Are you a gamer?
Conserative Morality
19-12-2007, 02:53
Just wanted to see just how many of you on here are actually gamers. Don't worry, for those of you who don't want anyone to actually know you don't play games I've left the poll Unpublic(if thats a word).
19-12-2007, 02:55
* Turns up with large broadsword and armour *
Ya, why do you ask?
South Lizasauria
19-12-2007, 02:56
Just wanted to see just how many of you on here are actually gamers. Don't worry, for those of you who don't want anyone to actually know you don't play games I've left the poll Unpublic(if thats a word).
I'm one.
Call to power
19-12-2007, 02:58
how much do I have to game to be a gamer?
yes I do have the mental illness of having to socialize with people :p
Nouvelle Wallonochie
19-12-2007, 02:59
I'm not much of a video gamer, but I am a tabletop gamer. Namely, 40k and Warmachine, although I'm convinced some of my buddies to start up BFG and Necromunda.
RPG? yes
Video/computer games? yes
Board games? yes
Conserative Morality
19-12-2007, 03:02
how much do I have to game to be a gamer?
yes I do have the mental illness of having to socialize with people
Hahaha...A half-hour a day would count as a gamer. I think 4-10 would be hardcore. Anything more would be unhealthy.
Call to power
19-12-2007, 03:03
I have always been rather scared of them myself, if I hadn't broken my graphics card a few months ago who knows where I would of ended up...
Call to power
19-12-2007, 03:04
Hahaha...A half-hour a day would count as a gamer. I think 4-10 would be hardcore. Anything more would be unhealthy.
what about maybe 6 hours a week:confused:
The Loyal Opposition
19-12-2007, 03:05
I've been told that I am a "gamer" even though I've only bought a computer game perhaps twice in the last several years. Deus Ex and Deus Ex: Invisible War.
Stories and game design by former role-playing game writer (, FTW.
**Selects "I don't buy 'games.' I buy interactive stories written by competent authors." poll option**
19-12-2007, 03:06
Just wanted to see just how many of you on here are actually gamers. Don't worry, for those of you who don't want anyone to actually know you don't play games I've left the poll Unpublic(if thats a word).
Computer games only, no consoles. Mostly RTSes but some FPSes and a few RPGs.
Conserative Morality
19-12-2007, 03:07
what about maybe 6 hours a week
If your asking about the time period the 6-10 hours is, it's a day. But we're assuming that they cut out TV. If you're wondering what I would consider you to be, i would consider you a normal gamer.
19-12-2007, 03:24
"Gamer" does not mean PC/console video games. A true gamer is a paper/pencil or board game player.
You console and PC twitchers need your own name. "Vidiot" was what my father used to call me when I spent hours on my old Intellivision in the 80s. I'd say that fits.
The Loyal Opposition
19-12-2007, 03:40
A true gamer is a paper/pencil or board game player.
I tried that once. Decided that I wasn't rich enough.
I'm a 'hardcore' (video) gamer but not actually good at any games. Is that a conflict?
I have always been rather scared of them myself, if I hadn't broken my graphics card a few months ago who knows where I would of ended up...
The only reason why I hate MMORGs is that you have a few people the cheat (crimson skies) some that take the game way too seriously... and those that use the game to pick up chicks for a little cyber action.
I'm picked popular opinion gamer. I play the popular games, but not too much. Part of that is school, part of that is I like fucking the OS backwards more than some of the games. Recently, I've been playing Crysis and WoW. I was playing Oblivion too, but then I lost my save game (I was in the top position of all the guilds except Fighters, and had beaten all the quests in most cities). I probably won't touch Oblivion again until on of Crysis or WoW bores me.
I play ps2, pc games and magic the gathering.
19-12-2007, 04:19
"Gamer" does not mean PC/console video games. A true gamer is a paper/pencil or board game player.
You console and PC twitchers need your own name. "Vidiot" was what my father used to call me when I spent hours on my old Intellivision in the 80s. I'd say that fits.
Times change,... and worldwide, there are more (video)gamers then there are, true gamers. Not to mention the recent rise of the so-called "casual" gamers.
Gun Manufacturers
19-12-2007, 08:00
Just wanted to see just how many of you on here are actually gamers. Don't worry, for those of you who don't want anyone to actually know you don't play games I've left the poll Unpublic(if thats a word).
I play Battlefield 1942 (with the Desert Combat mod mostly) almost every day, and CoH/CoV less often. Coupled with NationStates and a text based game of NationWars (completely different than NationStates), my gaming schedule is pretty full. In fact, I don't think I turned on my PS2 in about a year.
Dryks Legacy
19-12-2007, 08:19
I'm a 'hardcore' (video) gamer but not actually good at any games. Is that a conflict?
I can be like that sometimes.
Don't forget about the people who make the games you play. Arguably we play them a lot more than you do....
*looks up from commanding colonial armies*
Yes, I'm a gamer. I play perhaps 3 hours a day, PC games almost exclusively (I don't own a console). Currently playing Neverwinter Nights 2, Age of Empires III, EVE Online, taking a break from Dawn of War, Unreal Tournament, and Rise of Nations, and I just got Rise of Legends. If I can get a new video card for my laptop, I'll probably add C&C3 to that list (I own it, but my laptop can't handle it).
I play mostly RPGs and RTSs, as you might be able to tell. Shooters have their place (no better way to work off aggression), but I'm not that into them. Note that my favorite FPS is the original Unreal Tournament.
I also play D&D. I'm coming in as a "guest" player in my old campaign (I'm home on break), and I'm just starting a play-by-post d20 Modern campaign.
I should mention that I don't really play NationStates anymore. I just check in every month to keep my nation active so I can post on NSG.
19-12-2007, 10:20
I even own a d30. Yeaaaahhh.
19-12-2007, 10:27
I'm a hardcore type, but I don't play as often as I used to. But when I do, I tend to go all out... I'm a completist, and in D&D games (Neverwinter Nights, specifically) I demand perfection from my character. This constitutes the best possible blend of feats and stats to reach my goal for a specific character --- my favorite being a Greatsword Master.
Though that's the thing that I love about D&D: you can shoot for a specific character type (like the one I mentioned), yet mould it into something very different from another character of the same ilk. It's fun to go for a reasonably strong and fast Greatsword Master who can use a good deal of magic along with the feats that come along with the class.
And it's also fun to just go balls-out and forego the magic altogether. A Greatsword Master of that line is a fucking monster in team battles.
19-12-2007, 10:28
Times change,... and worldwide, there are more (video)gamers then there are, true gamers. Not to mention the recent rise of the so-called "casual" gamers.
Ayeee! Blasphemy!
1.I am the Huge Paper Character Sheet. Thou shalt not have any other Character Sheet.
2.Thou shalt sanctify the Holy Day of Gaming by eating snacks, drinking beer and coffee and pouring some of it on the Sheet.
3.Thou shalt not use miniatures.
4.Thou shalt not oppose thy GameMaster's rulings.
5.Thou shalt kill things.
6.Thou shalt loot things.
7.Thou shalt play in character.
8.Thou shalt not covet thy GameMaster's lucky dices.
9.Thou shalt not peep over thy GameMaster's board.
10.Thou shalt not steal of thy GameMaster's beer mug.
19-12-2007, 10:30
10.Thou shalt not steal of thy GameMaster's beer mug.
But if it's anything besides Guinness, thou shalt piss in it and pour it down the sink.
19-12-2007, 10:36
But if it's anything besides Guinness, thou shalt piss in it and pour it down the sink.
Guinness smells of used car tyres - at least the pasteurised sort we get here in Italy. Czech and German beers rule.
Wow, we're already flaming about beers... what a sort of geeks we are! :)
i play with simulations that i feel are useful to be creative with. and seriously wish there were a greater percentage of what is on offer that were oriented that way.
and not just as some poorly written deliberately to fail crap to self fulfill the pretense that the only thing anyone will ever want is to simulate some sort of competition or violent conflict.
i also think 50 bux or a hundrend is way to expensive for anything that is worth more then 20, if that, to me.
so if it isn't about conflict, competition, or economicly exploiting anyone who might otherwise be interested, i am, at least potentially.
i like transportation system, generally rail, planning sims. i think that's probable as close to gaming as anything i've got or really consider worth anything that i can get ahold of easily.
i have noting against the potential, and nothing but dissappointment in the very limitedness of opportunities for creativity in the overwhelming majority of gaming.
Cheese penguins
19-12-2007, 11:20
Yes I'm a gamer, I play mainly FPS games and am a member of a few clans. :)
/Reveals inner geek...
Extreme Ironing
19-12-2007, 11:45
I used to be quite hardcore (5-7 nights a week at one point) in WoW in a raiding guild, but that burned me out, haven't really played MMOs since. I only play during holiday times, never during term-time, so am pretty casual, though overall I'm less interested in gaming than I used to be - perhaps I need to buy something new (HL2 ep2 has kept me interested for the past week).
Pure Metal
19-12-2007, 12:08
used to be a pretty 'serious' gamer, but since university its just become a casual thing to do when a game catches my fancy. sadly i find most games released to be just very similar variations on the same themes, and mostly quite uninspiring... i didn't bother getting Halo 3 (for example; despite liking the first one) because it was just more of the same, and i've been there, done that. better graphics for the same old gameplay doesn't interest me at all.
the exception to the rule are sim city games, cos i'm a sucker for those....
oh, and the Wii, cos there's a fair bit of innovative gameplay there :)
Mad hatters in jeans
19-12-2007, 12:54
I play some games, i have a liking for the Total War series, especially Rome, the Medieval 2 game i have buy my computer isn't fast enough, but looks really good.
I also like console games when playing with mates, halo was good for that, or timesplitters. I usually don't play games that seriously i try to mess about with random stuff in the hope i get a laugh, like in GTA 3.
But now i don't play them as much, cos i'm studying.