I am Legend, in Real World!
18-12-2007, 10:37
I was doing errands today and the radio station I was listening to were asking people who called in what they would do if their town suddenly became deserted and they were the only one there. So, I decided to rip off their ideas for a topic here on NSG! So what would you do if your town or city became deserted and you were the only one left?
Location: Concord & Charlotte, NC, USA
What I would do: Take a fast car, like a Corvette or a Ferrari and just drive it pedal to the metal. Then I would break into people's houses and find out dirty secrets about them that I could use later. Then I would totally go to the airport and fly one of the Airliners! :D I would also take some high tech toys from the stores, and I would def. recreate the Blues Brother scene in one of the many malls. You know, the scene where they drive through the Mall. That would be totally awesome!
Now it's your turn!
Cryptic Nightmare
18-12-2007, 10:38
Loot every store naked
Have fun with my shit for a while
Find a town with people in it
Cryptic Nightmare
18-12-2007, 10:39
People are overrated *nods*
I learned that here, but the hot women are fun if they keep quiet.
18-12-2007, 10:40
Loot every store naked
Have fun with my shit for a while
Find a town with people in it
People are overrated *nods*
Brutland and Norden
18-12-2007, 10:40
Loot and make myself rich.
18-12-2007, 10:44
Get heavily armed and get med supplies very quickly.Something very bad has probably happened if everyone has just vanished.
Thumbless Pete Crabbe
18-12-2007, 10:44
Hm. I'd also have to go with looting.
Some fine cheeses and meats to start. Electronics, naturally. Set up shop in some nice roomy new apartment or house. Watch reruns. :p
Redmond, WA (both current location and legal residence, though not actual residence)
After futile attempts to contact anyone, I would figure out what my needs are.
1. Food and water (so I don't starve)
2. Shelter (so I don't freeze)
3. Electricity (for comfort)
4. Gasoline (for transportation)
5. books and computer games (for sanity and knowledge)
For shelter, I have my house. For food, I'd eat anything refridgerated in the area (one thing to do: get as much food in the area into cold storage as possible). Electricity will be provided as long as the power grid holds.
As I am the only person in the area, I'd basically have all the gasoline in the area. Our Acura is fairly fuel-efficient, so I'd be good for a few years at least.
In the long run, I'd need my own sources of food and power. My house has a generator, but it isn't enough to run the full house (which I need; see below). However, Microsoft has a generator enough to run the whole building. And while I don't have a key, I have a hammer, and Microsoft has glass doors. So I just move into Microsoft and run the power systems (there has to be software to run most of the power systems).
For food, I'd grow plants. There are fields in the area at the local park. I could raid the wineries for farm equipment. My choice of crop: apples. See, apples are locally abundant (so I have plenty of seed), and do not require processing (I can just pick and eat them). I'd also grow some berries - blackberries grow in the wild already, and I can get raspberry and strawberry seed easily enough (my neighbor grows some of each in her garden). Oh, and carrots.
But this is all long-term. Well before I get around to acquiring my own power sources and food supply, I will need to entertain myself and provide a source of knowledge. Even if the Internet is down, I still have local libraries (oh, and the nearest library is within biking distance). And I can raid game shops for all the latest video games and consoles. This will keep me sane - sorta. Also, RPGs will prevent my people skills from completely atrophying. I will spend my days playing video games and acquiring food, until I can contact anyone else.
Dance naked in the Church, then kill the mutants.
Newer Burmecia
18-12-2007, 11:17
Build a fort.
This might be a puppet
18-12-2007, 11:27
See whether the telephones are still working.
If they are then try phoning friends & relatives who live elsewhere, to see if they're still around...
If I get no response from any of those people then try phoning people in various other towns at random, to find out how widespread the situation is.
If I can't get any replies from other people in Britain, then try phoning abroad if the system's still working.
If I seem to be the last person left anywhere, break into an off-licence (note to Americans: "liquor store") and a pharmacy... Southern Comfort & an overdose of sleeping pills...
Cryptic Nightmare
18-12-2007, 11:29
Dance naked in the Church, then kill the mutants.
I'll join you in the naked dancing....The mutants I will pass.
I'll join you in the naked dancing....The mutants I will pass.
You sure? There's noting quite as fun as blasting mutants while dancing naked in a church. Sacrilicious.
Interstellar Planets
18-12-2007, 11:32
Well I'd put myself up for election to start with. And vote for myself, obviously. A town's gotta have leadership!
Then I'd make the entire town a naturist zone with my new-found power and get nekked. Lastly, I'd rob the nearest bank and use the money to hire thousands of strippers to populate the town. Throw in some beer and you've got heaven in a handbasket, right there.
I think I would be too busy fending off the infected people trying to kill me to worry about much else.
Um.. mourn my family?
Don't be stupid. Your family isn't dead. They're mutants. They'll be dead soon though. I'm a-goin' mutant huntin'.
Don't be stupid. Your family isn't dead. They're mutants. They'll be dead soon though. I'm a-goin' mutant huntin'.
If I were left to mourn my family, then I'd be the one person in the world still alive, and you wouldn't be around to hunt said mutants.
If I were left to mourn my family, then I'd be the one person in the world still alive, and you wouldn't be around to hunt said mutants.
Stop ruining my fun with facts!
Neu Leonstein
18-12-2007, 11:57
Make my way to the Nürburgring Nordschleife, acquire myself a fast car and try to beat the record.
Then eventually beat the record, realise there's no one who cares, then crash myself to death.
18-12-2007, 13:27
Loot every store naked
Have fun with my shit for a while
Find a town with people in it
Yep we are in agreement.
18-12-2007, 13:41
Go freak-slaying To avoid any terrible mishaps a la Omega Man.
18-12-2007, 13:56
I was doing errands today and the radio station I was listening to were asking people who called in what they would do if their town suddenly became deserted and they were the only one there. So, I decided to rip off their ideas for a topic here on NSG! So what would you do if your town or city became deserted and you were the only one left?
Location: Concord & Charlotte, NC, USA
What I would do: Take a fast car, like a Corvette or a Ferrari and just drive it pedal to the metal. Then I would break into people's houses and find out dirty secrets about them that I could use later. Then I would totally go to the airport and fly one of the Airliners! :D I would also take some high tech toys from the stores, and I would def. recreate the Blues Brother scene in one of the many malls. You know, the scene where they drive through the Mall. That would be totally awesome!
Now it's your turn!
So they're not dead, just on vacation?
Nouvelle Wallonochie
18-12-2007, 14:01
If there were no one else left in town I'd probably be very cold as I don't know how to run a power plant. I'd last a while burning furniture and such, but I prefer central heating.
Mad hatters in jeans
18-12-2007, 15:24
I would try to find other people first, probably make some sort of weaponry to protect myself whatever was handy say a knife or gun.
Then find food, shelter etc...
But to be honest i have no idea, i guess i would sing very loudly or put on some really good music and play it in all the shops, that would be fun.
In general find other people.
Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany.
I'd head West to where the people ran off to in search of a better life.
Call to power
18-12-2007, 16:01
get all those little things I've been meaning to do done, also tidy up a bit
that way I can spend the weekend having fun :cool:
Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany.
I'd head West to where the people ran off to in search of a better life.
I hear its more peaceful there :D
I I would break into people's houses and find out dirty secrets about them that I could use later.
If you were the last person on earth, what good would it do?
I hear its more peaceful there :DIt isn't, actually. But there's depopulation going on in East Germany, primarily for economic reasons.
Call to power
18-12-2007, 16:09
If you were the last person on earth, what good would it do?
superiority complex, find out who has a crush on you, steal the recipe to super muffins...
knowledge is power after all
I V Stalin
18-12-2007, 16:42
Post on NS to see what other people would do...
Anti-Social Darwinism
18-12-2007, 17:09
I would assume that the utilities we take for granted wouldn't remain working for very long so I'd try to find records of homes and cabins that were "earthships" (homes that are off the grid) and go looking for one. Once I found it, I'd settle my cats and possessions and head for the nearest town to clean out bookstores, video stores, and any other store that had useful items, like hunting rifles and ammunition. I'd also go to pet stores and other places that had animals locked up and release them (they probably wouldn't survive, but they'd have a better chance free than in cages). I figure I could live for about 10 years before I finally succumbed to an untreated illness, like an abscessed tooth or cancer.
Mad hatters in jeans
18-12-2007, 17:21
It isn't, actually. But there's depopulation going on in East Germany, primarily for economic reasons.
Is it because East Germany was ruled by Russia?
What is the comparison between the Eastern, and Western Germany?
search for "survivors" and loot. I'd probably also live in a church a few days, there are 5 within walking distance I think. I'd also start to call myself god and become crazy.
Psychedelic Munkeys
18-12-2007, 17:24
Then panic.
Interstellar Planets
18-12-2007, 17:31
So they're not dead, just on vacation?
If you were the last person on earth, what good would it do?
You know, try as I might, I can't seem to find where he once mentions that everybody on the entire planet was dead, as people seem to be assuming. His hypothesis only says that your town has been mysteriously abandoned - it never mentioned the rest of the planet, or whether they were dead or mutated...
1. Locate my own guns and ammo.
2. Armed, enter other homes to get their guns, ammo and food supplies.
3. Co-opt several properties around my own and begin taking in stray / abandoned animals. (Hey, I saw a dog in the trailer for "I Am Legend"!) Animals have way better smell, sight and hearing than people. In a time like that, food & shelter develop strong bonds of loyalty which can be crucial.
4. Hit several of the larger stores to obtain storage vessels for things like gasoline and diesel fuel so I can begin stockpiling.
5. Snag several generators for electrical needs at my compound.
6. Ransack the library and book stores for both reading material (to get my mind off the atrocity) and information I may need (how to hotwire vehicles, how to repair mechanical things I may need, how to grow fresh food that doesn't come in a can or miraculously show up in a grocery store, etc.)
7. Begin building a perimeter around my compound to be able to fend off anything bad that may show up - fencing, razor wire, motion sensor lights, even a moat if I felt up to it!
8. After a few months, I would begin to feel safe enough to start seeking other survivors. There's no point drawing attention to oneself straight-away. You never know who you're going to have show up - could be bad guys! It's better that they not know I'm still around until *I* am fully prepared to face what comes.
9. If no one else shows up in a year, I'd probably start thinking about giving up - especially if all I've been doing is talking to animals, repairing things myself, scavenging and mumbling to myself. What's the point of that?!
Get heavily armed and get med supplies very quickly.Something very bad has probably happened if everyone has just vanished.
This....I'd be very, uh...perturbed to find that everyone around me had not only abandoned me but apparently did it while I was sleeping and without leaving at least a note. Buncha assholes, I say, and better off with out 'em!
Assuming I'm the last human alive...I'd probably start brushing up on genetics and see if I can clone me some people to repopulate with, I guess. Oh, and gather books so that if the repopulation is successful there is a healthy foundation of knowledge, paper degrades fairly quickly I'd imagine when not tended to so I'd probably relocated to a major university library. Maybe UW-Madison since I'm familiar with the area and know they're a good medical school so they're bound to have the important information for creating and maintaining a new human population.
Oh...and I'd have my new clone village deify me. BOW TO YOUR GOD, CLONE PEOPLES! ;)
Deus Malum
18-12-2007, 17:59
Discuss the sudden disappearance of everyone in town on NSG.
Let's see, I'd be needing food and water, but if everyone suddenly up and disappeared, those would be set for the short term at least. With everyone gone, there'd be nothing keeping me where I am now, so I'm thinking grab a car and go. Probably south, as winters are a bit harsh here. Probably settle down in the Mississippi delta, good crop land there, ample water supply, good fishing, though hurricanes might be a bit of a bother.
Doubt I could do much about getting electricity except figure out how to install wind/solar generators or something. Though if I could that'd be enough to run some electic lights (and maybe a TV/DVD combo, though that might be stretching it a bit).
And for some reason, my mind is telling me I would start burning down towns, though I don't know why.
South Lorenya
18-12-2007, 22:09
If the town's empty, then I might as well take a tripo to the local video game place. The NY metropolitan area will be completely depopulated (except mel of coruse), so it's not like anyone wioll care that my video game collection just increased noticably.
Full of phail unless reptoid jew zombies start attacking. Thats the only fun you can have with a town void of human life, but full of goodies :D
Cottbus, Brandenburg, Germany.
Aha. *makes notes; one never knows when such info can come in handy*
I'd head West to where the people ran off to in search of a better life.
Heh. Good one.
Lunatic Goofballs
18-12-2007, 23:22
I would head to Newport, R.I. and steal a yacht. Something roomy but able to be crewed by one person. I would stock it with food, water, fuel and ammunition and put to sea, hugging the coastline of the U.S., occasionally stopping at smaller towns on the coast to replenish stocks and head south. I would pick out a nice island, maybe St. Thomas and scour it clean of it's relatively low mutant population during the days and stay on the yacht at night, enjoying an endless supply of rum and sun.
...Nah. I wouldn't survive long without an audience. Maybe I can entertain the mutants and convince them that clowns taste funny. *nod*
IL Ruffino
18-12-2007, 23:31
Steal everyone's alcohol, pain killers, money, and maybe trash a few houses.
Neu Leonstein
18-12-2007, 23:35
What is the comparison between the Eastern, and Western Germany?
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Unemployment_in_Germany_2003_by_states.png - unemployment by state
http://img.stern.de/_content/52/30/523002/sorge_arbeit_karte_500.jpg - worried about job security by region
18-12-2007, 23:42
I would hide from Will Smith. The guy scares me.
Mad hatters in jeans
18-12-2007, 23:43
http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/8/83/Unemployment_in_Germany_2003_by_states.png - unemployment by state
http://img.stern.de/_content/52/30/523002/sorge_arbeit_karte_500.jpg - worried about job security by region
Thanks, 18 years since the Berlin wall knocked down, that's one year younger than me.
Interesting about job security, and unemployment. I guess the Communist regime there really did a poor job of looking after Germany.
Make feilds to grow food. loot the stores for equiptment and live off the land.
for fun I would hike the trails and get to know this island like the back of my hand.
Oh, and I'll make a record of my time spent.
I would hide from Will Smith. The guy scares me.
As he should. After all, in West Philadelphia, he was born and raised. Serious stuff. ;)
Anarcosyndiclic Peons
19-12-2007, 00:23
Dallas-Ft. Worth Metroplex.
Assuming that I instantly knew and didn't have to go out exploring to discover that everyone was gone, I would immediately turn on the national news.
Case A: power's out.
Grab a large kitchen knife and attempt to drive away from the city.
Case B: power's on, but the cable's not.
Attempt to call out of the area on a cellphone. If no one can be reached, begin looting and zombie-proofing the house. Otherwise, ask them to turn on the news.
Case C: nothing has been reported.
Wild parties with much looting. My life ends 5 weeks later in a morphine-induced haze.
Case D: it's all over the news with no explination.
Assume the worst. Find out who owned a shotgun in the neighbourhood and find a more defendable location.
Case E: the reason for the mass-dissapearance is on the news.
Varies depending upon the reason.