What sexual position are you?
Neo Kervoskia
19-10-2007, 19:57
Short of that, what cancer would you be?
19-10-2007, 20:00
Short of that, what cancer would you be?
Err...Wha? AIDS?
New Mitanni
19-10-2007, 20:03
Short of that, what cancer would you be?
Missionary. Of course. White male American Republican--what else could I be? ;)
Short of that, what cancer would you be?
cancer magister (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dungeness_crab)
Turquoise Days
19-10-2007, 20:06
I was expecting a quiz, dagnabbit.
19-10-2007, 20:28
I'm confuzzled..:confused:
Doggy Style
Short of that I'd be retinal cancer
Sumamba Buwhan
19-10-2007, 21:44
*so alone* :p
19-10-2007, 21:57
What sexual position are you?all of them. almost