NationStates Jolt Archive

Should school students face a mandatory drug test?

09-04-2008, 09:41
DRUG-TESTING could become mandatory in Australian high schools following an investigation by the Federal Government's drug watchdog into illicit substances.

... lol, I'm an Australian High school student...

anyways, your ideas on this quote?

EDIT : link,23599,22220561-2,00.html
Venomous Cakes
09-04-2008, 09:49
Link? A quote without context or source seems somewhat useless.
[edit] :)
09-04-2008, 10:02
only for classess requiring them to opperate heavy or otherwise dangerous machinery, or if they develop a history of disruptive behavior.

what a person does, WITHOUT disrupting, or putting at risk in any manor, the lives of others, need not be the concern of institutions nor workplaces.

preventing the real potential for harm and disruption, is however, completely legitimate. thus it is not unreasonable to require 'drug' testing, even manditory physical and psychiatric examination, of anyone demonstrating inconsiderate behaiviour.

certainly anyone not 'dried up' before they come to class or to work, can reasonable expect to be suspended for that remainder of that day.

this protects the rights and safety of everyone.

mandatory accross the board testing of everyone? i fail to see the point.

so everyone learns, by maditory accross the board testing of everyone, that little johney dropped a hit of xtc two weeks ago. how is that going to protect anyone from harm or suffering? no, little johney should in no wise be subjected to penilization for indiscreations not directly, or even indirectly, threatining to others in any way.

it IS of course legitimate to take measures to prevent the disruption of public institutions and their services. but it is also resonable to impose some limitations on such measures as well.

Imperial isa
09-04-2008, 10:08
old new ,which they find it not worth doing
Blouman Empire
09-04-2008, 10:26
First of all let me just say this a a bogus idea, and seems like it is just another one of those quick fix (we will do something just to make it seem like we are doing something) policies of the Rudd Governmen that do nothing to solve the problem.

Now if the industrial laws of the state prohibit people from having drugs in thier system at places of work then yes they should be drug tested becasue a school is a place of work, current legislation in most if not all states covers not just workers but all people on the work site including visitors. (I am currently reviewing the various books regarding OHS legislation so I will let you know if I do find this)

Some states don't have legislation covering drugs specifically, however if a state government (and this does only aplly to public schools) has various drug laws covering their departments, since a public school comes under the department of education if the department of education has a drug rule, prohibiting people to have drugs in thier system, then yes all students must be tested as they are on a work site.
09-04-2008, 10:27
Yes, they should be tested. Once as they enter school, and then at least three more tests at random points during the day.
09-04-2008, 10:30
Which drugs are mandatory in Australian schools?
09-04-2008, 10:37
Yes, they should be tested. Once as they enter school, and then at least three more tests at random points during the day.

to what end? unless it actually removes an individual who is actually being disruptive, what the hell is actually being accomplished, other then to wast everyone's time and resources, which could be much better invested, even in educational infrastructure.

perhapse the post was intended as ironic/sarcastic humor. not bitching about that if it was, but indeed this dumbed down idea, that arbitrary solutions, mindlessly applied can solve everything, or even be expected to solve anything, never has and never will, make a very great deal of sense.

i don't live in oz, or not the uk, but i've seen similar nonsense here in the u.s. there's probably even more of it 'here' then you've got there.

09-04-2008, 11:43
... lol, I'm an Australian High school student...

anyways, your ideas on this quote?

EDIT : link,23599,22220561-2,00.html

Nope. No body's business what you do off hours.
The Tortured Youth
09-04-2008, 11:54
the educational system should have no say in what you do outside of school. that my friends, is the local law enforcement's job, not school.:)
09-04-2008, 12:02
Which drugs are mandatory in Australian schools?

pot, weed, crack, cannabis, weed, dope, marijuana... you know, all different:p
09-04-2008, 12:12
Mandatory drug tests for everyone, several times every day!
Corneliu 2
09-04-2008, 12:36
Definitely for student athletes.
The blessed Chris
09-04-2008, 12:41
No. A school has no right to dictate what one does outside of school hours.
The blessed Chris
09-04-2008, 12:50
Definitely for student athletes.

Explain? No student ahtlete is likely to take performance enhancig substances, and frankly, they are entitled to do as the please in their own time.
09-04-2008, 12:50
This is utter nonsense and a very large step in a very dangerous direction.

Since when are people guilty unless proven otherwise???

(I'm neither Australian, nor a high school kid, nor a drug user)
09-04-2008, 13:03
pot, weed, crack, cannabis, weed, dope, marijuana... you know, all different:p

..and some naughty children might not be smoking their daily weed! I blame the parents.
The blessed Chris
09-04-2008, 13:07
..and some naughty children might not be smoking their daily weed! I blame the parents.

Can somebody please explain the appeal of weed to me. Coke? Yes, it's fun. So is E, provided one knows the dealer. But weed is just not my cup of tea. Why do people like it?
Corneliu 2
09-04-2008, 13:48
Explain? No student ahtlete is likely to take performance enhancig substances, and frankly, they are entitled to do as the please in their own time.

What makes you think that student athletes are not likely to take performance enhancing drugs?
09-04-2008, 14:01
What makes you think that student athletes are not likely to take performance enhancing drugs?

A blinding amount of naiveté.
09-04-2008, 14:05
So I guess Aussie HS students dont' own their own bodies then. Because if you did truly own your self then you'd be allowed to do whatever you want to yourself. This same argument applies to any government outlawing prostitution. What someone does with there own body should be their business.

On the other hand if they are minors, and their parents want to test their children, that should also be ok.
09-04-2008, 14:12
So I guess Aussie HS students dont' own their own bodies then. Because if you did truly own your self then you'd be allowed to do whatever you want to yourself. This same argument applies to any government outlawing prostitution. What someone does with there own body should be their business.

On the other hand if they are minors, and their parents want to test their children, that should also be ok.

Because parents own their children?
Imperial isa
09-04-2008, 14:18
What makes you think that student athletes are not likely to take performance enhancing drugs?

as we not the US and have sports teams at ever high school
09-04-2008, 14:22
Explain? No student ahtlete is likely to take performance enhancig substances.

09-04-2008, 14:25
Soviet Haaregrad
09-04-2008, 15:23
Can somebody please explain the appeal of weed to me. Coke? Yes, it's fun. So is E, provided one knows the dealer. But weed is just not my cup of tea. Why do people like it?

It's relaxing and promotes creativity.

I've never really got the point of coke. It's no funner then caffeine and ritalin, or caffeine and ephedrine but costs way more, is illegal and doesn't last long enough. What a crappy drug.
09-04-2008, 16:26
Drug tests in general should only be issued when someone shows apparent signs of abuse. That goes for schools as much as for workspace, and even traffic checks.

It is not someone else's business what people do to their body, so tests' purpose has to be to find out who's 'currently' under influence of a drug to an amount which hampers him from acting save in his environment. Not whether someone is a regular drug user.
09-04-2008, 16:28
I kinda wish they would have done drug testing when I was in high school, if only so I could see the look on their faces when mine came back negative at the beginning of the day, then positive by third period...

I was #1 in my class, by the way. :D
09-04-2008, 16:30
You need a poll. Cuz my simple answer is "nope."
09-04-2008, 16:31
I kinda wish they would have done drug testing when I was in high school, if only so I could see the look on their faces when mine came back negative at the beginning of the day, then positive by third period...

I was #1 in my class, by the way. :D

They'd probably assume it was a false positive. After all, according to these people, if you do drugs, you're made of fail. If you do well, you have stayed off drugs.
Neo Art
09-04-2008, 16:31
I kinda wish they would have done drug testing when I was in high school, if only so I could see the look on their faces when mine came back negative at the beginning of the day, then positive by third period...

I was #1 in my class, by the way. :D

Oh please, I was in the top 10% of my graduating class at YALE and I was coked out of my head half the time :p
09-04-2008, 16:36
Oh please, I was in the top 10% of my graduating class at YALE and I was coked out of my head half the time :pYou and Dubya?:D
09-04-2008, 17:55
You and Dubya?:D

Dubya wishes his grades had been that good.
Amor Pulchritudo
10-04-2008, 03:27
... lol, I'm an Australian High school student...

anyways, your ideas on this quote?

EDIT : link,23599,22220561-2,00.html

It's total bullshit.

If I was still in highschool, and they instituted that law, I would quit highschool.