Any of these appeal to you?
24-12-2007, 18:48
Would do do any of the above?
Granted, there are things *more* extreme, but I chose this list.
*Poll Coming*
Jello Biafra
24-12-2007, 19:07
I'd consider running for president and/or shooting the president, but not both at the same time.
Go to Mars or Moon. it would be an experience I could handle.
Spam in Moderation is fun. especially when the Mods join in. a fun bunch, our mods! :D
Call to power
24-12-2007, 19:17
I say no to Everest and Heli-Ski because both are utterly stupid things to do, however so is running for president but I would enjoy that giggle
though teaching Micheal Moore what he already knows sounds easy but I guess it depends on how much I'm getting paid for that
Brutland and Norden
24-12-2007, 19:46
run for president, and if I win, shoot the president... wait, that would have been me... :confused:
24-12-2007, 21:46
I say no to Everest and Heli-Ski because both are utterly stupid things to do
To be honest, Everest has a lower mortality rate than I thought, its only 7% or so, compare that to Annapurna (30) and K2 (24).
24-12-2007, 21:52
Go to Mars or Moon. it would be an experience I could handle.
Spam in Moderation is fun. especially when the Mods join in. a fun bunch, our mods! :D
*pelts JuNii with soggy spaghetti*
24-12-2007, 21:55
I'd start with Mars and the Moon, once they were just beginning to establish workable colonies there. Then I would rename myself The Man With No Name, and inaugurate the new generation of lunar westerns! Subsequently I'd pioneer the first settlements in other star systems, galaxies, parallel universes &c., provided we develop that kind of technology, and I live long enough.
Failing that, I vow someday to shoot a BASE-jumping Michael Moore while going down Mount Everest in a barrel.
24-12-2007, 21:58
Climbing mount everest and heli-skiing might be fun.
You should have put in an other option, where people can add their own ideas.
I'd love to teach Michael Moore personel hygene but that would be really hard work.
If I choose climb Mt. Everest does that mean I have to survive/make it to top?
24-12-2007, 22:39
Give me two winters at someplace with better skiing than Ohio and I'd love to heli-ski in the Tetons.
*pelts JuNii with soggy spaghetti*
See? a Not-Fun mod would use UNCOOKED Spaghetti!
Fall of Empire
24-12-2007, 23:07
I could spam in moderation. I was going to post that 5 times, but apparently there's a block on that.
Run for President
Shoot the President
Go to Mars/Moon
I would go directly to Mars and/or the Moon (without collecting $200). Upon return, I would shoot the President of the United States of America (assuming that there is a 100% chance that I will NOT get caught and the President is just like George W. Bush).
Then, I would run for President of the USA after the Vice President serves his/her term. If I win, I shall seize all of your political freedoms, become dictator of the United States, and lead the USA into another Golden Age while simultaneously helping those in need throughout the world (and I mean REAL help and none of this Iraq "help" that we gave).
Call to power
24-12-2007, 23:11
To be honest, Everest has a lower mortality rate than I thought, its only 7% or so, compare that to Annapurna (30) and K2 (24).
ah but apart the risks its not my cup of tea climbing all day in the freezing cold before settling down at night to a nice tin of bad coffee whilst having to chat to some bank manager who is doing this because of a mid-life crisis
then again my opinion of climbing has never been too high
Question....If i am the prez, and I threaten to assassinate myself, will the SS shot me to stop it from happening, thus being assassins themselves? :eek:
Saige Dragon
25-12-2007, 06:43
Replace the 'ski' with 'board' and you'll get a "WOOHA" outta me! I think I picked pretty much everything off that list except for the run for president one. I'd much rather be the target of some angry bulls...
I would run for president, as a protest third-party (perhaps more like tenth-party) candidate. None of the others.