Where Were You When...
08-02-2008, 16:06
... the joint CSA-Mexican Alliance Troops marched on Washington?;)
The CSA and Mexico would never have made peace.
I don't know, when was that?
Cabra West
08-02-2008, 16:19
Dunno. But the first time I heard it was right here.
Call to power
08-02-2008, 16:20
odds are masturbating :)
So did this ever actually happen?
odds are masturbating :)
Probably eating pudding. Or at least digesting pudding...
Mad hatters in jeans
08-02-2008, 17:29
Dunno. But the first time I heard it was right here.
East Rodan
08-02-2008, 17:37
I was withdrawing toward Philadelphia with the rest of my platoon.
Near Washington, giving them really bad directions.
Marching with the joint Mexican-CSA alliance on Washington.
Castilla y Belmonte
08-02-2008, 18:37
In Canada, being hunted down.
08-02-2008, 18:44
... the joint CSA-Mexican Alliance Troops marched on Washington?;)
was that under juarez or maximillian?
Castilla y Belmonte
08-02-2008, 19:53
was that under juarez or maximillian?
Vicente Fox.
New Drakonia
08-02-2008, 19:56
Busy building a ladder to heaven.
08-02-2008, 20:03
commanding a fancy Ironclad off Bermuda
08-02-2008, 20:05
... the joint CSA-Mexican Alliance Troops marched on Washington?;)
You rediculous Mussleburghers...thinking that anyone would want to march into the hell that are the ring of fortresses surrounding Washington.
Everyone knows that the CSA concentrated forces in Arkansas and Tennessee and swung up into Missouri and Illinois. Forced to split the forces further, the Northerners were less capable than usual without their normal two to one advantage ove the Army of Northern Virginia. This opportunity enabledthe valiant soldiers of the South to whip them soundly and thus end the War of Yankee Aggression.
Can y'all tell I'm from the South?
Gigantic Leprechauns
08-02-2008, 20:16
Probably sleeping.
The Atlantian islands
08-02-2008, 20:28
Re-locating my lawn to D.C. to profit off the incoming flux of cheap labor.
New new nebraska
08-02-2008, 22:05
Busy falling off the ladder to heaven.
... the joint CSA-Mexican Alliance Troops marched on Washington?;)
Killing President Kennedy with mah 9-11 from the grassy knoll.
Mad hatters in jeans
08-02-2008, 22:17
Killing President Kennedy with mah 9-11 from the grassy knoll.
Now that was weird.
I was watching the red dwarf where they use timeslides to go back in time (and the tension sheet paper), crichton suggests, "we could always go and stand on that grassy knoll and shout 'duck!' oh it appears my bad taste chip has malfunctioned".
Conspiracy i tell you.:)
Fall of Empire
08-02-2008, 22:25
Busy building a ladder to heaven.
Really? I was building a stairway to heaven, I didn't see you...:(:D
Gigantic Leprechauns
08-02-2008, 22:35
Killing President Kennedy with mah 9-11 from the grassy knoll.
YOU killed JFK!? :eek:
Finally, the truth is out, and we can let all those conspiracy theories be put to rest! :D
08-02-2008, 22:38
Making out with a bottle of bourbon.
I think the question here is:
Where were YOU when this occured?
Silence hey?!
We have ways of making you talk...
08-02-2008, 22:59
I was eating my Krill Flakes in the People's Socialist Democratic Free Loving Peaceful Non-Violent Utopia of Scotland. The PSDFLPNVUS for short. ;)
08-02-2008, 22:59
... the joint CSA-Mexican Alliance Troops marched on Washington?;)
Busy not caring.
Am I right that the OP is a USA civil war reference? (It took me a while to figure this out.)