You become a stan...
Red Tide2
16-03-2008, 02:36
Alien Space Bats turns all the citizens of a -stan country of your choice(ex: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, etc.) into a hive-mind society, then they put you in control as the semi-immortal hivemind*.
As the hivemind, you have full control over all the citizens of the country and can adjust the level of control at will. You can set tasks for them and patterns if you don't want to micromanage your citizens. Finally, as the Hivemind, you can 'project your conciousness' to create a hologram of-sorts, this hologram of yourself can look like whatever you want it to be, through it, you can communicate with none-citizens. What do you do?
*When I say semi-immortal, I mean you are pretty much immortal unless something destroys your 'core'. Your core is, of course, hidden in a secret underground bunker guarded by automated androids designed to kill intruders.
PS: Don't ask where this came from... just... don't.
I would write a tribute to the best song in the world that was better than Tenacious D's song Tribute.
16-03-2008, 02:41
Build the worlds largest human pyramid.
The Blaatschapen
16-03-2008, 02:43
Clone little Borats deep down in the hive :D
Call to power
16-03-2008, 02:50
Zerg rushes....
sex rushes!
16-03-2008, 02:52
Let the buggers do what ever they want, so long as it doesn't threaten me, and I can make up my own title.
And make funky looking tanks.
Alien Space Bats turns all the citizens of a -stan country of your choice(ex: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, etc.) into a hive-mind society, then they put you in control as the semi-immortal hivemind*.
As the hivemind, you have full control over all the citizens of the country and can adjust the level of control at will. You can set tasks for them and patterns if you don't want to micromanage your citizens. Finally, as the Hivemind, you can 'project your conciousness' to create a hologram of-sorts, this hologram of yourself can look like whatever you want it to be, through it, you can communicate with none-citizens. What do you do?
*When I say semi-immortal, I mean you are pretty much immortal unless something destroys your 'core'. Your core is, of course, hidden in a secret underground bunker guarded by automated androids designed to kill intruders.
PS: Don't ask where this came from... just... don't.
Give everyone one name. Psmith (
then send them out to the world, let them become citizens of other countries (I assume their children would be part of the hive mind).
Non Aligned States
16-03-2008, 03:10
Give everyone one name. Psmith.
then send them out to the world, let them become citizens of other countries (I assume their children would be part of the hive mind).
Ooh, infiltration of foreign nations, with a probability of the infiltrators becoming a significant social, political and economic block of those countries several generations down. Especially if there is a probability of intermingling of racial groups while still maintaining hive mind control. Sneaky.
Nanatsu no Tsuki
16-03-2008, 03:11
Alien Space Bats turns all the citizens of a -stan country of your choice(ex: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, etc.) into a hive-mind society, then they put you in control as the semi-immortal hivemind*.
As the hivemind, you have full control over all the citizens of the country and can adjust the level of control at will. You can set tasks for them and patterns if you don't want to micromanage your citizens. Finally, as the Hivemind, you can 'project your conciousness' to create a hologram of-sorts, this hologram of yourself can look like whatever you want it to be, through it, you can communicate with none-citizens. What do you do?
*When I say semi-immortal, I mean you are pretty much immortal unless something destroys your 'core'. Your core is, of course, hidden in a secret underground bunker guarded by automated androids designed to kill intruders.
PS: Don't ask where this came from... just... don't.
Oh my, I thought only my fiance came with this kind of thing. But I see I´m wrong.:D
New Manvir
16-03-2008, 03:24
Harems FTW
16-03-2008, 04:42
I'd have them build massive monuments to the glory of myself.
Then let them have the afternoon off.
Where the hell did you come up with this? :p
I would force everyone to party on Saturdays. Not rest, party.
Mad hatters in jeans
16-03-2008, 05:38
Alien Space Bats turns all the citizens of a -stan country of your choice(ex: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, etc.) into a hive-mind society, then they put you in control as the semi-immortal hivemind*.
As the hivemind, you have full control over all the citizens of the country and can adjust the level of control at will. You can set tasks for them and patterns if you don't want to micromanage your citizens. Finally, as the Hivemind, you can 'project your conciousness' to create a hologram of-sorts, this hologram of yourself can look like whatever you want it to be, through it, you can communicate with none-citizens. What do you do?
*When I say semi-immortal, I mean you are pretty much immortal unless something destroys your 'core'. Your core is, of course, hidden in a secret underground bunker guarded by automated androids designed to kill intruders.
PS: Don't ask where this came from... just... don't.
I would arm my people with the ability to overthrow me, as should i become evil or suffer from a personality disorder and try to harm them, they could kill me and put in a replacement.
Other than that, er i'd make them all do 10 star jumps each morning because it would be hilarious.
And they'd all have to make a cake to comemorate me not going crazy, then they have a competition and i judge the best cake then i eat the best cake, the rest can be transported to some poor country (Each cake would also be able to last at least 2 weeks and still be safe for human consumption), i'd call this taking the cake day, once a month should suffice.
I'd have an exercise hour for my people, for those who can't be bothered exercising i'd force them to go on a 5 mile run once a week for 5 months.
Then i'd force all people to think for 1 hour every week on things they have done and things they wish to do, and make a list of things to do for next week, this would be called deep thought hour.
Hmmm interesting.
King Arthur the Great
16-03-2008, 06:08
Make them build a giant fountain pen.
16-03-2008, 06:26
Afgan rush. Kekekekekekeke.
16-03-2008, 08:38
Move to America and have them vote for the Libertarian Party! :D
Also create the world's longest human chain. :D
The Alma Mater
16-03-2008, 08:47
I would turn myself into the dungeon keeper and smack those imps around.
Or I would style myself professor Zakharov of the university without having to worry about drone riots ever. Aaaah, heaven.
Or I would become.. the MASTER OF ORION !
No-Bugs Ho-Bot
16-03-2008, 09:36
Alien Space Bats turns all the citizens of a -stan country of your choice(ex: Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Pakistan, etc.) into a hive-mind society, then they put you in control as the semi-immortal hivemind*.
As the hivemind, you have full control over all the citizens of the country and can adjust the level of control at will. You can set tasks for them and patterns if you don't want to micromanage your citizens. Finally, as the Hivemind, you can 'project your conciousness' to create a hologram of-sorts, this hologram of yourself can look like whatever you want it to be, through it, you can communicate with none-citizens. What do you do?
He-hem. This is awfully close to Role Playing, and you should know that Role Playing is not really the NSG thing. Role Playing is a nasty, cheap little activity best left out in Real Life. Unless you want to Role Play Role Playing, in which case ... the NS United Nations ... ;)
That said, you did set it up nicely, so I'll bite.
You allow for setting "patterns" in the citizenry. I'm going to run with that, and make every citizen dedicate their leisure time to writing an autobiography. I'll leave their work activities the hell alone, because the economy of a -Stan is fragile enough without my ignorant tampering completely stuffing it.
I'll run with this for a year or two, tweak it if necessary. Perhaps release the more literate and self-aware from any hive-mind compulsion once they've written an honest autobiography of a thousand pages or so. The least literate and most self-deluded will probably need a decade or more (they have to learn to write, hey? ... and they damn well will, since they will feel compelled to write this autobiography and to make it honest and substantial.)
When the autobiographies are complete, they will be compiled with some literature of the -Stan, some translation dictionaries, and a few of the autobiographies translated into other current languages. Then they will be rendered into several enduring forms (eg, embossed stone tablets) and put in several places where no-one can mess with them (eg, buried in concealed locations of geological stability.)
What would this achieve? One vast, normalized , holographic primary source of historical and sociological information. A primary source to make the Rosetta Stone look like an emoticon. A tribute to this -stan nation to make the Pyramids look like the bones of a lost pilgrim. A wreath of souls.
Then I'd let them go back to having their own minds, unmolested by any hive-mind fascist crap.
No-Bugs Ho-Bot
16-03-2008, 11:24
Or I would style myself professor Zakharov of the university without having to worry about drone riots ever. Aaaah, heaven.
Or Yang of the hive, but allowed to use democracy ...
*resists urge to load up old game*
the same thing I do every night....
No-Bugs Ho-Bot
16-03-2008, 12:27
the same thing I do every night....
Starting right after breakfast might be a more viable strategy. But good luck!
Ruby City
16-03-2008, 13:44
I'd make them overnight start to act like an anarchist communist society, kept functional by the guidance of the hive mind. The rest of the world would never be able to figure out how that all of a sudden started to work overnight despite all previous communist or anarchist societies failing and becoming dystopias. It would be the greatest mystery of all times and the rest of the world would spend centuries trying to figure this one out.
I'd also switch the language to silly and meaningless faces, dance moves and noises done to cover up the fact that they communicate through the hive mind now, the foreigners can try in vein all they want to learn that language.
I'd dress everyone in the same clothes and then get them to march unblinkingly in unison across the border, just to freak out the locals. Then, I dunno, maybe world conquest with my unflinching slave army, but it might just be easier to appear as a hologram to the rest of the world and convince them I'm their god.
Well, partying and sex and euhm other things I like of course, other than that I wouldn't mind what they did. I guess I would make sure everyone could live happily when they aren't partying or having sex with me.
also: Saparmurat Niyazov (
16-03-2008, 15:17
Also create the world's longest human chain. :D
For a second there I thought you typed the world's longest human daisey chain.
I'd have my country enslave the Alien Bat people so that we can gengineer them into a docile slave race.
Starting right after breakfast might be a more viable strategy. But good luck!
Tradition dictates that it starts at night. More dramatic weather effects I suppose.
*is so annoyed with no-one getting the reference he wanders of mumbling pinky and the brain, brain, brain, brain to himself*
For a second there I thought you typed the world's longest human daisey chain.
That is a photoshop/movie I need to see.
16-03-2008, 19:58
I would turn myself into the dungeon keeper and smack those imps around.
Or I would style myself professor Zakharov of the university without having to worry about drone riots ever. Aaaah, heaven.
Or I would become.. the MASTER OF ORION !
All hail the man who remembers such sweet old games
as for the -stan country, can i change mine to Siberia, those -stan countries are too far south and into hot temperature climates that i cant handle to live in