Which of these advantages would you rather have?
Nobel Hobos
22-12-2007, 12:51
Which of these three attributes will give you more chance in life? To be intelligent (to think fast and well, and understand easily), to be beautiful (please people just by how you look or sound), or to be likeable (people just sympathise with you without really knowing why)?
Well, I'm quite certain that the poll will show "Intelligence" above the other two.
I also expect the usual cohort of posters who have ALL THREE to claim that these advantages are entirely a matter of choice ...
But do please try to weigh up the options against a neutral starting point. That is, imagine
being outstandingly intelligent, but ordinary looking and neutrally likeable.
being beautiful to look at, hear or touch, but of average intelligence and personality
being charming and likeable, but ordinary looking and of middling intelligence.
Feel free to comment on which of these advantages is most crippling to severely lack.
In before "your poll sucks!" ;) All polls suck.
Interstellar Planets
22-12-2007, 12:53
Well, I'm already of average intelligence and piss-poor personality, not to mention ugly as sin... so I reckon I'd go for beauty! Might actually stand a chance with the opposite sex that way...
The ability to manipulate time?
Nobel Hobos
22-12-2007, 13:25
I should mention that I voted "Likeability" just because I want more of that.
People seem to not much like me even when I really like them. That sucks, but I guess it's better than being dumb ...
22-12-2007, 13:43
Would I be choosing one option at the expense of the others?
E.g. If i chose intelligence would I have to be ugly and not liked?
22-12-2007, 13:44
People seem to not much like me even when I really like them. That sucks, but I guess it's better than being dumb ...
22-12-2007, 13:52
I think people will probably vote what they have already.
If you like, vote what you would most like a 50% upgrade of.
Ideally, imagine you are average in all three. Now, which one do you want to be outstanding in?
Ah ok :) I'll take intelligence then
Nobel Hobos
22-12-2007, 13:54
Would I be choosing one option at the expense of the others?
E.g. If i chose intelligence would I have to be ugly and not liked?
I think people will probably vote what they have already.
If you like, vote what you would most like a 50% upgrade of.
Ideally, imagine you are average in all three. Now, which one do you want to be outstanding in?
Ruby City
22-12-2007, 13:58
Out of those Likeability is the most important factor for success because it is often others who choose how successful you will be. Will you get the job? Will you get the promotion? Will your customers buy from you? Will important business partners agree to sign your contract? Will people vote for you if you run for president?
Even if people try to be objective and buy the best product or promote the one who would be best for the job their judgment is clouded by their personal opinions about you.
There is one factor that is more important then likeablity though and that is determination. It is most obvious in sports, to win the Olympics you must obviously train for hours every day but it's also present in other careers. All the way from the first grades in school and onwards it is how hard you fight for success that is the most important factor.
I don't think success is the road to happiness so personally I'd just keep my intelligence and my unremarkable but nice life.
Mad hatters in jeans
22-12-2007, 14:20
I think intelligence is the best one, you can get other people to like you by your intelligent jokes, or caring tone, by moderating your voice, you can use your intelligence to look beautiful, just by succeeding people would assume you're pretty.
And if you're stuck in a tight corner intelligence is most likely to get you out, beauty seems good but pointless when things go wrong, likeability, might help but not as much as intelligence.
However because you can't really measure intelligence properly, you can't really call anyone intelligent, e.g. for IQ tests, the more you take the better you get (which creates the illusion you are getting smarter, but you're just better at manipulating the test). There's different sorts of intelligence, likeability could be filed under emotional intelligence.
So in short it's complicated, but i'd go with intelligence.
Dalmatia Cisalpina
22-12-2007, 16:20
I have intelligence, but I'd rather be liked. Likeability implies to me that people would, after sympathizing with you, perhaps actually get to know you.
And maybe then people would know me for more than my grades. :(
22-12-2007, 17:01
...being outstandingly intelligent, but ordinary looking and neutrally likeable.
I like this because I don't care if I am well-liked nor if I am exceptionally pretty as long as the person who loves me thinks I look pretty. Intelligence goes a long way.
Beauty gets reduced with age.
Being liked has its perks, but it may only help you so much until you need to solve a problem. That problem may be beyond your reach if you don't have the intelligence to approach it logically.
Fnordgasm 5
22-12-2007, 17:03
I'll have the first choice and use my intelligence to forge a huge business empire of some sort. I'll have lot's of money so I can buy a new face and some friends..
22-12-2007, 17:07
Which of these three attributes will give you more chance in life? To be intelligent (to think fast and well, and understand easily), to be beautiful (please people just by how you look or sound), or to be likeable (people just sympathise with you without really knowing why)?
Well, I'm quite certain that the poll will show "Intelligence" above the other two.
I also expect the usual cohort of posters who have ALL THREE to claim that these advantages are entirely a matter of choice ...
But do please try to weigh up the options against a neutral starting point. That is, imagine
being outstandingly intelligent, but ordinary looking and neutrally likeable.
being beautiful to look at, hear or touch, but of average intelligence and personality
being charming and likeable, but ordinary looking and of middling intelligence.
Feel free to comment on which of these advantages is most crippling to severely lack.
In before "your poll sucks!" ;) All polls suck.
This is an internet forum. If there was anyone here beautiful, intelligent, AND likable in real life, they wouldn't be here. :)
Ad Nihilo
22-12-2007, 17:12
I have intelligence, but I'd rather be liked. Likeability implies to me that people would, after sympathizing with you, perhaps actually get to know you.
And maybe then people would know me for more than my grades. :(
Do not despair. I've just finished school, and I've always been the top of my class, and even though beautiful is the last thing I'd call myself (probably below average in fact) and the fact that I'm quite snappy, sarcastic and arrogant (so likeability is is actually rather low), I get on very well with people I like and don't get bothered by people I don't like so despite lacking in the latter two, I do not lack charisma.
Intelligence is by far the preferable trait because it can compensate for the other two in ways that they cannot compensate for it.;)
Which of these three attributes will give you more chance in life? To be intelligent (to think fast and well, and understand easily), to be beautiful (please people just by how you look or sound), or to be likeable (people just sympathise with you without really knowing why)?
Well, I'm quite certain that the poll will show "Intelligence" above the other two.
I also expect the usual cohort of posters who have ALL THREE to claim that these advantages are entirely a matter of choice ...
But do please try to weigh up the options against a neutral starting point. That is, imagine
being outstandingly intelligent, but ordinary looking and neutrally likeable.
being beautiful to look at, hear or touch, but of average intelligence and personality
being charming and likeable, but ordinary looking and of middling intelligence.
Feel free to comment on which of these advantages is most crippling to severely lack.
In before "your poll sucks!" ;) All polls suck.
I chose charisma because I didn't read the thread as what would you most prefer to have but rather what is most advantageous to have. Charisma is by far the most advantageous of those traits to have. Beauty is a concept that's easily altered by how you perceive the person and whether or not you like them (thus charisma being important) and intelligence is useful but if you can't get anyone to listen to you it doesn't really matter much.
Of those three traits, the one I'd personally prefer to have more of would probably be intelligence. I'm happy enough with the way I look and take good care of myself and people seem to like to help me and identify with me for reasons I'm not quite clear on (so I guess it's kind of like charisma...or something) but one can never be too intelligent (unless it makes you insane, but then that just makes you too insane, really, not too intelligent, doesn't it?) and I certainly wish there were areas in academia that I was better at. But, really, I just wish I could play a musical instrument and easily pick up languages. To hell with those other traits, I want a shred of musical talent, of which I have absolutely none even though I love music. :(
Which of these three attributes will give you more chance in life? To be intelligent (to think fast and well, and understand easily), to be beautiful (please people just by how you look or sound), or to be likeable (people just sympathise with you without really knowing why)?
Well, I'm quite certain that the poll will show "Intelligence" above the other two.
I also expect the usual cohort of posters who have ALL THREE to claim that these advantages are entirely a matter of choice ...
But do please try to weigh up the options against a neutral starting point. That is, imagine
being outstandingly intelligent, but ordinary looking and neutrally likeable.
being beautiful to look at, hear or touch, but of average intelligence and personality
being charming and likeable, but ordinary looking and of middling intelligence.
Feel free to comment on which of these advantages is most crippling to severely lack.
In before "your poll sucks!" ;) All polls suck.
Since man is bascially a social creature, I would like to have likability.
Johnny B Goode
22-12-2007, 18:07
I should mention that I voted "Likeability" just because I want more of that.
People seem to not much like me even when I really like them. That sucks, but I guess it's better than being dumb ...
Same goes for me.
22-12-2007, 19:00
if everyone likes you they think you are smarter and better looking than you really are. they go out of their way to help you. they give you the promotion over the smart guy who would to a better job but they just dont really like. they end up in a relationship with you even though there are far better looking people than you.
all of life is better if everyone likes you.
Anti-Social Darwinism
22-12-2007, 19:01
Looks and likeability are ephemeral. Intelligence is forever. I'll go for brains and money.
22-12-2007, 19:05
I think your prioritisation of attributes very much depends on what you want. And what you want depends on who you are. And who you are depends on what attributes you have.
Which of these three attributes will give you more chance in life? To be intelligent (to think fast and well, and understand easily), to be beautiful (please people just by how you look or sound), or to be likeable (people just sympathise with you without really knowing why)?
Well, I'm quite certain that the poll will show "Intelligence" above the other two.
I also expect the usual cohort of posters who have ALL THREE to claim that these advantages are entirely a matter of choice ...
But do please try to weigh up the options against a neutral starting point. That is, imagine
being outstandingly intelligent, but ordinary looking and neutrally likeable.
being beautiful to look at, hear or touch, but of average intelligence and personality
being charming and likeable, but ordinary looking and of middling intelligence.
Feel free to comment on which of these advantages is most crippling to severely lack.
In before "your poll sucks!" ;) All polls suck.
Just look who we elect president.
Allies get you further in life than talent because no one is good at everything and allies will cover for you where you're lacking. No amount of intelligence will compensate for standing alone against a room full of enemies.
Beauty might work even better than charm, but it fades whereas charm only gets more finely honed as time goes by.
Intelligence. Being liked without having a reason to be likable sounds pretty horrible, and beauty fades away pretty quickly (unless you're willing to spend a lot of money).
22-12-2007, 21:20
(unless you're willing to spend a lot of money).
And een then, folk don't look quite... right.
See Paul McCartney's bizarre face for a clear example.
I voted 'intelligence' as, for me, I tend to be attracted to intelligent people, so I suppose beauty and likeability go hand-in-hand with intelligence.
Unless your haughty with your intelligence.
And een then, folk don't look quite... right.
See Paul McCartney's bizarre face for a clear example.
I voted 'intelligence' as, for me, I tend to be attracted to intelligent people, so I suppose beauty and likeability go hand-in-hand with intelligence.
Unless your haughty with your intelligence.You dare insult Paul all mighty? :mad:
22-12-2007, 21:27
You dare insult Paul all mighty? :mad:
I dare indeed, sir.
At least, I insult his weird sculpted face (see below) and some of his post-Beatles legal and musical decisions. Mull of Kintyre?!?!
Call to power
22-12-2007, 21:39
likability so I can manipulate the knowledgeable and sleep with the beautiful
also because there is that type of smart person who is a dick to everyone and I would hate to be like that
Jello Biafra
22-12-2007, 21:45
Beauty. Don't get me wrong, I think intelligence and likeability are important, and so I wouldn't want to be stupid or unlikeable, but to have an average amount of each of those and to be beautiful would be the best. If you're of average intelligence, you can increase your intelligence as your beauty fades.
Or die young and leave a beautiful corpse. ;)
Likability. I'm already of average intelligence and beauty and doing fine, except my likability is a bit off.
22-12-2007, 21:47
Likeability is probably the most important to success in life, but personally I'd go with intelligence, largely because I'm an idealist. Ok, a bitter idealist. But an idealist nonetheless.
Nobel Hobos
22-12-2007, 23:29
And een then, folk don't look quite... right.
See Paul McCartney's bizarre face for a clear example.
Meh, he always did have a face like a hat-full of arseholes.
(yeah, yeah, soulful eyes and all that. I just love that insult. :D)
Intelligence. Being liked without having a reason to be likable sounds pretty horrible, and beauty fades away pretty quickly (unless you're willing to spend a lot of money).
In sober consideration, I think perhaps "likeability" is the vaguest of the catagories, it's more to do with self-worth and could be based in various different things. Perhaps it comes from a balance of other qualities?
Likeability is probably the most important to success in life, but personally I'd go with intelligence, largely because I'm an idealist. Ok, a bitter idealist. But an idealist nonetheless.
So you're one of those people who makes other people feel guilty, even when you don't mean to? And therefore is about as popular as calimari at a
seudat mitzvah...
I see my "likeability fu" is way down. I blame Chistmas. :(
Intelligence. I can stand being ugly and disliked. I couldn't abide being stupid.
Psychedelic Munkeys
22-12-2007, 23:34
A perfect mix of all three, although with maximum intelligence, beauty and likeability.
22-12-2007, 23:34
So you're one of those people who makes other people feel guilty, even when you don't mean to? And therefore is about as popular as calimari at a seudat mitzvah...
I see my "likeability fu" is way down. I blame Chistmas. :(
Nah, my likeability works on an inverse scale. People like me the best when they know me the least and vice versa. With one or two surprising exceptions.
22-12-2007, 23:37
A perfect mix of all three, although with maximum intelligence, beauty and likeability.
With a combination like that, God makes up for it by having you drown while hiking the Alps, at the age of 20. Can't have too many people like that.
Nobel Hobos
22-12-2007, 23:41
With a combination like that, God makes up for it by having you drown while hiking the Alps, at the age of 20. Can't have too many people like that.
Snappy! You I like. :D
With a combination like that, God makes up for it by having you drown while hiking the Alps, at the age of 20. Can't have too many people like that.
Is that what's going on!
In that case I'm definitely gonna start being more bitchy.
Nobel Hobos
23-12-2007, 00:00
Intelligence. I can stand being ugly and disliked. I couldn't abide being stupid.
Being averagely intelligence is the base. But it is interesting to consider extreme negatives, so:
Being very ugly (to the extent of deformity, people averting their eyes or wincing when they see you) would be unpleasant, but most people can overcome their reaction to that, might even have some sympathy for you.
Being very deficient in intelligence also has some sympathy value. Below a certain level (where it shows in the way you form words or the way your eyes move) people say "they really can't help it, poor thing" and help you with stuff.
But being very unlikable is harder to pin down. People are much more willing to judge, to think it must be you, not some characteristic of you, which is is deficient. "I don't trust that person" or even "I felt the presence of pure evil when they came into the room."
Consider the injustice that could befall someone who is always treated with suspicion ... and the effect can accumulate, as they try to stay out of trouble and start to seem "shifty" to other people. OK, maybe we don't burn people as witches any more, but it can come pretty close to that.
23-12-2007, 00:08
Nah, my likeability works on an inverse scale. People like me the best when they know me the least and vice versa. With one or two surprising exceptions.
Snappy! You I like. :D
You wanna be a surprising exception, or should I enter my (more) cryptic phase?
Lots of dumb ugly people who aren't loved wishing they were better. Nice. :D
Andrew Bennett
23-12-2007, 00:28
Wow. Tough choice. I mean, I've already got all three qualities in copious amounts, so it pretty much boils down to trying to decide which two I be most willing to live without.
I guess I could still live a happy life without my stunning good looks. I knew from the start they were going to fade anyway. And frankly, being likable is a mixed blessing at best: it mostly means you end up surrounded by annoying people who really like you but who aren't necessarily very likable themselves. I spend more time shooing away nerds . . .
But I'd have a hard time getting used to being unintelligent. So I'll vote for that one.
Wow. Tough choice. I mean, I've already got all three qualities in copious amounts, so it pretty much boils down to trying to decide which two I be most willing to live without.
I guess I could still live a happy life without my stunning good looks. I knew from the start they were going to fade anyway. And frankly, being likable is a mixed blessing at best: it mostly means you end up surrounded by annoying people who really like you but who aren't necessarily very likable themselves. I spend more time shooing away nerds . . .
But I'd have a hard time getting used to being unintelligent. So I'll vote for that one.Get used to it. You're on NSG:rolleyes:
IL Ruffino
23-12-2007, 00:35
The intelligent are ugly, so they want to be beautiful, the beautiful are mad about always losing in debates and thus want to be intelligent, and the likable to be able to make themselves be heard. +1
The intelligent are ugly, so they want to be beautiful, the beautiful are mad about always losing in debates and thus want to be intelligent, and the likable to be able to make themselves be heard. +1No i think the likable want to be liked for a reason more then just that they know where to buy drugs. :D
IL Ruffino
23-12-2007, 00:42
No i think the likable want to be liked for a reason more then just that they know where to buy drugs. :D
So, beauty, then?
Solar Communes
23-12-2007, 02:21
What's the point of being Intelligent if you can't convince anybody of your ideas? What's the point of being beautiful just to make others jealous?
Assuming that being likable also includes being charismatic, I would have as advantage being very charismatic than being very intelligent or very beautiful.
Dalmatia Cisalpina
23-12-2007, 02:50
Do not despair. I've just finished school, and I've always been the top of my class, and even though beautiful is the last thing I'd call myself (probably below average in fact) and the fact that I'm quite snappy, sarcastic and arrogant (so likeability is is actually rather low), I get on very well with people I like and don't get bothered by people I don't like so despite lacking in the latter two, I do not lack charisma.
Intelligence is by far the preferable trait because it can compensate for the other two in ways that they cannot compensate for it.;)
Thanks. I feel better. :fluffle:
Holy Paradise
23-12-2007, 02:50
Likeability always gets you farther than anything else. I would take intelligence, but I looking at this from a practical standpoint.
Ordo Drakul
23-12-2007, 02:58
People treat beautiful people better-more polite, etc. Intelligence and Likeability take too long to register. Also, beauty loans a certain anonymity-studies have shown people may remember a good-looking person, but never good details. Looks-like everything else-have their value, and appearance will get you a lot more than brains and personality-a quick glance at modern talentless Hollywood is proof enough.
23-12-2007, 03:02
Being intelligent but of pretty average attractiveness is Quite Dull, as I've found out in the last close to 18 years of my life. Woohoo, I can pass exams with decent grades, and pointlessly debate political theory on the internet. The joys.
Being immediately likeable is probably pretty fulfilling, so I'll go for that. Sleeping with the intelligent and the beautiful for the win, eh?
Enlightened Worlds
23-12-2007, 03:09
Beauty can get you a long way in life, so can intelligence, but face the facts: the first thing people notice about you is your appearance, not your smarts. Likeability... I don't really care about. There are many people who become successful based on beauty, but are dumb as a rock, and have the likeability of an ogre.
23-12-2007, 03:11
I voted for intelligence but I think that the most important advantage isn't listed. That advantage is motivation. When I'm properly motivated, I'm a force to be reckoned with. The problem is that I'm rarely motivated.
Jello Biafra
23-12-2007, 03:32
What's the point of being beautiful just to make others jealous?You just answered your own question.
There's also the ability to attract the intelligent and likeable to you and getting them to do things for you.
Being immediately likeable is probably pretty fulfilling, so I'll go for that. Sleeping with the intelligent and the beautiful for the win, eh?I took that differently; namely that being likeable meant that you were everyone friend - platonic friend, that is.
Nobel Hobos
23-12-2007, 04:33
I voted for intelligence but I think that the most important advantage isn't listed. That advantage is motivation. When I'm properly motivated, I'm a force to be reckoned with. The problem is that I'm rarely motivated.
Well, yes. There are plenty of other options (hard work, having talents which are in demand, honesty or the perception of such) and I considered putting an option "none of these, please specify." That would certainly have made for a livelier thread, but hey, it's just a silly poll.
I also considered putting "all of the above" except that it would take all the votes and render the poll result entirely meaningless.
The results are interesting. I was expecting Intelligence to be the majority verdict (or at least the biggest plurality by far) because so many posters plainly think they have it already. I'm a bit surprised at beauty being rated at only 11%, though!
I'm sort of a rogue, so I am going with charisma and dexterity.
In sober consideration, I think perhaps "likeability" is the vaguest of the catagories, it's more to do with self-worth and could be based in various different things. Perhaps it comes from a balance of other qualities?
Chances are, if people don't find my intelligence likable, I don't think I'd want to associate with them anyways (unless, of course, I'm really not intelligent bu just a pseudo-intellectual jackass).
Nobel Hobos
23-12-2007, 04:49
I'm sort of a rogue, so I am going with charisma and dexterity.
Wizard or ranger here. I want four swipes at anything before it gets close enough to grapple with me...
Chances are, if people don't find my intelligence likable, I don't think I'd want to associate with them anyways (unless, of course, I'm really not intelligent but just a pseudo-intellectual jackass).
Intelligence can be very unlikeable, if it's always trying to prove itself.
Sounds like you've got the modesty simulation down, though! :p
Intelligence can be very unlikeable, if it's always trying to prove itself.
That would presumably push you from the intellectual to the pseudo-intellectual category; now, it's plausible to be intelligent and a jerk, but usually responsible use of your knowledge is a key component of intellectual status.
Sounds like you've got the modesty simulation down, though! :p
I have only the best intentions for our mission, Dave.
23-12-2007, 10:25
I can find people to argue against each one of those attributes in regard to myself.
Each and every one.
Leaving me, of course, untrusting of anyone else's opinion of said attributes.
Again, leaving me with what should be most important to what i would know to be true.
I'll stick with what I have - intelligence.
24-12-2007, 03:49
What kind of Intelligence? That matters alot.
I'd rather have likeability. Beauty makes you into an object to be envious or posessive of. Intelligence is too broad. Even smart people can be really dumb. Likeability is the most important trait anyone in a normal society can posess.
Well, yes. There are plenty of other options (hard work, having talents which are in demand, honesty or the perception of such) and I considered putting an option "none of these, please specify." That would certainly have made for a livelier thread, but hey, it's just a silly poll.
I also considered putting "all of the above" except that it would take all the votes and render the poll result entirely meaningless.
The results are interesting. I was expecting Intelligence to be the majority verdict (or at least the biggest plurality by far) because so many posters plainly think they have it already. I'm a bit surprised at beauty being rated at only 11%, though!
Really? I would have expected likability, assuming it's synonymous with charisma, to be the number one attribute. I would have put a "please specify" option but you'd probably get a bunch of jackasses that would have answered "A combination of them all" as if that has any meaning as an answer to that kind of question.
Actually, I renege my answer. I think intelligence with the caveat that I have enough of it that I become anime-style psychic and can make heads explode would be the best. When you make heads explode with a single thought, you possess all those characteristics. =p
24-12-2007, 12:23
Has anyone intimated that since we're all NS frequenters, looks and intelligence are pretty much out of the question?
And likeability? Well, just get into a few debates. :p
The poll has approximately 80 liers.
The 5 who didn't answer beauty and aren't lying are either beautiful, geeky or misguided enough.
Aye, 'tis a sad state the world is in :(
24-12-2007, 12:38
The poll has approximately 80 liers.
The 5 who didn't answer beauty and aren't lying are either beautiful, geeky or misguided enough.
Aye, 'tis a sad state the world is in :(
I didn't vote yet ... what's your guess?
Will i make it worse?
I didn't vote yet ... what's your guess?
Will i make it worse?
Either you lie or are vain enough to make things naturally worse.
There's really no good option available in the poll as the question is in my view horribly loaded because the options really are:
1. I'm vain and/or intimidated enough by peer pressure to promote intelligence over looks even though I'd really want to be more beautiful/handsome and thus more likable - In this crowd appearing to choose intelligence also makes me more likeable...perhaps I could fake some inner beauty too...
2. I'm just vain, but at least I'm being honest about it.
3. I'm an attentionwhore and actually just want to look better in order to appear more likeable
24-12-2007, 12:51
Either you lie or are vain enough to make things naturally worse.What's with the mutually exclusive approach? :confused:
I didn't lie about not taking the poll.
I occasionally, naturally, make things worse.
There's really no good option available in the poll especially as the question is horribly loaded because the options in my view really are:
1. I'm vain and intimidated by peer pressure to promote intelligence over looks even though I'd really want to be more beautiful/handsome and thus more likable
2. I'm just vain, but at least I'm being honest about it.
3. I'm an attentionwhore and actually just want to look better in order to appear more likeableIt might not mean that much. It might, but it might not, savvy?
What's with the mutually exclusive approach? :confused:
I didn't lie about not taking the poll.
I occasionally, naturally, make things worse.
You're right...
I should've said: You're vain enough AND make things naturally worse :D
It might not mean that much. It might, but it might not, savvy?I edited the post to clarify my point.
24-12-2007, 12:56
You're right...
I should've said: You're vain enough AND make things naturally worse :D
That's probably fairly accurate, or close enough to it. :)
I edited the post to clarify my point.