Can you draw Naruto manga?
Please let me know if you can. If you do, you must have at least an hours free time a day. If you do after that, you will get an assignment.
Please! No more bad Naruto doujinshi! Just say iyada!
maybe you'd think differently if you read my story (link above)
sorry, i don't follow...
Doujinshi = Self published manga, usually of a pre-existing and popular series.
Iyada = Japanese exclamation of No! or (With lol catz in mind) Do not want!
New Foxxinnia
21-02-2008, 03:23
I got a warning from a mod about three years ago for berating some guy, so I'll compliment you on your solid sentence structure and advise that NSG really isn't the sort of place to ask for this kind of stuff.
21-02-2008, 03:49
I can if you pay me.
Lunatic Goofballs
21-02-2008, 03:50
If I were skilled enough to draw Naruto, I'd use that talent to draw something that doesn't suck. :)
21-02-2008, 03:51
Naruto and similar works are a cancer and a blight on Western Society. If you can draw in this style, preserve culture and your own dignity and shut your hand in a car door. Or, continue to idolize a decaying and perverse society who hasn't done anything to redeem themselves culturally since the Empire fell.
21-02-2008, 04:04
Naruto and similar works are a cancer and a blight on Western Society. If you can draw in this style, preserve culture and your own dignity and shut your hand in a car door. Or, continue to idolize a decaying and perverse society who hasn't done anything to redeem themselves culturally since the Empire fell.
That's a little over the top. Be warned, not all will take such so lightly as I.
Amor Pulchritudo
21-02-2008, 04:25
Please let me know if you can. If you do, you must have at least an hours free time a day. If you do after that, you will get an assignment.
I can draw...
But I'm not drawing Manga unless I get paid...
Please let me know if you can. If you do, you must have at least an hours free time a day. If you do after that, you will get an assignment.You forgot to add "Must be able to draw compelling cartoon genitalia."
Or, continue to idolize a decaying and perverse society who hasn't done anything to redeem themselves culturally since the Empire fell.
Thems fighting words, and very, very wrong.
21-02-2008, 05:11
Meh. I'm a writer, not an artist, so I'll be of no help to you.
But, if I can find an artist, I wouldn't mind working on an original work of fiction with them.
Naruto and similar works are a cancer and a blight on Western Society. If you can draw in this style, preserve culture and your own dignity and shut your hand in a car door. Or, continue to idolize a decaying and perverse society who hasn't done anything to redeem themselves culturally since the Empire fell.
You forgot to add "Make sure to piss on the dirty Japs." :rolleyes:
Please let me know if you can. If you do, you must have at least an hours free time a day. If you do after that, you will get an assignment.I might be able to if I tried, but I wouldn't, out of principle.
21-02-2008, 12:10
Please let me know if you can. If you do, you must have at least an hours free time a day. If you do after that, you will get an assignment.
Just do a flash sprite movie like everyone else. It takes about half the effort, and you can add background music.
EDIT: Plus, your script looks like about the right level for Flash.
Here's what you said:
Naruto and similar works are a cancer and a blight on Western Society. If you can draw in this style, preserve culture and your own dignity and shut your hand in a car door. Or, continue to idolize a decaying and perverse society who hasn't done anything to redeem themselves culturally since the Empire fell.
Here's what I read:
I hateses Jap drawerings. Be whiteses and drawses like I wants, because I hateses artistic freedom and wants to restrict it.
Conserative Morality
21-02-2008, 12:33
I really hate manga.
If I were skilled enough to draw Naruto, I'd use that talent to draw something that doesn't suck.
Couldn't agree more LG!
I hateses Jap drawerings. Be whiteses and drawses like I wants, because I hateses artistic freedom and wants to restrict it.
Hey! Don't use that kind of grammer when you talk about Belkaros! It insults Smeagol!:p
I really hate manga. Same here. 'Course taste isn't a valid criteria for determining artistic value.
Hey! Don't use that kind of grammer when you talk about Belkaros! It insults Smeagol!:pMeh. Sméagol is fictional, so it's rather hard to insult him.
WTB artists for a comic where the cast of Naruto find themselves suddenly subject to the laws of reality, and are brutally hacked apart by real ninjas.
Port Arcana
21-02-2008, 14:09
Ha, I used to draw manga all the time when I was in year 9... then school really picked up and I haven't had as much time to draw since. :(
I would help if I had the time... although Naruto isn't a very good manga series to fanfic, in my opinion. I've seen a few episodes and it's just... eh.
21-02-2008, 19:28
I really hate manga.
Could I ask why ? It is only a matter of personal taste ?
IMHO Manga is 1000X better than Middle European try on comics :)
The Parkus Empire
21-02-2008, 20:52
I really hate manga.
You wanna match power with us? You better braaaaaace yourself!
21-02-2008, 20:57
Probably would fare a lot better if this was posted in Deviant Art.
... not touching the manga vs everything else debacle. PS3 wins, XBOX360 dies at the end, Blue-Ray Gun FTW. OMG Spoilarz.
*goes back to play Sins of A Solar Empire*
New Ziedrich
21-02-2008, 21:00
One of my cousins actually draws his own hentai. His sister discovered his stash, and she says it's really terrible.
Someone should find and post those Naruto animation mistakes, like the one where Naruto's head is missing.
Naruto and similar works are a cancer and a blight on Western Society. If you can draw in this style, preserve culture and your own dignity and shut your hand in a car door. Or, continue to idolize a decaying and perverse society who hasn't done anything to redeem themselves culturally since the Empire fell.
My cousin can also draw horrible The Simpsons porn for those of you who hate Japan. :p
22-02-2008, 04:27
One of my cousins actually draws his own hentai. His sister discovered his stash, and she says it's really terrible.
Someone should find and post those Naruto animation mistakes, like the one where Naruto's head is missing.
My cousin can also draw horrible The Simpsons porn for those of you who hate Japan. :p
Now, then off to the Comiket, otaku... maybe Cons for the ones who lives in the Anglosphere nations.
Fans,... do they have an enclosed market within themselves?
22-02-2008, 04:36
Someone should find and post those Naruto animation mistakes, like the one where Naruto's head is missing.
There're some really funny ones. I'm sure there're youtube collections somewhere...
Found it! (
Could I ask why ? It is only a matter of personal taste ?
IMHO Manga is 1000X better than Middle European try on comics :)You can't argue personal taste, so please don't even bother. There's no way to win that argument.
Conserative Morality
22-02-2008, 11:14
Meh. Sméagol is fictional, so it's rather hard to insult him.
Fine then. You insult a part of the works of J.R.R. Tolkien. *Hundreds of gasps in the crowd, some women faint* THROW HIM IN THE FIRES OF MOUNT DOOM!!!:p
Could I ask why ? It is only a matter of personal taste
Yeah, I don't like comics too much, I just find an extreme dislike for manga. I guess I don't really like the storys, but I'm not too found of the art in it either.