Do women have it easier than men?
31-03-2008, 04:28
I'm curious to see if you feel that way. It is generally on men to get educated and and a good job to support families and like, defend the home and women live longer on top of it. Women(theoritically) don't have to pass school. They drop out and marry a rich guy or rent themselves out of 5,000 an hour. So it would seem there is more pressure on men to succeed. Is this true?
This is a double post. I am replying to a double post.
I'm curious to see if you feel that way. It is generally on men to get educated and and a good job to support families and like, defend the home and women live longer on top of it. Women(theoritically) don't have to pass school. They drop out and marry a rich guy or rent themselves out of 5,000 an hour. So it would seem there is more pressure on men to succeed. Is this true?
I'm not suprised this thread has languished with little reply. It's beneath contempt.
Men (theoretically) can just play basketball or hockey, make it rich doing something they love, and get all the hoors they want. Or, theoretically men can just inherit millions from their rich fathers. Theoretically doesn't pass muster.
There is an enormous amount of pressure on both men and women. The single-income household is going the way of the dinosaur. Anyone who wants to maintain that sort of lifestyle has to make some serious sacrifices to do it. Both men and women are expected to work like dogs while raising children, and it takes a terrible toll on both. Some men have it easy, some women have it easy, but I do not believe you can generalise accurately enough to say that one gender 'has it better' than the other.
Greater Trostia
31-03-2008, 20:28
Women have a much easier time finding sex partners. This is fact.
31-03-2008, 20:32
I'm not suprised this thread has languished with little reply. It's beneath contempt.
Actually it's because it is a double post, see original thread, this should have been deleted.
Women have a much easier time finding sex partners. This is fact.
Replying in other thread.