Thank you.
Conserative Morality
12-03-2008, 23:59
I would just like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone here on the NS forums. Special thanks to:
Wilgrove: For being such a great Libertarian Inspiration!
Cabra West: For changing my view on abortion. SLIGHTLY!
Lunatic Goofballs: For being funny and yet meaningful at the same time. Usually.
Katganistan: For being a great Mod!
All you atheists who have debated with me: Thank you for convincing me that I'm scientificly illiterate and only hurt the cause aganst evoloution by debating it. Thanks... I guess.:p
Thank you and sorry to anyone who I've forgot. You've all helped me step out of my Republican beliefs in one way or another.
Mad hatters in jeans
13-03-2008, 00:02
I would just like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone here on the NS forums. Special thanks to:
Wilgrove: For being such a great Libertarian Inspiration!
Cabra West: For changing my view on abortion. SLIGHTLY!
Lunatic Goofballs: For being funny and yet meaningful at the same time. Usually.
Katagastan: For being a great Mod!
All you atheists who have debated with me: Thank you for convincing me that I'm scientificly illiterate and only hurt the cause aganst evoloution by debating it. Thanks... I guess.:p
Thank you and sorry to anyone who I've forgot. You've all helped me step out of my Republican beliefs in one way or another.
What's this in aid of?:confused:
oh right, er well done?
um i'm not sure if i should ask for a source for that because you don't need a source for an opinion, er i mean what?
Sumamba Buwhan
13-03-2008, 00:04
You're welcome.
I would just like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone here on the NS forums. Special thanks to:
Wilgrove: For being such a great Libertarian Inspiration!
Cabra West: For changing my view on abortion. SLIGHTLY!
Lunatic Goofballs: For being funny and yet meaningful at the same time. Usually.
Katagastan: For being a great Mod!
All you atheists who have debated with me: Thank you for convincing me that I'm scientificly illiterate and only hurt the cause aganst evoloution by debating it. Thanks... I guess.:p
Thank you and sorry to anyone who I've forgot. You've all helped me step out of my Republican beliefs in one way or another.
Erm...well done, I think.
But does this mean you're now a libertarian?
Conserative Morality
13-03-2008, 00:08
Erm...well done, I think.
But does this mean you're now a libertarian?
Erm... Kinda been one for a while...
Call to power
13-03-2008, 00:08
I wonder if I have touched Conserative Morality ;)
I know NSG has touched me...
Conserative Morality
13-03-2008, 00:09
I wonder if I have touched Conserative Morality
I know NSG has touched me...
Hopefully not in inappropriote places!:D
I wonder if I have touched Conserative Morality ;)
I know NSG has touched me...
Mad hatters in jeans
13-03-2008, 00:12
I wonder if I have touched Conserative Morality ;)
I know NSG has touched me...
hold on a minute! I ain't never touched you... ever so you can't sue me or anythin like that.
Oh you mean hypothetically, oh right okay.
you're ace by the way
Erm... Kinda been one for a while...
Fair enough. But, why? *Is a serious question, not taking the piss (for once) as I would honestly like to know the answer*
13-03-2008, 00:13
You are very much welcome. :)
Call to power
13-03-2008, 00:17
Hopefully not in inappropriote places!:D
that depends on who you ask surely :p
*touches with syrupy hands*
you're ace by the way
:fluffle: I'm actually getting quite an underground fan club set up
Fair enough. But, why? *Is a serious question, not taking the piss (for once) as I would honestly like to know the answer*
isn't it obvious? he wants to touch whatever he pleases!
Mad hatters in jeans
13-03-2008, 00:19
Fair enough. But, why? *Is a serious question, not taking the piss (for once) as I would honestly like to know the answer*
because he loves you....muhahahahahahahahha fear puny mortal
isn't it obvious? he wants to touch whatever he pleases!
Good enough for me, but only if I'm allowed to do the same!
New Manvir
13-03-2008, 00:27
*starts playing music and ushering CM off stage*
All right, that's enough.
Katagastan: For being a great Mod!
Mad hatters in jeans
13-03-2008, 00:34
It's Katganistan's good twin.
*hides in fear*
I wonder if I have touched Conserative Morality ;)
I know NSG has touched me...
Show me on the doll where NSG touched you . . .
Nanatsu no Tsuki
13-03-2008, 01:15
I would just like to take this oppertunity to thank everyone here on the NS forums. Special thanks to:
Wilgrove: For being such a great Libertarian Inspiration!
Cabra West: For changing my view on abortion. SLIGHTLY!
Lunatic Goofballs: For being funny and yet meaningful at the same time. Usually.
Katganistan: For being a great Mod!
All you atheists who have debated with me: Thank you for convincing me that I'm scientificly illiterate and only hurt the cause aganst evoloution by debating it. Thanks... I guess.:p
Thank you and sorry to anyone who I've forgot. You've all helped me step out of my Republican beliefs in one way or another.
Do itashimashite, I guess.:p
13-03-2008, 07:32
Hopefully not in inappropriote places!:D
Even upwards of $5k?
13-03-2008, 07:34
Show me on the doll where NSG touched you . . .It's dark. And damp. And smelly.
But most people's toes aren't cleaned adequately anyway.
13-03-2008, 07:36
You've all helped me step out of my Republican beliefs in one way or another.
Must be evolution in process.
Lunatic Goofballs
13-03-2008, 07:40
Glad to help. Anything worth doing is worth doing silly. :)