NationStates Jolt Archive

S.F. gay community epicenter for new strain of virulent staph

Lame Bums
15-01-2008, 22:21

(01-14) 14:11 PST SAN FRANCISCO -- A new variety of staph bacteria, highly resistant to antibiotics and possibly transmitted by sexual contact, is spreading among gay men in San Francisco, Boston, New York and Los Angeles, researchers reported Monday.

The study released online by the journal Annals of Internal Medicine found the highest concentrations of infection by the drug-resistant bug in and around San Francisco's Castro district and among patients who visit health clinics that treat HIV infections in gay men in San Francisco and Boston.

The culprit is a form of MRSA, or methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, a bug that was once confined to hospitalized patients but, since the late 1990s, has been circulating outside medical settings, afflicting anyone from injection-drug users to elementary school students. A strain called USA300 has been a leading cause of MRSA infection in this decade, and an exceptionally drug-resistant variant of it is now on the loose, researchers say.

The study estimated that 1 in 588 residents living within the Castro neighborhood 94114 ZIP code area is infected with that variant, which is resistant to six types of commonly used antibiotics. The risk of contracting this difficult-to-treat bug is 13 times greater for gay men than for the rest of the city's population, researchers found.

"We probably had it here first, and now it is spreading elsewhere," said Binh An Diep, a researcher at San Francisco General Hospital and lead author of the report. "This is a national problem, and San Francisco is at the epicenter."

The germ typically causes boils and other skin and soft-tissue infections and, despite its resistance to some drugs, is still treatable by surgical drainage and several classes of antibiotics. What is unusual in this case is the high percentage of infections - up to 40 percent - occurring in the buttocks and genitalia.

Although researchers have stopped short of declaring this form of staph a sexually transmitted disease, the infections are found where skin-to-skin contact occurs during sexual activity.

Most of the infections are limited to the skin surface, but the bacteria can invade deeper tissues or disseminate through the bloodstream. According to the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, various forms of MRSA are causing 95,000 of these more costly and potentially life-threatening infections - and 19,000 deaths - annually in the United States.

Until last year, staph infections had never been linked to sexual activity. Early last year, New York City physicians traced three instances of staph infection apparently spread by sexual contact. Their report was published in February in the journal Clinical Infectious Diseases.

A month later, doctors from the Albany Medical Center in New York reported in the Journal of Urology three cases of multi-drug-resistant staph in the groins of three patients - one of whom developed a form of rapid-tissue destruction popularly known as "flesh-eating bacteria" disease. The patients recovered after treatments with surgery and antibiotics.

San Francisco General Hospital physicians have been battling an aggressive strain of MRSA, called USA300, since 2001. The most recent study estimates that this strain alone is infecting about 2,000 city residents a year.

But the latest problem is being caused by a new variant of USA300 that was first detected in a San Francisco patient in 2003. Among the six antibiotics it is resistant to are three that are normally considered for treatment of suspected MRSA. The study estimated that 200 cases of this highly drug-resistant variant are turning up in San Francisco each year, mostly among gay men.

"We are nowhere near the peak," Diep said. "The peak will occur when it spreads into the general population."

Diep said there is reason to believe that the more drug-resistant strain will make that leap because it is just a slight variant of USA300, which became one of the most common strains of MRSA in the United States only a few years after it was first detected.

The latest study focuses on the spread of the more drug-resistant strain in San Francisco and Boston, but reports of the bug are turning up in New York and Los Angeles.

Just why the new, more drug-resistant variety is concentrated among gay men is not yet known. Patients infected with HIV appear to run a higher risk of infection, but the study suggests that gay men are being infected with the staph germ regardless of whether they are HIV-positive.

One factor that could be in play is a medical history of heavy use of antibiotics, which creates conditions for breeding drug-resistant strains. Any patient, HIV-positive or not, who has had high previous exposure to antibiotics might be more susceptible.

The good news is that, once the public is aware of the risk, there are ways to prevent the spread of drug-resistant staph. It can be as simple as soap and water.

"Taking a shower after sexual contact may minimize contamination," said Dr. Chip Chambers, director of infectious diseases at San Francisco General, a co-author of the study. "Ordinary soap will do. It dilutes the concentration of bacteria. You don't need antibacterial soap."

Chambers stressed that some people, no matter how fastidious, could be more prone than others to staph infections. They could have unknown genetic traits or a history of antibiotic use that raises the risk.

"Despite one's best efforts, it is still possible, of course, to get a staph infection," he said. "This is why if one has a cut or open wound that it is important to clean it out and keep it clean."

The new variant of USA300 is resistant to the antibiotics erythromycin, clindamycin, tetracycline, Cipro-like antibiotics and drugs in the penicillin family. It also does not respond to mupirocin - a gel that is often used to kill MRSA growing in people's noses.

That still leaves a variety of antibiotics that will kill the new USA300 strain, but they tend to be more expensive and require intravenous drips. One common oral antibiotic, Bactrim, is still effective against it.

Chambers also pointed out that researchers at San Francisco General have shown that many skin sores and boils caused even by these drug-resistant strains of staph often can be treated without any antibiotics, just by surgical drainage of pus.

One of the paradoxes of bacterial infections is that using antibiotics to treat them is one of the quickest ways to promote antibiotic resistance. Although the drugs sometimes are essential, overuse is weakening their effectiveness worldwide.

I leave the discussion up to you.
15-01-2008, 22:26
I leave the discussion up to you.

So, basically you're breaking the rules by engaging in copy&paste spam?
15-01-2008, 22:29
Ugh, you're no n00b LB, you know copy and paste spam when you post it.
15-01-2008, 22:29
Don't be silly. You have to give your opinion.
Lame Bums
15-01-2008, 22:35
Don't be silly. You have to give your opinion.

I haven't read the rules in ages... my opinion? Biggest point is why can't we have figured out a problem to MRSA last year when it was running around all the high schools?
15-01-2008, 22:49
I haven't read the rules in ages... my opinion? Biggest point is why can't we have figured out a problem to MRSA last year when it was running around all the high schools?

It's a little bit more difficult than that. Sure, there are ways to contain MRSA and they have helped; ozone treatments and various forms of sterilization are usually used to clean up places where there are outbreaks.

However, treating it for people is a lot more challenging; it is, after all, methycillin resistant and it makes it difficult to deal with as a result. There are various new treatments in development, including a very useful class of new antibiotics, but they are still in development and will still take time to reach the market. One of the most useful ones, in my opinion, will be phage therapy; it is in many ways superior to antibiotic treatment because it uses bacteriophages, which can evolve and change in response to their target, making it impossible for bacteria to develop resistance.

Quite frankly, I think it's also time we make failure to take a full course of antibiotics a criminal offense and issue far stricter guidelines for the issuance of them.
The Black Forrest
15-01-2008, 22:50
I haven't read the rules in ages... my opinion? Biggest point is why can't we have figured out a problem to MRSA last year when it was running around all the high schools?

Maybe they saw the gays sneaking into the high schools and touching stuff?
15-01-2008, 22:52
Well soon that means it will be among the straight population as well. They might as well call it a STD though as well if it is transmitted that way.
Cannot think of a name
15-01-2008, 22:55
Quite frankly, I think it's also time we make failure to take a full course of antibiotics a criminal offense and issue far stricter guidelines for the issuance of them.

One factor that could be in play is a medical history of heavy use of antibiotics, which creates conditions for breeding drug-resistant strains. Any patient, HIV-positive or not, who has had high previous exposure to antibiotics might be more susceptible.

I don't think that's the solution.
15-01-2008, 23:06
Well soon that means it will be among the straight population as well.

It is. In fact, we who've been relatively spared from MRSA thus far (not for much longer though), see the USA and several other countries as endemic for MRSA - among the first things we do when we have someone with an infection and who's been there is culture them for MRSA and keep them in separate rooms with harsher hygiene routines.

Of course, that's not as salacious news as the evil faggots having another pestilence afflicted on them by the oh, so loving Christian deity, no. And you know it's the sex - their rotten, disgusting, wile sex, and can't possibly be anything of the sort like a statistically higher gym usage where MRSA has been known to spread for years...
15-01-2008, 23:21
I don't think that's the solution.

Yes, but stricter guidelines would definitely help. Overprescription of antibiotics increases exposure to them, making people more susceptible to drug resistant strains. Unfortunately, there have been a lot of doctors, mainly in the past and not so much now, wasting antibiotics by throwing them at conditions that either don't require them or that are simply unaffected by them.
15-01-2008, 23:26
Staph isn't just spread through sexual contact though. I've had it in the past and I'm a complete virgin. All it takes is skin contact, even indirectly (I blame the communal shower I have to use, personally).

Good hygiene is the key.
15-01-2008, 23:27
1200 6th graders ended up with it

Sodomites, the lot of them. What can I say, our recruitment campaigns have been met with resounding success in that age range.
15-01-2008, 23:28
There was a big MRSA outbreak here in the fall, mostly in junior highs......I don't think it's a gay thing, or I hope not, since you know something like 1200 6th graders ended up with it....I mean it's okay if they are gay, but just, like I don't think it's necessarily passed by sex.....I think it's a contact thing, or that's what the news said.

That one gay guy did have to leave project runway over MRSA though.....
15-01-2008, 23:41
Sodomites, the lot of them. What can I say, our recruitment campaigns have been met with resounding success in that age range.

The gay agenda is even more nefarious than I thought...
15-01-2008, 23:45
Sodomites, the lot of them. What can I say, our recruitment campaigns have been met with resounding success in that age range.

I shall inform the neighbors!

I had staph once, but it wasn't the scary kind, it was the "OMG my leg is going to fall off" smelly kind. It totally responded to antibiotics.....although I don't know what kind, something clearish in an IV bag.
15-01-2008, 23:54
I shall inform the neighbors!

Be our guest. Once they've gone gay, they'll never stray.

I had staph once, but it wasn't the scary kind, it was the "OMG my leg is going to fall off" smelly kind. It totally responded to antibiotics.....although I don't know what kind, something clearish in an IV bag.

If regular staph, then probably some IV form of isoxazolylpenicillin (like flucloxacillin) or a cephalosporin (for instance cefadroxil or cefuroxim).
Lunatic Goofballs
15-01-2008, 23:56
Staph infections has been a concern in high school and college wrestling for a very long time.
16-01-2008, 00:28
MRSA made its rounds through major-league baseball in 2006. A handful of players missed considerable time as a result.
16-01-2008, 00:40
Be our guest. Once they've gone gay, they'll never stray.
yes.......also *hides from Lezzies*

If regular staph, then probably some IV form of isoxazolylpenicillin (like flucloxacillin) or a cephalosporin (for instance cefadroxil or cefuroxim).

I am betting the second, I'm allergic to the cillin family :(
Sel Appa
16-01-2008, 00:54
Good, I hope this helps natural selection run its course and weed out bad parts of our gene pool.
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2008, 01:21
Good, I hope this helps natural selection run its course and weed out bad parts of our gene pool.

Like high school athletes. Nice.
16-01-2008, 01:23
Good, I hope this helps natural selection run its course and weed out bad parts of our gene pool.

Unless you get it, that is...then you'd be throwing yourself at the mercy of modern medicine and begging us to treat you as the disease slowly progresses towards a painful, degrading, and prolonged death. It would be rather humbling, I think, to have your entire worldview shattered once you experience the effects of "natural selection" firsthand.

Let's just say it isn't the noble and beautiful process you fantasize it to be...

"The total amount of suffering per year in the natural world is beyond all decent contemplation. During the minute that it takes me to compose this sentence, thousands of animals are being eaten alive, many others are running for their lives, whimpering with fear, others are slowly being devoured from within by rasping parasites, thousands of all kinds are dying of starvation, thirst, and disease. It must be so. If there ever is a time of plenty, this very fact will automatically lead to an increase in the population until the natural state of starvation and misery is restored..." - Richard Dawkins.

...that is natural selection. Mankind (along with a few other sentient creatures) is unimaginably blessed to be able to escape that hell.
16-01-2008, 01:56
Like high school athletes. Nice.

Highschool athletes are a blight upon the world. The sooner we can rid the planet of those kind the better.
Tri-State Pentoria
16-01-2008, 02:01
While straight men and women who practice anal sex are not at risk. ;)
16-01-2008, 03:25

I leave the discussion up to you.

Isolate them until it passes.

Seriously, this is the same staph that is infecting middle school, high school, and college kids. The folks in SFO will just have to learn how to get their infections treated like the rest of us and quit making it another 'gay' disease.
16-01-2008, 04:00
Alright, I am not going to Castro then. :(
Marrakech II
16-01-2008, 04:01
Good, I hope this helps natural selection run its course and weed out bad parts of our gene pool.

Lol, did you post this just to get a rise or are you serious?
16-01-2008, 05:00
Okay is their anything that gays & lesbians don't get blamed for. We're blamed for AIDS, Breast Cancer, TB and every other disease in the world.

Honestly, I'm gay and I have sex maybe once a year, sometimes every two years.
16-01-2008, 05:18
Honestly, I'm gay and I have sex maybe once a year, sometimes every two years.

Damn, that's awful. Why? Is it you or is it that Atlanta is as awful as one hears?
16-01-2008, 05:20
You, my friend, need to get out more.

Seriously, once per year? That's just... scary.
16-01-2008, 05:22
Honestly, I'm gay and I have sex maybe once a year, sometimes every two years.

You, my friend, need to get out more.
16-01-2008, 05:29
Seriously, once per year? That's just... scary.

Yeah, even I get more than that, and I'm a hard-bitten celibate who'd rather wait for Prince Charming than dabble in one-night stands.

Honestly, anyone who gets less sex than I do really deserves more grabass from life.
16-01-2008, 05:47
Damn, that's awful. Why? Is it you or is it that Atlanta is as awful as one hears?

Yes Atlanta sucks. Mostly made up of Tina Queens.

ok maybe i'm bitter.

Yeah, even I get more than that, and I'm a hard-bitten celibate who'd rather wait for Prince Charming than dabble in one-night stands.

Honestly, anyone who gets less sex than I do really deserves more grabass from life.

I've stopped caring about sex. Who needs the risk of getting in contact with a disease, psycho or the police.
16-01-2008, 05:55
God's just punishing those fags and dikes. Wait until they reach hell, and face a worse consequence!

/Fred Phelps

16-01-2008, 06:00
God's just punishing those fags and dikes. Wait until they reach hell, and face a worse consequence!

/Fred Phelps


Looks like we need a mod here. :rolleyes:

Edit: U do know that even mentioning that name will get u deleted.
16-01-2008, 06:03
*CENSORED* makes me laugh, because even though I'm a stern agnostic with atheistic tendencies, I know deep inside that in the improbable event that there indeed existed a higher power, *CENSORED*would be first in line for the downwards-going elevator.

Sometimes it's almost enough to make me wish a God existed, just so the cosmic irony of him being thrown in a pit of fire to be poked by pitchfork-wielding demons would come to pass.

Edit: Zilam is being very obviously sarcastic, Allemonde. He's making fun of the retards like *CENSORED*who claim that AIDS, Kathrina, and Sept. 11 are all divine retribution against the Dirty Sodomites (tm).

Looks like we need a mod here. :rolleyes:

Edit: U do know that even mentioning *CENSORED* will get u deleted.
Really? I wasn't aware of that. Better to take no chances, I guess.
16-01-2008, 06:11
Ah, great. Isn't this just dandy? Oh well, not that hard to cope with, but whatever.

What really gets me is the social implications of this. Everyone and the flea's on the dog's of their mothers will be blaming it on gays, like every-fricking-thing else that goes wrong in society.
16-01-2008, 06:15
Ah, great. Isn't this just dandy? Oh well, not that hard to cope with, but whatever.

What really gets me is the social implications of this. Everyone and the flea's on the dog's of their mothers will be blaming it on gays, like every-fricking-thing else that goes wrong in society.

That's my point. Gays are to right-wing Republicans to what the Jews were to the Nazis. Namely if something is wrong with America it must be the gays fault.

Edit: Zilam is being very obviously sarcastic, Allemonde. He's making fun of the retards like *CENSORED*who claim that AIDS, Kathrina, and Sept. 11 are all divine retribution against the Dirty Sodomites (tm).

It's boderline trolling. I'll take your word and not report it.
16-01-2008, 06:16
That's my point. Gays are to right-wing Republicans to what the Jews were to the Nazis. Namely if something is wrong with America it must be the gays fault.

Gays are the new Communists.
16-01-2008, 06:16
*shrugs* Like Fass said, it's the "gay agenda" syndrome. Homophobes will be homophobes, and they don't bother with thinking up excuses to condemn us most of the times anyway.

You don't see us gays getting our (frilly pink) panties in a bunch every time a STD pops up in a socially conservative environment because some respected straight white men ends up cheating on their wives, or because the lack of any shred of credible sexual education apart from abstinence only programs leads their teenage daughters to get pregnant at 15.
16-01-2008, 06:17
*shrugs* Like Fass said, it's the "gay agenda" syndrome. Homophobes will be homophobes, and they don't bother with thinking up excuses to condemn us most of the times anyway.

You don't see us gays getting our (frilly pink) panties in a bunch every time a STD pops up in a socially conservative environment because some respected straight white men ends up cheating on their wives, or because the lack of any shred of credible sexual education apart from abstinence only programs leads their teenage daughters to get pregnant at 15.

Yeah who could forget The lost children of Rockdale County ( or Ted Haggard, Mark Foley or Larry Craig.

Edit: The lost children of Rockdale county was a Frontline documentry about children in a wealthy suburb of Atlanta who were have all kids of sex (Except gay) and why the county had a huge syphillis problem.

Edit: My ex was from Rockdale which is kinda odd thimking about it. He never heard abouth the going ons with the straight kids in Rockdale H.S .
16-01-2008, 06:21
That's my point. Gays are to right-wing Republicans to what the Jews were to the Nazis. Namely if something is wrong with America it must be the gays fault.

YES. And it's that I'm sick of. Especially when those filth end up being gay themselves, then it's just utter hypocrisy.

It's boderline trolling. I'll take your word and not report it.

Trust me, it's sarcasm. Zilam is never like that unless it's sarcasm, and I've lurked for a loooooooooooooooooooong time. Not a troll in the slightest.
16-01-2008, 06:23
Gays are the new Communists.

Which is really ironic, because we're actually a boon to capitalism, what with our making industries such as fashion, fine cuisine, interior decorating, and hair-cutting shining successes.

I mean, you just know that in a world without gay men, your hair would be cut askew, you'd be wearing baggy grey clothes, and you'd be sitting in your ugly purple kitchen eating stuff that tastes like shit.
16-01-2008, 07:05
Gays are the new Communists.

Actually, the anti-Communist hysteria back in the 1950s had a distinctly homophobic element to it... I am not convinced that the right-wing demonization squads have the creativity to make major revisions to their lines.
16-01-2008, 07:15
Actually, the anti-Communist hysteria back in the 1950s had a distinctly homophobic element to it... I am not convinced that the right-wing demonization squads have the creativity to make major revisions to their lines.

And, again, many of the staunchest anti-Communist homophobes were in fact gay and tried to hide it through their vitriol. Both McCarthy and Hoover were homosexual, if I recall correctly, as were some other top anti-Communist figures ; the entire hatred complex was rooted in the same fundamental insecurity.
16-01-2008, 07:21
So yeah, the fundamentalist homophobes are all jealous because we're having guiltless sex and they can't get any. What's new?
16-01-2008, 08:11
Of course, that's not as salacious news as the evil faggots having another pestilence afflicted on them by the oh, so loving Christian deity, no. And you know it's the sex - their rotten, disgusting, wile sex, and can't possibly be anything of the sort like a statistically higher gym usage where MRSA has been known to spread for years...
*Reads article again...
The germ typically causes boils and other skin and soft-tissue infections and, despite its resistance to some drugs, is still treatable by surgical drainage and several classes of antibiotics. What is unusual in this case is the high percentage of infections - up to 40 percent - occurring in the buttocks and genitalia.
Just what kinds of exercise do SF gyms practice???
16-01-2008, 10:26
Maybe they saw the gays sneaking into the high schools and touching stuff? sitting on things....thus transmitting Gay Disease That Heteros Only Get Because Of Teh Gayz to the little ones....I've no doubt this will be thrown up again and again on boards as a reason to stop gay marriage, stop gays and shoot people who aren't the 'right type'.....
Lunatic Goofballs
16-01-2008, 12:30
*Reads article again...

Just what kinds of exercise do SF gyms practice???

Squat-thrusts. *nod*
Nova Magna Germania
17-01-2008, 00:37
It's the GOD punishing homos. :rolleyes: