Good Ol F.E.M.A!!
31-10-2007, 12:58
So, given Fema's incredibly stupid idea to hold a fake press conference, essentially clamoring to pat itself on the back for its role in dealing with the recent wildfires in California, is any wonder that so few people still have faith in the current administration, and how do you folks think it will impact the next election, if at all?
31-10-2007, 13:43
Come on Squatch, give 'em a little credit... it was a real press confrence.
They only faked a few reporters to feed a few softball questions when no real reporters showed up because they short noticed the whole debaucle.
'Course they did take the time to arrainge live feed coverage of the thing, couldn't waste that just reading a statement to an empty room.
That would make them look like incompetent idiots
31-10-2007, 13:49
Yes, becuase they have such a sparkling clean record, and wouldnt want to come off as horrible at what they do, now would they?
Is it that we as citizens have become so used to haveing inept douches in charge that we arent making more of a stink about this?
31-10-2007, 14:02
Is it that we as citizens have become so used to haveing inept douches in charge that we arent making more of a stink about this?
Yes, that. This is just one more drop in the overflowing bucket.
31-10-2007, 14:06
As much as I hate to admit it, the seeds of rotten FEMA were planted back in the days of competent FEMA...
Yeah I live in San Diego. We spent over 100 million dollars to deal with fires after the 2003 Cedar Fire; it's good to know that FEMA will try to ride the coat-tail's of our success with local initiatives to offset their horrible reputation. :rolleyes:
Lunatic Goofballs
31-10-2007, 16:40
As long as FEMA is managing disasters, I wonder when they will turn their attenion inward... :p
01-11-2007, 03:38
Yeah I live in San Diego. We spent over 100 million dollars to deal with fires after the 2003 Cedar Fire; it's good to know that FEMA will try to ride the coat-tail's of our success with local initiatives to offset their horrible reputation. :rolleyes:
Yah, I have to wonder at how much credit belongs to local fire authorities, and how much FEMA wants to take credit for any of it.
This is a heck of a thread, Squatchy.
01-11-2007, 03:56
This is a heck of a thread, Squatchy.
Oh yah. Seems to be real popular
01-11-2007, 04:21
So, given Fema's incredibly stupid idea to hold a fake press conference, essentially clamoring to pat itself on the back for its role in dealing with the recent wildfires in California, is any wonder that so few people still have faith in the current administration, and how do you folks think it will impact the next election, if at all?
Come on Squatch, give 'em a little credit... it was a real press confrence.
They only faked a few reporters to feed a few softball questions when no real reporters showed up because they short noticed the whole debaucle.
'Course they did take the time to arrainge live feed coverage of the thing, couldn't waste that just reading a statement to an empty room.
That would make them look like incompetent idiots
They really did that?
Awesome. :p
01-11-2007, 04:22
As long as FEMA is managing disasters, I wonder when they will turn their attenion inward... :p
I thought that was the current Administration in general :D
01-11-2007, 04:24
They really did that?
Awesome. :p
Oh yes...
Give it a google.
I didnt post a link becuase I figured everyone already knew.
01-11-2007, 04:30
Oh yes...
Give it a google.
I didnt post a link becuase I figured everyone already knew.
Dude, I'm half a world away. No matter how many press conferences they fake, they're never going to be that important. ;P
(We learned all about them during Katrina, though. "Brownie" and such.
Much like the average American, I'm guessing.)
01-11-2007, 04:38
Its really the point that a government agency is giving a fake news conference. Essentially, bold-faced lying, and attempting to get away with it.
This is the status of American politics, and a good lesson to the rest of the world.
As Americans, we are being blatantly lied to by our leaders, who make up reasons to invade nations, hold fake news conferences on "a job well done", and such crap, knowing theyre lying to us, and also knowing the we KNOW theyre lying to us, and that we cant do anyting about it.
In fact, they act as if we are "attempting to villianize" the administration, when we in fact, DO call them on thier bullshit.
Then, if we do prove theyre lying, they sacrifice a token scapegoat and nothing more is said of the event, until we catch them in the next lie.
So, you folks in the rest of the world, please know that our leaders lie to us, even more than they lie to you.
01-11-2007, 04:42
So, you folks in the rest of the world, please know that our leaders lie to us, even more than they lie to you.
And yet you went and (re)elected them... *pokes around in the wound*
01-11-2007, 04:46
And yet you went and (re)elected them... *pokes around in the wound*
No, the guy we elected, didnt get the job, remember?
01-11-2007, 04:53
No, the guy we elected, didnt get the job, remember?
Hehe, alright. But the "re-" part stands. And really, that was that much more shocking.
Cannot think of a name
01-11-2007, 05:20
Hehe, alright. But the "re-" part stands. And really, that was that much more shocking.
Yeah, well...
01-11-2007, 05:33
Hehe, alright. But the "re-" part stands. And really, that was that much more shocking.
I can assure you most of us were equally as shocked.
01-11-2007, 05:38
What's the whole point of the current FEMA anyway? All they do is swoop in AFTER help has been giver or AFTER it's too late and take the credit! I swear, our government is run complete idiots. Maybe it's time we think about finding politicians who aren't morally bankrupt or complete fools.
Haha, who am I fooling, they're all corrupt. :p
So, given Fema's incredibly stupid idea to hold a fake press conference, essentially clamoring to pat itself on the back for its role in dealing with the recent wildfires in California, is any wonder that so few people still have faith in the current administration, and how do you folks think it will impact the next election, if at all?
It's wierd, no matter how bad Conservative politicians screw up, Conservatives just take it to be more evidence that government itself doesn't work. When more liberal politicians do a good job Conservatives always seem to view it as some sort of massive lie about how government works that is only made more devious by the fact that it's true. You can almost hear them say "just wait till we get Conservatives back in office to show you how bad all this stuff is when it's run by Conservatives.)
01-11-2007, 12:34
It's wierd, no matter how bad Conservative politicians screw up, Conservatives just take it to be more evidence that government itself doesn't work. When more liberal politicians do a good job Conservatives always seem to view it as some sort of massive lie about how government works that is only made more devious by the fact that it's true. You can almost hear them say "just wait till we get Conservatives back in office to show you how bad all this stuff is when it's run by Conservatives.)
I hear you.
Its a lot like the current undertone in the Republican party.
They insist that they should be re-elected, in order to let them fix the problems that they created.
Call me silly, but I dont believe government works like that.
If you get elected, and fuck up, then you get voted out of office, and someone else gets a shot a running things.
I cant help but think that all this will go to insure a Democratic victory for the next Presidential race, and likely sweeping Democrat victories all around.
Now, all we have do to is hope the Dems can pull thier own heads from thier collective asses, and actually get things done.
02-11-2007, 00:16
I think FEMA have been watching far too many North Korean and Iranian press conferences.
02-11-2007, 00:25
Hehe, alright. But the "re-" part stands. And really, that was that much more shocking.
No it doesn't. If he wasn't elected in 2000, and he wasn't, how could he be "re-" anything in 2004 (which I still have my doubts about)?