What do you want done with your body after death?
04-04-2008, 05:00
I want cremation + ashes scattered. I don't want to have my remnants sitting in some cheap urn that will one day be broke and pissed on by a cat. And I don't want any memorial posts or headstones of any kind, because I don't want anyone to feel obligated to buy flowers every 6 months for me after I'm dead. Free spirit, in life and death.
04-04-2008, 05:02
body farm. It's educational and it pisses off my extended family.
I'm going to have myself loaded into a Trebuchet and launched into the ocean near my hometown.
04-04-2008, 05:06
I truly don't care.
The South Islands
04-04-2008, 05:07
I'm going to have myself loaded into a Trebuchet and launched into the ocean near my hometown.
Cremated then put inside a mausoleum.
04-04-2008, 05:12
I truly don't care.
Would you care if your closest loved one sold your remains to a necrophiliac on Ebay, for only $5.99 + shipping and handling, after which your corpse would be raped 100 times, and then abandoned on the roadside. Where it would be picked up by pre-med students who all fail attempts to safely remove your decaying liver, after which burned, given to an uptight old fart and put in a cheap urn, where in the future his moron son-in-law would break it and his cat piss on the ashes? Yeah, you care.
04-04-2008, 05:13
Don't care. I'll be dead.
04-04-2008, 05:14
Would you care if your closest loved one sold your remains to a necrophiliac on Ebay, for only $5.99 + shipping and handling, after which your corpse would be raped 100 times, and then abandoned on the roadside. Where it would be picked up by pre-med students who all fail attempts to safely remove your decaying liver, after which burned, given to an uptight old fart and put in a cheap urn, where in the future his moron son-in-law would break it and his cat piss on the ashes? Yeah, you care.
No I really wouldn't - all I would actually care about is what my loved ones would want, they're the one's who have to deal with it.
I want myself used for cloning research if it's at all possible post-mortem. If it's not (or when my body's usefulness has expired), I want to be dissolved in hydrochloric acid and placed into water baloons (after the acid has been diluted). My will is going to state that an epic battle with said "water" baloons will decide who inherits what.
I want my body to be cremated, and then have the ashes disposed of in a vat of acid.
Cremated and sold to people addicted to Cocaine.
04-04-2008, 05:20
I put other, just cuz I haven't made up my mind. Either donated to science, or if they don't take it, buried in the ground. But no embalming: I want one of those cemetaries where they plant a tree over your unembalmed and cardboard coffined body.
04-04-2008, 05:21
Every organ in my body is backwards. That mean my heart is on my right side instead of left, everything is flipped around. Plus given the condition I was born with, I think science could learn alot from my body. So I'll be donating it to science, and after they're done with it, I want it cremated and spread across the sky. That way I'll always be flying.
Every organ in my body is backwards. That mean my heart is on my right side instead of left, everything is flipped around. Plus given the condition I was born with, I think science could learn alot from my body. So I'll be donating it to science, and after they're done with it, I want it cremated and spread across the sky. That way I'll always be flying.
Somehow this is not surprising...
Lunatic Goofballs
04-04-2008, 05:24
Since I can't decide, freeze my head, cremate my torso, bury my legs, launch my arms into space and have my genitals stuffed. *nod*
04-04-2008, 05:25
Somehow this is not surprising...
Hehe, what can I say, I am unique in every way! :D
04-04-2008, 05:27
I forgot "stuffed" and "cast out to the sea", but I guess other will take care of it. I try to make my polls specific...
The Scandinvans
04-04-2008, 05:29
I will have my body dipped into zombie juice and from there spread my gift of everlasting life to the world. *nod*
Cryogenic preservation, you never know until you try.
04-04-2008, 05:34
And if you choose cryongenics, you have to be able to realistically state that you can infact afford the cost of it. In the same way the average joe can't buy a castle size mausoleum, you can't be preserved unless you plan on a good paying career that will give you enough money for it.
HSH Prince Eric
04-04-2008, 05:49
Cremation after my organs are donated.
I think everyone should be cremated. Graveyards are a waste of the Earth.
United Chicken Kleptos
04-04-2008, 05:50
Burial underground so that when the zombie virus finally evolves I'll be able to wreak some damage.
04-04-2008, 06:07
Resomation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resomation) I like the idea of being returned to my compostite components. I want my remains to be scattered.
04-04-2008, 06:15
Resomation. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Resomation) I like the idea of being returned to my compostite components. I want my remains to be scattered.
'shadows' of the bones
Meaning I will never be a fossil? booo! :(
J/k ;) Interesting stuff I have never heard of this before now.
04-04-2008, 06:19
I want to be turned into Tang by a freaky albino chick.
I'd like my body to be fed to a large carnivore, preferably a Siberian tiger or a polar bear, but I'm not picky.
Realistically, cremation, the ashes to be scattered in the Italian Alps.
I want to have a big tomb. With a corbelled dome. And a giant spire. And maybe some pyramids based on a fracal pattern.
I want people to think I was a bigshot, more important than I really ever was.
04-04-2008, 08:00
I want my body to be tatoo-ed with instructions on how to dissect it + those scissor lines you see in cut outs. After that I wanted to be donated for medical education so I can give a group of med students an easy time
04-04-2008, 08:13
Once I die, billions of years from now, this will spawn the next Big Bang.
Blouman Empire
04-04-2008, 08:26
Ankh Morpork Discworld
04-04-2008, 08:28
I will have myself turned into soylent green. Tricking people into cannabalism would be funny.
04-04-2008, 09:02
i want my body dumped in a skip.
if you find it you can have it
Cremated, then the ashes can be "donated" to Cartman, as chocolate milk mix. ;)
return to nature or burial at ground zero of an underground nuclear test site.
the first puts every thing back into where it came from and what made it possible. the latter releases whatever tangable energy might have been stored in its material substance.
i really don't care what's done with it when i'm no longer in it. whatever takes care of so no one else needs to worry about it.
i think giving it back to nature is probably the most appropriate thing. the least would be a whole lot of fuss to preserve it. for what? it's not like the secrets of the universe are inscribed under my claws or something.
you want to remeber me, go find one of the pictures i made of the kind of world i'd like to live in. that's the things to remember. thoughts, ideas and images, not some stupid face of this piece of meat i walk arround in.
04-04-2008, 09:20
I think everyone should be cremated. Graveyards are a waste of the Earth.
Rotting corpses are a good source of nutrients. What about burial without containment? (not trying to start an argument, just querying whether you meant graveyards, or burial.
I want to give my body to scientific endeavours. There's not much special about it, but every body helps, I'm sure.
Mad hatters in jeans
04-04-2008, 10:13
I want my ashes scattered everywhere on the last day of the world, because the world would only end over my dead body!
04-04-2008, 10:29
I want to be buried in a manner which makes people think I was important in life. Preferably in a scale model of the Great Pyramid, which will also contain chambers for my relatives. Gotta had it to the Pharaohs, they knew how to die in style.
[NS]Fergi America
04-04-2008, 10:53
If I fail in my quest for immortality, I want the evidence of such failure to either be cremated or resomated.
There is to be no public disclosure of such an embarrassment; rather, the official story is to be that I moved to Hawaii and am living anonymously on one of the less-populated islands. This story shall be officially maintained forever, leaving people of the future to go on expeditions to try to find out what really happened.
On another note, resomation is the coolest method I've found out about yet.
04-04-2008, 11:11
I plan for my mausoleum to be so punitively expensive in its grandeur, that people offer my relatives money to purchase it and convert it into a house.
04-04-2008, 11:27
I want to first be creamated. Following this, I want half my ashes put into a firework, and the other half into a snowglobe.
04-04-2008, 11:29
I want to be re-animated, preferably by a madman with a henchman called Igor.
Stuffed and left standing on the moon.
04-04-2008, 12:17
I'm opting with the rather Hippie idea of a cardboard box buryal, and the tree planted on top.
Can't help it, it's in my genes.
Lunatic Goofballs
04-04-2008, 12:20
Stuffed and left standing on the moon.
Can we stuff you with custard? Admit it, you've always wanted a soft creamy center. :)
04-04-2008, 12:31
Can we stuff you with custard? Admit it, you've always wanted a soft creamy center. :)
Tied FTW with:
Since I can't decide, freeze my head, cremate my torso, bury my legs, launch my arms into space and have my genitals stuffed. *nod*
04-04-2008, 12:36
It's an empty shell. I will certainly not care what is done with it. However, graveyards are a superstitious waste of land, so I guess I'll go with cremation.
Burial undergound, as per Jewish law, but with a twist. Let me explain.
Jewish doctrine says that when the Messiah comes, the dead will roll through the Earth towards Jerusalem. This explains the demand for gravesites in Israel, and especially in Jerusalem - they want to be there first.
I'm a nonconformist. I don't like to do what everybody else does.
My grave will be constructed like a missile silo. My coffin will in fact be a ballistic missile capable of reaching Jerusalem (probably requiring technology that doesn't exist yet). When the Messiah comes, my tomb will open up, and I will rocket towards Jerusalem.
Hmm. I may want to build my coffin from stealth materials so I don't get shot down by the Israeli missile defense system. Or maybe just get buried somewhere in Israel. But a good distance away from Jerusalem, so I have the opportunity to rocket through the air. Somewhere in the Negev will do.
Can we stuff you with custard? Admit it, you've always wanted a soft creamy center. :)
Of course you can.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
04-04-2008, 15:35
Organ and tissue donation + Cremation.
Neo Bretonnia
04-04-2008, 15:44
I really don't care what happens to my body after I'm through with it.
What I definitely don't want is all that life insurance money going to an overpriced wooden box that just going to get buried anyway in a depressing piece of land that nobody wants to visit wearing clothing that will just disintegrate with the rest of me.
Better to give that money to one of my kids/grandkids to buy a new car or pay for college.
In fact, I don't even want a funeral. I want a party. I want there to be music and a HUGE amount of food and I want people who would remember me fondly to get together and talk about me and all the funny weird stuff I did or said in my life. I want there to be an ice cream cake, steaks, ribs, and all the Pepsi that can be ingested. Nothing really expensive, Nothing stuffy, just a party for the people that were glad I was in their life. I plan to record a video message to be played at this party where I mean to crack a couple jokes and thank everybody for making my stay on this planet an enjoyable one. If people need to cry then fine but I want to be remembered as somebody who wanted to make the world a better place even if just for a few people and anybody who wears black to mourn me is to be beaten with an aluminum bat.
So to save money, cremate me. Take my ashes and dump them in the trash or on the side of the road or if it must have meaning then take them to the beach and dump them in the sea and think of it as my way of traveling to all the parts of the world I never got to in life.
In fact, I don't even want a funeral. I want a party. I want there to be music and a HUGE amount of food and I want people who would remember me fondly to get together and talk about me and all the funny weird stuff I did or said in my life. I want there to be an ice cream cake, steaks, ribs, and all the Pepsi that can be ingested. Nothing really expensive, Nothing stuffy, just a party for the people that were glad I was in their life. I plan to record a video message to be played at this party where I mean to crack a couple jokes and thank everybody for making my stay on this planet an enjoyable one. If people need to cry then fine but I want to be remembered as somebody who wanted to make the world a better place even if just for a few people and anybody who wears black to mourn me is to be beaten with an aluminum bat.
Wakes FTW.
Organ and tissue donation + Cremation.
As long as you don't want it done the other way around, it's all good...
Mott Haven
04-04-2008, 16:07
Restored to life thanks to a surprise breakthrough in medical science.
(a homage of a sort to the famous line "What do you want people to say about you at your funeral? How about, Look, he's MOVING!")
Knights of Liberty
04-04-2008, 16:42
I dont intend to die.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
04-04-2008, 17:07
As long as you don't want it done the other way around, it's all good...
I'm an organ donor, and anything which cannot be put to clinical use will be donated to science.
If there's anything left over after all that, I'd like it to be cremated. Ideally, I'd want to give a portion of my ashes to each of the people closest to me, for them to scatter in whatever place they feel is most appropriate.
The Alma Mater
04-04-2008, 17:19
My body may be stripped of any useful organ when I die. Then scientists may have their way with it. Yes, even in that way if they are sick and twisted scientists - though I would prefer a slightly more useful use.
After that - I do not care.
Mad Prince Ludwig
04-04-2008, 17:31
Would you care if your closest loved one sold your remains to a necrophiliac on Ebay, for only $5.99 + shipping and handling, after which your corpse would be raped 100 times, and then abandoned on the roadside. Where it would be picked up by pre-med students who all fail attempts to safely remove your decaying liver, after which burned, given to an uptight old fart and put in a cheap urn, where in the future his moron son-in-law would break it and his cat piss on the ashes? Yeah, you care.
Nope. Don't care. Because at that point I'm dead. I've either ceased to exist or finally found out which religion was right. Hell, you could dress my remains up in a LA Dodgers uniform and I wouldn't be in a position to care about it.
04-04-2008, 18:52
1) All viable organs that can be donated to transplant services should be donated.
2) Any other bits and pieces useful for science can be donated to science.
3) Anything left can be cremated. I don't much care what's done with the ashes.
Law Abiding Criminals
04-04-2008, 20:23
In fact, I don't even want a funeral. I want a party. I want there to be music and a HUGE amount of food and I want people who would remember me fondly to get together and talk about me and all the funny weird stuff I did or said in my life. I want there to be an ice cream cake, steaks, ribs, and all the Pepsi that can be ingested. Nothing really expensive, Nothing stuffy, just a party for the people that were glad I was in their life. I plan to record a video message to be played at this party where I mean to crack a couple jokes and thank everybody for making my stay on this planet an enjoyable one. If people need to cry then fine but I want to be remembered as somebody who wanted to make the world a better place even if just for a few people and anybody who wears black to mourn me is to be beaten with an aluminum bat.
I like you. I applaud this statement. And I agree with it.
The whole bullshit idea of getting everyone together to mourn my passing, cry their eyes out, and buy flowers is just that - a load of bullshit. I don't want any sad music, flowers, or even a coffin. I'll serve pizza, chicken, cheesecake, soda, iced tea, and Slurpees at my funeral. I'll play hard rock and have karaoke. I'll encourage people to tell stupid stories. And I'll have a video message of me trying hard to be funny and proably failing.
Anyone who's crying will be told jokes until they stop. Anyone who's laughing will be encouraged to do so until their lungs hurt, and then if they cry from that, then I would call my funeral a success. And last but not least, my organs would be donated, my brain would be preserved (if we have that kind of technology by then,) and the rest of me? Cremate me and shoot me out of a cannon. Hunter Thompson had the right idea.
And all my shit is given away in a raffle.
Ideally I'd be laid out on a high platform so the birds could scavenge me for three days, then I'd be cremated.
Since that's not legal anymore, I suppose cremation will have to do, my ashes disposed of afterwards, not buried.
I like you. I applaud this statement. And I agree with it.
The whole bullshit idea of getting everyone together to mourn my passing, cry their eyes out, and buy flowers is just that - a load of bullshit. I don't want any sad music, flowers, or even a coffin. I'll serve pizza, chicken, cheesecake, soda, iced tea, and Slurpees at my funeral. I'll play hard rock and have karaoke. I'll encourage people to tell stupid stories. And I'll have a video message of me trying hard to be funny and proably failing.
Anyone who's crying will be told jokes until they stop. Anyone who's laughing will be encouraged to do so until their lungs hurt, and then if they cry from that, then I would call my funeral a success. And last but not least, my organs would be donated, my brain would be preserved (if we have that kind of technology by then,) and the rest of me? Cremate me and shoot me out of a cannon. Hunter Thompson had the right idea.
And all my shit is given away in a raffle.
Oddly enough, funerals aren't for the dead...they are for the living. I always felt that the funeral should reflect the needs of the living. Who cares what the dead person wants?
Sumamba Buwhan
04-04-2008, 20:28
I want my wife to plasticize me and keep me around the house as a doll that she can dress up every day. Perhaps if they can plasticize me with an erection she can use me as a sex toy or rent me out to necro girls and boys.
Eventually as technology allows I want to be filled with robotic parts and an AI so that I could become a much better companion.
Knights of Liberty
04-04-2008, 21:00
I want to be a head in a jar al'a Futureama.
What do you want done with your body after death?
Want to be cremated and then flushed in a public restroom somewhere
Elves Security Forces
04-04-2008, 21:19
After whatever workable organs are donated, I want to be cremated and then have my ashes spilled out over a cliff overlooking the sea *nod*
There's probably not much that science could learn from me, so I'd let my organs go to those who need them, and have the leftovers burnt and given to my next of kin. Beyond that is their call.
Or something dull like letting it be used in a man-eating shark experiment, or as a ploy to defeat the Chinese in WWIII.
04-04-2008, 23:40
As long as you don't want it done the other way around, it's all good...
Oh, now there's an image.
"Great -- where are they?"
"Uh...in this salt shaker."
Someone elses problem
05-04-2008, 00:02
I want my bones to become the type specimen for the human race. There isn't one, as far as I know :).
The organs can be given to science students in high school (other than the brain, which will be kept in a state of suspended animation until science is able to insert it into a machine body).
05-04-2008, 00:55
Stuffed, with a warbonnet on my head and a fistful of cigars.
Oh, now there's an image.
"Great -- where are they?"
"Uh...in this salt shaker."
South Lizasauria
05-04-2008, 02:22
I want my body to have a parachute strapped to it along with tons of various fireworks, then I want to be dropped into a volcano and have my "burial" be taped and put on youtube. That way when I get close enough to the lave without falling in all the fireworks will ignite.
*awaits for LG to come up with a more amusing funeral*
Nanatsu no Tsuki
05-04-2008, 02:28
I want my bones to become the type specimen for the human race. There isn't one, as far as I know :).
The organs can be given to science students in high school (other than the brain, which will be kept in a state of suspended animation until science is able to insert it into a machine body).
Conceited much?;)
05-04-2008, 02:28
I want my wife to plasticize me and keep me around the house as a doll that she can dress up every day. Perhaps if they can plasticize me with an erection she can use me as a sex toy or rent me out to necro girls and boys.
Eventually as technology allows I want to be filled with robotic parts and an AI so that I could become a much better companion.
Arguably, you may be a better companion as a plasticized sex doll.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
05-04-2008, 02:36
Arguably, you may be a better companion as a plasticized sex doll.
I'd like to have a green burial. Ideally, I'd like to be placed on a platform raised high in the sky so the vultures can pick apart my bones, as my very distant Mohawk ancestors used to, but I'll take burial in a cotton or silk shroud in a national park.
New Manvir
05-04-2008, 04:48
I'll have my brain cryogenically frozen so that I can rise again in the future in an awesome robot body. and the rest of by body harvested for organs or donated to science.
I want it sold to the highest bidder.
Ideally I'd be laid out on a high platform so the birds could scavenge me for three days, then I'd be cremated.
Since that's not legal anymore, I suppose cremation will have to do, my ashes disposed of afterwards, not buried.
Wow, I totally didn't read this before I posted. Crazy after-death-wishes coincidence!
Sel Appa
05-04-2008, 05:12
I don't want to die, but if I do, I want to be preserved somehow so I can come back to lif eventually. Brain uploading is the preferred method...
The Parkus Empire
05-04-2008, 05:40
Someone can make my body into little green squares and eat it for all I care.
05-04-2008, 05:44
I want to be perfectly preserved and made into a statue that will be place in the city square with a sign that reads, "This is greatest man to have ever lived on this planet." Barring that, I want to be shot into space.
Sumamba Buwhan
05-04-2008, 05:59
Arguably, you may be a better companion as a plasticized sex doll.
I can't argue with that
05-04-2008, 09:55
Whatever parts of me medicine can use, take them.
With whatever remains, any of the following: a) drop from orbit; b) dump in the wilderness to decompose like any dead animal; or c) roast marshmallows.
Big Jim P
05-04-2008, 11:15
Personally I am hoping to be resurrected.
I want my organs donated to people who need it I'd like the rest to be burned in a non-religious way and I don't care what happens after that.
I might also donate my body to science, but I've seen what happens with you when you do and now I'm doubting.
I want to be thrown into the mix at an industrial meat processing plant, and shipped out mixed in the ground beef.
I want everyone to eat a little piece of me, and remember.
05-04-2008, 21:50
I want to be thrown into the mix at an industrial meat processing plant, and shipped out mixed in the ground beef.
I want everyone to eat a little piece of me, and remember.
I made you eat your parents!
The Zoogie People
05-04-2008, 22:42
Cryogenic preservation, you never know until you try.
I'd go for cremation. Dressed up bodies...the thought kinda creeps me out. I'm not very particular about what happens after cremation though.