Greatest American President
New Limacon
10-12-2007, 05:18
Pretty self-explanatory. Whom do you consider to be the greatest American president? If you do not know anything about the presidents, you probably shouldn't respond, but if you can't resist, there is a pretty good site here (
I'd personally go for Abraham Lincoln. Policy-wise, he did nothing spectacular, but he kept the country intact during a devastating civil war. That requires some talent.
I also like Andrew Jackson, but he seemed to be slightly maniacal. And he kicked the Cherokee off their land, which is always a no-no.
EDIT: There is no poll on purpose. Once people start offering suggestions, I'll make one.
What, don't you like my totally awesome thread?
Grover Cleveland.
Cuz I LOVE Grover (!
Andrew Jackson was batshit insane.
Fall of Empire
10-12-2007, 05:44
I'd have to go with Lincoln. Trailed by FDR, TR, GW, and Ronald Reagan respectively
New Limacon
10-12-2007, 05:49
Andrew Jackson was batshit insane.
I've been reading a book about him, and he was actually less crazy than he acted. He knew that people thought he was mental, and if he acted that way, he usually got what he wanted. But he was really more or less normal.
And Tongass, I didn't see your thread. I'm sorry, it seems like it's really recent. Maybe a Mod could put this one out of its misery, and redirect trafiic to yours. Two is redundant.
Either Goerge Washington because he was an important figure in gaining our independance, and being selfless (he could have been king but he wanted a free country) plus not having a party. And generally all the stuff he did was good.
Or Teddy Rosevellt. That guy did a lot of great things in the short time he was here, and provides some great quotes.
10-12-2007, 06:25
Washington for his restraint and his precedents, Lincoln for preserving the Union and redefining the American identity, TR for building the office to be one to confront the challenges of the twentieth century, FDR for his guidance during the depression and war, and saving us from both the right and left wing ideologies that have brutalized the mankind in the last century, and, of course, the Illuminati for overseeing it all perfectly.
IL Ruffino
10-12-2007, 06:28
Margaret Thatcher.
King Arthur the Great
10-12-2007, 06:38
Margaret Thatcher.
Please, we ask that you restrain yourself to actual American leaders, not people that pissed everybody off so much that she acted like American leaders.
In order
Washington/Lincoln tie
The Brevious
10-12-2007, 06:38
Margaret Thatcher.
The South Islands
10-12-2007, 06:55
Washington and Jefferson the best by far.
Lincoln the worst. Belongs on the list near the bottom with Dubya.
10-12-2007, 07:07
Washington and Jefferson the best by far.
Lincoln the worst. Belongs on the list near the bottom with Dubya.
Ditto. Throw in a good ol' FDR too
Best major political figure (or atleast, one of the most interesting) goes to Franklin.
Thomas Sullivan Magnum IV
The South Islands
10-12-2007, 07:22
Ditto. Throw in a good ol' FDR too
Best major political figure (or atleast, one of the most interesting) goes to Franklin.
While I do not like FDR politically, at least he didn't take a major league shit on the Constitution.
And Franklin does pwn. Now and forever.
10-12-2007, 07:56
Best US president ever: