years, no one ever recognized it as an independent country.

Just a week ago I recall you argueing that the Tibetan state was a repressive theocratic autocracy that deserved to be aborbed by China.
12-04-2008, 02:32
reformist scum and tailists of the bourgeois imperialist hegemony.

Do you have a special dictionary for "Marxism 101" that you just pick words from so you can jam as many into a sentence as possible in an attempt to sound halfway educated? Because that's the only viable explanation for that ramble.
12-04-2008, 02:57
Do you have a special dictionary for "Marxism 101" that you just pick words from so you can jam as many into a sentence as possible in an attempt to sound halfway educated? Because that's the only viable explanation for that ramble.


You do know that what this guy is saying has NOTHING to do with Marxism, right?
12-04-2008, 03:04
he's probably just a social democrat anyway... they don't count... reformist scum and tailists of the bourgeois imperialist hegemony.

You know what's really funny. Right now, China looks like more of the bourgeois imperialists than the rest of the world, especially with their exploiting of super-cheap and slave labor for capital profit, and low quality products. Really, thinking about it, a lot of the stuff that China's doing right now reminds me of scenes from The Jungle. They're in their capitalist industrial revolution, but it's happening right now.
12-04-2008, 03:35

You do know that what this guy is saying has NOTHING to do with Marxism, right?

I'm beginning to get that feeling. ;)

You know what's really funny. Right now, China looks like more of the bourgeois imperialists than the rest of the world, especially with their exploiting of super-cheap and slave labor for capital profit, and low quality products. Really, thinking about it, a lot of the stuff that China's doing right now reminds me of scenes from The Jungle. They're in their capitalist industrial revolution, but it's happening right now.

That's reactionary counterrevolutionary blasphemy. Nevermind that the revolution began 60 years ago, you're only allowed ONE revolution per country and China had hers. :rolleyes:
12-04-2008, 03:50
The Tibetans deserve freedom if they want it. Any group of people that want to be independent should be allowed to be so (yes, amazingly enough, I am American). The Chinese government is idiotic if they think their usual heavy-handed way of dealing with discontent (force, force, and some more force) is going to work this time, not with the entire world watching their every move.

As for those that shout "The Tibetans are messing up the Olympics!," isn't China doing the same thing? They're using this as one giant attempted PR boost, and I'm extremely happy it's falling flat on its face. I doubt this'll make them wise up to what their doing in Tibet and the Sudan, but at least it'll show them that they don't own the world any more than anyone else does.
12-04-2008, 04:24
That's reactionary counterrevolutionary blasphemy. Nevermind that the revolution began 60 years ago, you're only allowed ONE revolution per country and China had hers. :rolleyes:

I KNEW IT!!!!! They have been cheating! :mad:
12-04-2008, 04:51
Free Tibet
12-04-2008, 04:54
Free Tibet

I'll take it.
Ba-dum PSH
12-04-2008, 05:00
I'll take it.
Ba-dum PSH

haha XD
Pschycotic Pschycos
12-04-2008, 05:23
he's probably just a social democrat anyway... they don't count... reformist scum and tailists of the bourgeois imperialist hegemony.

Yes, and I'm crucified for the respect issue.
Red Guard Revisionists
12-04-2008, 07:38
I'm beginning to get that feeling. ;)

That's reactionary counterrevolutionary blasphemy. Nevermind that the revolution began 60 years ago, you're only allowed ONE revolution per country and China had hers. :rolleyes:
okay technically you're allowed one every 25 years averaged out over three centuries, counting the cultural revolution and the incomplete bougeois revolution china had three in the twentieth century so actually they are okay for one whenever they feel the need... probably two quickies if its really necessary.
Red Guard Revisionists
12-04-2008, 07:41
Yes, and I'm crucified for the respect issue.
okay i'm confused... this isn't some extreme bondage thing like the race car dude and the spanking nazis is it?
The Alma Mater
12-04-2008, 07:41
The Dalai Lama is an atheist. Buddhism has no God.

Or states that everyone and everything can be God, depending how you look at it.
Red Guard Revisionists
12-04-2008, 07:47
Or states that everyone and everything can be God, depending how you look at it.
or already is god, but somehow got confused about it.
12-04-2008, 08:29
okay i'm confused... this isn't some extreme bondage thing like the race car dude and the spanking nazis is it?

Oook, I guess we know what your mind's on...
Red Guard Revisionists
12-04-2008, 08:37
Oook, I guess we know what your mind's on...

maybe, but as a true revolutionary i insist on political correctness... whomever is dressed as a nazi just receive the spanking, not give it... to prevent the glorification of fascism.
Blouman Empire
14-04-2008, 17:32
If you read his post you will notice that in the same breath of uttering "chinaman" he requested that "people be treated with a little respect and dignity." So he believes in at least something, if not political correctness.

Well actually I didn't say that at all I said that this issue was about treating people with respect and dignity not just about religion as the OP implied, I never stated my position on this issue I just thought that the little rant was somewhat absurd.
Blouman Empire
14-04-2008, 17:38
It matters in the same sense that using other archaic racist terms matters. If you're going to be intelectually honest, don't forget to use other equally archaic terms like "******", "dago", and "wop".

Well sorry I don't see racism in calling a man from China a Chinaman, it may be because I don't know the full issue behind the term unlike "******".

Also what is "dago" and "wop"? I have never heard those terms before as a racist comment.