The Fading of the Fundamentalists
Fall of Empire
22-12-2007, 15:07
Fundamentalist Christianity becoming placated in the heartland? To good to be true!
Fundamentalist Christianity becoming placated in the heartland? To good to be true!
Interesting article. And excellent news, indeed.
22-12-2007, 15:32
Anecdotal and highly unlikely.
Brutland and Norden
22-12-2007, 15:38
The state of Kansas gets a bad press. It is huge and empty and mostly flat.
Not surprising, America tends to cycle through periods of revivals and fundamentalism followed by much more mellow periods. The current fundamentalism period is probably pretty well expended.
Infinite Revolution
22-12-2007, 20:36
well, it's pretty vague and wishy washy, but is this a turn for the better? or is this the truth that has always been there instead of some alarmism peddled by the press about fundies? or are you now lamenting the liberalisation of the fundie tradition? what's the craic, eh?
22-12-2007, 20:41
Call to power
22-12-2007, 20:45
so its a good thing we didn't turn the whole area into a nuclear wasteland for the good of humanity after all?
Cannot think of a name
22-12-2007, 20:47
I was so fucking confused until I figured that to you all "bible bashing" means the same thing as "bible thumping" here, and then the article lined up with the headline and all was well...
United Beleriand
22-12-2007, 20:52
There already is a thread about this article. :rolleyes:
Call to power
22-12-2007, 21:02
the end is good........
unless your a book publisher :D
Infinite Revolution
22-12-2007, 21:36
ach well, i scanned the first page.
Pompous world
22-12-2007, 23:27
I wish they were just sent into space
Andrew Bennett
23-12-2007, 00:05
I wish they were just sent into space
Which is the way in which America traditionally deals with religious extremists who become too obnoxious to be ignored. Buzz Aldrin, Neil Armstrong, John Glenn, they all had one thing in common: before being sent into space they were zealous enough to make Fred Phelps look like an agnostic. It may have cost millions of dollars, and it may not have led to much scientific insight, but the practice of sending men into space was well worth the price, believe me.
unless your a book publisher :Dthen none is good!
South Lizasauria
23-12-2007, 00:52
Fundamentalist Christianity becoming placated in the heartland? To good to be true!
Even though the bad[insane, hypocritical, wacky] kind of Christianity fading away is good I sure hope the moderate kind of Christianity remains.
Secondly, why isn't anybody posting that they hope more insane, socially toxic radicals disappear in general? Why is it only Christianity thats being bullied? True Christians don't act like fundies, the Bible even says that such people are not really Christians, just bad people pretending to be. And lets not forget te other social baddies out there. Scientology, Neo nazis, Al Queda/Taliban. We aLL hate bad people who twist and pervert religion in order to do the evil things they soo enjoy doing so lets go express our hatred for all of the people who do that instead of the people who pervert and corrupt Christianity.
The Scandinvans
23-12-2007, 01:00
Well, people seem not to realize that in America people are actually still pretty conservative, not matter what they like to make themselves believe that people of the United States, aside from a few urban enclaves, is still dominated by conservatives and shall be for years to come.