do you know anything intresting?
im just tring to bring some information together like intresting facts and paradoxs and stuff like at please share if you have any
I know that interesting is spelled differently than how it appears in the thread title.
Shit stinks. No matter who you are.
That is all.
sorry about that im bad at spelling somethings. so do you know anything interesting?
There is an Italian proverb which goes something like: "Life is like the ladder in a chicken coop; short and shitty."
Except it is usually said in Italian...
Lord Tothe
21-12-2007, 03:46
The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42. No one is sure what that ultimate question is, however.
The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42. No one is sure what that ultimate question is, however.
What is 6 multiplied by 7?
21-12-2007, 04:30
hippopotami cannot swim. they walk along the bottom of the river to get wherever they are going.
What is 6 multiplied by 7?24. nNot many people know that, so it is considered interesting:D
Big Jim P
21-12-2007, 04:45
I happen to know the Great Truth, the Great Secret, and the secret of Immortality.;)
Marrakech II
21-12-2007, 05:25
I know what's in Pandora's box.
You know that Ark of the Covenant thing? I know where it's at....
21-12-2007, 05:32
I know what's in Pandora's box.
You know that Ark of the Covenant thing? I know where it's at....
I know where the gift shop for those two boxes are!
21-12-2007, 05:36
Um I know that Centricity by GE (Medical records software) does not correctly escape double quotes when formating output for a mail merge into MSWord (Custom letters only) so that a record with one double quote will cause Centricity to through an un-specified VB error
I know that exchange 2007 their performance improvement measures when pushing the edge of proc/mem usage will put a hold on all SMTP connectors, this causes a problem in a virtual ESX environment because the mem/proc can be dynamically scaled so to the virtual it appears it is always pushing the edge therefore never reciving mail
I also know that feature can be disabled
courteously provided by my kid's lunch menu....
Ketchup was sold as medicine in the 1830's.
There are approx. 178 seeds on a Big Mac bun.
Peanuts are an ingredient in dynamite.
It takes 9 seconds (using the machine) to harvest enough wheat to make 70 loaves of bread.
People consume enough peanut butter a year to cover the floor of the Grand Canyon.
21-12-2007, 06:20
Windows XP Home cannot use more one CPU, but it can use multiple cores in the same CPU.
21-12-2007, 06:26
Windows XP Home cannot use more one CPU, but it can use multiple cores in the same CPU.
Vista Home will not either both versions
Nobel Hobos
21-12-2007, 06:32
I don't know ANYTHING, I tell you! They don't tell us ANYTHING in the CIA, I don't even know the name of my boss. If I even have one.
There are more people living than have ever died
Women end up digesting most of the lipstick they apply
Mosquitoes prefer children to adults, blondes to brunettes
Hummingbirds can't walk
Identity crisis? About 10% of Jewish households have Christmas Trees
The population of the Earth has more than doubled since 1950
Your heart rate can rise as much as 30% during a yawn
Bluebirds cannot see the color blue
Right-handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left-handed people
Martha Stewart became a billionaire while in prison
The average chocolate bar has 8 insects' legs in it
The average temperature at 40,000 feet above sea level is -60 F
Only 51% of South Carolina high school students will graduate, the lowest of any state
Nazi leader Adolf Hitler had only one testicle
and last, but not least...During his or her lifetime, the average human will grow 590 miles of hair
21-12-2007, 06:47
I know the secrets of space time. Refer to my username for help discovering them.
Nobel Hobos
21-12-2007, 06:48
LG does not stand for "Life's Good." LG electronics is a subsidiary of the LG conglomerate, with L.G. standing for Lucky Geumseong.
Geumseong is the Korean word for the yellow star, i.e. Venus. A few years ago, the same company traded under the name Goldstar ... their stuff was slightly better than Hanimex, and very very cheap by the standards of the seventies and eighties.
Here's the Wikipedia article on it. (
Around these parts, of course, LG stands for Lunatic Goofballs. LG electronics should really have done some research, because that's a much better name than "Life's Good."
21-12-2007, 06:52
James MacGregor Burns revolutionized the study of Leadership in 1978 when he wrote Transforming Leadership. It mostly focuses on empowering followers and viewing leaders and followers as equals participating in a process.
Lord Tothe
21-12-2007, 07:17
No, the Ultimate Question is not "what is 6 x 7". Too obvious. You will understand the question and answer the instant the Vogons destroy the planet "earth" to make way for a hyperspace bypass.
"silencers" for firearms cannot make a gunshot silent.
Nobel Hobos
21-12-2007, 07:42
Not even the biggest optical telescope on Earth, the imaginatively-named Very Large Telescope, has the resolution to see the Apollo landers on the Moon.
Nor can the Hubble Space Telescope. The moon is a lot bigger and a lot further away than many people realize, and according to Wikipedia (, the smallest thing our telescopes can make out at that distance is 86 metres wide.
The Pictish Revival
21-12-2007, 09:26
All polar bears are left handed.
21-12-2007, 09:32
No, sorry.
im just tring to bring some information together like intresting facts and paradoxs and stuff like at please share if you have any
I know a fair bit about English grammar and orthography rules; they can be pretty nifty at times.
I've also read this book ( and therefore know most things worth knowing in this world, among them that there is a fish with five assholes.
I heartily do recommend this book.
Lunatic Goofballs
21-12-2007, 11:06
LG does not stand for "Life's Good." LG electronics is a subsidiary of the LG conglomerate, with L.G. standing for Lucky Geumseong.
Geumseong is the Korean word for the yellow star, i.e. Venus. A few years ago, the same company traded under the name Goldstar ... their stuff was slightly better than Hanimex, and very very cheap by the standards of the seventies and eighties.
Here's the Wikipedia article on it. (
Around these parts, of course, LG stands for Lunatic Goofballs. LG electronics should really have done some research, because that's a much better name than "Life's Good."
i know that some things appear to happen more often then others.
and that some things appear to happen more often when other things happen first.
and that in at least one way of looking at it,
attempting to maximize objectivity,
which to me is another way of saying honesty,
that may be as much as is in any tangably objective sense knowable.
there are a myriad of fascinating details of this however.
how objects, substances, phenomina, all tend to interact and in which ways more often, and thus statisticly predictably, more often then others.
many things can also be felt, experienced, and almost certainly exist, without having to know, or even pretend to know, anything at all about them.
such belong of course, to the realm of belief.
a land where we can choose to delude ourselves with arbitrary assumptions,
or accept that in and beyond, a vast and infinitely diverse universe, invariably much that is experiencable is beyone our objective knowledge, even collectively.
what is interesting to one of us, or at least to me, is often considerably less so to the generality of our species, or so it has frequently been expressed to me, reguarding my own interests and concerns.
yet those concerns do pose profound signifigance for the generality of life on this planet, and not merely those of one nation or even of a single species of life form.
and one of these things, is that the collective suicide of the human species, and possibly the entire web of life with it, largely as a resault of using combustion to generate energy and propel transportation, driven by a short sightedness, at least partially consiquent to the illusions of symbolic value, is utterly and entirely unneccessary. even to current and higher levels of 'comfort zone' to which a great many individuals appear, understandably, emotionally attatched.
Lunatic Goofballs
21-12-2007, 11:13
I know how to escape from straitjackets and I also know what answers the psychiatrists want to hear. *nod*
I know how to make a slingshot out of a jockstrap capable of launching a can of beer into a man's groin hard enough to drop him to the ground where he will writhe in agony for ten minutes while the rest of us point and laugh. :)
I know how to escape from straitjackets and I also know what answers the psychiatrists want to hear. *nod*
Oh, oh, teacher, I know another one!
You reminded me of a calendar my flatmate just purchased for her boyfriend; it's called the Survival Guide Calendar or something along those lines and it has those cool tricks in it every week, and I believe how to escape from a straitjacket was one of them. Also, how to escape alive when buried alive, how to safely escape from a car that's turned over, how to fight a vampire, how to rectify bad body odor when on a date with a girl, etc.
EDIT:// I'm not sure whether there's any groin-relate advice in it; I'll check as soon as possible.
I'm not wearing any pants.
Nobel Hobos
21-12-2007, 14:00
I'm not wearing any pants.
Well, what a waste of time it was reading books and accumulating experience. All that pales into insignificance in light of this revelation!
Er, me too since you mention it. It's still too humid in Sydney, even at midnight.
Mad hatters in jeans
21-12-2007, 14:06
There's a rhyme for English, "I before E except after C", but it isn't always true? What's the point of having the rhyme in the first place?
You can measure insanity, but you can't measure sanity.
I never understood why some people have huge amounts of wealth and others so little of it, i always wondered what was the point?
why some people have the "do as i say not as i do" syndrome, which seems to spread from manager to manager in retail.
"All bears are left handed" lol.
Actually i found out in psychology class that, people who are left handed are more prone to aggression (i think it's something to do with using different parts of your brain, which has a knock on effect), and have lower immune systems (i don't know why), but they tend to take in information better, and have better memories. having said that both my parents are left handed and they don't get into lots of fights (as far as i know).
What came first "the chicken or the egg", i hate that one i usually answer "who cares? if you're not going to eat your egg i'll have it."
The one about "if a tree falls down in a forest does it make a sound", is so hackneyed and used up, i usually say yes but i can't be bothered explaining why.:)
Call to power
21-12-2007, 14:43
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
111,111,111 x 111,111,111 = 12,345,678,987,654,321
how to rectify bad body odor when on a date with a girl, etc.
spill the beans!
John I of France was the country's shortest reigning monarch, ruling from his birth to his death 5 days later.
Nauru is the world's smallest republic, with a population of about 10,000, and has no capital city.
Adamstown, in Pitcairn, is arguably the world's smallest capital, with a population of about 40.
Lunatic Goofballs
21-12-2007, 15:06
Oh, oh, teacher, I know another one!
You reminded me of a calendar my flatmate just purchased for her boyfriend; it's called the Survival Guide Calendar or something along those lines and it has those cool tricks in it every week, and I believe how to escape from a straitjacket was one of them. Also, how to escape alive when buried alive, how to safely escape from a car that's turned over, how to fight a vampire, how to rectify bad body odor when on a date with a girl, etc.
EDIT:// I'm not sure whether there's any groin-relate advice in it; I'll check as soon as possible.
I was thinking of making a similar themed book. Sort of a Wacko's Survival Guide.
Law Abiding Criminals
21-12-2007, 15:10
Taco cat is a palindrome.
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
Qualifier 1: In English.
Qualifier 2: South America? (I know, I know, the discussion about the number of continents is far from settled..)
spill the beans!
Well, the book assumed that you'd be in a restaurant/cafe/.. and it advised you to get up to go to the loo, discreetly find a waiter and ask him to bring you two tea bags, preferably chamomile. You are then to moist the teabags ever so slightly and place them under your ams/into your pants/wherever you need them most.. they are supposed to have an antibacterial effect, therewith preventing new odor to be created, and mask the one already in existence.
My boyfriend, who lives with me and the friend who bought that book and who also happens to be a waiter, shook with laughter when we read that to him and he imagined some poor sod asking him to please discreetly bring some teabags to the loo..
I was thinking of making a similar themed book. Sort of a Wacko's Survival Guide.
By all means do, and send me a note about it once you finished.
Big Jim P
21-12-2007, 15:18
I know that it is currently colder than a witches tit, and having dated several, I know just how cold a witches tit is.
21-12-2007, 15:22
I know that it is currently colder than a witches tit, and having dated several, I know just how cold a witches tit is.
Jimmy!! ;)
Big Jim P
21-12-2007, 15:25
Jimmy!! ;)
21-12-2007, 15:28
hehe...nice to see you mate...have a good christmas if I dont see you before...I assume that a satanist must believe in god or his religion is defunct...though I can imagine your version of celebrating christmas involves torturing the puppy dogs that are thrown out as unwanted gifts ;-)
Big Jim P
21-12-2007, 15:39
hehe...nice to see you mate...have a good christmas if I dont see you before...I assume that a satanist must believe in god or his religion is defunct...though I can imagine your version of celebrating christmas involves torturing the puppy dogs that are thrown out as unwanted gifts ;-)
Yah, good Xmas to you as well.
I won't be torturing puppies this year tho. I've decided to move up to sacrificing virgins. Now if I could just find any.:p
Neo Bretonnia
21-12-2007, 15:42
Some facts about King Richard the Lionheart
-Spoke French, not English
-Grew up in France
-Only actually went to England once, after the Crusade
-Took the island of Cyprus by force
-Sold it to the Templars
-Died in France from a crossbow hit
-Is buried in France
Some facts about King Richard the Lionheart
-Spoke French, not English
-Grew up in France
-Only actually went to England once, after the Crusade
-Took the island of Cyprus by force
-Sold it to the Templars
-Died in France from a crossbow hit
-Is buried in France
Along the same vien, the American spellings of words like "honor" are actually closer to the originals than the British. The added "u" is a French influence that started after the colonies had been established.
The Pictish Revival
21-12-2007, 17:48
"All bears are left handed" lol.
No, all polar bears. First observed, apparently, by Eskimos who were studying the bears' hunting behaviour so as to improve their own chances of surviving a polar bear attack.
Some other species of bear exhibit a tendency towards left- or right-handedness, in the same way that humans have a tendency towards right-handedness.
There are more people living than have ever died
lol wut
I know that in Soviet Russia, interesting facts know... ah, forget it.
The buttons to press at traffic lights are only there for show to make the pedestrians feel like they're doing something. No, I don't know where I heard this, but I know it must be true because I've known it for a long time and it's lodged itself in my head.
21-12-2007, 18:39
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
North America?
South America?
Mad hatters in jeans
21-12-2007, 18:40
North America?
South America?
Australasia, Antarctica, Asia.
Ruby City
21-12-2007, 18:50
Before electronic computers where invented "computer" was a human job title. Since the engine power of vehicles was measured in horsepower and it was mostly women who worked as computers the original measurement of the calculation power of computer machines was girlpower and the unit was called kilogirls.
There are more people living than have ever died
That is debateable, another estimate ( is that only 5.8% of all people that have ever lived are alive today.
Everything I know is interesting, Because I decline to know anything that isn't:D
A piece of gold the size of a golf ball can be hammered into a sheet of gold the size of a tennis court.
"The plastic tips at the ends of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister!"
Mad hatters in jeans
21-12-2007, 20:42
The strongest muscle in your body in comparison to others (that means if you made it the same size as others), is your tongue.
And the largest muscle in your body is the "glutus maximus" (your arse), not to be confused with the
21-12-2007, 20:49
The name of all the continents end with the same letter that they start with.
Oceania? :p
Lenin said in 1913 than Mussolini was the only member of the PSI with enough gall to launch a revolution, and they apparently got on quite well with each other.
21-12-2007, 20:53
I know what really happened to JFK, fyi MLK had something to do with it. he was jealous JFK tried to rip off his initials
The Tribes Of Longton
21-12-2007, 20:59
There are more people living than have ever died
Don't know about any of your other facts, but that one is waaaaaay out. Even low estimates suggest it's something like 10 times more than that, with this ( estimate saying it's closer to 20 times the amount.
The Morpho menelaus can be seen (in sunlight) from a mile away, and they reflect 70% of light that hits their wings
21-12-2007, 21:14
[i] <snip>
Peanuts are an ingredient in dynamite.
Now that's what I call an allergy.
heres a question. where is the center of the universe?
Mad hatters in jeans
21-12-2007, 21:31
heres a question. where is the center of the universe?
my belly.
21-12-2007, 21:35
Wouldn't Satanism be a Christian sect if satanists go by the Christian bible's description of Satan.
Mad hatters in jeans
21-12-2007, 22:33
Dog is God backward, so Dogma is am god, or ability to be like a God.
Conserative Morality
21-12-2007, 22:34
Well, I know PLENTY, but it would fill up a few pages. Don't you love interesting(but useless) trivia?
Here's a tidbit, Romans rock!:D
21-12-2007, 22:34
Wouldn't Satanism be a Christian sect if satanists go by the Christian bible's description of Satan.
They don't.
heres a question. where is the center of the universe?Meztli xico co (~ "center of the universe" in Nahuatl), or Mexico for short.
21-12-2007, 22:52
heres a question. where is the center of the universe?
the United States, duh