NationStates Jolt Archive

What are you doing for Soul Cake festival?

30-03-2008, 13:13
Me and my friends are going to be handing out souped up Soul Cakes full of Nutmeg. :p

For those not in the know Soul Cake festival is where you hand out as many hallicinagenic cakes as possible to free souls from torment. Its a tradition in non-metropolitan Britain and Scandinavia, It's pagan I think. :D

So what is everyone else doing?

Proof that it exists:
30-03-2008, 13:17
I've never heard of this festival, but it must be a lie.

30-03-2008, 13:19

I think you're a little early, or a little late.
Cannot think of a name
30-03-2008, 13:21
What are you doing for Soul Cake festival?

Unspeakable things...
30-03-2008, 13:25
Searching for chocolate eggs laid by Soul Cake Duck.
Cannot think of a name
30-03-2008, 13:25

I think you're a little early, or a little late.

I like his version better. It's like a 420 but just for brownies.
Cabra West
30-03-2008, 13:25
I always thought that was something that Terry Pratechtt made up? :eek: