Demented Hamsters
20-10-2007, 08:17
With the series now ended on HBO [:(], and the DVD not out for another month, it's time to vote on your favourite FoC song.
I'm nice enough to link them here for you:
1. She's So Hot - Boom (
2. Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros (
3. If You're Into It (
4. Think about it (
5. Business Time ( (or Business Time video (
6. Albi the racist Dragon ( (or Albi the racist dragon video (
7. Something for the ladies (
8. Bowie Song ( (or Bowie song video (
9. Foux da fa fa (
10. Mutha-ukkas (
If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, FoC are two Kiwis, describing themselves as, "Formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo", (having been bumped by a tribute band of themselves, Like of the Conchords).
The TV series follows them trying to establish themselves in NY.
That's the longer explanation. Short explanation is that they're freaking hilarious and anyone who says otherwise is a dunderhead and nincompoop. Hence the lack of poll option, "I don't like any FoC songs" as anyone clicking that option automatically opens themselves for ridicule (and I'm too nice to let that happen to anyone).
I'm nice enough to link them here for you:
1. She's So Hot - Boom (
2. Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros (
3. If You're Into It (
4. Think about it (
5. Business Time ( (or Business Time video (
6. Albi the racist Dragon ( (or Albi the racist dragon video (
7. Something for the ladies (
8. Bowie Song ( (or Bowie song video (
9. Foux da fa fa (
10. Mutha-ukkas (
If you don't know wtf I'm talking about, FoC are two Kiwis, describing themselves as, "Formerly New Zealand's fourth most popular guitar-based digi-bongo acapella-rap-funk-comedy folk duo", (having been bumped by a tribute band of themselves, Like of the Conchords).
The TV series follows them trying to establish themselves in NY.
That's the longer explanation. Short explanation is that they're freaking hilarious and anyone who says otherwise is a dunderhead and nincompoop. Hence the lack of poll option, "I don't like any FoC songs" as anyone clicking that option automatically opens themselves for ridicule (and I'm too nice to let that happen to anyone).