NationStates Jolt Archive

This is not good

19-10-2007, 20:56

I came upon article when searching the web this morning.
We need Guiliani to win. If McCain wins, the illegals are going to take over America.
19-10-2007, 21:00
isnt giuliani a bit too liberal for you?
Upper Botswavia
19-10-2007, 21:02

I came upon article when searching the web this morning.
We need Guiliani to win. If McCain wins, the illegals are going to take over America.

Apparently the polls think that neither Guiliani nor McCain will win, but that Clinton will, so you need not worry. :)
19-10-2007, 21:02

I came upon article when searching the web this morning.
We need Guiliani to win. If McCain wins, the illegals are going to take over America.

1) Poll numbers do not match the article.
2) No poll has ever put any GOP candidate that high in comparison to Clinton.

McCain hasn't a prayer, he's got all the spine of John Kerry and the moral fortitude of Nixon.
19-10-2007, 21:12
This isn't good. This is awesome:

The Fox poll also showed if Reverend James Dobson enters the race for President, Clinton will get the White House more easily as christian conservatives abandon Guiliani for Dobson. James Dobson has threatened to enter the race for President. And according to emails from Republican camps, it looks like he might be doing just that. With a Christian third party, Clinton gets 44%, Guiliani gets 32% and Dobson would get 14%. This shows that Dobson would clearly draw votes not just from Guiliani but from Clinton as well, but not enough to deny Clinton the White House.

Split the conservative vote like a ripe melon, baby.
19-10-2007, 21:43
1) Poll numbers do not match the article.
2) No poll has ever put any GOP candidate that high in comparison to Clinton.

McCain hasn't a prayer, he's got all the spine of John Kerry and the moral fortitude of Nixon.

Actually that first link you gave, when compare the Guiliania versus Clinton with McCain versus Clinton on the Fox poll, says the same thing as the article. That McCain leads Guiliani. Bad News indeed.
Corneliu 2
19-10-2007, 21:50
Ummm USOA?

You do realize that McCain has no shot at the nomination right?

According to this, Guilliani still has a lead over all candidates. Nice try though.
19-10-2007, 22:10
. If McCain wins, the illegals are going to take over America.

O NOES"!!!111!!! BROWNIES!!!!11!!!
19-10-2007, 22:13
O NOES"!!!111!!! BROWNIES!!!!11!!!

Who would ever dare hate the brownies?
Erisian chaoates
19-10-2007, 22:13
We need Guiliani to win. If McCain wins, the illegals are going to take over America.

Hmmm... good food+ hot women who speak a language I'm being forced to learn? Sign me up.
19-10-2007, 22:51
Hmmm... good food+ hot women who speak a language I'm being forced to learn? Sign me up.

Damn right!
Lenny Harris
19-10-2007, 23:41
The only candidates who will secure the southern border are Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul.
Corneliu 2
19-10-2007, 23:42
The only candidates who will secure the southern border are Tom Tancredo and Ron Paul.

And neither one have a shot at winning the nomination and in Paul's case, we can thank God he doesn't.
19-10-2007, 23:51
Ugh. Just about anybody would be better than Hillary 'I hate Video Games' Clinton. And no, video games arent the only issue I have with her. Too bad Obama's vanished/been kidnapped by the CIA/defected to Russia.
19-10-2007, 23:52
Please, Dobson, you thrice-accursed, addle-minded simpleton, PLEASE get in the race. Draw all those votes away from any conservative, and become the indirect cause of the US becoming more and more liberal. I wouldn't thank you enough, Dobson, you poor, stupid, arrogant bastard...
Sel Appa
19-10-2007, 23:54
Actually, it's great. I might vote for McCain, but would never vote for Rudy.

A Christian third-party? :rolleyes: lolololololololol
19-10-2007, 23:55
Ugh. Just about anybody would be better than Hillary 'I hate Video Games' Clinton. And no, video games arent the only issue I have with her. Too bad Obama's vanished/been kidnapped by the CIA/defected to Russia.

Correction: Any DEMOCRAT is better than Clinton. I'll take VG censorship over wanton murder or theocratic dystopia any day.
19-10-2007, 23:58
Correction: Any DEMOCRAT is better than Clinton. I'll take VG censorship over wanton murder or theocratic dystopia any day.

Censorship AND a concerted effort to squash freeware. I dont know if the website is still up, but Hillary's 'Rules of Internet Safety LOL' include a bold statement along the lines of:
"'FREEWARE' always has viruses in it. Dont download it. Go buy the $900 version from Microsoft instead."
19-10-2007, 23:58

Who would ever dare hate the brownies?

Me. Those damned things harm my diet!
20-10-2007, 00:00
And neither one have a shot at winning the nomination and in Paul's case, we can thank God he doesn't.

You can thank whatever you like for both, actually. Tancredo would be a nightmare just like Paul would, albeit of a slightly different sort more leaning towards a certain plan we like to call the Final Solution.
South Lorenya
20-10-2007, 00:13
Those who think Hillary are anti-VG (despite all the evidence to the contrary) are in panel 4:
20-10-2007, 00:16
And neither one have a shot at winning the nomination and in Paul's case, we can thank God he doesn't.

What do you have against Paul?
20-10-2007, 00:17
You can thank whatever you like for both, actually. Tancredo would be a nightmare just like Paul would, albeit of a slightly different sort more leaning towards a certain plan we like to call the Final Solution.

A peaceful foreign policy, a sound currency, and a government that leaves people alone would be a "nightmare?"
Corneliu 2
20-10-2007, 00:19
What do you have against Paul?

Despite the fact that he wants to basicly do away with the Constution...nothing.
20-10-2007, 00:25
Despite the fact that he wants to basicly do away with the Constution...nothing.

Strict adherence to the Constitution is "doing away" with it?
Corneliu 2
20-10-2007, 00:27
Strict adherence to the Constitution is "doing away" with it?

Please prove that he just wants a strict adherence.
20-10-2007, 00:29
Please prove that he just wants a strict adherence.

How does he want to "do away with" the constitution? That may well be the most absurd thing I've heard on NSG, and I've heard some extremely ridiculous things.
Corneliu 2
20-10-2007, 00:32
How does he want to "do away with" the constitution? That may well be the most absurd thing I've heard on NSG, and I've heard some extremely ridiculous things.

Please prove that what he intends is "strict adherence" and not violating it!
20-10-2007, 00:33
A peaceful foreign policy


, a sound currency,

and a government that leaves people alone

Oh man...oh sure know how to joke.

would be a "nightmare?"
Oh wait, you were serious.

Take it from someone who has Tancredo as his Representative: Tancredo is a fucking nutball who only cares about getting rid of all of the darkies.
20-10-2007, 00:34



Oh man...oh sure know how to joke.

Oh wait, you were serious.

Take it from someone who has Tancredo as his Representative: Tancredo is a fucking nutball who only cares about getting rid of all of the darkies.

I meant Ron Paul, not Tancredo. -.-
20-10-2007, 00:35
Please prove that what he intends is "strict adherence" and not violating it!

Sounds to me like you need to do some research.
Corneliu 2
20-10-2007, 00:39
Sounds to me like you need to do some research.

For starters, Ron Paul blamed America for 9/11 even though the US had nothing to do with it.

Other shit include:


* The disappointing PS3 debut is our fault because we bombed Nagasaki.

* The unclear fate of Oceanic Flight 815 is a direct result of our occupation of Hawaii.

* The reason the local Chinese restaurant is always messing up his order is because of the actions of Charlton Heston in 55 Days at Peking.

* The reason Taco Bell menu items so much fat is because of our illegal Mexican-American War.

* Edwards's poor manicure is our fault for going into Vietnam.

Granted its a blog but come on. Ron Paul is a class A nut and so are his supporters.
20-10-2007, 00:46
For starters, Ron Paul blamed America for 9/11 even though the US had nothing to do with it.

Not exactly.

It's called blowback. The shit we do in the Middle East is why people hate us. He did not say the U.S. caused 9/11, but that our policies have repercussions. Do you really believe that if the U.S. had never meddled in the Middle East at all, that 9/11 would never have happened?

Other shit include:

Granted its a blog but come on. Ron Paul is a class A nut and so are his supporters.

He said none of those things.
Free Socialist Allies
20-10-2007, 00:52
I love how so many are elitist enough to actually think they have the right to label human beings as "illegals".
Corneliu 2
20-10-2007, 00:52
Not exactly.

It's called blowback. The shit we do in the Middle East is why people hate us. He did not say the U.S. caused 9/11, but that our policies have repercussions. Do you really believe that if the U.S. had never meddled in the Middle East at all, that 9/11 would never have happened?

Nice try! Sorry but no. This is worse than people denying the holocaust.

He said none of those things.

Prove it!
Nouvelle Wallonochie
20-10-2007, 00:55
Nice try! Sorry but no. This is worse than people denying the holocaust.

Wow. You're actually serious, aren't you?

Prove it!

You want him to prove a negative? Perhaps you'd be so kind as to prove he did say those things.
20-10-2007, 00:57
Despite the fact that he wants to basicly do away with the Constution...nothing.

He's actually a Libertarian Constitutionist, so I would think he would bring this country closer to the Constitution, not further away.
20-10-2007, 00:57
I meant Ron Paul, not Tancredo. -.-

Still the same thing on all of those, then.

Ron Paul wants to take us back to the 1860's, all the while completely missing the fact that economic and foreign policies are the way they are because it's NECESSARY FOR TWENTY-FIRST CENTURY SOCIETY TO FUNCTION. REMOVING THEM WOULD CRIPPLE US.
20-10-2007, 04:58
Ron Paul does not know what he is talking about. He's a wacko conspiracy theorist.